Chapter 2899
Huaqi Yingzhi's questioning words immediately made the atmosphere in the hall a little weird.

Qi Yun, the empress and the other sisters stopped moving towards the futon next to them one after another, and stared at First Young Master Liu playfully, as if they wanted to see how he would answer Huaqi Yingzhi's question.

Young Master Liu felt the constricted eyes of all the beauties, and smiled a few times in embarrassment.

This group of goblins who wanted to kill people knew how to make trouble.

Seeing that Liu Mingzhi hadn't answered her question for a long time, Huaqi Yingzhi felt embarrassed, and asked again.

"Sir, what's wrong with you? Where's Hoshino's mother?"

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Huaqi Yingzhi who was looking at him with a puzzled expression, squatted down with a smile and pulled the little girl's bun with his fingers.

"Sakura, your mother is looking for your elder brother Sakai He."

"Huh? Mother went to look for Brother He?"

The little girl had a bitter face, and hurriedly turned to look outside the hall.

"It's over, it's over, my mother has gone to look for Brother He, but Yingzhi has played wildly with Sister Lianiang all afternoon, this time I will definitely get beaten on the ass when I go back."

Hearing the little girl's uneasy tone, Liu Mingzhi cheerfully pinched her pink face a few times.

"Sakura, don't worry, your mother won't dare to beat you with my husband here."

"Really? Is it true that Sakuraori won't be beaten?"

"Of course, with Mr. backing you up and lending your mother three guts, she wouldn't dare to beat you up."

Seeing Young Master Liu's serious expression, the little girl exhaled forcefully with her pouting cherry mouth, and chose to believe in Young Master Liu's solid backing without hesitation.

The little girl turned to look at First Young Master Liu, stretched out her hand and curled her little finger.

"Then please sir, let's pull the hook."

Seeing the little girl's joyful expression, Liu Mingzhi raised his rough right hand and clasped it on the little girl's fingers.

"Pull the hook."

The little girl covered Young Master Liu's thumb with her thumb, and the bitter smile on her little face instantly turned into a beaming smile.

In the minds of children, the agreement to hang themselves on the hook seems to be the most trustworthy agreement in the world.

"Okay, don't worry, go chat with your sister Yue'er, sister Yunxin, and sister Lianiang."

"Yeah, thank you sir."

After Liu Mingzhi stood up, Qi Ya, who happened to be standing beside him, tugged at his sleeve with her fingers, and moved her phoenix eyes to her husband's side playfully.

"Stinky husband, you won't be torturing younger sister Hoshino to get up, right? You really don't know how to pity and cherish jade."

When Young Master Liu heard Qi Ya's teasing words, he rolled his eyes helplessly.

"My good sister Ya, what are you guessing, is your husband that kind of person?"

Qi Ya nodded without hesitation, and said in a firm and charming voice, "You are not, who else is?"

"Then if my husband told you that I really didn't treat Hoshino, would you believe me?"


Before Liu Mingzhi had time to speak up to praise Qi Ya for her trust in him, Jiaren then said, "I believe you, you big-headed ghost."

Seeing Qi Ya's smiling expression, Young Master Liu suddenly felt that there was no more love in the world.

Unexpectedly, even Sister Ya, who loves her the most and is the most understanding, doesn't believe her character anymore.

Liu Mingzhi was thinking about whether to pull Qi Ya to the back hall, and let him see how worthy his character is, when Liu Song's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Master, the little one is back."

"Liu Song has met all the young wives."


"Thank you young ladies."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of regret, turned around and looked at Liu Song and asked softly, "Have you delivered it?"

"Well, it has been delivered."

"Are the fireworks ready?"

"Don't worry, young master, two hundred barrels of fireworks of different sizes have already been prepared, and the fuse can be lit at any time after the young master gives an order."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, raised his hands and patted vigorously a few times.

"Ladies and children, it's time to go out and take your seats."

"My husband, please."

"Daddy please."

"Please sir."

Liu Mingzhi closed the jade fan in his hand and put it in his cuff, and walked in front of the third princess Li Yan with a faint smile.

"Yan'er, is there anything wrong with your husband?"

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Let's go, don't make the princes and ministers and the envoys of various countries wait in a hurry."

Liu Mingzhi straightened his belt, and took the lead of the family and Hua Qiyingzhi, the little girl, straight to the outside of the hall.

At the same time, in the camp of the Japanese diplomatic mission on the square outside the Hall of Qinzheng, Sakai Ka, the Japanese ambassador, sighed with disappointment after hearing what his aunt Sakai Hoshino said.

Seeing the disappointed expression on his nephew's face, Sakai Hoshino looked around at the crowd full of laughter and laughter, and a look of pain flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"He'er, it's not that Auntie doesn't want to help Big Brother solve the crisis he is facing now, but Auntie and I really have no choice.

When I was in the palace during the day, I had already told Liu Jun... well, forget it, there are some things I can't talk to you about.

In short, Mr. Liu warned me very clearly, so that Auntie and I don't have to worry about rewarding our envoy's military equipment.

Based on my aunt's understanding of Liu Jun's character, I really can't continue to ask about this matter.

He'er, my aunt has really tried her best.

The next thing can only go with the flow. "

Sakai He looked at the helpless expression on his aunt's face, and nodded helplessly.

"I understand, my child. Now that things are going on, it's just like what you said just now, auntie. Let nature take its course."

"Okay, then let's wait for Liu Jun to come out."

When Sakai He saw his aunt Sakai Hoshino turning his head to look at the Palace of Qinzheng, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

Ishibashi Taro, deputy envoy of the Japanese Mission, gently tugged Sakaiga's sleeve, leaned into his ear and whispered softly, "My lord, Miss Hoshino didn't succeed, what about our gift?"

Sakai He sighed softly, glared at the Goguryeo envoy Jin Taeun not far away with a gloomy expression, and slowly walked aside.

"Stone Bridge."

"grown ups?"

"My aunt has nothing to do with it, and now, we can only honestly present the original treasure to win His Majesty the Dragon Emperor's favor.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we have to give it a try.

Compared to the great cause of unifying the Japanese kingdom, that so-called rare treasure is nothing. "

"Yes, this subordinate will send the order immediately."

After Japan's deputy envoy Ishibashi Taro quietly disappeared into the crowd, Sakai Ka cast a complicated glance at his aunt Sakai Hoshino who was a few steps away and was staring straight at the Qinzheng Palace, and sighed again.

Auntie, it's really hard for you.

Hai'er doesn't want to do this either, but the Patriarch's order is there, and Hai'er has nothing to do!
"His Majesty the Emperor has arrived, civil and military officials and their family members, and envoys from various countries are present."

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"We see His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi glanced calmly at the crowded crowd in the square, walked to the dragon chair that had been arranged and sat down.

"Everyone who loves you is free of courtesy."

"Envoys from various countries are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong."

"Sit down, let's start the banquet."

"We will obey."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauties on both sides who had already been seated one after another, and raised his hand to gesture to Liu Song beside him.

"Liu Song, send orders, set off fireworks, and play music."


Just as Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi smiled and looked at the crowd who were dispersing towards the tables on both sides.

Finding Sakai He in the crowd, Liu Mingzhi frowned and waited quietly.

After a while, when everyone was seated one after another, Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai He and said loudly, "Where is Sakai He, the Japanese envoy?"

Sakai He, who had just been seated, hurriedly got up and walked out, and gave a big gift to Young Master Liu with a respectful expression.

"Go back to His Majesty the Emperor, the ministers are here."

(End of this chapter)

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