My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2893 Unspeakable Hidden

Chapter 2893 Unspeakable Hidden
Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman who took the initiative to snuggle into his arms, felt the softness in the palm of his hand, and suddenly felt emotional in his heart.

After all, Huangtian pays off, and now I can finally get my wish, and find out the depth of the beauty.

In the past, the beauties were either indifferent to her, or refused to welcome her. The tormented self was itchy, but there was nothing she could do.

Now the beauty has taken the initiative to throw herself into her arms. As a coquettish but not vulgar philanthropic person, how could he live up to the beauty's good intentions.

Seeing the soft and shy posture of the beautiful woman in his arms, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, hugged the beautiful woman horizontally, and turned his head to look around at the lawn covered with layers of thick maple leaves. To find a place suitable for conjugal love.

Today's weather is neither hot nor cold, and the temperature is pleasant, which is the best time.

It is far more interesting to have sex with a beautiful woman in this fairyland-like maple leaf forest than to go to the palace of the harem.

However, when Liu Mingzhi was about to walk towards the piece of lawn he had chosen with a burning heart, he suddenly heard the whispering words behind the beautiful woman.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino doesn't want you to misunderstand me."

The words caught his ears, and Liu Mingzhi paused slightly when he was about to take a step, and immediately nodded and looked at the beautiful woman in his arms.

If it was just this ordinary sentence, it would naturally not be able to stop Liu Mingzhi.

What really made Liu Mingzhi suppress the anger in his heart and keep the Lingtai clear was Sakai Hoshino's suppressed tone when she said these words.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman in his arms with closed eyes silently, and couldn't help frowning.

If I remember correctly, this is the second time I have heard Sakai Hoshino say this.

The first time was not long ago when he was on the viewing platform, Sakai Hoshino suddenly said this sentence out of context.

The second time was what Sakai Hoshino said just now.

Don't want me to misunderstand you?

In just half a day, you said this sentence twice.

What the hell are you thinking?What do you want me to misunderstand you?


Sakai Hoshino moaned like a mosquito, she thought that Liu Mingzhi was going to continue the next thing to her, and immediately buried her crimson jade face in his arms.

"Liu-kun, Hoshino, Hoshino, Hoshino is ready."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's shy and timid pretty face, and said in a calm tone, "Hoshino, turn your head and open your eyes to look at me."

Sakai Hoshino trembled slightly, turned his head silently, and gently opened his slightly trembling eyes.

"Liu Jun? What's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's delicate and beautiful lips, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked towards the lawn he had just chosen.

Sakai Hoshino thought Liu Mingzhi was going to say something to him, but when he saw him walking towards a maple tree with his arms in his arms, he silently raised his arms around his neck.

At this time, she was ready to bear everything.

"Liu Jun, please be gentle with Hoshino later."

Liu Mingzhi turned a deaf ear to Sakai Hoshino's words, and stopped on a thickly piled maple leaf while holding her.

Kneeling on the maple leaf and half squatting and half kneeling, Liu Mingzhi placed Sakai Hoshino on the thick maple leaf lightly as if caring for a treasure.

"Hoshino, you can let go now."


The beauty responded again like a mosquito, and closed her beautiful watery eyes with a slight lift of her jade neck.

Liu Mingzhi saw that the beautiful woman under him still had the delicate appearance that you can pick and choose, so he didn't continue to make any intimate moves, but turned slightly and sat beside her.

Glancing at the beautiful woman beside him, Liu Mingzhi took out the carved jade fan from his waist and gently flung it away, gently waving his wrist to blow the cool wind, so as to calm the anger in his heart.

The beauty waited for a long time to no avail, her slender eyelashes fluttered slightly and she opened her beautiful eyes, and at a glance she saw Liu Mingzhi who was sitting next to her willow waist, gently shaking the carved jade fan.

"Liu Jun? You, what's wrong with you?"

"Hoshino, I'm fine, sit up and let's chat."

Sakai Hoshino panicked, and hurriedly sat up on the ground with both hands.

After the beauty got up, she raised a pair of jade arms and hugged Liu Mingzhi's arm in her arms, looking at his sharp-edged profile with confusion and anxiety.

"Liu Jun, did Hoshino do something wrong? Don't be angry, okay. If Hoshino accidentally does something wrong, you can tell Hoshino directly."

Liu Mingzhi silently sniffed the faint fragrance of the beautiful woman's temples, turned his head slightly to look at her, looked at the nervousness on the pretty face of the beautiful woman who was afraid that he would be unhappy, and shook his head with a light smile. Shake your head.

"No, you did nothing wrong."

The uneasiness in Sakai Hoshino's beautiful eyes lightened a little, and he naturally leaned on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder.

"Then why don't you... stop bullying Hoshino."

Liu Mingzhi slightly pulled out the arm that was held in the arms of the beautiful woman, and took advantage of the trend to embrace the beautiful woman's willow waist that seemed to be just enough to be grasped.

"Hoshino, you told me once at the observation deck that you didn't want me to misunderstand you, and you whispered this sentence again just now.

Tell me the truth, do you have something to hide?

Since you left the palace and came back, I feel that you are different from before, as if you have changed.

Based on the current relationship between the two of us who is said to be old friends, but is much closer, I hope you can tell me the truth.

What happened to you?Did something happen?
If you run into something you're having trouble solving, just let me know and I'll help you out. "

When Sakai Hoshino heard Liu Mingzhi's questioning words, he bit his cherry lips with his white teeth, looked hesitantly in silence for a moment, and lowered his head slightly.

"No, no!"

After Liu Mingzhi saw the beauty's reaction, he became more certain in his heart that this silly woman must have something inconvenient to tell him.

It may also be that it is not inconvenient to tell myself, but that there is no way to tell myself clearly.

"Oh, it seems that you still treat me as an outsider!"

Sakai Hoshino suddenly raised his jade neck, looked at Young Master Liu with a delicate face and looked at him pitifully, and shook his head generously.

"No, no, Hoshino didn't treat Liu Jun as an outsider."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Liu Mingzhi with tears in his eyes, he wanted to speak and stopped for a long time, but he never said why.

"I just, I just."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's cute and helpless expression with complicated eyes, and held her in his arms slightly with his arms.

"Hoshino, even though I, Liu Mingzhi, have a flirtatious nature and mess around with flowers and grass everywhere, I also know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic.

Now I really want to have a fling with you, Hoshino, but I am not the kind of person who will be so dizzy after seeing a beautiful woman that I don't care about anything.

If you are willing to love and linger with me, Liu Mingzhi, I, Liu Mingzhi, will never shut you out, pretending to be an upright gentleman who can sit still.

And if you don't want to have sex with me in Wushan, I will naturally not forcefully occupy your innocent body.

So, I want you to be honest with me. "

Sakai Hoshino listened to Liu Mingzhi's soft words, fell in Liu Mingzhi's arms in silence for a long time, and struggled slightly.

Liu Mingzhi noticed that the beauty wanted to get up, so he let go of the arm that was holding the beauty's back.

Sakai Hoshino stretched out his hand and combed the blue hair scattered on his jade cheeks, looked at Liu Mingzhi in front of him with slightly red eyes, resisted the mist swirling in his eyes, and said in a choked tone: "Mr. Liu, Agree to our mission's request, please help Hoshino, help brother, okay?

As long as you can help Hoshino, I can do whatever you want.

Hoshino agrees to you all. "

(End of this chapter)

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