Chapter 2926
Just as Liu Mingzhi walked out of the cabinet door shaking his carved jade fan, Wang Hezheng, the Minister of Honglu Temple, was walking towards the cabinet door with a few books in his hands.

When Wang He saw First Young Master Liu who was about to go down the steps, he was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he hurriedly went up to salute.

"Your Majesty? Veteran see Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Wang Aiqing, what a coincidence, I was thinking of looking for you, but you immediately appeared in front of my eyes."

"Don't dare, if His Majesty summons the old minister for something, you just need to send someone to tell the old minister."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the few documents in Wang Hezheng's hand, and slightly turned sideways to gesture to the door of the cabinet.

"You should have some government affairs in the palace now, right? Why don't you go to the cabinet first, and let's talk after you come out."

Wang Hezheng looked down at the document in his hand, and waved his hand with a smile.

"Your Majesty, these documents are not important government affairs.

Anyway, these documents will eventually be submitted to Your Majesty for your review, or the old minister will give you a general report on the contents.

If His Majesty feels that there is no need to review it in person, the old minister will no longer send someone to send it to you. "

"That's fine, it's really easier to do this, so let's talk about these few documents in general."

Wang Hezheng picked out two documents at random and handed them to First Young Master Liu: "Your Majesty, these two documents are the follow-up of the establishment of stalls in Changshunfang, the outer city by Siam, Baekje and other countries.

The Shifang Division under the Ministry of Household Affairs passed the instructions to the veterans. After the veterans re-inspected, they are preparing to submit them to the cabinet. "

Liu Mingzhi took the official document, flipped through it casually, and then closed it.

"Such a trivial matter, is it worth your visit by the minister of Honglu Temple in person? Just send someone to visit."

Wang Hezheng shook his head with a faint smile, then handed the remaining three documents to Liu Mingzhi.

"If it's just such a small matter, then naturally there is no need for the veteran to come to the cabinet in person, isn't there other things?
Your Majesty, the matters in these three documents are about the diplomatic missions of the Wa Kingdom and the Goguryeo Kingdom.

In the past few days, the main and deputy envoys of the two countries have visited the old minister several times.

The main and deputy envoys of the Japanese mission went to the old ministers to inquire about rewarding them with military equipment for the mission.When the envoys from Goguryeo went to the old officials, they hoped that the old officials could help them connect and make an appointment to meet Song Shangshu of the Ministry of War and Yang Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

As the minister of the Honglu Temple, this is the duty of the veteran.

The veteran first went to Song Shangshu's residence and learned that they entered the palace and came to the cabinet early in the morning.

Therefore, the old minister had no choice but to come to the palace in person.

It doesn't matter whether Song Shangshu and the others agree to the appointment of the Goguryeo envoy, at least the old officials have to pass on the message. "

Liu Mingzhi took the document and carefully flipped through the typed content. After closing the document, he looked at Wang Hezheng who was smiling lightly with some amusement.

"A matter of duty?"

"Yes, it's a matter of duty."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wang Hezheng thoughtfully, smiled slightly with the corners of his mouth raised, and put his hands behind his back casually.

"You old bastard, did you not lose the benefits of the envoys and deputy envoys of the two countries?"

Wang Hezheng's cheerful expression froze slightly, and he smiled bitterly.

"Your Majesty Shengming, a little bit, only a little bit.

Your Majesty, there is nothing I can do about it, the old minister. If the old minister doesn't accept it at all, they will feel more worried and insist on begging the old minister to accept their benefits.

In the end, the old minister really couldn't shirk it, so he had no choice but to accept a little bit. "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment with a half-smile, squinted his eyes and glanced at Wang Hezheng's somewhat nervous expression.

"Old King."

"The old minister is here, the old minister is here."

"As for some unwritten regulations, I am naturally clear, I will not ask, and I am too lazy to ask.

However, as the saying goes, it is easy to slip up after drinking. You are a person with a sense of proportion, and you should know what to say and what not to say.

Therefore, when dealing with the envoys of the missions of various countries, if you can not drink too much, try not to drink too much.

I won't talk about the specifics, you should understand what I mean.

"Yes, yes, the old minister understands, the old minister understands."

"Okay, these documents don't need to be verified by the cabinet. I just keep them. You can go to Song Shangshu and the others."

"Your Majesty, how should the old minister reply to the Japanese mission?"

"Let them continue to wait for the reply from me or the imperial court. As for how to put it nicely, this is the skill of your Honglu Temple minister, so I don't need to teach you, right?"

"No need, the old minister knows what to do."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

"The old minister sends your majesty respectfully."

After Liu Mingzhi's figure faded away, Wang Hezheng wiped the sweat off his forehead with a sigh.

"Huh, Your Majesty's power is really getting stronger and stronger."

Wang Hezheng sighed secretly while talking to himself, then turned and walked towards the cabinet.

After Liu Mingzhi left the palace, he rushed straight to the Penglai restaurant run by the two sisters, Xue Bizhu.


"Husband, why did you leave the palace so soon?"

"After the matter has been dealt with, there is no point in staying in the palace any longer, so I came out."

"Okay, husband, are you thirsty? I will pour you a cup of tea."

"No, I have nothing to do for my husband, you let Erniu and the others pay for my husband's stall, and earn some money for my husband's tea."

"Hey, I already know."

After about a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi poured a cup of hot tea from the pot, turned around and fell asleep on the raised recliner.

Liu Mingzhi glanced lazily at the pedestrians coming and going on the street, seeing that no one wanted to come to tell a fortune, he narrowed his eyes lightly and fell asleep.

Three days later, in Liu's study.

"Queer, please see the young master."

"come in."


Seeing the ethereal figure of the beautiful lady leaping in from the window, Liu Mingzhi casually put down the ink brush in his hand and stretched.

"Queer sees the young master."


"Thank you, Master."

Liu Mingzhi took the tea to moisten his throat, leaned on the chair and looked at Suzaku beside him.

"Queer, what's the matter?"

"Returning to Young Master, Mr. Lu has made new progress regarding the Japanese diplomatic mission."

Liu Mingzhi was overjoyed, and directly raised his hand in front of the beauty.

"Bring it here."

Suzaku immediately took out a half-folded rice paper from his cuff, and handed it directly to Liu Mingzhi.

"Please take a look, master."

Liu Mingzhi casually flipped through the rice paper, and lowered his eyes slightly to look at the content on it.

When Liu Mingzhi saw the content recorded on the rice paper, the expression on his face gradually changed.

From the initial indifference to surprise, and from surprise to curiosity, curiosity is also mixed with a little surprise.

In the end, it turned into a color of ridicule and playfulness.

Liu Mingzhi closed the document in his hand, sneered and casually threw the document on the table.

"Hehehe, interesting, things are getting more and more interesting.

Even Hoshino, his own sister, didn't tell her real situation.

With such a deep scheming, this is the Kazuko Sakai in my impression.

Fortunately, Master Ben, I am cautious enough.


You really have been deceived by your son Sakai! "

"Young master, the envoy of the Wa Kingdom dared to deceive the young master like this, he deserves death.

Do you want to send troops to Honglu Temple immediately, and arrest all the members of the Wa Kingdom mission on the spot? "

(End of this chapter)

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