My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2896 Big difference

Chapter 2896 Big difference
Seeing Sakai Hoshino, Liu Mingzhi already understood the meaning of his words, and didn't say anything more, and silently walked towards another exit of Maple Leaf Mountain Forest with her on his back.

"Liu Jun, lean over there, lean over there, that maple leaf is so beautiful, Hoshino wants to take it down and keep it."

"Alright, that's the end of it."

Amid Sakai Hoshino's startled laughter, Young Master Liu wandered through the maple forest like a tool man.

Maybe it is just in response to that sentence, what is not available is the best.

However, this sentence doesn't seem to be suitable for me, because it's not true that I can't get this simple and silly woman on my back.

Liu Mingzhi himself couldn't tell what kind of thoughts he had towards Sakai Hoshino, but he knew.

That is, I enjoy this carefree time very much.

I have this feeling, not because I don't love the women in my family anymore, but because my women have stayed with me for a long time and know me too well.

Knowing that they have a little bit of trouble, their sisters and others will try to comfort themselves and relieve themselves.

Sakai Hoshino is different, she doesn't understand herself.

It is precisely because of this ignorance that I have an extra space of freedom in my heart.

Let yourself look forward to everything you don't know about the future.

After a few sticks of incense passed, Liu Mingzhi walked out from the other end of the Maple Leaf Forest with the happy lady on his back.

"Hoshino, where are you going next?"

"Purple Bamboo Forest."

"Okay, then let's go to the Purple Bamboo Forest, hold tight, my young master is going to speed up."

Young Master Liu reminded Hoshino Sakai, and suddenly jumped towards the direction of the purple bamboo forest.

"Ah, Liu Jun, please slow down, I'm a little scared."

"Don't worry, I can't shake you off."

Sakai Hoshino felt the strong wind whizzing past his ears, turned his head around and glanced at the surrounding things that flashed before his eyes quickly, with a pretty face and tightly hugged Young Master Liu's neck.


"Ah? This is it? Liu Jun, your speed is so fast!"

Hearing the beauty's surprised words, First Young Master Liu coughed a few times with black hair: "Ahem, ahem, Hoshino, let me correct you, it is my young master's lightness kungfu that is fast, not mine.

Please don't use such ambiguous words to describe my speed. "

"Huh? Does that make any difference?"

"The difference is big, and you will understand later, let's go, let's go to the Purple Bamboo Forest."

"Yeah, yes, if we see a better purple bamboo later, can Hoshino take a piece back?"

"No problem, but what are you going to do?"

"Hoshino wants to make a bamboo Xiao."

"What? You can also play dicks?"

"Who do you look down on? Hoshino is doing a great job!"

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman's delicate lips, and subconsciously slid his throat a few times.

"Well, I feel that your ventriloquist should be quite powerful."


First Young Master Liu suppressed some of the exciting images in his mind, and hurriedly turned and walked towards the purple bamboo forest.

"Ah, cough, cough, it's nothing, I'm just surprised that you are so versatile, Hoshino, let's go, let's go, let's enjoy the scenery first."

"Okay, Mr. Liu, please help Xingye pay attention, and let me know if you see a good purple bamboo."

"I know, I know."

The two chatted and laughed, and plunged into the purple bamboo forest for a tour.

Time passed quietly, and I don't know how long it has passed, but there are footprints and figures of the two in every beautiful place in the imperial garden.

The sun slanted westward slightly, and the clouds in the sky were like blood.

Accompanied by First Young Master Liu, Sakai Hoshino left the Zizhu Forest and went to Hundred Gardens, Zhaixing Building... and more than a dozen places with beautiful scenery.

In the Guangming Hall of the harem, Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman who was sitting on a chair with a slightly tired expression, and poured two cups of herbal tea from the pot.

"After wandering around the palace all afternoon, I must be thirsty. Drink some tea to quench my thirst."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

Sakai Hoshino reached out to take the tea, although his mouth was already parched, the movement of drinking the tea was still graceful and decent.

Compared with Sakai Hoshino's elegant behavior, Young Master Liu's tea drinking movements were much rougher, and he drank cup after cup.

After a while, Sakai Hoshino put the bottomed teacup on the table, walked lightly to the door of the main hall, and looked at the sky outside.

"Liu Jun, the sun has set in the west, Hoshino should go back to Honglu Temple."

Liu Mingzhi walked to the beauty with a teacup in his hand, and looked up at the sky in the distance.

"The sun should be setting in about an hour, and the palace banquet will begin in about half an hour.

Even if you go back to Honglu Temple now, you have to turn back to see the banquet after dark. If you want me to say, you don’t have to go back. It’s a waste of effort.

After the palace banquet begins, we can rush over together. "

Sakai Hoshino hurriedly shook his head when he heard the words: "Then how can it be done, you are His Majesty the Emperor of Dalong, and Hoshino is the envoy of the state, the two of us will go to the banquet together, if others see it, I don't know how we will think about it Woolen cloth."

"Don't worry, although the night banquet is brightly lit, there are always some places that will not be illuminated by the lights.

At that time, you can take a short detour to find your nephew Sakai He and the others, and make sure that no one can find out that you went out from the harem with me.

Besides, if you see it, you will see it. Even if someone sees it, they don't dare to chew their tongues. "

"But, but."

"It's nothing to worry about, just listen to me."

Sakai Hoshino hesitated for a moment while biting his cherry lips, but finally shook his head firmly.

"No, no, it's better for Hoshino to go back, Mr. Liu, Hoshino will take his leave first, and I'll go find this stinky girl, Yingzhi, and see you at the banquet tonight.

I don't want others to misunderstand Liu Jun, and I don't want others to misunderstand me.

Hoshino is not afraid of what Liu Jun will do to me if you stay with me, but I don't want others to think that I approach you Liu Jun with a purpose. "

After Sakai Hoshino finished speaking, he didn't realize whether he would be able to find the intricacies of leaving the palace corridor without anyone leading him. He lifted his lotus feet and was about to walk outside the palace.

Seeing the stubborn appearance of this stupid woman, Liu Mingzhi hastily raised his hand and grabbed her wrist, and slightly stopped her movement of leaving.

"Liu Jun, you, me."

Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything more, and directly led Sakai Hoshino towards the dragon couch in the apse.

"Mr. Liu?"

"Listen to me, let's take a nap in the palace and wait for the palace banquet to start."

Liu Mingzhi flicked the teacup in his hand, watched the teacup land firmly on the table, and pulled Sakai Hoshino into the apse without being refused.

Seeing the dragon bed getting closer and closer in front of him, Sakai Hoshino's pretty face couldn't help becoming tense.

Although I have already made all the preparations, but when something is about to come, I still feel nervous involuntarily.

Sakai Hoshino breathed a sigh of relief, and let Liu Mingzhi pull him to sit on the exquisitely carved dragon couch.

Glancing at Liu Mingzhi who was smiling lightly beside him, she snuggled into Liu Mingzhi's arms with a somewhat complicated expression.

"Liu...Liu Jun, Hoshino is no longer perfect, please don't dislike me."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauty's cramped appearance, took off his shoes and boots, hugged the beauty's willow waist, and lay down on the brocade quilt.

"Stop thinking about it, it's getting late now, and I'm not allowed to do anything bad to Hoshino.

Accompany me to have a good rest, waiting to attend the palace banquet in the evening. "

Liu Mingzhi sniffed the faint fragrance from the beauty's body, and closed his eyes peacefully.

Sakai Hoshino stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi whose breathing was getting more and more even. He didn't know what he thought of, a charming smile appeared on his pretty face, and he quietly nestled in Liu Mingzhi's arms and closed his beautiful eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the breathing of the two gradually became even.

(End of this chapter)

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