Chapter 2919
Seeing Liu's mother walking towards Rumeng, who was counting all the bets, Xiaocuti immediately got up and walked towards Sakai Hoshino.

Seeing the little cutie stopped in front of him, Sakai Hoshino raised his head slightly and smiled lightly at the little cutie, and waved the chopsticks holding the peanuts.

"Cousin, shall we continue?"

Seeing that Sakai Hoshino was able to hold the peanuts firmly with chopsticks, the little cutie felt a lot less worried in an instant.

"No need to come, those bastards surnamed Sun are all drunk, we won."

"Hi, is this a win?"

"Yes, I have already won."

The little cutie glanced back at the people who were whispering and talking, and leaned slightly to Sakai Hoshino's ear.

"Aunt Hoshino, are you okay?"

Sakai Hoshino breathed out the breath of alcohol lightly, raised his hand and patted his swollen belly and hiccupped.

"It's okay, it's just that my stomach is a little full, and it will be much better after going to the toilet a few times later."

"That's good, that's good, if you want to go to the toilet, just tell Yue'er, and Yue'er will help you there."

"Well, I see, you go and see how much money we won today."

"Understood, you sit down first, we can go back in a while."

After the little cutie confirmed that Sakai Hoshino was fine after drinking so much alcohol, she stood up cheerfully and hugged everyone who was pointing at Sakai Hoshino and muttering something.

"Young and old men, I'm sorry, but I'll just accept the money you bet on.

Those brothers who bet on my son's victory, how much money you bet, just go there to reconcile and get it. "

Since these people in the hall of Chunfeng Pavilion dared to participate in this game, they were more or less well-known figures.

Although it felt a little distressed to lose so much money, he didn't care too much.

Winning or losing is commonplace. Those who dare to bet, while wanting to win money, are naturally ready to lose money.

They looked at the little cutie who was giving him and others a fist, and they all smiled back and saluted.

"Brother Liu, today I can lose in the hands of this brother Jing, I am convinced that I will lose."

"Brother Zeng is right. Brother also admires it. It's only a few hundred taels of silver. Brother Liu, you can keep it."

"Brother Liu, your cousin's drinking capacity is like this, you can't accept it."

"I've seen this little brother Jing's drinking old man all his life, and it's not an exaggeration to say he's a drinker.

No wonder you, Mr. Liu, dared to fight with Mr. Sun and the others one against five. It turned out that you had the confidence a long time ago!
Admire, admire to the extreme. "

"Mr. Liu, will you two cousins ​​still open the market in the future? My little brother can go to cheer you on and join in the fun."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Liu, will you brothers still open in the future?

Brother, I lost more than 1000 taels of silver today, and I feel a little distressed. One day when you open the market again, brother will have to go and get it back. "

"Second, second."

Seeing the enthusiastic eyes of everyone looking at her, Xiaocuti pulled the fake beard under Qiong's nose with a smile on her face.

"Of course it's open, all you young and old, you just need to inquire about it."

"It's a word."

"It's a word."

"You must go to join us."

"You are always welcome."

The cutie cheerfully clasped her fists as a gesture, and walked towards Rumeng who was calculating the amount of bets with a smile on her lips.

The opening must continue to open, the money is so fast, unless this girl is a fool, she will not continue to open.

However, if the market opens again, the rules of gambling may not necessarily be the same as today's rules.

You have already seen Aunt Hoshino's drinking capacity. If this girl continues to follow today's rules, won't she give you free money?
When it comes to the money in my Liu Luoyue's pocket, do you still want to get it back?
Think beautifully.

"Like a dream."

"Hey, Brother Liu."

"Have you figured it out?"

"I've figured it out, Brother Liu, please take a look."

Cutie took the ledger handed over by Rumeng, skipped the records and looked directly at the bottom ledger.

Eighteen thousand seventy-eight fifty taels.

The little cutie trembled slightly with her hands, and her eyes instantly bent into crescent shapes.

Get rich, really get rich.

The little cutie suddenly closed the account book in her hand, licked her lips and looked around.

"Good sister, where's Mama Liu?"

"Brother Liu, Mommy went to the second floor to change your banknotes, and she will come down in a while."

The cutie took a few deep breaths, calmed down her excitement, and leaned into Rumeng's ear.

"My good sister, as the saying goes, wealth is never revealed, if people find out that my son has won so much silver all at once, they will feel jealous to some extent.

You help my good brother first and I will take care of my good cousin. Now I will go to the second floor to find Mama Liu. "

When Rumeng heard Xiaocutie's explanation, she immediately nodded obediently.

"Yeah, Brother Liu, just go there, Mr. Jing will leave it to Rumeng."

Cutie glanced at the brothel thugs who were pulling gold leaves, gold ingots, silver ingots or broken silver into the box, and went straight to the second floor of Chunfeng Pavilion with their hands behind their backs.

Rumeng watched the little cute figure disappear around the corner of the second floor, and blessed many literati and poets in the hall with a smile on her face.

"My distinguished guests, now that the game of gambling is over, you should continue to be chic."

"Sisters, what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you greet all the distinguished guests quickly."

"Oh, I see."

Dozens of brothel girls made a long note delicately, twisted their graceful figures with smiles, and greeted the literati and poets.

"Oh, Mr. Zeng, you haven't come to visit my family for some time, my family misses you so much."

"Member Dong..."

In just a moment, mouth-watering laughter echoed in the Chunfeng Pavilion.

Rumeng saw that the situation in the hall had become what a brothel should be, and immediately greeted her maid and walked towards Sakai Hoshino who was sitting on the chair.

As for Sun Chi and his five brothers who were already drunk and unconscious lying on the table, the servants of the brothel carried them to the private room upstairs to rest.

"Master Jing, would you like a bowl of hangover soup? If necessary, I will send someone to prepare it right away."

"Hi, no, I didn't drink too much."

Rumeng nodded obediently, pulled a chair and sat down next to Sakai Hoshino, and peeked at her belly with curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

Oh my God?How did Mr. Jing drink so many jars of wine?

Regarding Sakai Hoshino's drinking capacity, Rumeng's curiosity is not much worse than other people's.

After about half a stick of incense, the little cutie walked down from the second floor of Chunfeng Pavilion with a smile on her face.

"Like a dream."

"Hey, Brother Liu, you're down."

The little cutie nodded with a faint smile, took out a bank note from her cuff and stuffed it into Rumeng's hand.

"Go and do your own business, brother and cousin are going back."

Rumeng didn't even look at the banknote in his hand, and put it directly into his cuff.

"Good brother, won't you stay any longer?"

"Although my cousin is not drunk, my cousin did not drink less, I have to send him back to settle down first.

When I have time, good brother, I will come to see you again. "

"Oh, well then, Rumeng will send you off."

"Cousin, it's time for us to go back, my little brother will support you."

"No, walking is not a problem."

Sakai Hoshino put down the chopsticks in his hand, stood up and stretched, and walked directly towards the gate of Chunfeng Pavilion with a somewhat erratic pace.

Seeing that Sakai Hoshino could still walk steadily, the little cutie had no choice but to follow silently.

"Rumeng, you should go back early."

"Brother Liu, visit me often."

(End of this chapter)

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