Chapter 2914
After Liu Mingzhi left Honglu Temple, he stopped on the street and looked around at the pedestrians coming and going with a somewhat tangled expression.

I thought I could relive my old dreams with the beautiful woman today, but I never thought that something like this would happen in the end.

This appointment failed, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Today, there is neither court meeting nor memorial documents, so even if I go home, I will be idle with nothing to do.

"Forget it, my young master, I'd better set up a stall to tell fortunes honestly, and earn more money for tea."

Liu Mingzhi muttered something to himself, with a look of regret and sigh, and rushed towards the main street not far away.

On the way Young Master Liu went to Penglai Restaurant, at the same time, in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, one of the top ten famous buildings in the capital, the little cutie was looking at the beautiful twenty-eight beauty in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Hey, what a rare visitor, isn't this Brother Liu? Why are you willing to come to our Spring Wind Pavilion?

The slave family said why there were magpies chirping on the branches early this morning. It turned out to be Brother Liu, you are coming to our Spring Wind Pavilion. "

Erba Jiaren looked at the cutie with a smile on her face, and there was an undisguised resentment in her pretty eyes.

The cutie nodded happily, then turned to look at Sakai Hoshino, who was also disguised as a man, who was next to her.

"Brother Jing, let me introduce you, brother.

Miss Rumeng, one of the most powerful ladies in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to poetry, wine, and flower tea.

To put it bluntly, in order to win the favor of Rumeng beauty, the princes in the capital almost broke through the threshold of Chunfeng Pavilion. "

Sakai Hoshino nodded with a strange expression, and silently looked at the [-]th beauty standing beside the cutie.

While Sakai Hoshino was looking at Erba Jiaren Rumeng, Erba Jiaren was also looking at Sakai Hoshino who was disguised as a man next to Xiaocuti.

"Brother Liu, who is this distinguished guest?"

The little cutie frowned, and happily embraced the beauty's fragrant shoulders.

"Rumeng, this is my good brother, Mr. Jing."

Rumeng looked at the little cutie winking at her, and hurriedly gave Sakai Hoshino a blessing.

"My house is like a dream. I have met Mr. Wanan."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you sir."

After Rumeng got up, Qiaolian came to the little cutie's ear with some surprise and blew a breath of fragrance.

"Brother Liu, you rarely bring others to the Spring Wind Pavilion!
It is rare for you to invite others to come to the Spring Breeze Pavilion to drink and have fun today. It seems that this gentleman has an extraordinary status! "

The little cutie squinted her eyes, and glanced at the beauty with a half-smile.

"Brother Jing is one of my lord's most trusted people, today you girls from the Spring Breeze Pavilion have to show your housekeeping skills and serve Brother Jing well.

As long as Brother Jing, my son, is happy, rewards and the like are indispensable to you. "

"Hey, good brother, if you say that, then my sister, I will immediately notify the sisters to welcome guests later."

The little cutie casually patted Erba Jiaren's buttocks a few times, took out a piece of broken silver from her cuff, and stuffed it directly into the snow-white gully of the beauty in front of her.

"Sister Rumeng, have you missed me these days?"

Rumeng Lingluo flicked her long sleeves, put the broken silver into Yunyan's cuff without any trace, and then threw her whole body directly into the arms of the little cutie.

The cutie is not too polite, her hands are naturally wandering wantonly on the beauty's uneven, exquisite and graceful body.

Like a dream and smiling like a flower, she rolled her eyes at the cute little girl who was obviously handsome, but was aggressive with her. She directly picked up the little cutie's slender and slender jade hands and put them in the undulating front of her chest.

"Brother Liu, what you said really made my family feel sad.

What I miss you is that I don't think about tea, I don't eat well, I don't sleep well, and when we meet you ask if I miss you.

It's been almost half a month since the last farewell, and you came to see Nu's family. Hmph, Nu's family is angry. "

The little cutie looked at the charming beauty of the beauty in her arms who pretended to be angry, raised her hands and hugged Rumeng's soft and boneless waist.

"Oh, it seems that my good sister, are you angry with your brother?"

Rumeng snuggled up to the little cutie's shoulder, and blew the scent of Ruozhilan into the little cutie's earlobe.

"Of course the slave family is angry, brother Liu, who made you so cruel, why didn't you come to accompany him for so long.

Good brother, are you in love with someone else's girl again?Quickly tell my sister, which family's Hu Meizi has such a great charm, and makes you so obsessed, good brother.

After being obsessed with it for half a month, I finally remembered to come to Chunfeng Pavilion to take a look at the slave's house. "

"Sister Rumeng, you have wronged my brother and me.

Didn't my brother tell you a long time ago that even though there are thousands of beauties in the world, my brother and I only have a soft spot for you, my good sister.

My son, I am Ruoshui Qiansan, I only take one scoop.

With you as a good sister, no matter how beautiful the other beauties are, even if they are immortals, they are nothing but floating clouds to my brother and me.

Only you, Sister Rumeng, are the existence that my son and I have been dreaming of! "

The little cutie's sweet words that make the beauty so sweet to the bone can be said to come out of her mouth, a few words can make the anger on Rumeng's charming and beautiful face disappear.

Rumeng rolled her eyes coquettishly, and tidied up her skirt as before pretending to be coquettish.

"Come on, the sisters all say that men's mouths are deceitful, who knows how much of your words are true and how much is false?"

"Heaven and earth conscience, brother, why am I willing to lie to my good sister?

Seeing that you have such a pouty cherry mouth that you can hang two catties of pastries, come on, let me kiss you first, and I will treat you as Brother Liu's apology. "

When Rumeng heard the little cutie's coaxing words, instead of retreating, she directly closed her charming eyes slightly, raised her jade neck, and brought her delicate and charming cherry mouth to the little cutie's face.


The cutie was not polite, just like a suave dandy, she directly leaned over to the beautiful woman's red lips and kissed deeply.

"My good sister, are you satisfied now? My good brother, today's first kiss is dedicated to you. If you are still not satisfied, brother, I really have no choice."

Rumeng also accepts as soon as she sees it, she looks at the cutie with a smile like a flower and nods vigorously.

"Satisfied, satisfied, Brother Liu, you love the Nu family so much, how can the Nu family be dissatisfied."

The little cutie raised her hand with a smile, and tugged Rumengzhu's round and jade-run earlobe.

"It's good to be satisfied, but don't forget what Brother Liu told you.

Your little cherry mouth, which is so delicate and charming, belongs only to you, Brother Liu, and me. If you let my good brother know, this little mouth of yours has been tasted by other men.

Then, you are not the only good sister who is unlucky.

The person who belongs to me, Liuluo, I don't like being touched by others.

Do you understand? "

Rumeng looked at the little cutie's eyes that were clearly smiling but full of sternness, and her delicate face hurriedly hugged the little cutie's arms in her arms in a panic.

"Good brother, since the day Rumeng started to pick up guests, Mama Liu said that from now on Rumeng will only belong to you.

I have known you for so long, good brother, except for you, Rumeng has never let any man touch me with a finger.

You know Rumeng, even if Rumeng is smashed to pieces, she will not betray you. "

The little cutie looked at Rumeng's nervous expression that was about to cry, raised her hand with a light smile, and stroked the beauty's tender cheeks a few times.

"Don't be wronged, good brother, of course I believe you."

"Yeah, thank you, brother."

"Where's Mama Liu?"

"I am entertaining Sun Gongzi upstairs, how many of them are Chen Gongzi?"

The little cutie's eyes lit up, and she happily glanced at the Accord on the third floor.

"Sun Chi, Chen Qi, Wei Changyu and the other bastards are here too?"

"Mr. Sun and the others came as soon as Chunfeng Pavilion opened in the morning. Now they have been drinking for almost half an hour."

"That would be great, go find Mother Liu and tell me that my son is here.

By the way, let Sun Chi and the other bastards tell them that my son is about to open, and ask them if they dare to come. "

"Yes, good brother, wait for a while, I will go back to my slave's house."

(End of this chapter)

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