My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2894 Is it still going on?

Chapter 2894 Is it still going on?
After listening to Sakai Hoshino's choked-up words, Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauty's pretty face with hazy eyes with complicated eyes and fell silent.

After staring intently at the beauty's jade face for a long time, the last trace of anger in Liu Mingzhi's heart completely disappeared.

So, is this the purpose of this silly woman who wants to commit herself to herself?
She committed herself to herself because she wanted something, that is to say, she didn't do it willingly.

I am really greedy for her body, but if she is unwilling to give her body to herself for some purpose, then I really don't have much interest in it.

It's not that I'm not interested in her anymore, but I'm not interested in her who is not willing.

With my own character, I disdain to force it.

"Hehe, as long as I reward you with the military equipment of the Japanese mission, Hoshino, will you promise me anything?"

Sakai Hoshino was in a state of confusion at this time, and he didn't realize that there had been a slight change in Liu's tone for a while.

After hearing Liu Mingzhi's calm question, she grabbed Liu Mingzhi's palm and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, as long as you say it, Mr. Liu, Hoshino can promise you anything."

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and remained silent for a moment, sighed heavily, pulled out the palm held by the beauty, and stood up straight from the ground with a flick of his legs.

"Hoshino, as the saying goes, you can't live up to the beauty.

Now that autumn is crisp and the scenery is pleasant, if we only stay in the Maple Leaf Mountain Forest, wouldn’t we be disappointed by other beautiful scenery.

Let's go, I will accompany you to continue to enjoy several other beautiful scenery, which will make you dizzy and forget to return. "

Sakai Hoshino stared at Liu Mingzhi in a daze after he took a few steps before realizing it, and hurriedly got up and chased after him.

"Mr. Liu."

"Huh? What's the matter? Is your leg numb? Do you want me to help you?"

"No, I just feel like I've made you angry again."

"Want to hear the truth?"

Sakai Hoshino hurriedly trot to Young Master Liu and walked side by side, looking at him with beautiful eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, if you want to hear the truth, at least let Hoshino know where Hoshino went wrong."

"The truth is, you didn't make me angry, and I really didn't get angry with you. If there is something to say, there is indeed."

"have what?"

"It's a pity that I can't continue to be in love with you, Hoshino."

Sakai Hoshino frowned and lowered her head, her two jade fingers were tightly entangled and twisted.

"I, I, I, but Hoshino didn't reject you.

Hoshino told Liu Jun just now that I'm ready, please be gentle with Hoshino, who knows what will happen to you suddenly.

No matter how Hoshino is married, he is still a woman after all, Liu Jun, you can't let Hoshino do something to you on his own initiative! "

"Hoshino, you really don't need to be so reserved in front of me.

If you are worried that you accidentally made me angry, I will take my anger out on your Japanese mission for this reason, so I will be cautious and restrained in front of me.

If it is because of this, then let me tell you, it is unnecessary.

No matter Hoshino you made me angry or you did something wrong, I will only treat you whatever you want.

And not because of you, I will vent my anger on your Japanese diplomatic mission.

In my eyes, Hoshino is you, and the Japanese Mission is the Japanese Mission, you are completely different.

The most important thing is, as long as you don't do anything that ordinary people can't tolerate, Hoshino, I won't be angry with you.

Of course, with Hoshino's character, you can't do those things.

I completely trust Hoshino in this regard.

look at me. "

Sakai Hoshino instinctively looked towards Liu Mingzhi.


"Let me tell you again solemnly, you are you, and your Japanese mission is a Japanese mission, and you cannot be placed together.

I don't want our own affairs between the two of us to be entangled with the affairs of your Japanese mission.

Do you see what I mean? "

After Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's sincere words, the words that his nephew said in the carriage suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Auntie, His Majesty's attitude towards you is completely different from that of others.

My boy can tell you with certainty that you definitely hold a certain amount of weight in His Majesty's heart.

If you say it, he will more or less take it to heart.

Recalling his nephew's words, Sakai Hoshino blinked his watery eyes lightly a few times, looking at Young Master Liu with both emotion and self-blame.

She got it.

Liu Jun didn't want to associate his relationship with him with the matter of rewarding soldiers.

"Liu Jun, I'm sorry, Hoshino knew he was wrong, and I will never mention such irrelevant things to you again."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the beauty's face full of guilt and self-blame, and sighed silently, he couldn't think of anything other than lamenting the simplicity of this silly woman.

From Sakai Hoshino's expression, I could tell that, based on my understanding of her character, what she said to me just now was definitely not from her heart.

Since it wasn't from her heart, it was someone else's instruction. As for whose instruction she got, you can think of it without thinking carefully.

Who else could there be besides her nephew, Masaru Sakaiga of Wa country.

Thinking of Sakai Ka's performance in front of him in the past, Liu Mingzhi chuckled secretly in his heart.

Although this guy is young, he is also a scheming and serious person.

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled lightly and stretched out his hand in front of the beauty.


Sakai Hoshino was taken aback for a moment, and hastily stretched out his jade hand to put it in Liu Mingzhi's.

"Liu Jun, are you not angry with me?"

"Didn't I already say that? I'm really not angry with you."

"Yeah, thank you Liu Jun, Hoshino knows Liu Jun is the best for me."

Holding the palm of the beautiful woman, Liu Mingzhi walked forward at a leisurely pace along the path in the Maple Leaf Mountain Forest, while admiring the scenery on both sides, while talking softly with the beautiful woman.

"Hoshino, I hope the relationship between the two of us is pure and will not be mixed with other things.

For example, you use your own body in exchange for this kind of transaction that I can reward you with the military equipment of the mission. "

"Liu Jun, Hoshino knows he was wrong, and Hoshino will never do this again."

"Well, knowing what's wrong can improve a lot.

Let me tell you again, you don't have to ask about whether or not to reward your envoys with soldiers, I have my own discretion.

I negotiated with all civil and military officials and came up with the result. If you can reward you with excellent military equipment, you don't need to ask me, and I will reward you.

If you can't reward me, no matter how much you force me, it's useless. "

"Yeah, Hoshino knows, I will never mention the military equipment to you alone in the future.

Hoshino can assure you that if you commit the crime again, Mr. Liu, you can punish Hoshino however you want. "

Hearing Jiaren's words, Liu Mingzhi subconsciously looked towards her.

"Do you really want to punish him as you like?"

"Well! If you want to kill or cut, Hoshino will do as you please."


Sakai Hoshino stopped walking, raised his jade hand and stretched it out in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Using the rules of your dragons, let's high-five now."

"Okay, let's swear by high five."

With a soft snap, the palms of the two clasped together in mid-air.

After Sakai Hoshino put down his arm, he let Liu Mingzhi lead him to move forward slowly, and leaned towards him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Then—shall we continue?"

(End of this chapter)

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