My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2906 Are you willing?

Chapter 2906 Are you willing?
Liu Mingzhi stood on the tower of the palace gate with his hands behind his back, quietly looking down at the situation outside the palace gate.

Seeing Sakai Hoshino and his daughter Huaqi Yingzhi outside the palace gate boarded the carriage that he was riding in during the day, Young Master Liu stretched out his hand helplessly and patted the guardrail in front of him heavily.

"Liu Luoyue, you stinky girl is simply cheating.

After drinking so much wine at the banquet, wouldn't it be enough for you to honestly go back to live your spring and autumn dreams?
Tell me about you, why do you have to drag Hoshino to chat all the time?
It's all right now, the meat at the mouth is gone again.

You stinking girl, it seems that you are in trouble again! "

Young Master Liu watched Sakai Hoshino's carriage, and the figure of a group of envoys drifting away on the long street outside the palace gate, turned around and walked down the tower with a sigh.

I originally thought that after the palace banquet was over, I would save the beautiful woman when people were not paying attention, and then I could spend the Spring Festival with her.

Unexpectedly, seeing that everything was about to fall into place, a cutie popped up halfway.

It was in vain for me to set off the atmosphere with the beautiful woman for so long during the day, but the meat in my mouth ran away again.

"We see Your Majesty."

"Excuse me, continue to be on duty, I will go down first."

"We obey and send you off to Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the Japanese diplomatic mission that had completely disappeared, and walked down the gate tower gently shaking the carved jade fan in his hand.

Just as Liu Mingzhi walked down the steps, he heard Liu Song's shouting not far away.

"Master, Master."

"Liu Song, why haven't you gone back yet?"

"Young master, I originally planned to command the soldiers to go back to rest after placing the luminous pearl properly, but I didn't expect Sakai He, the official of the Wa Kingdom, to come to find me suddenly.

The younger one talked with him for a while, so it was delayed until now.

Later, the little one heard General Tan say that you came to the palace gate tower, the young one made a detour and came all the way, but I didn't expect to meet the young master and you came down from the tower. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, folded his folding fan and walked towards the city gate.

"Talking while walking."

"Yes, please, master."

After Liu Mingzhi's master and servant got on their horses one after another outside the palace gate, the soldiers of the Imperial Army who were on duty outside the palace gate hurriedly saluted.

"We send you off to Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi pulled the rein of the horse, and accompanied by Liu Song, he went straight to the brightly lit long street and rushed slowly.

"Liu Song, what did Sakaiga ask you to do?"

"Back to the young master, Sakai He asked me if you have any opinions on their Japanese mission, he said, young master, your attitude towards their mission today made him feel fearful and restless.

Hehe, in the end he even said to let the little one point out a way for him because of his friendship with Mrs. Hoshino in the past. "

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at Liu Song who was smiling happily, and thought for a moment with his brows slightly raised.

"Tell me in detail."


Liu Song narrowed his eyes slightly to sort out his thoughts, and carefully repeated the content of the conversation between him and Sakai Ka in a loud voice.

"That's about it."

"do you have anything else?"

"No, that's all.

Young master, those perfunctory words of the little one at the end won't bring you any trouble, will they?

If there is, you just treat the little one as farting. If Sakai Ka asks something about what the little one said, young master, just say that the little one never mentioned these things to you. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and was silent for a while, then shook his head with a faint smile.

"will not."

"That's fine, that's fine."

"Sakaiga stuffed you a favor, didn't you? How much did you stuff?"

Liu Song smiled and nodded, and directly took out the silver ticket that Sakai Ka had stuffed into the palace for him from his cuff.

"100 taels of silver notes."

"Hey, it's quite a generous shot!"

100 taels is not too much, but according to the consumption level of the people of Dalong, 100 taels is not too little.

"It's really generous. I even gave 100 taels during the day."

"Put it away, when you are free, buy some good things for your wives and children."

"Hey, thank you, master."

"Liu Song, do you know what Yue'er, a stinky girl, went to find Hoshino?"

"The younger one didn't know too well, but after leaving Sakai He, when the younger one passed by Miss Yue'er and Mrs. Hoshino, he vaguely heard what they said about the agreement, what was coming tomorrow.

The younger one thought that Miss Yue'er and the others might be talking about something about a woman's family, so she left immediately. "

Before Liu Mingzhi's eyes came the scene of the little cutie he saw talking to Sakai Hoshino on the tower, and he licked his dry lips after drinking with a slight frown.

"Promise? Tomorrow?"

"Yes, the little one heard these two words vaguely.

However, the soldiers on duty standing next to Miss Yue'er and Mrs. Hoshino may have heard what they were talking about. Why don't they immediately go back to ask the soldiers of the Forbidden Army? "

"No need, based on the young master's guess, it is estimated that Yue'er, a stinky girl, will ask Hoshino to do something tomorrow.

Yue'er, a stinky girl, is still very measured, so she doesn't need to interfere too much. "

"Yes, little one understands."

"But this stinky girl is really cheating, she didn't go to Hoshino in the early days, and didn't go to Hoshino in the evening, but she went to Hoshino at this time.

Doesn't this obviously ruin his father's good deed?

Alas, rebellious girl, rebellious girl. "

Thinking of the beautiful woman who had already been brought to his mouth slipping away like this, First Young Master Liu was filled with resentment towards the little cutie.

"This stinky girl, I must marry her off as soon as possible.

With her by my side, my young master and I will lose ten years of life. "

Liu Song looked at the depressed expression on his young master's face, combined with what he said just now, he vaguely understood what was going on.

"Master, it's not that you talk a lot.

Miss Yiyi and Mr. Xie Yunxie's marriage, young master, you have been procrastinating. You can't wait to let Miss Yiyi marry a few years later, just a few years later.

I hope she can spend more time with you and Mrs. Qinglian.

Let Miss Yue'er, the pistachio under your knees, marry off as soon as possible, young master, are you really willing to do so? "

Hearing Liu Song's teasing words, First Young Master Liu swung his horsewhip and lashed the palm of his hand heavily.

"I don't want to part with this young master? I don't want to part with her eight generations of ancestors.

This stinky girl has been a cheater since she was a child. The sooner I marry her off, my young master, the sooner I will be at peace. "



When passing by Penglai Restaurant, Liu Mingzhi reined his horse subconsciously, and leaned forward to look at the restaurant which was still brightly lit and bustling with people.

"Master, Mrs. Bizhu, Mrs. Lingyi, the two sisters won't go to the restaurant again after they come out of the palace, right? Would you like to go in and have a look?"

Liu Mingzhi saw the accountant behind the counter, straightened up and whipped his horsewhip.

"The one behind the counter is the cashier, not Bi Zhu, they should go back, let's go."


"Master, in fact, you don't need to be depressed at all."

"Is my young master depressed? Am I depressed?"

"No, you look happy, young master."

"Go ahead, keep talking."

"Master, even if Mrs. Hoshino returns to Honglu Temple, she will rest alone! Ah!"

"Shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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