Chapter 2917

The little cutie calmly suppressed the excitement in her heart that wanted to laugh out loud, and stretched out her hand to pat Sakai Hoshino who was sitting next to her.

"Everyone, young and old, ladies, while the drinks are not served yet, I will introduce a distinguished guest to you first, my lord.

It was this Young Master Jingye who was sitting next to me, and he was my distant cousin. "

Sakai Hoshino saw Xiaocuti, Sun Chi and his brothers, as well as the crowd around him introducing their identities, smiled lightly and waved his fists together.

"I've met all of you brothers in Xia Jingye, it's polite."

"Brother Jing is polite, younger brother Wu Youqing is polite."

"Brother Jing, you are more polite, this old man is more polite."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, I've met Mr. Jing, you're being polite."

After seeing that everyone had greeted each other, Xiao Kei got up straight and put her hands on the table, and looked at Sun Chi and his brothers sitting opposite with a somewhat arrogant expression.

"Sun Chi, we're going to start punching and drinking later. Before that, I have to explain something to you in advance."

Sun Chi frowned slightly, looking at the cutie with a slightly nervous expression, subconsciously thinking that she wanted to change her mind.

"Oh? I don't know what brother Liu has to teach me, but I'm all ears."

The corner of the cutie's mouth was slightly raised, and she turned her head to look at Sakai Hoshino next to her, nodding her head as a gesture.

"You don't need to be nervous, my son won't go back on his word just because of a mere 3000 taels of silver.

Later, my son and your brothers will take turns punching, but if I lose, the person drinking will be my good cousin.

The rules remain the same, we still act according to the rules we agreed on earlier.

As long as my cousin drank before you, I will also admit defeat, and you can share the 3000 taels of silver at any time.

It's just that I want to tell you one thing in advance, so that you won't say that I won't win by force after you lose.

My son's cousin is in their hometown. He is a well-known little overlord in the wine industry, and there are few rivals in the three states and five prefectures.

I've told you everything I need to tell you, how about it?Do you want to keep betting?

If you don't dare to gamble, then just follow the rules set between us. "

After listening to the little cutie's words, Sun Chi instinctively shifted his gaze to Sakai Hoshino.

Previously, he thought that Sakai Hoshino was just a distant cousin who accompanied the cutie to have fun, but he didn't expect that she would go out to drink with his brothers later on.

Puzzled in his heart, he carefully sized Sakai Hoshino a few times.

However, no matter how he looked at it, Sakai Hoshino didn't look like the kind of person who could drink well.

Just this small body?It seems that he is not as strong as brother Liu!
Little overlord of wine?Drinking all over the three states and five prefectures, there are few rivals?seriously?

Cutie looked at Sun Chi's expression of frowning and thinking secretly, and a hint of secret joy flashed in his eyes.

She knew very well in her heart that Sun Chi and the others must have been confused by her Aunt Hoshino's thin appearance.

Look, take your time.

Soon you bastards will understand what it means to not be judged by appearances, or to be measured by sea water.

However, in order to prevent any accidents, the cutie didn't give them too much time to think.

Just as Sun Chi and the others were thinking silently, the little cutie pretended to be a little impatient and patted the table hard.

The sudden muffled sound instantly awakened Sun Chi and the others who were thinking about something.

"Heh bah, look at the virtues of each of you who are afraid of wolves and tigers, are you still betting or not?
If you gamble, just say something, if you don't gamble, leave half of the silver ticket according to the rules between us, and then do what you like. "

Sun Chi took one last look at Sakai Hoshino, then turned to look at the four brothers sitting next to him.

After all, it's a gamble of thousands of taels of silver, and it's not something that I can decide on my own.

"Chen Qi, what do you guys say?"

Chen Qi and the others looked at each other, and finally Sun Chi and the others fixed their eyes on a burly and strong young man.

"Chu Hu, you are the one who drinks the most among our brothers, what do you think?"

Chu Hu inadvertently glanced at Sakai Hoshino's thin and thin body, and then looked down at his own burly and strong physique.

"Brother Sun, I don't think it's a big problem.

It's no problem for me to drink three or five jars of wine by myself, and with you guys, it's no problem for us to drink ten or eight jars of wine together.

Then look at the man surnamed Jing opposite, with his thin body like a chicken, it is a question of whether he can hold three jars of wine in his stomach.

No matter how good his drinking capacity is, he won't be able to defeat five of our brothers, right? "

"Brother Sun, I think what Tiger said makes sense, why don't you gamble?"

"Changyu, what about you?"

"I think we should continue to gamble. If we don't gamble, not only will we lose face, but according to the rules, we will lose half of the money to Brother Liu.

That being the case, it might as well continue to gamble. "

"That's right, it's not like I haven't seen Guan Lu who can drink, but no matter how much you can drink, you have to have a bottom line.

Besides, punching depends on one's own ability, so what is there to be afraid of when we fight one-on-five?

The outcome depends entirely on luck and skill, we may not be the ones who lose, it's a bet. "

Seeing that the four little brothers all agreed to continue gambling, Sun Chi was naturally not to be outdone.

"Brother Liu, we made a bet."

The little cutie nodded with a smile, leaned on the chair and yelled at the top of her voice.

"Mother Liu, is the drink ready?"

"Returning to Young Master Liu, it has been prepared long ago, and only waits for your order, Young Master Liu, to open the altar politely at any time."

"Immediately let Young Master Sun and the others check the sealing mud on the wine jar."

"Got it."

"What are you guys still doing in a daze? Why don't you bring the drinks up quickly."

When Sun Chi saw the thugs from Chunfeng Pavilion walking over carrying the wine jar, he raised his hand as a signal.

"Brother Liu's character is trustworthy for us brothers, there is no need to check it, you just put the drinks on the table."


The cutie clasped her ears with her fingers, and turned to look at Sakai Hoshino next to her.

"Brother Jing, are you ready?"

"Well, let's get started."

"Five altars in Kaifeng, serve the big bowl."


"Mother Liu."

"Hey, Young Master Liu, please tell me."

"My son's cousin likes to be clean, so you immediately ask someone to prepare a separate toilet."

"No problem, slave, I will prepare right away."

After Ms. Liu left, the little cutie picked up the bank note on the side and patted it in the palm of her hand. With a light smile, she looked around at the crowd who had already surrounded her for a week, and casually threw it in the center of the table.

"Boys, old and young, come to place a bet. Win or lose is determined in one game, and you will pay as much as you bet."

As soon as Xiaocute's voice fell, those literati and poets who were already ready to go, slapped the money they had prepared on the table without hesitation.

"The old man beat Mr. Sun and the others for 1000 taels."

"My son also pressured Sun Gongzi and the others for 1000 taels."

"My son..."

The cutie cheerfully looked at the people who couldn't wait to take out their silver to bet, and glanced sideways at Rumeng standing behind her.

"Good sister, remember."

Rumeng nodded obediently, put the pen and ink ledger in her hand on the table, and watched the people on the opposite side write down one by one.

The real gambling of a large number of people is not the kind of betting that a group of people directly swarm, but it is necessary to record in detail how much money each person bet.

Otherwise, in the end, who knows how many taels they bet on each other.

The cutie rolled up her sleeves and put the wine jar in front of Sakai Hoshino, beckoning to Sun Chi and the others with provocative eyes.

"Who will come first."

As the boss, Sun Chi rolled up his sleeves and stepped on the chair.

"Little brother comes first."

"Brothers are happy to meet each other!"

"Brothers are happy to meet each other!"

"The three bow their heads."

"The four tigers are going down the mountain."

"Eight horses galloping together."

The little cutie frowned, put away her hands and looked cheerfully at the depressed Sun Chi and clicked her tongue a few times.

"Tsk tsk, Young Master Sun, you have a bad start, please."

(End of this chapter)

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