My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2891 I'm afraid you don't dare to come

Chapter 2891 I'm afraid you don't dare to come

First Young Master Liu glanced sideways at Sakai Hoshino's sullen expression after mentioning his dead husband, raised his palm and placed it on the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder, and patted it lightly.

"Hoshino, this man is gone, the living should cherish it, let the past be the past."

Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's comforting words, and silently put away his eyes from looking at Liu Lianniang who had already run across the covered bridge, Hua Qiying and their two little sisters.

"Liu Jun, in fact, you don't need to comfort Hoshino. Didn't Hoshino tell you when he was at Honglu Temple a few days ago? Hoshino has already looked away.

However, Hoshino still wants to thank you. "
"What is there to be thankful for? Don't say that we are old friends. Even if a stranger is here, my young master will say something to comfort him."

Sakai Hoshino smiled sweetly, reached out and grabbed Young Master Liu's somewhat rough palm and walked forward silently.

"After so many years, Liu Jun in Hoshino's impression doesn't seem to have changed at all!
In the past, you would talk about interesting topics from time to time to make Hoshino happy, but you are still like this today.

very nice.

Liu Jun, the past is like smoke and cannot be pursued. Just like what you said, let the past disappear with the wind.

Leaving aside those old and sad past events, and continuing to discuss, is just to force new worries.

Come on, let's go to the Maple Leaf Mountain Forest to enjoy the scenery. "

"Stick what you want."

Liu Mingzhi replied in a loud voice, and let the beauty drag him straight to the direction of the Maple Leaf Mountain Forest.

"By the way, Liu Jun, Hoshino will tell you about the telescope."

"Hey, it's actually the same whether you say it or not."

"That's right, it's the same whether you say it or not, but talking about something is better than walking like this?"

"That's right, then go on."

"Hmm, then Hoshino will continue to tell you.

At that time, Hoshino saw Mr. An's strange behavior, so he asked Mr. An curiously why he always took a binoculars to look around.

Because Hoshino didn't know that there was such a magical thing as a telescope in the world at that time, that's why he asked this question.

At first, Master An just put down the binoculars and smiled indifferently, without answering Hoshino's curious question.

Hoshino could see that Mr. An didn't seem to have any intention of saying anything, so he had no choice but to suppress his curiosity, and pretended to laugh it off to avoid mutual embarrassment. "

"What happened later? Did Jiang He tell you in the end?"

"A few days later, on the afternoon before the big dragon fleet was about to set sail, Hoshino secretly went to the big treasure ship to meet Mr. An with his servant behind his back.

However, when Hoshino went to see Mr. An, he didn't want to continue to ask about such magical things as the telescope, but wanted to go to him to find out about you, Mr. Liu.

At that time, Hoshino knew very clearly that if I didn't go to see Mr. An that time, I would wait until the Dragon Fleet set sail to inspect the Western nations.

Hoshino may never have the chance to hear about Liu Jun again.

That chance may also be Hoshino's only chance.

Knowing that I was going to ask for an interview, Mr. An directly sent someone to pick me up on the big treasure ship.

When Hoshino told Mr. An your name, Mr. An, Mr. An's reaction was quite surprised, and he asked me how I knew about Mr. Liu.

So Hoshino told Mr. An everything about himself and Mr. Liu.

Later, the cold expression on Master An's face softened a lot in an instant, and he immediately ordered someone to warmly entertain Hoshino.

It's a pity that Mr. An only gave Hoshino a general introduction to Mr. Liu's recent situation, and didn't say much else.

However, although Hoshino was very disappointed that he could not learn more about you, Liu Jun, he was also very satisfied.

As long as you know that Liu Jun is fine, then Hoshino can let go of the years of worry in his heart.

After Master An's banquet for Hoshino was over, when he sent me off the boat, he took out the binoculars attached to his waist and told Hoshino its name. "

As Sakai Hoshino spoke, he raised the telescope in his hand and shook it a few times.

"He told Hoshino that this thing is called a telescope, and it was made by Liu Jun.

Since then, Hoshino has known things like binoculars, and he has firmly remembered the name of this thing. "

"So that's it, so you've known things like binoculars for many years."

"Yeah, after coming to Dalong's capital this time, in order to regain the blurred memories of the past, every time Hoshino came to the palace to look for Mr. Liu to no avail, I would go to the streets and alleys in the city to swim. walk around.

Three days before meeting Liu-kun, Hoshino saw the binoculars again in a shop called Duobao Pavilion on Suzaku Street.

Hoshino was excited at the time, and hurriedly asked the shop owner if the telescope was for sale.

Unfortunately, the store owner told Hoshino that the store was temporarily out of stock, and the binoculars I saw was his own use, so he couldn't sell it to Hoshino.

Hoshino had already offered double the price at that time, but unfortunately the shop owner still didn't agree to sell it to me.

I saw that the shop owner really didn't want to sell it, so I had no choice but to leave.

After all, a gentleman does not take what others like! "

"Hehehe, interesting, interesting, I never imagined that a beauty like you, Hoshino, would know the truth that a gentleman should not take what others like."

"That's right, Hoshino's dragon knowledge over the years is not for nothing.

But Hoshino really wanted to buy a binoculars. After leaving that shop, Hoshino went to several shops that sold rare treasures.

As a result, the answers I got were all temporarily out of stock.

However, there was a store owner who asked Hoshino to leave his address, saying that he would send someone to notify Hoshino when the stock was available.

Hoshino thought that this was an impossible solution, so he left his residence, but until now I haven't received a notification of the stock. "

"Hoshino, you don't know, under the decrees of my young master and the court in the past few years, there are more and more private caravans.

In order to detect potential crises as soon as possible and ensure their own safety, the merchants of those caravans bought a telescope to carry with them.

Therefore, things like telescopes are in short supply. "

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder Hoshino gets the answer every time he goes to a store that it's temporarily out of stock!"

"Since Hoshino, you have seen the telescope several times, why did you still look a little puzzled when you took the telescope out of the cloth bag just now?"

Sakai Hoshino turned around and walked back, holding the binoculars in his hand and twitching slightly.

"Because the telescopes that Hoshino has seen before are different from yours. The ones I saw were all long and slender tubes, but the one in my hand can be stretched and shortened at will, so Hoshino didn't recognize it at first. What is this."

"So that's the case. Just now I wondered why you were puzzled first, and then immediately knew what the telescope in your hand was!"

"Hoshino doesn't want to, but who knew Liu Jun that the telescope in your hand is so delicate and weird!

And at the beginning, Mr. Liu, you were playing tricks and pretending to be mysterious. Hoshino doesn't know everything, isn't it normal that you can't recognize him all of a sudden? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's feigned anger, and nodded cheerfully.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed normal, Hoshino, do you like binoculars very much?"

"Of course, if you stop at one place, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery several miles away, how could Hoshino not like it.

It's a pity that this thing is in short supply in your Dalong. No matter how much Hoshino likes it, he can't buy it. "

"You don't need to buy it, I will give you this telescope."

Sakai Hoshino, who was walking backwards, stopped abruptly when he heard Young Master Liu's words, and the depressed expression on his pretty face instantly turned into surprise.

"Really? Liu Jun, are you really going to give this telescope to Hoshino?"

"Of course it's true."

"you sure?"

"You have no jokes."


Sakai Hoshino screamed suddenly, and rushed towards First Young Master Liu.

"Liu Jun, thank you, you are really kind to Hoshino."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the excited beauty jumping up and down in his arms, and stroked the beautiful woman's buns scattered around her ears with some emotion.

If it was many years ago, I would definitely not give the telescope to this silly woman Hoshino.

In the past, Dalong had not yet unified the world, and there were frequent wars among the three kingdoms.

At that time, Dalong was suffering from internal and external troubles, so it was naturally impossible for Liu Mingzhi to let such a useful thing as the telescope fall into the hands of Western barbarians.

Not so now.

Dalong has ruled the world for many years, the national strength has already been flourishing, and the country is rich and the people are strong.

At this time, Liu Mingzhi had other thoughts about Dalong, not to mention being afraid of Western barbarians gathering in Dalong.

Instead, I was worried that they would not come and dare not come.

Today's Dalong has only one sentence when facing the barbarians in the whole world.

I am not afraid of you coming, but I am afraid that you will not come.

(End of this chapter)

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