Chapter 2933

Liu Mingzhi discussed it secretly in his heart, and he probably understood the reason why Sakai Hoshino said that his elder brother's personality changed a lot before and after.

As Hoshino said just now, under the influence of the dragon culture, her elder brother learned a lot about the laws of the dragon.

On this basis, the people under the allied forces of the Sakai family were governed in an orderly manner.

Under the influence of Dalong culture, Sakai Ichiko may not only have learned the Dalong's laws on how to govern the people.

I also learned what it means to be a man, not to be inferior to others.

Perhaps, many years ago, even if the Japanese royal family had not acted too much against Hoshino and his brother and sister, Kazuko Sakai would have been unwilling to accept the status quo in the end.

After staying in Dalong for so long, it is estimated that Kazuko Sakai has not only opened his eyes.

Likewise, ambition has grown.

Liu Mingzhi carefully recalled the time when Sakai and his brother and sister went to the capital as envoys.

The storytellers in the teahouses and restaurants in the capital probably told the most stories about the Marquis of the Protector Zhang Kuang suppressing the rebellion of the White Lotus Sect at that time, and the stories about the kings of the Kingdom of Jin rebelling against Wanyan, and then helping Wanyan put down the rebellion himself.

Good guy, a series of deeds are in front of you, and you can listen to them.

It would be strange if Sakai Kazuko, who was already gloomy, didn't have some other thoughts.

It's even possible that Kazuko Sakai was originally the kind of person who was unwilling to be peaceful.

And what he saw and heard in Dalong just happened to make the seed deep in his heart take root and germinate.

After careful consideration of the cause and effect, Liu Mingzhi seemed to realize many things in his heart.

"Liu Jun, what are you thinking? Why didn't you speak suddenly?"

Liu Mingzhi, who was thinking about it, came back to his senses from the beauty's question, looked at the bewildered gaze of the beauty, and smiled casually.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly recalled the scene of getting along with your elder brother back then.

I haven't seen you for so many years, and I don't know what your elder brother looks like now. "

"So that's the case, alas, it's all because Hoshino didn't think carefully, he would have brought a portrait of his elder brother if he knew it earlier."

"It doesn't matter, there may be a chance to meet again in the future.

The more you talk, the more sad it gets, Hoshino, go on and tell me about your Sakai family. "

"Okay, Liu Jun, are you not thirsty now?"

"Not very thirsty, what's the matter?"

"Hehehe, if you are not thirsty, then Xingye will drink this cup of tea first.

When you are thirsty and want to drink tea, Hoshino will pour you another cup. "

Sakai Hoshino grinned, leaned over and took the cup of tea by the bed in his hand.

After gulping down the tea in the cup, Sakai Hoshino put the teacup back to its original place.

"Liu Jun, there seems to be nothing more to say about what to say next. Hoshino has said almost everything that should be said to you."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the somewhat tangled expression on the beautiful woman's face, raised his hand and gently tugged on the beautiful woman's jade cheek a few times.

"Since there is nothing to talk about, let's not talk about it."

"Liu Jun, why don't you ask Hoshino about our Japanese country, and Hoshino will answer you again?"

"Forget it, as you said, what should be said has already been said, so there is no need to say anything else."



"Huh? What's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi sat up straight suddenly, threw Sakai Hoshino under him, and kissed the beauty's delicate and charming red lips lightly with a smile.

"Hoshino, Yingzhi hasn't come back for so long, maybe she went somewhere to play, she might even go to our house to find Yunxin, Lianiang and the other sisters played.

I guess she won't be able to come back for a while, such a good opportunity now.

You said, shouldn't the two of us do something that you and I both like? "

"I, but! But!"

"Don't worry, Sakura will definitely not come back, she finally found a chance to go out to play, how could she come back so soon."

"Hoshino knows, but Hoshino is afraid in case... um..."

Before the beauty could finish her words, Liu Mingzhi's red lips were sealed, and she couldn't speak anymore.

The breeze outside the room was still blowing slowly.

The spring in the house is getting stronger and stronger.

The sun slanted westward slightly, and the clouds disappeared and the rain rested.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman who was sitting in front of the dressing table and began to dress up again, and put the towel that had wiped the water on her face on the washing rack with a smile.

"Hoshino, my young master's guess is right, Sakura is finally able to play, and she won't come back so easily."

Sakai Hoshino turned around and looked towards Young Master Liu, rolling his eyes charmingly.

"Yes, yes, you are the best.

I knew that once you came to my place, nothing good would happen. "

Liu Mingzhi left and walked to the dressing table, picked up a hosta and handed it to the beauty.

"Nothing good? I don't know who kept shouting just now..."

The beauty saw Young Master Liu's hippie smiling face, and before he could finish his words, her slender fingers cast two fingers and landed on the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist.

"Liu Jun, if you talk about it again, I will ignore you, and you will know how to bully me."

"Hiss - okay, okay, I won't say anything, can't I stop talking?"

"Hmph, count you acquainted."

The beauty snorted tenderly, took the jade hairpin from First Young Master Liu's hand, and inserted it between the coiled jet-black hair buns in front of the vanity mirror.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

"How is your health? Can you still walk?"

Sakai Hoshino frowned slightly, and glared at First Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes.

"You still have the face to ask, you are necrotic."

"Hey hey, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Tell me, is there anything Hoshino needs to handle?"

"Invite your nephew Sakai He, I haven't seen him for a few days, I want to chat with him."

Sakai Hoshino had a pretty face, the discomfort in his body seemed to disappear in an instant, and he raised his head excitedly to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Liu Jun, do you want to meet He'er?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauty's excited expression with a light smile, and moved his fingers on the beauty's nose.

"What? Did I not understand what I just said? Do you want me to tell Hoshino again?"

"No, no, Hoshino heard clearly."

Sakai Hoshino hurriedly shook his head, got up and quickly pecked Young Master Liu on the face, and trotted out of the room with an excited expression.

"Good Mr. Liu, wait a moment, Hoshino will bring He'er to you right away."

Sakai Hoshino thought very simple.

In many cases, Liu Mingzhi came to see him because of his son's personal relationship. However, if Liu Jun wanted to see his nephew, it must be because of a serious business.

After all, his nephew, Sakai Ka, is the Chief Envoy of the Wa Kingdom, and Mr. Liu is the Emperor of the Great Dragon.

His Majesty the emperor of the suzerain country offered to summon the commander-in-chief of the subordinate country. The things they want to talk about must be serious.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be talking about the love of their children, would they?

Whether Liu Jun likes women or not, he knows best in his heart.

Otherwise, I would be a little faltering even when I was walking.

That bad guy Liu Jun knows how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, but he knows how to pity the fragrance and jade.

It happened to be like a wild ox, making it unbearable for myself.

I can't stop again.

Liu Mingzhi watched the beauty's figure disappear into the room, and gently turned the finger on the thumb, his eyes revealing an incomprehensible profound meaning.


Ninety-ninety people who walk a hundred miles are far from making up their minds.

It's only half a step away.

(End of this chapter)

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