My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2890 I haven't been this happy for a long time

Chapter 2890 I haven't been this happy for a long time
Sakai Hoshino looked curiously at Liu Mingzhi handing over the cloth pouch, and instead of being polite, he directly reached out and took the cloth pouch into his hand.

First he held the cloth pouch in his hand and looked it over carefully, Sakai Hoshino looked at Liu Mingzhi and waved it with a smile.

"Liu Jun, is Hoshino open?"

"Open it, it was originally prepared for you to enjoy the scenery."

Sakai Hoshino nodded with emotion, first carefully tore off the rope on the top of the cloth bag, and then gently took the things inside in his hands.

"Liu Jun, this is?"


Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's mysterious expression, lowered his head slightly and carefully played with the telescoping cylindrical object made of brass in his hand, silently guessing the name and purpose of the item in his hand.

It was originally prepared for you to enjoy the scenery.

The words Liu Mingzhi said earlier flashed across the beautiful woman's mind, and she vaguely understood what the object in her hand was.

"Liu Jun, isn't this the binoculars your dragon mentioned?"

This time it was Liu Mingzhi's turn to be a little surprised, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes looking at the beauty.

"you know?"

Sakai Hoshino smiled sweetly, and did not immediately answer Liu Mingzhi's question, but quickly picked up the binoculars and put it in front of his eyes.

Such behavior seems to be an act of showing off to himself before intentionally 'revenging' Young Master Liu.

"Wow, it's really a telescope!

Liu Jun, this is too miraculous, too unbelievable, how did you dragons make this kind of thing?Hoshino has never played with such a magical thing!

Wow, Liu Jun, Liu Jun, Hoshino saw the tower of the imperial palace, not only the tower, but even the guards on duty on the tower can clearly see it.

This thing deserves to be called a telescope, and it really lives up to its name.

Wow, the blurry pavilion I just saw over there can be seen clearly now. Hoshino didn’t think much of it just now, but now I look at it with a binoculars. The inconspicuous pavilion is so majestic. "

Listening to Sakai Hoshino's startled words from time to time, Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked forward along her line of sight.

Where did this silly woman know about binoculars?

Was it me who told her about the binoculars before?Why do I have no impression at all?
Is it because time has passed so long that I can't remember clearly?
Taking another look at Sakai Hoshino who was skillfully using the binoculars, Young Master Liu squinted his eyes for a moment, then raised his hand and slapped his forehead.

Hey, Master Ben, I was really confused for a moment!

Over the years, Dalong's caravans have blossomed everywhere, and they often take a large amount of goods out of the country to trade with all nations.

In order for the imperial court to detect the crisis as early as possible and take precautions in time, the telescope has already flowed into the people.

Liu Mingzhi didn't want to introduce the telescope to the people at the beginning, after all, the telescope is an indispensable combat weapon for the dragon soldiers.

However, under the government's decrees within a certain range, more and more people in caravans are going abroad.

In order to ensure the safety of merchants and common people, and also to protect the interests of the Dalong court.

After weighing it over and over again, Liu Mingzhi finally decided to transfer the telescope to the common people in private suppliers.

After so many years, I have already left this matter that is not too important.

Since this silly woman came to the capital this time, she has been wandering around the major cities and towns in the capital. It is not unusual to see a binoculars in a certain shop.

She should have seen the binoculars in a shop or stall in the city, and then learned the name of the binoculars from those bosses.

However, since Hoshino has seen the telescope, why did she react in confusion when she took the telescope into her hand just now?
"Liu Jun, Liu Jun, what is that place? What a beautiful scenery!"

Liu Mingzhi heard the beautiful woman's loud inquiry, and subconsciously replied.


"There, there."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the excited look of the beautiful woman next to her jumping up and down, and immediately looked in the direction of her finger.

"There are too many things in that direction. Which place are you talking about? Hundred Gardens? Zhaixing Building? Maple Leaf Mountain Forest? Or Purple Bamboo Forest?"

"That's the place with a lot of red leaves, those leaves are too beautiful!"

"I see. The place you mentioned is the Maple Leaf Mountain Forest, which is one of the wonders in the Royal Garden."

"Hmm, please help Hoshino remember, we will be the first to go to Maple Leaf Mountain Forest later."

"Okay, keep watching, if you see any place you like and want to go there, just tell me."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

"Why are you being polite, I asked you to come to the viewing platform today to take you to see the beautiful scenery in the palace."

"Can I go anywhere?"

"Of course, look at the entire palace, as long as it is where you want to go, I can take you there."

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's nervous tone, Liu Mingzhi answered Sakai Hoshino's question without hesitation.

Of course, First Young Master Liu just answered a little more frankly.

He really couldn't take Sakai Hoshino to visit some places in the palace.

Sakai Hoshino nodded vigorously, holding the binoculars and continuing to watch every scene in the palace one by one.

Amid the occasional exclamation of the beautiful woman, time passed quietly.

I don't know how long it has passed, Jiaren put down the binoculars in her hand, grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist and walked quickly towards the viewing platform.

"Liu Jun, let's go to Maple Leaf Mountain Forest now, Hoshino really likes the scenery there."

"Slow down, those scenery can't escape, we don't need to be so anxious."

Sakai Hoshino nodded with some embarrassment, and silently slowed down his pace.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, raised the binoculars in her hand and waved at First Young Master Liu.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino was so excited to see the scenery that he almost forgot, why don't you keep asking me where I saw such a magical thing as a telescope?"

"If you want to say it, you will naturally say it. If you don't want to say it, I won't pursue it. It all depends on your own thoughts."

When Sakai Hoshino saw that Young Master Liu didn't seem to care much about where he knew about the telescope, he suddenly felt a little bored.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to play tricks on Liu Mingzhi, but now it seems that her idea has come to nothing.

"Liu-kun, the first time Hoshino knew about binoculars was in Nagasaki, Japan."

"the first time?"

"Yes, a few years ago, when Hoshino accidentally learned from his servants that your Dragon Fleet landed in Nagasaki for trade, I immediately took my servants to the territory of Nagasaki in a carriage.

There, Hoshino saw the treasure fleet of your Dalong patrolling all nations in the West, and also met Mr. An Jianghean, the chief military officer of the Dalong fleet.

He saw that Hoshino could speak fluent Chinese, so he invited Hoshino to act as a translator between your Dragon Fleet and some Japanese merchants.

With the help of Hoshino, your Dalong fleet quickly completed the trade of goods with our Japanese merchants.

Later, in order to thank Hoshino for his help, Mr. An invited Hoshino to be a guest on the big treasure ship he was riding on.

It was that time that Hoshino saw the telescope in Mr. An's hand.

At that time, Hoshino saw that he was always standing on the deck with a binoculars to look around, so he was very curious and asked him what a binoculars was, and why he held the binoculars in front of his eyes and kept looking around. "

"and then?"

"Daddy, Aunt Hoshino, you guys are also down here, take a quick look at what Sister Yingzhi and I caught."

"Sir, mother."

"Sister Sakuraori, fish, fish, fish, hurry up, don't let the fish escape."

The two who were talking were startled by the sudden exclamation from the front left, and instinctively turned their heads to look forward.

In the gazes of Young Master Liu and Young Master Liu, they saw Liu Lianiang, Hua Qi Yingzhi and the other two little girls standing beside the artificial lake in the imperial garden with their whole bodies wet, waving their little hands at the two of them excitedly.

Each of the two little girls held a lively koi, with cheerful smiles on their faces.

And two or three steps away from the two little girls, there are two sisters, Qing'er and Die'er, who are looking embarrassed.

Obviously, it wasn't that the two sisters didn't want to stop Liu Lianiang and the other two little girls from diving into the water, but that they couldn't stop it at all.

When Qing'er and sisters heard the words of the two little girls, they immediately saw Liu and Young Master standing not far away.

The two sisters panicked, and instinctively wanted to greet them and salute, but seeing the two little girls standing by the edge of the lake, they didn't dare to leave half a step away, so they were forced to stand still and hurriedly salute to Young Master Liu .

"Your Majesty, the slaves and sisters are convicted."

"Your Majesty, the servants and sisters are not optimistic about the princess and Miss Yingzhi, please forgive me."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the panicked Qing'er and sisters, then at the two little girls who seemed to be showing off to him, and walked towards Liu Lianiang and the others helplessly.

Sakai Hoshino, who was stunned by his daughter's appearance, also reacted, and immediately ran after her.

"Daddy, look quickly, Sister Yingzhi and I caught a lot of fish."

Young Master Liu stared straight at Liu Lianiang who hadn't realized what situation he was in, and silently quickened his pace.

I think how sensible and well-behaved a little girl was back then.

After so many years, she was taken away by that stinky girl Yue'er in a daze.

Climb trees to dig out bird nests, go into the water to touch fish and shrimp.

Under the leadership of Xiaocuti, their brothers and sisters did everything that children should do, and also did things that children dare not do.

Back in the day, when Xiaocuti was still the same age as Liu Lianiang, she secretly carried the story of Lei Zhenzi taking Yiyi with her brothers and sisters to fry fish in the river outside the city.

Looking back on it now, Liu Mingzhi still faintly felt some toothache.

Good guy, I managed to survive a Liu Luoyue who was fearless, and now I have another inheritor, Liu Lianiang, for me.

These little bastards, one by one, really feel that their father has lived too long!
Young Master Liu wanted to blame Qing'er, but Die'er and the sisters had no intentions, he knew better than anyone else that if the two sisters could stop Liu Lianiang from taking Hua Qiyingzhi into the water to fish, they would be fine. The scene in front of me will not happen.

When Young Master Liu and Sakai Hoshino gradually approached, Liu Lianiang, who was smiling on her little face, finally saw clearly the expression on her father's face.

In an instant, the little girl immediately reacted.

"Ah, it's over."

Liu Lianiang suddenly exclaimed, threw the koi in her hand into the water without hesitation, then grabbed the koi from Huaqi Yingzhi's hand and threw it into the water.

"Miss Sakuraori, run quickly."

Liu Lianiang didn't wait for Huaqiyingzhi to realize what was going on, she grabbed her little hand and forcibly pulled Huaqiyingzhi who didn't know what had happened, and ran towards the distance as if fleeing for her life .

"Sister Lianiang? What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Don't ask, just follow Lianiang."

"Yeah, Sakura is listening to you."

Huaqi Yingzhi, who didn't understand anything, nodded heavily, followed behind Liu Lianiang and took the initiative to speed up her small steps.

She didn't know what happened, she just felt so excited and happy now.

When I was in Wa country before, my mother never allowed me to be so naughty.

But since I met that sister Yue'er, sister Yunxin, and this sister Lianiang, and other brothers and sisters surnamed Liu, I don't seem to be afraid of anything when I follow them.

Dare to do anything.

She felt that she seemed to have found an organization.

As for whether or not she will be beaten up by mother after returning home, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Your Majesty, the slaves and sisters will go to plead guilty to His Majesty later."

Qing'er and sisters saluted Young Master Liu, and hurriedly chased after the two little girls who had already run away.

No matter how angry His Majesty is, the sisters must protect Her Highness the Princess and Miss Sakuraori first.

Seeing Liu Lianiang, Young Master Liu actually pulled up Huaqi Yingzhi and ran away, grabbed Sakai Hoshino's wrist and chased after him.

"Liu Lianiang, you brat, you dare to run away? Mother Cao, stop me.

If you don’t open up your ass today, I’ll take your surname. "

Young Master Liu, who was so angry and bloody, swears directly, which shows how much he wants to deal with this stinky girl Liu Lianniang.

"Then you go, my mother is at home, don't chase me and Sister Yingzhi."

When Liu Lianiang heard Young Master Liu's greetings to her mother, she replied sweetly to her father, and once again quickened her pace of running for her life.

She didn't know what her father's greeting meant, but she knew that Sister Yue'er had always refuted her father like this in the past.

The more times you hear it, the more you remember it.

Not only remember, but also apply what you have learned!
Young Master Liu's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he was directly amused by Liu Lianiang's answer.

This stinky girl, since getting acquainted with Yue'er, has become as lawless as that stinky girl.

As soon as First Young Master Liu stopped, the beauty who was being held by his wrist also stopped suddenly involuntarily.

Looking at the two little sisters who seemed to be exhausted, Sakai Hoshino, who was out of breath, stamped his lotus feet anxiously and angrily.

"Sakura, stop for mother, you are becoming less and less ignorant of the rules now."

Feeling that she had already found the organization, Hanaji Sakuraori heard her mother's words, instead of stopping, she turned around and made a face at Sakai Hoshino.

"Slightly slightly slightly, Yingzhi will not stop, mother, come and chase me."



Liu Jun, why did you stop? Let's stop chasing him? "

Panting, Sakai Hoshino looked at First Young Master Liu who stopped suddenly, and directly asked his own question,

"Hoshino, I can't chase anymore, Sakuraori and the others are running too fast, and if you keep chasing, it's easy to bump into them.

In addition, the two of them got wet all over their bodies when they went to the river to touch fish, and they would soon sweat if they kept running, and it was easy to catch wind and cold under the alternation of cold and heat.

The monks can't run away from the temple if they can run away, and they will be cleaned up after they go back. "

Sakai Hoshino, whose breath gradually calmed down, stretched out his hand and patted his heaving chest, and looked adoringly at Young Master Liu who was staring ahead.

"Liu Jun, you know a lot."

"Hey, what a lot of knowledge this is!"

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's expression of helplessness but a smile on the corner of his mouth, and fell silent thoughtfully.

After a while, she gently moved away from looking at First Young Master Liu's beautiful eyes, and looked complicatedly at the two little girls who had already run to the covered bridge in the distance.

"Mr. Liu."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Thank you, Hoshino, and Princess Lianiang, too?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Since Sakura's father died in battle, Hoshino has not seen her so happy for a long time."

As soon as Sakai Hoshino finished speaking, he let out a soft breath.

So is Hoshino.

(End of this chapter)

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