Chapter 2907 Dilemma
Young Master Liu's eyes lit up, he pulled the rein of the horse in his hand suddenly, and glanced at Liu Song who was smiling beside him with a strange expression.

Yes, Liu Song is right.

Although I didn't take the opportunity to keep Hoshino in the palace because of the cuteness, but after Hoshino returned to Honglu Temple, she rested alone!
Just because I didn't keep her, doesn't mean I can't find her again.

It doesn't matter where you rest tonight, what matters is where you can rest where the beauty is.

Whoops, I was so mad at Yue'er, I even forgot such a simple truth.

That stinky girl is really confused.

Seeing Young Master Liu suddenly rein in the horse, Liu Song immediately reined in the rein in his hand and stopped.


After the horse stopped, Liu Song happily looked at his young master and asked knowingly, "Young master, why did you stop?"

Liu Mingzhi pretended not to hear the teasing meaning in Liu Song's words, and directly got off the horse, stretched his arms and stretched his back a few times.

"The moonlight tonight is so charming, and the beauty of the day is so beautiful, it would be a pity to just go back and sleep soundly.

Going home now, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the beauty of this beautiful day.

So what, Liu Song, you can go back first, while there is no curfew yet, my young master, I want to go for a walk on the street to digest food. "

"Master, the little one won't be able to fall asleep even when you go back, why don't you let the little one accompany you by your side.

As you said just now, young master, such a beautiful day, the little one doesn't want to let it down. "

Young Master Liu looked at the mean expression on Liu Song's face, immediately rolled his eyes angrily, and directly threw the rein in his hand.

"Get out, you're looking for something to do with your uncle, right? Take my young master's BMW back, and I'll go for a walk on the street first."

Liu Song took the reins of the horse and pulled it lightly, clamping the horse's belly and hurried forward slowly.

"Come on, I'll take my leave, young master, please go slowly."

Liu Mingzhi watched the figure of one man and two horses drift away, casually sized up the common people coming and going on the street, took out his carved jade fan and flicked it lightly, walked towards the long street leading to Honglu Temple with a smile on his face .

After about a few cups of tea time, the suave and suave figure of Young Master Liu appeared on the street outside the gate of the Honglu Temple Government Office.

Liu Mingzhi coughed twice, shook the carved jade fan lightly, and walked straight into the Honglu Temple unimpeded.

"Head, the gentleman who went in just now looks familiar."

"Nonsense, if he didn't look familiar, wouldn't I have asked you to stop him to check his identity?
In recent days, due to the missions from various countries coming to Beijing to worship His Majesty the Five Emperors, there are too many people of various kinds entering and leaving our Honglu Temple.

As long as the visitors look familiar, there is no need to check their identities one by one.

There is no one who dares to cause trouble in our Honglu Temple. "

"Yes, I understand."

"Continue to be on duty. It's time to change shifts soon. Finally, I can go back and rest."

After Liu Mingzhi entered Honglu Temple, he went straight to the quiet private courtyard where Hoshino Sakai lived.

Stepping lightly through the arches of the small courtyard, Liu Mingzhi saw the flickering candles in the beauty's room at a glance.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the wing room opposite the beauty's room where the candles had been extinguished, and let out a soft breath.

Since the candle in Yingzhi's girl's room has been extinguished, she should have fallen asleep by now.

What a godsend.

Liu Mingzhi closed the jade fan in his hand lightly, and walked towards Sakai Hoshino's room with fiery eyes.

Just when Liu Mingzhi was thinking about how to spend the spring evening with the beautiful woman full of fun, he suddenly heard the voice of talking from the beautiful woman's room.

Young Master Liu stopped abruptly, looking at the door a few steps away, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his eyes twice.

someone?Is there anyone still in Hoshino's room?

"Mother, Sakura Zhi's wrist is sore, can I write the remaining articles tomorrow?"

Young Master Liu heard the pitiful voice coming from the room, and immediately knew who was in Xingye's room.

It turned out to be the girl Yingzhi, and it seemed that Hoshino was teaching the girl Yingzhi what to write.

The girl Yingzhi is still in Hoshino's room, what should I do?
Just as Young Master Liu was tangled in his heart, Sakai Hoshino's serious voice came from the room.

"No, if you don't finish writing the rest of the article today, you don't want to go to sleep, brat."

"Mother, Sakura is really tired, can I write again tomorrow? Sakura we beg you?"

"Smelly girl, put away your pitiful set of tricks, and quickly continue to write for my mother, and I will add a few more articles for you if you are too long-winded."

"Oh, Sakura knows."

The voice of the mother and daughter's conversation reached Young Master Liu's ears clearly.

When Liu Mingzhi heard the conversation between the mother and daughter in the room, his heart stopped immediately. Hearing what Hoshino said, it won't be over for a while?

No way, this young master's luck can't be so bad, right?

Doesn't this young master just want to kiss Fangze and find out the depth of the beauty?God, why are you tossing me like this?

Liu Mingzhi looked helplessly at the shadowy figure of the beautiful woman on the door and window of the room, and suddenly felt a bit in a dilemma.

Go in directly, the girl Yingzhi is still in the room now!
If Sakura Zhi sees him later, the story of his tryst with a beautiful woman in the dead of night may be spread by this little girl.

If he left directly, he would feel a little unwilling in his heart.

After all, I have already walked 99 and a half steps in a hundred steps, and this is the last step. Now I let myself go, no matter how I think about it, I feel it is a pity.

Liu Mingzhi, who was struggling in his heart, suddenly frowned, and hurriedly glanced at the arched door at the other end of the courtyard.

This is?Footsteps?

someone is coming.

Listening to the approaching footsteps, First Young Master Liu looked up at the opposite wing and leaped forward, leaping directly towards the roof of the wing.

Just as Liu Mingzhi hid his body on the tiles on the back of the roof, a figure happened to pass through the arch and walked into the small courtyard.

Controlling his breathing, Liu Mingzhi poked his head out and looked into the yard. Under the light of the lights under the eaves, he could see clearly who was coming.

"Sakaihe? What is this guy doing here with Hoshino now?"

Dangdang's knock on the door sounded, and Liu Mingzhi immediately perked up his ears.

"Who is it?"

"Auntie, it's a child."

"He'er, why are you here?"

"Auntie, after the boy came back, I asked the servants to prepare some hangover soup. I couldn't finish it all by myself, so I brought you a bowl."

"You have a heart, just wait a moment, my aunt will open the door for you in a robe."

"My child understands, Auntie, you don't have to worry."

Listening to the conversation between his aunt and nephew in the courtyard, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and let out a sigh.

Although Sakai He is a deep-minded guy, he treats his aunt quite filially.

The figure of his aunt Liu Ying flashed before Liu Mingzhi's eyes, as if he hadn't had a reunion dinner with his aunt for a long time.

The sound of the door opening awakened Liu Mingzhi from his wandering mind, and he looked towards the beautiful lady's door again.

"He'er, thank you for your hard work."

"No hard work, no hard work, it's what children should do."

"Hello, Brother He."

"Sakura is also here, why haven't you gone back to sleep?"

When Huaqi Yingzhi greeted Sakai He, the words of the few people instantly turned into Japanese words.

"Brother He, mother, she let Yingzhi learn these articles again."

"Hehehe, Sakurazhi, Auntie is also doing it for your own good, so you should study hard."

"Hmph, Brother He, you are as bad as your mother, and Yingzhi ignores you."

"Aunt, didn't you make an appointment with that Princess Yue to go out together tomorrow?

After we came back, the baby thought about it several times, I think you should try it again?Maybe that Princess Yue can really help us! "

Seeing his nephew's pleading eyes, Sakai Hoshino sighed melancholy.

"Hey, He'er, it's not that Auntie doesn't want to lose face and beg Princess Yue'er again.

But Princess Yue'er is Liu Jun's daughter, do you think if Aunt told her these things, would she not tell Liu Jun when she went back?
Liu Jun has already warned Auntie not to let me meddle in the matter of rewards, if the matter of my meddling is passed from Princess Yue'er to Liu Jun's ears.

Don't talk about helping, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating.

He'er, according to my aunt, before Liu Jun gives us a final answer, waiting for the good news is the most correct choice.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it might really be self-defeating. "

After Sakai Ka listened to his aunt Sakai Hoshino's explanation, his brows frowned instantly.

"Hiss! This! This! The child has ignored this point."

"He'er, after talking with Liu Jun a few times, my aunt gradually understood some things based on what my aunt knows about Liu Jun."

"Huh? Please enlighten me, aunt."

"He'er, Mr. Liu has his own ideas, and we can't interfere with his ideas, and we don't have the right to interfere.

If we forcibly interfere, then what we want will only get further and further away from us in the end.

If you still believe my aunt and me, then wait for the reply from Jun Liu or Dalong Court honestly, and don't do anything else.

Before Mr. Liu completely rejected our mission's request, it meant that everything was still possible.

The only thing we can do now is to wait, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we must wait.

Wait until the day when Liu Jun refuses us, or agrees to our request,
If you don't believe your aunt, forget it. "

Sakai Ka frowned and remained silent for a long time, looking at the calm look on Sakai Hoshino's pretty face, he nodded slightly.

"Auntie, the child knows, I will just listen to you."

"That's right, He'er, would you like to come in and have a seat?"

Sakai Ka hesitated for a moment, looked at Sakai Hoshino and shook his head, and directly handed the tray in her hand.

"No, my boy drank a little too much at the banquet, so I plan to go back early and rest."

"Okay, let's go back early and rest."

"Well, it's getting late, my boy won't delay my aunt's rest, my boy will leave."

"Okay, let's go."

Sakai Hoshino watched Sakai Ka's figure pass through the arched door of the small courtyard, and with a melancholy sigh, he returned to his room with a tray in his hand.

After Sakai Hoshino closed the door again, Liu Mingzhi got up and sat on the roof, looking at the shadowy figure of the beautiful lady above the door and window, he scratched his head in astonishment.

Just now Hoshino and Sakai congratulated their aunt and nephew, what were they chattering about?

Liu Mingzhi originally thought that he could hear some useful news, but when the two of them suddenly switched to the Japanese language to talk, he was directly confused.

Except for Hai Yi who is mixed in, what I can understand is just like listening to the scriptures.

When Sakai Ka left, his face seemed a little downcast. Could it be that Hoshino said something that made her unhappy?
Or, did she reprimand Hoshino just now?

It's not like, I saw all the scenes when the two of them were talking. The tone of the aunt and nephew's speech was calm from the beginning to the end, and it didn't look like there was any dispute!
Damn it, don't think about it, I don't understand Japanese, I can't figure out what the words between the two of them mean even if I think about it now.

It's better to wait for Lu Wuming's reply.

Liu Mingzhi really couldn't think of a reason, and finally had to give up the behavior of continuing to waste his brainpower.

Looking around at the surrounding environment, Liu Mingzhi jumped up, and his figure gracefully landed in the gazebo in the courtyard.

As for what Hoshino, his aunt and nephew were talking about, he didn't like it, but what should he do about the moment with the beautiful woman Chunxiao?

It is not suitable to enter, and it is not reconciled to leave.

Do you let yourself just wait like this, and wait until the little girl Yingzhi leaves before going in?

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the moonlight in the sky, and estimated that the curfew would be in about half an hour.

Just waiting aimlessly like this, when will it be a head?

If the girl Yingzhi had to rest in Hoshino's room tonight, wouldn't she be unable to go in until dawn.

Young Master Liu muttered and muttered, suddenly his eyes lit up, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Although I can't enter the room temporarily, I can let Hoshino come out.

Liu Mingzhi listened to the movement in the room calmly and breathlessly, and leaped towards the flower bed in the courtyard with a stride.

Leaning over the flower bed to pick a few moderately sized pebbles, Liu Mingzhi flicked a pebble towards the beauty's door behind the flower bed.

There was a light jingle, and the beautiful lady's voice of some doubts came from the room.

"Who is it?"

Naturally, Young Master Liu couldn't answer in response, so he threw a stone at the door of the beautiful woman's room again with his knuckles.

There was another soft sound, and Liu Mingzhi saw the shadow of Sakai Hoshino getting up from the chair reflected on the door and window.

"Who? Who? Who's at the door?"

Sakai Hoshino's questioning sound came from the room again without hearing the response from outside the door.

"Who's at the door? Why don't you answer?"

"Mother, is it blown by the wind?"

"It's possible, you continue to write your article, mother will go and have a look."


Hearing the words of the mother and daughter, Liu Mingzhi's eyes flashed with joy, watching the beautiful figure on the door gradually shrinking, Liu Mingzhi directly threw the stone in his hand into the flower bed.

The door opened again, and Sakai Hoshino came out with a slight frown, and stopped outside the door to look around.

"anyone there?"

Hearing no response, the beautiful woman walked towards the courtyard lightly with her lotus feet, turning her jade neck from time to time to look around.

Seeing Sakai Hoshino who was gradually approaching him, Liu Mingzhi leaped towards the beautiful woman and appeared in front of the beautiful woman in an instant.

Seeing a black shadow suddenly appearing in front of him, Sakai Hoshino subconsciously opened his mouth to exclaim, but Liu Mingzhi covered his cherry lips.


"Hoshino, don't be afraid, it's me."

(End of this chapter)

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