Chapter 2883 Too Kind
The little cutie's voice is as crisp and sweet as the sound of a clear spring, but with such a clear and sweet voice, the words spoken give people a chilling feeling.

This ceremony will destroy the country and become extinct.

A seemingly simple sentence has brought invisible pressure to people.

The red-clothed archbishop Yelu Levy heard the words of the little cutie, and subconsciously turned around and looked towards the source of the voice behind him.

When he saw the little cutie who was standing a few steps away, dressed in a light white long gown and Confucian gown, wearing a scarf, and holding a folding fan, Yelu Levi's eyes flashed with confusion.

"You? Who are you? How do you know the bishop's name?"

It was normal for Yelu Levy not to recognize Little Cutie's identity. There were so many people in the court at that time, and the two little cute sisters were one of the first. The awe-inspiring absent-minded, naturally did not have the mind to observe every Dalong official in the court.

The little cutie closed the folding fan in her hand, walked to Liu Lianiang's side with a calm expression, and looked at the confused Yelu Levi with her faint eyes.

"You don't need to worry about who this girl is, I will ask you the last sentence, will you accept this gift from her?

If you want to accept it, this girl will immediately ask her to apologize to you, if you don’t want to accept it, then apologize to my sister, and then honestly take your people to do what they should do, don’t stand Get in the way here. "

Although the red-clothed Archbishop Yelu Levi didn't know the identity of the cutie, he could feel a faint oppressive force from her.

Although the oppressive force is very plain, it is real.

Yelu Levi swallowed twice involuntarily, and subconsciously looked towards the palace gate behind the cutie.

This young man dressed in men's attire but called himself a girl should have come out of Dalong's palace, and moreover walked out of the court hall in the palace, otherwise she couldn't have called out her name all at once.

In this way, the identity of this person should most likely be an official of the Great Dragon Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Young Master Liu's oppressive and intimidating figure appeared in front of Yeluliwei's eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

These big dragon people are completely different from the kings and queens I have seen before, they will really kill themselves and others.

A scene flashed in front of his eyes as the hand raised the knife and the head fell to the ground. Yelu Levi's legs trembled, and he smiled at the little cutie.

"The envoy apologizes, and the envoy immediately apologizes to this young lady... no, no, no, apologize to this young lady."

After Yelu Levy apologized to the cutie, he immediately turned around and performed a strange courtesy to Liu Lianniang who was standing next to the cutie.

"This honorable lady, it was the envoy who accidentally bumped into you while walking without looking at the road, I hope you have a lot of people, don't be as knowledgeable as the envoy.

Please forgive my honorable lady for our rudeness just now. "

At this moment, Yeluliwei's expression was as humble as he wanted. The so-called cardinal status and the so-called messenger of the Lord had all been forgotten.

Yeluliwei now understands very clearly in his heart that his so-called identities are all false, and only his own life is real.

If there is no life, what is the use of having more identities?
The cutie looked at Yelu Levi who was obediently apologizing, and lowered her head slightly to look at the little sister Liu Lianiang standing next to her.

"Pity, what do you see?"

Liu Lianiang raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, which was completely pain-free, and waved her hand casually while grabbing the candied haws.

"Forget it, since you guys have already apologized, I... the girl will forgive you."

Yelu Levi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Liu Lianiang's words.

"Thank you dear lady."

"My girl forgives you, but I hope you can remember that you must remember to watch the road when you are on your way in the future."

"Yes, yes, the envoy must correct it, it must correct it."

"Yeah, knowing what's wrong can make a big difference. There's nothing else to do, so you can go back."

"Yes, then we will go ahead."

Cutie looked at Yelu Levi who was about to leave with a group of congregants, and raised her lotus arm holding a folding fan as a signal.

"and many more."

Yelu Levi stopped abruptly, and hurriedly turned around to salute the cutie.

"Ma'am, do you have anything else to do?"

"Yeru Levi, right?"

"Yes, it is the envoy."

"I tell you, the reason why I asked you to apologize today is not just because Lianiang is my sister.

You have to firmly remember this girl, as long as you make a mistake, any person in my Dalong, any common people are qualified to ask you to make an apology.

Over the years, there have been people who have acted wildly in my dragon.

However, everyone who dares to act wildly in my Dalong territory will not end well.

As long as you are still standing on the territory of my Dalong, then you must obey the rules of the Dalong Heavenly Dynasty honestly for this girl.

If you forget about this girl, you will not give this girl face.

If you don't give face to this girl, you don't give face to Emperor Dalong, and if you don't give face to Emperor Dalong, you don't give face to Dalong Court.

If you don't give Dalong court face, that means you don't give me the face of Dalong's millions of armored men.

Once you have reached this point, you will soon understand what it means to be a teacher of the king, what it means to hang people and punish crimes, and what it means to destroy a city and subjugate a country.

At that time, the so-called Lord in your mouth will not be able to save you.

Not only can't save you, even he himself can't protect himself.

If you don't believe me, you can give it a try and see if your lord is more powerful, or my dragon cavalry's swordsmen are sharper!
Do you remember what this girl said? "

Hearing the seemingly plain but murderous words of the little cutie, Yelu Levi shivered involuntarily, and immediately nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, the envoy remembers it, the envoy remembers it, please rest assured, miss, the envoy will definitely remember it."


"Farewell, goodbye."

The little cutie looked at the backs of Yelu Levi and the others who seemed to be running away, flicked the folding fan lightly, and silently fanned the folding fan in his hand with a look of disdain.

"For these barbarians who bully the weak and fear the hard, who are afraid of power and have no morals, the stinky old man is still too kind!"

"Ah? Sister Yue'er, what did you say?"

"Sister didn't say anything, Lianiang, what are you doing outside the palace gate? Are you going to Aunt Bizhu, Aunt Lingyi's restaurant?"

Liu Lianiang smiled and shook her head, reached out and took out a steaming cloth bag from her bosom, and waved it at the cutie.

"Sister Yue'er, Lianiang is not going to Aunt Bizhu and the others, but to the palace.

Mother, she made a pot of big meat buns this morning, and asked Lianiang to send two to Daddy to taste. "
The little cutie smelled the scent of steamed buns in the air, and her stomach immediately growled uncontrollably.

"Gudu, Gudu, how many did you give, Lian Niang?"


"Lianniang, my sister went to court early in the morning, and I haven't even had a sip of soup. I can't stand it anymore. Give my sister two buns and leave three for our stinky old man." That's enough for him to eat."

"This, no...isn't it good?"

(End of this chapter)

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