My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2920 The Heart Stealer

Chapter 2920 The Heart Stealer

Cutie supported Sakai Hoshino into the carriage, and after signaling to the driver, he lowered the curtain.

"go back."


The coachman flicked his whip lightly, and gradually merged the carriage into the pedestrians coming and going on the long street.

Rumeng watched the carriage drift away, and when she could no longer see the carriage, she sighed faintly, turned and walked into the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

The cutie poured a cup of herbal tea from the pot, and carefully handed it to Sakai Hoshino.

"Aunt Hoshino, drink tea."

"Okay, thank you Yue'er."

"It's okay, it's all right, this is what Yue'er should do, Aunt Hoshino, are you feeling uncomfortable? If you are not feeling well, Yue'er will have someone prepare hangover soup for you as soon as you go back."

Sakai Hoshino nodded and took a sip of tea, seeing the little cutie's worried gaze, he shook his head with a smile.

"Yue'er, don't worry, my aunt is really fine.

I'm sure I'm dizzy after drinking so much, but there's nothing uncomfortable about it, so don't worry about me. "

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's words of comfort, the little cutie raised her hand and patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, it was Yue'er who brought Aunt Hoshino and you out for a drink, Yue'er must take care of your body.

As long as Aunt Hoshino is sure that you are fine, then Yue'er will feel relieved.

Otherwise, Yue'er will feel guilty for the rest of her life if she drinks Aunt Hoshino to your detriment in order to win such a small amount of money. "

"It's okay, it's okay, such a drink is not a big deal for me."

The cutie nodded with a smile, reached out and took out a stack of folded bank notes from her bosom, and stuffed them into Sakai Hoshino's jade hand.

"Aunt Hoshino, we won a total of 750 taels of silver at the market opening today.

The 7000 taels of silver is yours, you should keep it and don't lose it. "

Sakai Hoshino looked down at the thick stack of banknotes in his hand, a faint look of doubt appeared in his beautiful eyes.

"7000 taels? It seems a bit much.

Yue'er, wait a minute, I'll do the math first, and if there is too much, my aunt will return it to you. "

Seeing that Sakai Hoshino was about to calculate something with his fingers, Little Cutie reached out and grabbed her pair of jade hands.

"Good aunt, it doesn't matter if you have more or less."

"No, no, no, [-]% of the agreement is [-]%, and my aunt can't take advantage of you."

"How could this be taking advantage of me? If you didn't have your aunt's drinking capacity, no matter how powerful Yue'er was, she wouldn't be able to earn so much money in one afternoon.

These are all what you deserve, and there is no need to make a clear distinction between us mother and daughter. "


"Good aunt, just keep it, the only reason we can win so much money is mostly due to you.

If you want [-]% of Yue'er, you will give [-]% of it. That Yue'er is too heartless. "

"Okay, then my aunt won't be polite to you anymore, after my aunt sobers up, I'll go to your house to find you.

Then Auntie and I will take you and your brothers and sisters to the street to buy some gifts for you. "

"Alright, Yue'er is looking forward to your aunt's visit anytime."

Sakai Hoshino nodded with a smile, and carefully put the banknote in his arms.

"Well, then it's settled."

Seeing Sakai Hoshino put away the banknotes, the cutie suddenly reached out and poked her slender willow waist.

"Good aunt, tell the truth quickly, do you want to go to our house to find Yue'er? Or to find my father?"

Sakai Hoshino was about to serve tea when he suddenly stopped, and his beautiful eyes gave Xiaocuti a white look.

"Smelly girl, what are you talking about?"

"Is Yue'er talking nonsense? I don't know who is absent-minded when seeing Yue'er's stinky father.

If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, I wish I could rush over immediately.

Alas, as far as my stinky old man is concerned, he actually——

To be able to become Aunt Hoshino's heart thief.

This is really blind! "

"Smelly girl, shut up and stop talking nonsense."

"Yue'er is telling the truth, Aunt Hoshino, how dare you... hahaha... hahaha...

You actually tickled me, Yue'er fought with you. "

In the blink of an eye, the sound of Sakai Hoshino and the two laughing and joking rang out in the carriage.

The coachman heard the sweet laughter from the carriage behind him, and immediately fastened the hook on the curtain to the lock on the frame.

After about half a stick of incense time, the carriage slowly stopped outside the gate of Liu Mansion.

The coachman jumped out of the carriage, reached out and knocked on the carriage carriage where whispers were still coming from.

"Miss, we are home."

The whispering in the carriage stopped abruptly, and the little cutie directly lifted the cloth on the window and poked her head out.

When the little cutie saw the gate of Liu's mansion, she flicked the coachman's forehead with her fingers.

"Silly Laner, why did you go back to our home?"

The coachman looked at the cutie pitifully, covered his forehead and pouted his lips.

"Miss, you only told the servants to go back outside the gate of Chunfeng Pavilion, but you didn't tell Lan'er whether you were going back to our house or Honglu Temple.

Lan'er thought you meant to go back to our house, so she had no choice but to drive the carriage back to our house. "

"Little idiot, of course I will go to Honglu Temple to see Aunt Hoshino off first."

Lan'er nodded hurriedly, grabbed the whip and jumped back into the carriage.

"Oh, Lan'er knows it's wrong, Miss, don't be angry, I'll drive to Honglu Temple right away."

Lan'er had just jumped into the carriage when Young Master Liu's doubtful voice came from beside her.

"Lan'er? Why are you disguised as a man today? Where's Yue'er? What are you guys doing now?"

"Old...Master, slave Lan'er sees Master."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lan'er who slowly jumped out of the carriage to salute him, and waved his hands casually.

"Little girl, how many times have I told you that this young master has already established his own family, but as long as my old man is still alive, I will still be the eldest young master of the Liu family."

"Yes, yes, young master, this servant knows it's wrong."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Master."

"Where's Yue'er? What are you doing here?"

Lan'er panicked, and subconsciously glanced at the carriage beside her.

"We, we."

Liu Mingzhi saw Lan'er hesitated to speak, walked to the front of the carriage with a slight frown, and lifted the curtain on the carriage.

The moment the car curtain was raised, First Young Master Liu saw the little cutie who was scratching her brow and smiling resentfully.

"Daddy, hello."

Young Master Liu's eyes skipped over the little cutie, and looked at the corner of the carriage with a strange expression.

Hoshino Sakai who wanted to escape but couldn't.

Looking at Sakai Hoshino who was disguised as a man like Xiaocuti and Lan'er, his master and servant, Young Master Liu instinctively frowned.

"Hoshino? Why are you even dressed as a woman disguised as a man?"

Sakai Hoshino had already seen him when he saw First Young Master Liu, and waved his hand with a slightly nervous expression.

"Liu...Liu Jun."

Liu Mingzhi was about to speak when he suddenly smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

"Why is there such a strong smell of alcohol in the carriage? What are you three doing?"

"Liu Jun, I, I, I!"

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, closed the folding fan in his hand and walked directly towards the mansion.

"Come down, let's talk when we go home."

(End of this chapter)

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