My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2925 Never seen anything good

Chapter 2925 Never seen anything good
Liu Mingzhi went to a vacant chair beside him and just sat down. Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet, immediately poured a cup of tea and sent it over.

"Your Majesty, today is not a day for big and small court meetings, why did you come into the palace?"

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the tea, looked up at Xia Gongming who looked a little puzzled, and gently fiddled with the tea lid.

"Boss, don't say that you forgot about the reward that I entrusted to you."

Xia Gongming suddenly realized when he saw Young Master Liu's slightly frowning brows.

"I have never forgotten, how could the old minister forget what His Majesty told me.

Your Majesty, wait a moment, and the old minister will fetch the reward document for you to have a look at. "

Xia Gongming walked to the desk where he was working, picked up a document and turned back.

"Your Majesty, regarding the rewards given to the Japanese embassy Sakai congratulations, the old minister has already listed them one by one in the document, please have a look at them."

Liu Mingzhi put the teacup on the table beside him, reached out to take the document handed over by Xia Gongming, directly flipped through it, and carefully examined the content on it.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi closed the document in his hand, and patted his palm with the document with some hesitation.

"My lord, the Japanese missions came to worship Dalong this time, and the annual offerings they presented are very valuable.

Moreover, that night, Sakai He also presented a priceless three-foot night pearl.

The Japanese embassy donated so many rare treasures at once, but we only reward them with these things. Isn't it a little too petty? "

"Go back to Your Majesty."

"My lord, sit down and talk."

"The old minister complied, thank you Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, these rewards are the conclusions reached after repeated discussions between the veteran and his colleagues.

These things that we bestowed on the Japanese mission are nothing to me, Dalong, but to the Japanese mission, they are already very precious.

Unknown to His Majesty, on the second day after the palace banquet, the old minister asked Mr. Wang from Honglu Temple to come to the cabinet.

The old minister instructed Mr. Wang to find some envoys from the Japanese mission and envoys from other countries to insinuate.

Let’s just talk about silk and silk brocade clothes, because of His Majesty’s diligent administration and love for the people, although these silk and satins are not commonplace in my Dalong now, they are not as rare and precious as they were many years ago.

According to the half-monthly reports from the prefectures and government offices of households, the people of my Dalong, those with a little wealth, are more or less willing to buy one or two pieces of brocade clothes.

We Dalong may not think how precious silk and satin are, but for the Wa people, these things are very valuable.

According to Mr. Wang's report, the price of a piece of silk and satin on the Wa country is seven or eight times the price on my Dalong side.

Let's talk about these porcelains, our Dalong's porcelains, once they arrive in Japan, the price will also increase several times.

It is said that the plum vases in this batch of porcelain will be rewarded to them. Once the Japanese diplomatic mission brings them back to the Japanese country, the price will at least increase by about five times.

If the merchants of the Wa country operate properly, they may be able to earn more.

Your Majesty, you are the king of a country with a great dragon, and you may feel a little disapproving of these things.

But for the Japanese mission, these rewards have become exciting things.

You must know that many things in the list of rewards are tributes from the palace and are not allowed to circulate among the people.

Even if the many envoys of the Japanese diplomatic mission were rich, they would not be able to buy these things in the major squares and cities in the capital.

In addition to all kinds of copperware, spices, precious medicinal materials... and my Dalong's special products and other rewards, there are already quite a few.

Your Majesty, what you despise are all good things to others. "

After listening to Xia Gongming's explanation, Liu Mingzhi tapped the table with his fingers and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and glanced at the cabinet officials in the hall.

"Wait, do you have a different opinion?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the ministers have no objection."

Wei Yong, the second assistant to the cabinet, picked up the dry pipe from his desk, filled it with shredded tobacco, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, rare things are valuable.

These rewards are in the hands of the Japanese diplomatic mission, not only will they not feel that our Dalong is petty, but they are so happy that they can grin their mouths to their ears.

The reason why my Dalong's official merchants and private common people's merchants are able to do business in all countries in the world without any disadvantages is because of our Dalong's special products?

The Huawai barbarians have never seen good things, if we really reward them with some gold, silver and jade, they may not think there is anything precious.

After all, gold, silver and jade are also produced in their respective territories, and they can make many things by themselves.

If you want to reward, you will naturally reward what they don't have.

They have benefited, and they will be able to offer more good things when they come to my Dalong Suifu in the future.

The old minister said something that was not very pleasant, but our rewards are a bit like doing business. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong who was puffing, and directly untied the pipe from his waist and handed it over.

"Wei Fu, I've smelled it. Your shredded tobacco is a good thing, so I'll serve it to you too."

"Alright, wait a moment, Your Majesty."

After a while, Wei Yong handed the bong filled with shredded tobacco to Liu Mingzhi's hand, and blew on the torch in his hand along the way.

Liu Mingzhi moved to the fire folder and lit the shredded tobacco, squinting his eyes slightly, and lightly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Master Xia."

"His Majesty?"

"Give them another five hundred pieces of silk, and three hundred pieces of all kinds of porcelain."

"Yes, the old minister obeyed."

"Silk can be added to Shu brocade, cloud brocade is not acceptable, porcelain is added to folk wares, and one item from official kilns is not allowed. It is better to let good things flow into the hands of our own people than to reward them."

"Hehehe, the old minister understands.

The old minister said a joke, His Majesty added so many rewards at once, the old minister thought His Majesty was really generous for a while! "

"You old man, do you think I'm too petty?"

"Your Majesty forgives the sin, the old minister knows his mistake, the old minister knows his mistake."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of tobacco vigorously, then turned his head and glanced at the people in the hall.

"Have the officials from the Ministry of Industry come?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister is here."

"Ministry of Industry, are there many glazed mirrors and other glazed products in the warehouse of your Ministry of Industry?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the craftsmen just fired a batch of glazed products seven days ago and are preparing to put them into storage."

"It seems that colored glaze products are not allowed to be circulated by private merchants, right?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, except for the large and small merchants and caravans of Liu Weng's Liu family, all glazed products have always been handled by the imperial court's official merchants."

"I understand, Mrs. Xia."

"His Majesty?"

"Included in the rewards of the Wa Kingdom are three hundred mirrors of various kinds of colored glaze, and six hundred pieces of colored glaze products of various kinds.

For all kinds of gold, silver and jade jewelry used by women, [-] pieces are added each. "

"Yes, the old minister obeyed."

"Okay, that's it for the matter of rewarding the Japanese diplomatic mission.

The specific details will be discussed with you, as long as there is no big discrepancy, just send people to Honglu Temple to deliver the decree. "

"I will obey your orders."

"By the way, are there any first-class memorial documents entering the cabinet today?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is none."

"Okay, then I will leave the palace first."

"I will send you to Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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