My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2900 3 Feet Night Pearl

Chapter 2900 Three Foot Night Pearl

Seeing Sakai He's nervous expression, Liu Mingzhi's eyes flashed a look of teasing.

Just now after my group walked out of the Palace of Qinzheng, before Xiao Chengzi could speak, my eyes had already fallen on Sakai He.

Sakai Ka and his deputy Ishibashi Taro whispered to each other, and all the scenes of whispering were seen by him.

Although I don't know what the two of them said, I can guess a general idea.

If I didn't expect it, what they said just now is probably related to Sakai Hoshino not persuading himself to reward them with military equipment.

And the deputy envoy of the Wa Kingdom, Shiqiao Taro, hurried to the crowd of the Wa Kingdom Mission, and must have conveyed orders related to the treasures they were about to present.

For Sakai He's daring to plot his thoughts on him, Liu Mingzhi could not be said to be angry, but he would not be overly happy either.

Seeing Sakai He's respectful expression not far away, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the right side secretly, and also stared straight at his beau Sakai Hoshino.

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"As far as you are concerned, you will present the rare treasure prepared by your mission to me for viewing at night at the palace banquet.

Now it's the willow's head on the moon, and it's time for you to fulfill your promise to me.

Right now, all the civil and military officials of my Dalong, and all the envoys from various countries have arrived. When do you plan to reveal the mystery of that rare treasure to me? "

Sakai He did not expect that Young Master Liu would directly mention the matter of the treasure when he came up, his mind sank, he nodded slightly and secretly looked at his deputy Ishibashi Taro.

Just now Liu Mingzhi and his party came out of the Palace of Qinzheng too suddenly, he was not sure if the deputy envoy Taro Ishibashi had passed on his order.

If the order has not been passed on in time, it will be bad if the rare treasure that will be presented later is not the one that was originally prepared, but the one that is just a fake.

Sakai Ka clearly felt that his heartbeat was speeding up. He can say with certainty that he has lived for 20 years, but he has never been so nervous as he is now.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that under Young Master Liu's seemingly calm but majestic eyes, he couldn't think of a single thought of resistance.

In just a short moment, Sakai Ka felt as if his heart was about to be picked out of his chest.

Taro Ishibashi felt Sakaiga's nervous eyes, and nodded his head imperceptibly.

Seeing the response from Deputy Envoy Ishibashi Taro, Sakai Ka breathed a sigh of relief.

He is very fortunate now, fortunate that he did not pin all his hopes on his aunt Sakai Hoshino, but made two-handed preparations in advance.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to say what the fate of the Japanese diplomatic mission would be.

Losing face is a small matter, but if it is because of Liu Mingzhi Tianwei's anger, losing his life is a big deal!
"Back to His Majesty the Emperor, Bangchen has already ordered someone to bring the rare treasure into the palace. As long as His Majesty wants to see it, Bangchen can ask someone to present that rare treasure for His Majesty to appreciate at any time."

Liu Mingzhi saw that Sakai He Mingming was already trembling, but he was still pretending to be calm, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared in a flash.

Self-righteous things, it turns out that you are also afraid sometimes.

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"I have already ordered people to prepare fireworks, music and dance.

After the fireworks are over, when the singing and dancing come on stage, you can present the rare treasures that your Japanese country wants to dedicate to me. "

"Yes, Bundesher obeys."

"Take a seat."

"Bang Chen complied, thank you His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, long live long live."

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"As soon as the fireworks go off, the banquet will be passed on immediately."

"The old slave complies."

As soon as Xiao Chengzi's voice fell, there was a sudden melodious flute sound from the square on both sides, and then the starry night sky brightened up amidst the rumbling sound.

Everyone in the square in the palace subconsciously looked towards the night sky above their heads.

I saw colorful and dazzling fireworks bursting with the roar, and the brightly lit square instantly became like daytime.

Xiao Chengzi looked at the colorful and dazzling fireworks in the night sky with a smile, put away the whisk in his hand and trotted away in a hurry.

"Your Majesty ordered to pass the banquet."

"We will obey."

"Your Majesty ordered to pass the banquet."

"Your Majesty ordered to pass the banquet."

Under the dazzling fireworks, palace maids and eunuchs walked towards the square in groups with trays in their hands.


Liu Mingzhi, who was looking up at the fireworks, heard Qi Ya's voice suddenly in his ears, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the beauty.

"Sister Ya, what's the matter?"

"I forgot to remind you just now, such a national celebration, should we invite the queen mother and the elderly to join in the grand event?

When the concubine sisters went to present to the queen mother, she hadn't eaten yet. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and turned to look at the third princess sitting on his right.


"Huh? Husband, what's the matter?"

"When your sisters went to meet the queen mother, did you tell her that her husband was going to have a night banquet with envoys from various countries in the palace?"

"When the concubine was chatting with the queen mother, I told the queen mother about it."

"Then did you invite the queen mother out to the banquet?"

"Husband, for such a celebration, how could I not invite my queen mother? I told my queen, husband, you want to invite her to participate in the grand event of my Dalong Wanbang coming to court. I hope she can come out to the banquet."

"Invited? Did the queen mother agree?"

"I didn't agree, the queen mother told the concubine that she was getting old and didn't like such lively scenes.

Later, my concubine persuaded her again and again, but the queen mother still refused. I was worried that my mother would think that our couple was forcing her to come to the banquet, so I didn't continue to force her.

What's wrong?Did something happen? "

"No, no, my husband is worried that the queen mother will care, thinking that we have forgotten her old man in the harem.

Now that you have notified her old man, you can feel relieved as a husband. "

"Hmm, husband, don't worry, it's fine."

"Okay, let's enjoy the fireworks."

"Hey, I already know."

Amidst the deafening roar, the couple ended their conversation and looked up at the night sky.

After a few cups of tea, the last flame in the night sky disappeared from everyone's amazed eyes, and Liu Mingzhi looked back at Sakai He directly.

"Sakai He."

"Bunchen understands."

Sakai Ka breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded directly to Taro Ishibashi, the deputy envoy of the Wa Kingdom next to him.

"As ordered."

Ishibashi Taro, deputy envoy of the Wa Kingdom, responded to him, got up and walked towards the empty place behind the banquet.

After a while, several Japanese came over pushing an exquisite wooden cart covered with thick canvas.

Shiqiao Taro looked at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on the dragon chair, and bowed a big gift.

"Your Majesty, please appreciate the rare treasure."

As soon as Taro Ishibashi finished speaking, he raised his hand and tore off the canvas on the wooden cart next to him.

After seeing the items on the wooden cart, a look of astonishment flashed across Young Master Liu's face.


Is this the night pearl?

Is this too big?

I'm afraid it's about three feet in diameter, right?
(End of this chapter)

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