My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2916 made a fortune

Chapter 2916 made a fortune

Seeing Sakai Hoshino looking at her with a strange expression and the appearance of being silent for a long time, the little cutie knew what she was thinking without even thinking about it.

"Aunt Hoshino."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The little cutie happily walked to Sakai Hoshino's side, raised her hand and hugged her shoulder with a smile.

"Good aunt, did Yue'er look too smug just now?"

You still know?You still know?
Besides, can the words you just said be called smug?Obviously it should be called owe beating, right?

Although you are indeed beautiful, we don't need to sow hatred, do we?
Aren't you big dragons supposed to be humble and polite?How come you have completely changed your style of painting?
Sakai Hoshino murmured to himself with a gloomy face, looked slightly sideways at the cutie and shook his head a few times pretending to laugh.

"Uh! Uh! It's not smug, after all, what you said, Yue'er, is the truth."

The little cutie raised her eyebrows, turned her head to look around, stood on tiptoe and gave Sakai Hoshino a strong kiss on the cheek without any warning.

"As expected of Yue'er, my good aunt, she speaks nicely.

Unlike the stinky old man in our family, every time Yue'er first started to look pretty, he always put on a face and told me to look in the mirror.

I really don't understand the thoughts of my daughter's family at all. I really don't know what my mother and so many aunts are interested in him. "

Sakai Hoshino heard that cutie was bracing about his father without hesitation, he just shook his head with a wry smile and didn't answer anything.

Regarding the 'contradictions' in my own family between the father and daughter, it is not something that an outsider can evaluate.

Cutie can tell from Sakai Hoshino's expression that Aunt Hoshino seems to be reluctant to comment on the matter between herself and Smelly Dad.

She smiled indifferently, put her arms around the beautiful lady's fragrant shoulders and pouted towards the third floor of Chunfeng Pavilion, and directly changed the topic to today's purpose.

"Aunt Hoshino, wait for Sun Chi, Chen Qi and the other bastards to come down later, then I will depend on you, Auntie, for the rest.

Regardless of their identities, you can just give Yue'er a few bastards for them.

In a word, as long as they can't die from drinking, drink them to death.

We still use the old rules to divide the money won at the opening.

Good aunt, you can rest assured that you can hang out with me, Liu Luoyue, as long as there is a bite from me, there will be a bite from you.

As for the bastards, if they dare to renege on their red eyes, then the rest of the matter can be handled by this girl.

Even if the sky falls, I, Liu Luoyue, will support it.

Bi Haoheng, since the day Liu Luoyue was sensible, I have never been afraid of anyone.

How is it, good aunt, how are you doing today?Are you confident? "

Sakai Hoshino saw the little cutie's suddenly nervous expression, raised his hand to caress his flat and slender waist, smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture.


The cutie let out a long breath suddenly, and walked towards the desk not far away, holding Sakai Hoshino in his arms.

"Huh~ Aunt Hoshino, before they come down, eat some pastries to fill your belly."

"No need, the food I ate on the street is enough, Yue'er, if you are hungry, you can just eat it yourself."

"Yue'er isn't hungry either. I'm mainly afraid that Aunt Hoshino, you haven't eaten well, and something will go wrong. Are you sure you won't order any more?"

"It's really unnecessary. I've already eaten enough. If I eat more, I may not be able to drink it later."

"Then you'd better stop eating, it's important to drink."

As soon as the little cutie's voice fell, a somewhat silly voice came from the stairs not far away.

"Master Ben was discussing with the brothers just now, who is so arrogant, let us brothers take the initiative to meet with you.

After a while, it turned out to be Brother Liu!No wonder such a big shelf.

Long time no see, Brother Liu, you are really more and more handsome!

Brother Liu, younger brother Sun Chi is polite. "

"Wei Changyu met Brother Liu, the younger brother is polite.

Brother Liu, just now I heard Miss Rumeng say that you are looking for some of our brothers to open the market. I don’t know how Brother Liu plans to gamble today? "

Hearing the teasing words from the stairs, Little Cutie picked up the pastry in her hand and took a bite, then casually threw the remaining half of the pastry into the plate beside her.

The little cutie chewed the pastry in her mouth, patted her hands a few times, pulled the fake beard under Qiong's nose, stepped on the stool next to her, raised her jade neck and looked towards the five people on the stairs with a smile that was not a smile. The young man in brocade clothes looked over.

"Go away, you guys are so fucking close to me.

Roll down for me one by one, you know my habit, I never like to talk to others with my head up.

You know my son, I don't like to reason with people with fists.

But sometimes, I don't mind using my fists to reason with you. "

After the cutie finished speaking, she happily licked her lips, clenched her fists intentionally or unintentionally, and gestured in front of her a few times.

When the five sons on the stairs saw the little cutie clenching her fist and gesticulating, fear flashed in their eyes.

The five sons looked at each other, looked at each other with some embarrassment and depression, and hurried down the stairs.

"Brother Liu, Brother Liu, as the saying goes, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, but we are all dignified people, what does it look like to fight and kill?"

"That's right, Brother Sun is right, talking with his fists at every turn is the method of a vulgar person, and a gentleman like you, Brother Liu, would definitely disdain that kind of thing.

We are all scholars, it is better to be in Wendou, or better to be in Wendou. "

"Brother Liu, we don't need to talk about vulgar polite words. Since you took the initiative to ask us to start a bet today, you think highly of us brothers.

Brother Liu, speak up, how can we bet?Our brothers risk their lives to accompany the gentleman. "

"That's right, whether it's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry, wine, flower tea, or dice Pai Gow, mahjong and so on.

As long as it is a normal opening, we brothers will accompany you to the end.

But well. "

The cutie glared angrily at the youngest-looking boy next to her, raised her hand and slapped it heavily on the table.

"But what? Wei Changyu, you fucking fart as long as you want."

Wei Changyu was not annoyed either, he smiled and rubbed his fingers at the cutie.

"Brother Liu, have you brought enough? Don't be unhappy at the critical moment!"

The little cutie groaned and sneered, reached out and took out a stack of bank notes from her arms and threw them on the table.

"3000 taels, dare to come?"

The five young men froze, subconsciously looked at the stack of bank notes on the table, and swallowed a few times involuntarily.

They stared at the banknote for a while, then shifted their gazes to the little cutie, with fiery but hesitant expressions in their eyes.

Although my brothers have been well-clothed and well-fed since they were young, and have never been short of money, but taking out 3000 taels of silver at once is definitely not a small amount for them.

If you lose, it will definitely be a painful loss.


"Three... 3000 taels?"

"Brother Liu, isn't 3000 two sessions too much?"

The little cutie raised her hands and rolled up her sleeves, looked at the five young masters in front of her with disdain and sneered a few times.

"Look at how cowardly you guys are, who was the one who brazenly said that he would stay with me till the end?
A mere 3000 taels of silver, each of you can only share 600 taels, what is it to you?
Such a big person, don't you have any courage?
In a word, do you dare to come?
If you don't have the courage, what kind of brothels are you still visiting?Just go home and hug my old lady as a good baby. "

The conversation between Xiaocuti and the others had already attracted the attention of all the literati and poets in Chunfeng Pavilion. While they were talking, dozens of people had already gathered around to watch.

"Brother Sun, can you do it? Are you afraid of only so little money?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Sun, this is not like the characters of you guys."

"Brother Wei, isn't it just a few hundred taels of silver? Brother Liu is so proud to display the banknotes. You guys are not cowardly, are you?"

"That's right, are you going to open or not? We're still waiting to make a bet!"

Amidst the yelling of everyone around you, Sun Chi and the others looked at each other with aggrieved expressions.

"Brother grandson?"

"Brother Chen?"

Sun Chi, the oldest, took a heavy breath, took out a stack of bank notes from his arms and threw them on the table.

Depending on the denomination and thickness of those bank notes, they must be around 1000 taels to say the least.

"Go, go, you don't need to make a fuss here, let alone a few hundred taels of silver, even a few thousand taels of silver is nothing to this young master.

What is there to be afraid of, young master?Opening is opening. "

Seeing that Sun Chi had already revealed his money, the other four sons also gritted their teeth and took out a stack of silver bills from their pockets and threw them on the table.

It's just that their banknotes have a much smaller denomination compared to the cutie banknotes.

"Brother Liu, let's open the market."

"Open, open."

"The market is open. Brother Liu and Brother Sun have already challenged the market. If the market does not open at this time, when will it open?"

"Yes, yes, open, open."

The little cutie turned her head and glanced at the excited people around her, then cheerfully raised her hands and waved them a few times.

"Men and young men, what are you still doing in a daze? Let's fight for the table."

"Brother Liu is proud."

"Young Master Liu is magnificent, I admire my old brother."

"Come on, don't be too polite, hurry up and give Mr. Liu a seat."

The onlookers flattered them a bit, and gathered in groups of three or five, carrying tables and walking towards the center of the Chunfeng Pavilion hall.

Sun Chi slapped his thigh without a trace, smiled lightly and punched the cutie.

"Brother Liu, since you are here to open the market today, it is up to you to decide what to bet on."

The little cutie smiled mischievously, and scratched her forehead with her fingers as she looked at the various girls in brothels in the hall of Chunfeng Pavilion.

"Chunfeng Pavilion is a place for drinking and having fun. If you bet on other things, it is somewhat inappropriate, then bet on bars."


"That's right, there are many guests in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, and there are countless beauties to accompany them. We can only live up to the beautiful scenery by gambling."

"Okay, according to brother Liu's words, let's gamble on wine, how do we gamble?"

The corner of the cutie's lips twitched slightly, and she raised her hand to gesture to the table case that had been put together a dozen steps away.


"Brother Jing, it will all be up to you later."

Sakai Hoshino raised his brows slightly, looked at Sun Chi and the others, and nodded at the cutie with a half-smile.

"There are only five people, so the problem is not too big."

When the little cutie heard Sakai Hoshino's words, the smile on her face suddenly became stronger. She flicked the folding fan in her hand, and took a step forward with a spring-like smile on her face.

Sun Chi and the others looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and followed Cutie and Sakai Hoshino towards the table.

"Mr. Liu, brother, I have prepared the bank notes in my hand. Have you settled on what to bet?"

"Yes, yes, it's about to open."

The cutie waved her hand to signal the crowd to be silent, she sat carelessly on the chair in the main seat, raised her hand and snapped her fingers behind her.

"Mother Liu."

"Hey, here you are, Mr. Liu, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are handsome again.

You haven't come to our Chunfeng Pavilion for a few days, but now that you're here, our Chunfeng Pavilion is really full of splendor. "

The little cutie slightly raised her head and glanced at the flattering smiling face of the old bustard beside her, then casually took out a silver coin from her cuff and threw it over.

Mother Liu looked at the silver ingot in her hand, the smile on her face grew stronger, she raised her hand and gently pushed the little cutie's shoulder.

"Hey, thank you so much Mr. Liu for the reward, then I will not be polite to you."

"Mother Liu."

"Hey, Mr. Liu, just give orders."

"Go, give me twenty altars of the old wine stored in the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

This young master's taste is very tricky, don't use those drinks that are not on the table to perfuse this young master.

Otherwise, you know. "

"Hey, Mr. Liu, what are you talking about? Even if you lent me ten guts, my slave wouldn't dare to perfunctory you.

Mr. Liu, all distinguished guests, please sit down for a while, the food and wine will be here soon. "

Ms. Liu exchanged pleasantries with the people around her, and called the servants who were a few steps away to hurry towards the backyard of Chunfeng Pavilion.

The little cutie gently shook off the folding fan in her hand, picked up a peanut and popped it into her mouth.

"Sun Chi, Wei Changyu, you brothers must have had a drink when you were on the third floor just now, right?"

Although Sun Chi and the others didn't know what cutie meant, they still nodded slightly in response.

"That's right, before Brother Liu called us down to meet each other, we brothers more or less drank a few glasses of wine."

"Drink all?"

"I drank it all."

"Since that's the case, then I won't take advantage of you."

"Huh? Brother Liu, what do you mean by that?"

"When we're betting against each other later, we won't do those fancy tricks anymore, we'll punch and drink directly, and whoever falls last will be the final winner

For the sake of the fact that you have all had a drink, I won't take advantage of you, my lord.

Punching and drinking, I will fight against the five of you alone.

Such a bet, is this young master fair enough to you?
As for whether you take advantage or not, I won't say much, and you all know it in your own hearts. "

After Sun Chi and the others listened to the little cutie's words, they stared at the little cutie for a while before recovering.

If they weren't sober now and knew what was going on, they would have really wondered if they had drunk too much and misheard.

The literati and poets who were about to place their bets were also in an uproar, and they all looked in shock at the carefree little cute sitting on the chair.

They thought the same as Sun Chi and the other five, and they all wondered if they had heard it wrong.

However, the people who were able to come to Chunfeng Pavilion were more or less people who had seen the world. Although they were shocked, they didn't make any noise.

Although Sun Chi and the others were sure that they didn't drink too much, just in case, they still stared at the cutie sitting on the chair opposite.

"Brother Liu, do you really want a one-on-five match?"

"Brother Liu, with a word from a gentleman, it's hard to catch up with four horses!"

"Brother Liu, are you sure?"

"We've known each other for so long, when did you ever see me cheating?
how about it?Dare to bet? "

"Huh—Brother Liu, I dare not doubt your character, but I dare to doubt my own ears.

Are you sure, you want one person against five of us brothers? "

"I'm sure, I will spit and nail every time, and I will never go back on my word.

You have already drunk, if this young master bets fairly with you, he will be considered a winner.

That's also an invincible victory.

Mr. Qian can afford to lose, but Mr. Qian doesn't like to lose face.

In a word, bet or not? "

The hesitant eyes of Sun Chi and the other five suddenly became hot.

If it weren't for the fact that they were beaten by the little cutie and tried too much, they really wanted to touch the little cutie's forehead.

See if the little cutie is infected with the cold and has a fever.

Damn, Brother Liu, did he come out after drinking?Isn't it obvious that he is sending money to his brother and others?
If you don't dare to gamble again, you are really a coward.



"Accompany you to the end."

"Sacrifice your life to accompany the gentleman."

"Brother Liu, let's drink whatever you want."

"Young Master Liu is proud."

"Young master Liu, although my brother dare not suppress your treasure, but with your courage, my brother will definitely toast you three cups afterwards."

"Brother Liu, there is no love in the casino, my little brother will stand opposite you later, I hope Brother Liu will not be offended."

The little cutie looked around at the people with different faces, and closed the folding fan in her hand with a half-smile.

got rich.

Getting rich again.

(End of this chapter)

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