My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2915 I Raise You

Chapter 2915 I Raise You
Rumeng Lian walked lightly all the way to the third floor, Sakai Hoshino looked around at the charming beauties coming and going, and pulled the little cutie's sleeves with a bit of embarrassment.


Just when the little cutie was about to respond, a young woman in her twenties greeted the little cutie with a look of surprise.

"Hey, my family has been wondering just now, which young master from Yushu Linfeng has come to our Spring Breeze Pavilion.

Isn't this my sister, my brother Liu?Why are you willing to come to our Spring Breeze Pavilion today? "

The little cutie looked at the beautiful lady who came up to her with a charming face, took out a piece of silver from her cuff again, and stuffed it directly into the trembling mountains of the beautiful lady.

"Does it need to be said? Brother, of course I miss you, Sister Lingdang? How is it? Sister Lingdang, do you have any guests in the curtain today?
If not, how about I go talk to you about life and ideals, little brother? "

The charming beauty named Ling Dang glanced at the broken silver on her chest with a charming look in her eyes. She did not put away the broken silver, but put her plump body directly on the little cutie's body.

"Brother Liu, are you serious about what you just said?"

"Good sister, do you really mean what you say about my younger brother?"

Ling Dang raised her hand and took the broken silver from her chest, and stuffed it into the little cutie's hand with her backhand, and then took out another ingot of silver from her plump bosom and stuffed it into the little cutie's hand.

"Good brother, as long as you can become my sister's guest today, let alone take your money, my sister will give you money back.

Today, as long as you can serve your sister comfortably, I will give you whatever you want from a good sister.

It's just, don't be the same as before, just say you don't do fake tricks.

Seriously, good sister, I have been greedy for you, a young chicken, for a long time. When will you be able to follow my sister's heart? "

The little cutie nodded and looked at the silver ingot in her hand, scratching her head in embarrassment.

"Sister Lingdang, you are too scary, right? You are also one of the famous names in the Spring Wind Pavilion, why do you act like you have never seen a man before?

The younger brother's body is really unable to resist your good sister's kindness, so please forgive me. "

The bell let out a silver bell-like laugh indifferently, and half of her delicate body hung directly on the little cutie.

"Good brother, I've seen a lot of men, Miss Ling Dang, but I don't see many good sisters with a man like you who has a heart and no guts.

As long as you follow Sister Bell's wish, I will support you in the future. "

Looking at the charming and fanatical eyes of the beautiful woman in front of her, the little cutie rarely showed a wry smile.

"Sister Lingdang, you can just spare me, little brother, I really don't have the good fortune to accept your kindness."

Just when Ling Ding was about to say something more, Little Cutie directly returned the broken silver and silver ingots in her hand to the charming beauty in front of her.

Under Ling Dang's somewhat resentful eyes, the little cutie took out another silver ticket from her bosom and stuffed it into the beautiful woman's jade hand.

"Sister Lingdang, your kind little brother appreciates you, but I haven't reached the point where I need a good sister to support me."

The coquettish look on Ling Dang's pretty face lightened a little, and she looked at the little cutie with complicated eyes.

"Good brother, what are you?"

The little cutie glanced around at the beauties coming and going around her, and pulled the bell into her arms.

After Bell, who had an enchanting face, saw the little cutie's movements, a hint of nervousness flashed across her pretty face full of charm.

"Brother Luo, you?"

"Sister Ling Dang, many things that have happened, even if my younger brother wants to help you, he can't change anything.

Live a good life in the future, don't wrong yourself. "

Ling Dang was stunned for a moment, then pushed away the little cutie who was holding her in her arms, and a charming smile appeared on her pretty face again.

"Silly brother, you are so naive. There is no real affection for people like us."

"Miss Bell."

"Why? Looking at your serious look, what do you want to say to my sister?"

"It's nothing. I haven't seen you for a long time. I feel that you are beautiful again, sister."

Ling Dang's beautiful eyes cast a charming look on the little cutie, and she mentioned Ling Luoxiu and walked towards the backyard coquettishly.

"Virtue, a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost, it would be strange if my sister believed you."

Little Cutie's face froze, and when she was about to refute something, the bell that had already walked a few steps away suddenly turned back again.

"Sister Bell, what is this?"

Bell sighed softly, and stuffed the broken silver and banknotes into the little cutie's arms again.

"Good brother, sister, no matter what you think, sister, what I said before still counts."

"Miss Bell."

Bell didn't care what the little cutie wanted to say, and under the tangled eyes of the little cutie, she twisted her plump willow waist and left.

"Good brother, my sister is waiting for you to come anytime, my sister."

The little cutie watched the beautiful woman's shadow disappear behind the curtain, holding the broken silver and bank notes in her hands with a somewhat tangled expression, and looked at Sakai Hoshino, whose eyes were twitching non-stop.

"Aunt Hoshino, do I look like the kind of man who can attract bees and butterflies?"

Sakai Hoshino looked at the little cutie's face with a strange expression for a moment, then turned his head to look at the bell that had long since disappeared, and silently shook his head.

"Not like."

"By the way, Yue'er, although I am a woman disguised as a man, it is not enough to..."



"Yue'er, you are more capable of winning the favor of the eldest daughter and the younger daughter-in-law than your father.

My aunt originally thought that your father was enough to talk smooth words, but after following you out, I realized what it meant to be a little witch.

Yue'er, fortunately you belong to a family of daughters like your aunt, if you are really a romantic and suave son, then the girls in the capital will suffer. "

Seeing the weird expression on Sakai Hoshino's face, the cutie scratched his forehead with his little finger depressedly.

"Well, in fact, you are not the only one who said that, Aunt Hoshino, and my father also gritted his teeth more than once and became furious.

There is no way, who made this girl, I am naturally beautiful, so cute, so beautiful? "

Sakai Hoshino thought that cutie would be more modest, but when he heard her words, he was stunned.

"Huh? What?"

"Aunt Hoshino, why are you acting so fussy?
To be honest, my girl, I just grow casually, but who would have thought that such a casual length would lead to such a charming appearance?
Alas, if you want to blame, blame my father for being handsome and suave, and if you want to blame, blame my mother for her beauty, which is rare in the world.

As long as the stinky father and my mother are more ordinary-looking, Yue'er and I don't have to worry about it.

What a pity, what a pity.

Who made our roots good, there is no way.

Tsk tsk tsk, what a worry! "

Sakai Hoshino stared blankly at the deeply emotional cutie, wanted to say something, but was speechless.

However, she really wanted to ask the little cutie.

Yue'er, you have lived so long, have you ever been beaten?
(End of this chapter)

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