Chapter 2913 Principles
The next day.

In the small and quiet courtyard of the Honglu Temple Government Office, Liu Mingzhi stared in astonishment at the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi who was holding a bunch of candied haws in front of him.

"What? Your mother went out again today?"

Huaqi Yingzhi stretched out her clove tongue and licked the candied haws in her hand a few times, looked up at Young Master Liu and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, sir, mother, she went out when the sun was around three poles.

Yingzhi originally wanted to go out with my mother, but no matter what Yingzhi said, my mother refused to take me with her. "

Seeing the little girl's serious expression, Liu Mingzhi folded his folding fan and looked a few times into the boudoir where the beauty lived.

After Huaqi Yingzhi saw Young Master Liu's actions, she stretched out her hand and tugged at his sleeve with a puffy face.

"Sir, do you not believe Sakurazhi's words? If you don't believe me, I will take you to your mother's room right now to see if she is hiding in the room."

"No, no, sir, how could you not believe Sakuraori's words!"


"Of course it's true, Sakurazhi, how obedient you are, how could you deceive your husband!"

"Yeah, thank you sir."

"Sakura weave."

"Huh? Sir?"

"Didn't Mister ask you to tell your mother yesterday evening that Mister is coming to see her this morning? Didn't you inform her?"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Young Master Liu's face, the little girl hurriedly shook her head: "Notified, notified. Sir, as soon as mother came back yesterday, Yingzhi told sir that you are coming to see her today. her."

Hearing the little girl's explanation, Liu Mingzhi put his fan bone against his chin and began to think in confusion.

what's the situation?Akira Hoshino knew that I was going to look for her today, so why did he go out anyway?

Could it be that she has something important that she has to deal with in person?
But Hoshino has no relatives and no reason in the capital, what important things can she have?
Could it be that she was avoiding me on purpose, knowing that I was coming to her, that's why she went out?

Then it shouldn't be, obviously it was the silly woman Hoshino who sent someone to find herself yesterday afternoon, asking if she was free today.

If she wanted to hide from herself, there would be no need to send someone to find herself yesterday afternoon.

Liu Mingzhi, who really couldn't figure it out, shook his head with a tangled expression, and happily squatted in front of the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi.

"Sakura weave."

"Hey, sir."

"Do you know what your mother did with her?"

The little girl shook her head resolutely, looked at Eldest Young Master Liu and said softly, "I don't know, just after Yingzhi and Niangqin had dinner this morning, Sister Yue'er hurried over."

"What? Your elder sister Yue'er came to see your mother again today?"

"Yeah, Yingzhi and Niangqin just had dinner, and Sister Yueer came.

After Sister Yue'er came, Mother and the others muttered something, and then they went out talking and laughing together. "

"Then Yingzhi, do you know what your mother and your elder sister Yue'er said?"

"I don't know, Yingzhi saw that the two of them were mysterious when they talked.

Every time Yingzhi wanted to eavesdrop on them, she would be stared at by her mother. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl's depressed expression, gently opened the jade fan and stood up.

For a long time, the reason why Hoshino didn't wait for him was because of Yue'er, a stinky girl.

It's strange, when did this stinky girl, Yue'er, become so close to Hoshino?
The most important thing is, what did they go out together for two and a half mornings?
While Liu Mingzhi was thinking, Mu Ran thought of the scenes that happened at the night of the palace banquet many days ago.

I vaguely remember Liu Song telling himself that Yue'er and Hoshino whispered something to each other that night, see you tomorrow.

Could it be that Yue'er came to Hoshino because of the agreement made on the night of the palace banquet?

No, it has been several days since today. If they had any agreement before, it should have been completed two days ago!
"Sakura weave."


"Tell me, sir, today is the first time your elder sister Yueer has come to see your mother and go out together?"

"Hmm~ It seems to be the third time, right? It seems to be the fourth time, Sakuraori can't remember clearly."

"What? Today is the third or fourth time that your sister Yue'er has come to see your mother?"

"That's right, not three times, but already the fourth time."

Liu Mingzhi frowned immediately after hearing Huaqi Yingzhi's explanation.

What the hell?Since when did this girl, Yue'er, have such a deep friendship with Hoshino?

And the two of them went out together so intensively, what on earth were they doing?
"Miss Yingzhi, Miss Yingzhi, Lianiang came to play with you, let's go outside the city to release paper kites together today, shall we?

Huh?Dad, why are you also in Honglu Temple?Are you here to see Aunt Hoshino? "

While Liu Mingzhi was thinking secretly, Liu Lianiang's cheering voice suddenly came to mind in the quiet courtyard.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, turned around and looked directly behind him, only to see his good daughter Liu Lianiang looking at him with a small face in surprise.

"Lianniang? Why are you here?"

Liu Lianiang jumped up and down in front of First Young Master Liu, looked at her father with a smile, raised the paper kite in her hand and waved it a few times.

"Daddy, Lianiang and Miss Yingzhi made an appointment a few days ago, and today we are going to release paper kites outside the city together.

Sister Lingyun, sister Yunxin, brother Zhengran and the others have already gone ahead of the city and waited for the two of us. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, stretched out his hand and patted Liu Lianniang's bun a few times.

"So that's the case, then you all go to release paper kites outside the city together."

"Yeah, thank you daddy."

"Sir, then Yingzhi and Sister Lianiang went to play outside the city first, see you later."

"Go, go, don't forget to be careful."


"Daddy, see you later."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the backs of the two little sisters holding hands and walking away together, casually glanced at the closed door a dozen steps away, and turned back the same way, shaking the carved jade fan.

Yue'er, Yue'er, you stinky girl, don't ruin your father's plan.

There is nothing against you as a father if you get closer to your Aunt Hoshino, but you must not make any mistakes of principle.

Otherwise, the father will have to worry about it again.

Liu Mingzhi wasn't afraid that Cutie would take Sakai Hoshino to do some outrageous things, but he was worried that Cutie would inadvertently promise something to Hoshino.

And these promises are very likely to mess up some of his original plans.

Liu Mingzhi walked out of the Honglu Temple government office swaggeringly while secretly discussing.

(End of this chapter)

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