My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2918 It turned out to be a real cow

Chapter 2918 It turned out to be a real cow

Seeing Sun Chi gulp down a large bowl of vintage wine, the cutie turned slightly and looked at Wei Changyu who was sitting on his right with a smile.

"Xiao Yuzi, come on."

"Brother Liu, my younger brother is rude."

"Brothers are happy to meet each other."

"Crossing the rivers and lakes alone."

"Where is the general of the five tigers?"

"The Eight Immortals show their supernatural powers!"

"Two people..."

"Hahaha, it seems that my son is indeed a lucky star today, please."

Cutie won two hands in a row, laughed for a while, and hooked her fingers at the burly young man Chu Hu who was sitting in the middle.


The literati and poets around who hadn't placed their bets saw the cutie Lien Zhan and Lian Jie, and glanced at Rumeng, the [-]th beauty who was silently recording the number of silver taels, and a look of hesitation flashed in their eyes.

"Old money, can I change it?"

"If you want to return it yourself, I won't change it anyway.

No matter how powerful Mr. Liu's punches are, it will be one against five in the end, and the winning rate is too small. "

"Well, anyway, they don't have odds, so I'll pay 1000 taels on one side and 500 taels on the other. If you win, you'll make a lot of money, and if you lose, you won't lose too much."

"Lord Chunyang, who are you planning to suppress?"

"Young Master Liu, 1000 taels."

"Ah, Mr. Liu is one against five, wouldn't it be too risky to suppress him?"

"It's a bit risky, but do you think Mr. Liu is a fool? If he doesn't have any confidence, do you think he will open the market like this?

Isn't it just 1000 taels, my lord can afford it. "

While the onlookers were muttering to each other and their familiar friends, the hall of Spring Wind Pavilion echoed the cute and somewhat insolent laughter again.

"Drink! Next."

"Hey, Mr. Liu has won four consecutive victories, shall we change?"

"What are you afraid of? At the beginning of the game, it is not certain who will win in the end."

"That's right, it's just the beginning, isn't it just drinking a bowl of wine? What's there to be afraid of?

Anyway, my young master, I'm putting Brother Sun and the others under control. Look at the thin body of Brother Liu's cousin, does it look like he can drink?
Once Mr. Liu loses later, maybe she won't even finish a jar of wine, and she will pass out drunk under the table. "

"Brother Zhong is right. What kind of small overlord in wine? Why are there few rivals in the three states and five prefectures?
Don't forget, this is the capital city, and the reason why this Mr. Jing has such a title is probably because he was born in a small place and there is no expert in wine. "

Rumeng swept around the people who were whispering, covered her cherry lips and coughed lightly twice.

"Guests, don't wait and see, there is still half a cup of tea left and it's time to close the plate.

If you want to place a bet, hurry up and take out the money, and then come to the sisters of the slave family to record the account. If you don't place a bet, you will have no chance. "

The people who were watching heard Rumeng's reminder, and immediately rushed towards Rumeng and her sisters.

"Master Ben, I will beat Master Sun and the others for 300 taels."

"Master Sun, 100 taels."

"Young Master Liu, 500 taels."

"Master Sun is one hundred and fifty taels."

Cutie heard someone in the crowd yelling to suppress her, and subconsciously glared fiercely at the source of the voice.

Damn it, this is that bastard who snatched the money into my Liu Luoyue's pocket?
The little cutie was distracted, and there was some smug laughter directly on the opposite side.

"Brother Liu, this is really a feng shui turn, please."

The cutie was stunned for a moment, exhaled with a depressed face, turned her head to look at Sakai Hoshino and gestured.

"Cousin, drink."

Sakai Hoshino nodded with a light smile, picked up the wine he had already poured, brought it to his nose, and took a deep sniff.

"What a mellow wine, what kind of wine is this?"

"Mother Liu?"

"Hey, Mr. Liu?"

"What kind of wine are you serving?"

"Ten years of bamboo leaves."

"Cousin, this is Zhuyeqing that has been cellared for ten years. If you like to drink it, I will send you dozens of altars to take you back to drink slowly when you leave Beijing."

Sakai Hoshino's eyes lit up, and he directly put the wine into his mouth and began to drink freely.

After one or two breaths, Sakai Hoshino raised his hand to wipe the drink from the corner of his mouth, and smiled slightly to the little cutie.

"Good wine."

When the cutie heard Sakai Hoshino's words, she immediately became at ease.

This is the secret signal agreed between them, as long as Sakai Hoshino says that the wine is good wine, it means that she can drink freely.

"Come on."

From the time when the sun was high in the sky, the excited noise in the Spring Breeze Pavilion never stopped for a moment.

As the atmosphere grew stronger, more and more literati and poets entered the Chunfeng Pavilion one after another, and more and more people joined in the game between Xiaocuti and Sun Chi.

It's just that those who joined the game later have different rules from those who joined the game at the beginning.

After all, they have already seen the state of the cute people in the hall of Chunfeng Pavilion, so naturally they cannot be allowed to place bets according to the current situation.

"Drink and drink."

"Come again."

"Sun... hiccup...Brother Sun, I can't do it anymore, the person opposite... the one surnamed Jing on the opposite side is too..."

Among the five, Wei Changyu looked drunkenly at Sun Chi who was also about to lose his footing, and fell down on the wine table before finishing a sentence.

As if in a dream, after counting ten numbers with a clear and melodious voice, he raised the ledger in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Not long ago, the first honored guest who crushed Wei Changyu, Young Master Wei, please come to the sisters of the slave family."

Cutie took a look at Sakai Hoshino's face, and seeing that she was still sitting there motionless even though her eyes were drunk, she rolled up her sleeves again.

The little cutie moved her body, and with an extremely excited expression, she hooked her fingers at the five opponents, all young and old, whose foreheads were already covered with dense sweat.

"Gentlemen, come on."

These five people were punching masters selected by Sun Chi and the others from the crowd, and they continued punching instead of themselves and Xiaocuti.

When the brothers were slightly drunk, it was naturally inappropriate to continue punching with the cutie who hadn't even drunk.

Therefore, I can only choose some masters to replace myself and continue to gamble.

Of course, this is also one of the tacit agreements between the cuties.

Sun Chi and the others looked at Wei Changyu who had fallen down on the wine table with drunken eyes, and couldn't help wiping the dense sweat from their foreheads.

They looked at the helper next to them who was also wiping the fine sweat from their foreheads, and subconsciously glanced at Sakai Hoshino who was sitting on the opposite side eating peanuts one by one, a flash of fear flashed deep in their eyes color.

They had no intention of blaming their helpers.

It's not that their boxing skills are too bad, but that the guy surnamed Jing on the opposite side is really good at drinking.

Bi Qi Niangzhi, looked away.

Not only Sun Chi and his brothers, but also all the literati and poets in the hall of Chunfeng Pavilion who overwhelmed Sun Chi and the others, when they looked at Sakai Hoshino, the corners of their mouths trembled from time to time.

Their thinking is exactly the same as that of Sun Chi and the others.

Looking at Hoshino Sakai, who was obviously drunk and blurred, but still holding peanuts firmly with his chopsticks, a thought flashed through their minds in unison.

Look away.

It's not that they have never seen someone who can really drink, but they have never seen someone who can drink like this.

While regretting in their hearts, they were also curious about how Sakai Hoshino drank seven or eight jars of wine.

It's fine if he's tall and thick, with a big body, but he has such a thin and small body, where did she put so much drink?
Although she went to the hut a few times, she couldn't drink that much, she could come out immediately.

"What are you all doing in a daze? Come on?"

Sun Chi and his helpers subconsciously looked at Sun Chi and his brothers next to them, and seeing them nodding helplessly, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

"Brothers are happy to meet each other!"

When the sun was just setting to the west, Xiaocuti looked at the five Sun Chi who had all fallen on the table opposite, and burst out laughing excitedly.

The onlookers heard the little cutie's undisguised excited laughter, and stared dumbfounded at Sakai Hoshino who was sitting there quietly drinking tea and remained silent for a long time.

The little overlord of wine.

Drink it all over the three states and five prefectures, and there are few rivals.

I thought it was bragging, but it turned out to be real!

Where the hell did the wine fairy come from?

"Mother Liu."

"I'm coming."

"Give me, my lord, all the money on the table."

"Got it."

"and many more."

"Young Master Liu?"

"It's the same as before, all of them will be exchanged for silver notes."

"Yes, the slave family will deal with it immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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