My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2897 I Want It All

Chapter 2897 I Want It All
Liu Mingzhi kept Sakai Hoshino in the palace, not because he wanted to do something to her right now, but to prevent her from going back to Honglu Temple to meet Sakai Ka.

Since Sakai Ka dared to persuade his aunt Sakai Hoshino to use her body to seduce him, so as to achieve the goal of rewarding them with the military equipment of the Japanese embassy, ​​how could he easily let him get his wish.

If Sakai Hoshino successfully blows the pillow wind, it is estimated that Sakai Ka may still have the idea of ​​saving the rare treasure they prepared.

However, since he said in front of the hall that he would present a treasure to himself, the Great Dragon Emperor, at night when the palace banquet was held, he would definitely not dare not take out a treasure to present to himself.

It's just that whether the treasure he presented is the original treasure or not depends on whether Hoshino can bring them back good news.

Regardless of this guy's young age, his quick mind cannot be underestimated!

If my predictions are correct, this guy Sakai Ka and all the officials of the Japanese Mission should be waiting in Honglu Temple for the good news that Hoshino will bring back.

In this way, how could Liu Mingzhi let Sakai Hoshino go back to meet Sakai He.

The fat that had already reached his mouth, how could he let it go away again.

If he dared to play tricks with himself, he would let him lose his wife and lose his army.

The beauties have to decide for themselves, and the rare treasures have to decide for themselves.

Liu Mingzhi smacked the corners of his mouth as if he was talking in his sleep, his eyes slightly opened a slit and glanced at the beautiful woman who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

Looking at the beautiful woman's peaceful and graceful face, Liu Mingzhi gently turned over and changed into a comfortable sleeping position, took her into his arms slightly with both hands and closed his eyes again.

The beautiful woman is by my side, but I can only watch but not eat, and I still feel a little uncomfortable.

It's not that I want to pretend to be a gentleman, but that time is really running out.

At that time, if the two of them are emotionally moved to the point of getting out of hand, how can they go to the palace banquet at night.

At that time, one will be beautiful and radiant, but staggering; the other will be full of spring, but lack of energy, and the two will fight.

Anyone with a little bit of experience can see what happened to the two of them.

I don't care about the so-called face and the like, after all, a gentleman is a good lady.

As a normal seven-foot man, with such a beautiful and charming woman in his arms, it is completely inevitable that some kind of love between men and women will happen.

However, I don't care, but I can't help but think about this silly woman sleeping soundly next to me.

Although I am romantic, I am a person who knows how to pity and cherish jade!
"Hey, Liu Jun, please be gentle, Hoshino is almost out of breath."

The beautiful lady who was sleeping soundly murmured softly, and gently turned her body sideways, directly retracting into Young Master Liu's bosom.

It seems that he regards Young Master Liu's arms as a safe haven that he can rely on.

The setting sun outside the hall was like blood, and time passed quietly.

During the period, Liu Lianiang, who was dressed in plain white cloud and smoke clothes, and the two little sisters Huaqi Yingzhi came to the Guangming Palace, wanting to find their parents and mothers.

However, as soon as the two little sisters entered the palace garden, they were stopped by two little maids in the pavilion in the palace garden.

"Both servants and servants are meeting Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

"This is Ms. Yingzhi, the servant sisters are polite."

"The two sisters are free."

"Thank you, Miss Yingzhi."

"Two sisters, are my father and Aunt Hoshino in the Palace of Light?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, His Majesty has not returned to the Guangming Palace."

"Didn't you come to the Guangming Palace? That's strange. Miss Yingzhi and I searched in the imperial garden for a long time, but we couldn't find the two of them.

It's getting so late, where can the two of them go? "

"Your Highness, Your Majesty may have taken Mrs. Hoshino to wander around in other palaces."

"Yes, yes, the imperial palace is so big, it's impossible for the two of them to enjoy the scenery only in this place in the imperial garden."

"Your Highness, the sun hasn't set yet, why don't you and Ms. Yingzhi look elsewhere."

"Don't look for it, don't look for it anymore, the palace is so big, who knows where daddy and the others have gone."

"Sister Yingzhi, it seems that you won't be able to go back to Honglu Temple.

But you don't have to worry about Aunt Hoshino getting angry. It's not because you were disobedient and didn't go to her, but we couldn't find it after we looked for it. It's no wonder you are here.

Let's continue to play, I will take you to the imperial dining room first.

There will be a palace banquet in the evening, and the imperial dining room must be full of delicious food and wine. Let's bring delicious food to play again. "

After hearing Liu Lianiang's analysis, Huaqi Yingzhi scratched her hair with a little tangled face.

"Sister Lianiang, are you really going to stop looking for husband and mother? I'm still a little worried that mother will be angry because we played too wildly."

"Really don't worry, if Aunt Hoshino wanted to bring you back to Honglu Temple, Lianiang's stinky old man would have already sent someone to look for us two.

It's not easy for the two of us to find the two of them. It's not a piece of cake if the old man wants to find the two of us.

However, if you look at the current situation, the imperial guards should be patrolling, the inner guards should be wandering, and the maids and eunuchs should be busy with their own affairs.

Except for greeting us, no one came up to see us.

Isn't that obvious enough? "

"Yeah, listen to you, let's continue to play, mother is really angry, it's just a big deal on the buttocks.

It was worth it to have so much fun today. "

"That's right, don't care if it gets beaten or not, let's talk about it after playing enough.

Playing for half a day is also getting beaten, and playing for a day is also getting beaten. If you don't play for a while, won't you lose money if you don't play for a while?

Let's go, let's go to the imperial dining room first. "

The two maids watched the little sister Liu Lianiang leave the palace holding hands, looked at each other and exhaled softly.

The sun is setting and night is falling.

The slightly more important places in the palace are already brightly lit.

A couple of lovers who were sleeping soundly on the dragon couch in the Guangming Palace woke up from their sleep at the sound of knocking on the door.

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes and exhaled lightly, looking at the beautiful woman next to him who had also woken up and was rubbing her eyes with her fingers and sat up straight.

"Hoshino, are you sleeping well?"

Sakai Hoshino covered his cherry lips with sleepy eyes and yawned. He looked at Young Master Liu with some embarrassment and nodded.

"Well, Hoshino hasn't slept so soundly for a long time, but maybe he was tired in the afternoon, and he still feels faintly tired."

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, raised his hand and combed the somewhat messy black hair for the beauty.

"Hehehe, you are so tired after just walking around in the palace.

Fortunately, this young master didn't bully you in the afternoon, otherwise you definitely wouldn't be able to get up. "

"Liu Jun, you—I'm ignoring you."

Liu Mingzhi stretched, got out of bed, put on his shoes and walked towards the front hall.

"Li'er, Qu'er."

"The maidservants and sisters are here."

"What time is it now?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, it's time."

"It's time for you, have the princes and ministers and the envoys of various countries' missions started to enter the palace?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Steward Liu came half an hour ago, and he told the slaves and maidservants that royal ministers and envoys have already entered the palace one after another.

Not long after night fell, the people who came to the banquet should not have arrived. "

"Well, I see, Lier."

"The servant is here."

"Go to the front to inquire and see how many people have entered the palace."

"As ordered, the servant will leave."


"The servant is here."

"Go and prepare hot water for bathing and washing. Mrs. Hoshino and I will take a bath and change clothes later."

"As ordered, the servant will leave."

"and many more."

"Your Majesty, what other orders do you have?"

"Prepare an extra bathtub and screen in the side hall, and Mrs. Hoshino will bathe separately.

In addition, I went to the House of Internal Affairs to fetch a set of Jinxiuyan dress for Xingye, Yunyan pleated fringed skirt for replacement, and a set of underwear for underwear. "

"The servant obeyed, but it was only the size of Mrs. Hoshino's clothes?"

"Just prepare according to the size of Yan'er's clothes."

"Yes, the slaves retire."


"Hey, here we come."

"Come here and have a cup of tea to refresh yourself. I will take a shower and change clothes later."

Sakai Hoshino walked slowly behind First Young Master Liu and stopped, his slender fingers were tightly intertwined, and Meimou let out a sigh of shame.

"Liu Jun, anyway, we are already like that, let's go together when we take a bath later.

Hoshino, Hoshino is not afraid. "

(End of this chapter)

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