My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2912 Add fuel to the fire

Chapter 2912 Add fuel to the fire
Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, leaned back on the chair in a comfortable position, and casually opened the booklet with only a few thin pages in his hand.

Seeing this, Suzaku kneaded Liu Mingzhi's shoulders again.

Liu Mingzhi silently read the lines of the document carefully, frowning from time to time and meditating thoughtfully for a moment, and then continued to silently read the rest of the content.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi had carefully read all the content on a page.

When he turned the page of the paper and saw the content on it, he frowned slightly and looked up at the beautiful woman standing behind him, who was kneading his shoulders for him.

"The second page records information about Goguryeo. Is there only one page for information about Wa?"

"Yes, there is only such a page of information for the time being."

Liu Mingzhi sighed with regret on his face, reached out and untied the pipe from his waist and handed it to the beautiful woman behind him.

"It's a little less, and there is hardly any useful information from the above content."

Suzaku saw the pipe that the young master handed to her, and immediately filled it with shredded tobacco.

"Young master, there is no other way to do this, Honglu Temple Shaoqing Master Lu is only a civil servant after all, it is impossible for him to hide his whereabouts as easily as his brothers.

In the past few days, it has been too inconvenient for the brothers to monitor the missions of various countries with Mr. Lu.

During the day, it is inconvenient to monitor because it is impossible to hide their tracks. At night, there is only so much time available.

You also know, young master, that the chief and deputy envoys of the missions of various countries cannot stay together all day long to discuss major issues.

Under all kinds of inconveniences, Mr. Lu was able to sort out so much content, which is quite good.

Master, the shredded tobacco is ready. "


Liu Mingzhi replied with a nasal voice, raised his hand to take the dry tobacco bag handed over by the beauty, and directly lit the shredded tobacco with a torch.

Gently puffing out the smoke, half of Liu Mingzhi's face was directly covered by the dispersing smoke.

"Try to keep it from aunt, and don't let aunt know."

"Master, do you think Missy can really help us?"

"No matter what the situation is, we can only do our best. I hope this trip to Dalong will not disappoint the Patriarch."

"My lord, the old man from the Goguryeo Mission has gone to visit Lord Wang of Honglu Temple again. Shall we also go to Lord Wang's place?"

"Mr. Shiqiao, have you found any useful news?"

"Hey, aunt, she understands His Majesty's character better than we do, now I can only listen to her for the time being, and wait for the good news honestly."

"Mr. Shiqiao, do you think it is possible for His Majesty to reward us with military equipment after the results of the Manchu Civil and Military Collaboration between His Majesty and Dalong?"

Liu Mingzhi muttered again in his heart the more thought-provoking content on the paper, raised his head and silently exhaled a puff of smoke.

I can more or less speculate about the latter content, but what does the previous statement mean?
Try to keep it from aunt, don't let aunt know.

The aunt in Sakai Gakou is also Sakai Hoshino.

What are they going to hide from Hoshino?What things can't let Hoshino know.


"Sir, say it."

"In these days, have you noticed any suspicious people around our house?"

Hearing the young master's question, Suzaku shook his head without hesitation: "Master, Que'er has not received any reports from the brothers."

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes in silence for a while, then read the content on the second page with the cigarette stick in his hand.

After reading all the remaining content one after another, Liu Mingzhi closed the thin booklet and threw it on the table, bent over the brazier and knocked the ashes in the smoke pot.

After refilling a pot of shredded tobacco, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes, carefully reviewing everything he saw in his mind.

"My lord, when shall we go to His Majesty the Emperor and ask him to reward us with a batch of military equipment?"

"Don't worry, now our top priority is to find ways to stumbling the Japanese mission. Only when we are sure that they can't get the excellent military equipment of the Dragon Dynasty, can we proceed to the next step."

"But according to our spies' report, the charming woman named Sakai Hoshino in the Japanese diplomatic mission is now very close to His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon.

Xiaguan was very worried that something unpredictable would happen to her existence.

At that time, if His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is obsessed with her beauty, and thus becomes sympathetic to the reward, then the situation will be bad for us!

Not only the woman Sakai Hoshino, it is said that her daughter Huaqi Yingzhi is also very close to the princesses of several dragons.

Just in case, Xiaguan thinks we should prepare something in advance? "

"Aside from that, is there anything else going on?"

"It's gone for the time being, the Japanese mission seems to have noticed that we are monitoring them, and we have been on strict defense during this time.

My lord, what do you think His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is thinking?

Sakai He first offered so many New Year's Offerings, and then at night he offered such a priceless night pearl.

But what happened?His Majesty the Emperor not to mention agreeing to the request of the Japanese mission, even postponed some of the most basic rewards for Sakai He.

In the end, whether there is really a reward, it is estimated that there is no way to say.

My lord, do you think His Majesty the Emperor has any opinion on the Japanese mission?Or was there someone in the Japanese mission that offended him unintentionally? "

"Dalong has a saying that the king's heart is unpredictable, and the emperor's mind is not something we can fathom.

No matter what His Majesty the Emperor is thinking, at least it is enough that the current situation is beneficial to us.

I think the members of the Japanese diplomatic mission should be more anxious than us to get angry now.

The matter has come to this point, as long as there is no final conclusion on the reward, we will keep watching the changes. "

"The lower official understands, but the lower official suggested that we should do something."

"Hmm! You go and prepare some presents. I will sit with Mr. Wang and see if he can introduce us to Dalong's military department and the two ministers of the Ministry of Industry."

"Yes, I understand, I will go back as soon as I go."

As for the discussion between the principal and deputy envoys of the other countries, it is much simpler. Apart from making more money in the market, it is how to buy enough Dalong special products to the greatest extent and bring them back to the mainland.

Liu Mingzhi silently opened his eyes, and let out a long breath with a half-smile.

Good guy, life is really like a play, it all depends on acting skills!
Beforehand, I didn't realize at all that apart from Sakai He, Goguryeo's envoy Kim Tae-un actually wanted to reward him with a batch of excellent military equipment.

It seems that Kazuko Sakai's coalition forces, the Japanese royal family and the reinforcements from Goguryeo have really reached the point where they are in the same situation.

It's a pity that the content recorded on the paper is a bit too one-sided after all, and it is difficult for me to analyze any useful information from it.


"Hey, master?"

"About the content on the paperwork, do you have anything to say?"

"Well, Que'er won't say much about the root of the conflict between the missions of the Wa Kingdom and the Goguryeo Kingdom.

Que'er thinks that if we want to get more information, we might as well play some tricks on the conflict between them. "

"Good bird, you and the young master want to go together, then let's add fire to them, so that the fire between them will be stronger."

"Add fuel to the fire?"

"The one who knows me is Que'er."

Liu Mingzhi raised his mouth slightly, and looked up towards the door of the study.

"Come on."

"The servant is here."

"Let Liu Song quickly come to the study to meet me."

"As ordered, the servant will leave."

The sound of footsteps outside the study gradually faded away, Liu Mingzhi picked up two pieces of rice paper and spread it on the desk, dipped a pen in ink and swiped at the desk to write.

Around the time of cupping tea, there was a knock on the door in the room.

"Master, the little one is here."

"come in."


Liu Song pushed the door open, walked directly to Liu Mingzhi's desk and stopped.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Liu Song nodded and stood opposite First Young Master Liu, as if he didn't see Suzaku standing behind him.

Liu Mingzhi casually picked up the two letters on the table and handed them directly to Liu Song.

"Send someone to send these two letters to the Ministry of War and the two ministers of the Ministry of Industry."

"Yes, master, do you have anything else to do?"

"No, go get busy."

"Yes, the little one retire."

After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi stood up from the chair and stretched his waist around.



"Is there any important matter for Suzaku Division that you need to deal with?"

Suzaku's pretty face froze for a moment, as if she understood something, she looked at Young Master Liu with charming eyes and shook her head without hesitation.


Young Master Liu raised his brows, immediately hugged the beautiful woman up, and walked towards the soft cave not far away with a happy face.

"Then let's talk about life."

"Master, uh~"

When the autumn is high and the air is crisp, the spring breeze visits Yumen.

(End of this chapter)

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