Chapter 2908

When the beautiful woman heard a familiar voice, she immediately stopped struggling, her beautiful watery eyes stared at the familiar face in front of her.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the half-opened door not far away, then nodded and leaned close to the beautiful woman's earlobe and said softly: "Hoshino, don't be afraid, see clearly, it's me."

After Sakai Hoshino knew who the visitor was, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of anything anymore.

"No no no."

Although he didn't know what the beauty said, but Liu Mingzhi could feel her nodding, so he directly let go of the palm covering the beauty's cherry lips.

"Whirring whirring--"

Sakai Hoshino took a few breaths lightly, looked at Young Master Liu in front of him with pleasant eyes and resentment, and asked softly, "Mr. Liu, why are you here?"

"What? Can't I come to you?"

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu and shook his head hastily: "No, no, that's not what Hoshino meant."

Just when Liu Mingzhi was about to speak, the voice of the little girl Yingzhi who was a little puzzled suddenly came from Sakai Hoshino's room.

"Mother, why haven't you come back yet? Is there anyone outside?"

Sakai Hoshino panicked, turned his head and glanced at the door not far away, and hurriedly grabbed Liu Mingzhi's wrist and walked towards the dark corner next to him.

"Mother? Mother?"

After Sakai Hoshino took Liu Mingzhi to a dark corner, seeing that his daughter was only calling him in the room, but did not come out, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Sakura Zhi, mother is here. Mother sat for too long just now, and felt a little backache, so she moved around in the yard."

"Mother, Yingzhi has been writing for so long, and I also feel back pain, can I also go to the yard for a while?"

When Sakai Hoshino heard his daughter's question, the slender hand that was holding Liu Mingzhi's wrist suddenly tightened, looked towards his room and replied without hesitation.


"But Sakura is really tired."

Sakai Hoshino was about to say something more, but Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Hoshino, let Sakuraori have a rest. Studying is of course very important, but you have to pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

The beauty felt Liu Mingzhi's hot breath on her neck, and she shrank her jade neck with a reddish face.

"Of course you can take a break, but what should Sakuraori do if she wants to come out?
As soon as she comes out, she will definitely see you, Liu Jun. If it's okay during the day, but now it's the dead of night! "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, and suddenly stretched out his arms to wrap around the slender and soft willow waist of the beautiful lady and jumped up. Before she could react, the figures of the two appeared directly on the backside of the roof.

"Wow? Mr. Liu, your kung fu is too good."

"Okay, now Hoshino, you can let Sakuraori go to the yard for activities."

"Okay, Hoshino knows."

"and many more."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's pretty face with doubts, and hugged the beautiful woman's tender and fragrant body in his arms.

"Hoshino, Yingzhi, and my daughter Lianiang, the little sisters, have been playing like crazy in the palace all day, and I think they are already exhausted physically and mentally.

Now that the night is so dark, if I want to talk about the remaining articles, it will not be too late to write tomorrow.

Why don't you just let her go back to her room to rest, don't you think? "

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu looking at him expectantly, and instantly understood the meaning of his words.

There was a moment of turbulent silence, and the beautiful woman replied with a nasal voice like a mosquito.


Young Master Liu grinned, wrapped his arms around the beauty's frail and boneless willow waist, and poked his head out to signal the door in the courtyard.

The beautiful lady cast a coquettish look at Young Master Liu, and looked towards her room with her head slightly.

"Sakura weave."

"Hey, mother."

"It's getting late, I'll write the rest of the articles tomorrow, you can go back to sleep first."

"Huh? Really?"

"Of course it's true. If you don't want to sleep, then keep writing."

"If you don't write, don't write, Sakuraori will go to bed right away.

By the way, mother, where are you?Sakuraori hears your voice, why doesn't it seem to be in the yard? "

Sakai Hoshino's pretty face tightened, and he subconsciously retracted his protruding jade neck.

"Mother is standing at the arch in the courtyard right now, I plan to go elsewhere."

"Mother, please wait a moment, I'll wash off the ink on my fingers, and Sakura will go with you."



"Mother is going to talk to the officials of Honglu Temple about some serious business. It's inconvenient for you to follow, so go back and wash up and sleep."

"Oh, Sakura knows, then mother, you should go to work first."

Sakai Hoshino breathed a sigh of relief, retracted his body and cast a coquettish glance at Liu Mingzhi who was smiling next to him.

"Liu Jun, are you happy now?"

When Liu Mingzhi saw the coquettish and coquettish expressions on the beautiful woman's pretty face, his heart suddenly became hot.

Under the beautiful woman's charming gaze, Liu Mingzhi's palm instinctively swam into the beautiful woman's skirt, carefully measuring the height of the mountain.

"Aren't you happy, Hoshino?"

Sensing Liu Mingzhi's intentions, Sakai Hoshino couldn't help but groaned, and pressed his dishonest hand.

"Hey! Be honest, we'll go back when Sakurai falls asleep."

"It's okay, Yingzhi can't see this way anyway."

"That's not okay, Hoshino will be angry if you do this again, really angry."

Seeing the regretful expression on Liu Mingzhi's face, Jiaren silently buried her hot cheeks into his arms.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino is not afraid that others will find out what happened between us, but I am afraid that Sakura will know what happened between us.

I'm afraid that after Yingzhi finds out, she will look at my mother with strange eyes, and I'm even more afraid that she will hurt her heart.

Sakuraori may or may not understand me.

Before Hoshino knew what Sakuraori would think about the two of us, I didn't dare to bet even if there was only a slight chance.

Hoshino likes Liu Jun very much, but Hoshino also loves Sakurai, his daughter.

I don't want anyone between the two of you to be hurt because of Hoshino.

Let's wait a little longer, shall we?Sakurai sleeps fast. "

Hearing the pleading tone of the beautiful woman in his arms, Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and gently stroked her soft black hair scattered on her back.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, and you can do whatever you say."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

"Thank you, I should apologize to you. I only cared about myself, but forgot to take care of your feelings."

"It's okay, Hoshino can understand Liu Jun."

"Hoshino, how about I ask you a question?"

"Okay! Liu Jun, what do you want to ask?"

"You, do you want to stay in Dalong?"

The beauty's delicate body trembled slightly imperceptibly, Zhenshou left Liu Mingzhi's arms, raised her head and looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes.

The moment Sakai Hoshino raised his head, he happened to see Liu Mingzhi looking at him with complicated eyes.

"Liu...Liu Jun, do you mean to ask Hoshino if he wants to stay? Or, do you want Hoshino to stay?"

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly, looked at the beauty with profound eyes, and looked at the bright moon in the sky with some erratic eyes.

"Huh, of course, of course it's up to you whether you want to stay or not."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu in silence for a while, then leaned slightly sideways and directly pillowed on Liu Mingzhi's arm, quietly looking up at the bright moon in the night sky just like him.

"I do not know either."

"Why don't you know? Don't you know what you are thinking?"

"Then why don't you know, Mr. Liu? Don't you know what's going on in your heart?"

The beauty's answer to the question did not answer the question, which directly made Young Master Liu speechless.

"Liu Jun, let's not talk about this, tell Hoshino the story of your dragon about the moon.

When Sakurai fell asleep, the two of us will go back. "

"Sure, Hoshino, have you heard the story of Chang'e flying to the moon?"

"I've heard it, but Liu Jun, I'd be happy to listen to what you told Hoshino."

"Okay, then I'll tell you about Chang'e Flying to the Moon again."

"Once upon a time, there was a pair..."

I don't know how long it has passed, when the moon was in the sky, there was the sound of the curfew breaking in Honglu Temple.

"Liu Jun, Sakura should be asleep."

Liu Mingzhi didn't say much, he directly picked up the beauty and leaped towards the courtyard.

First, he glanced at the opposite room that was already completely silent, then Liu Mingzhi looked down at the beautiful woman with affectionate eyebrows, and walked straight to the boudoir with the half-open door.

"Liu Jun, close the door."


Liu Mingzhi closed the door gently, looked at the beautiful woman in his arms, and went straight to the bed behind the screen.

"Liu Jun, you, you..."

After about a while, the beauty's room was already full of spring.

The bright moon adds red tonight.

The autumn night is slightly cool, but there is a spring breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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