Chapter 2934
"The next official asks to see your lord."

Sakai Kamasa was writing something earnestly at his desk, when there was a knock on the door and the slightly anxious voice of the deputy envoy Ishibashi Taro.

Sakai Ka did not blame Ishibashi Taro for interrupting his thoughts, because he could hear the anxiety in Ishibashi Taro's tone.

"Mr. Shiqiao, come in quickly."


Ishibashi Taro responded, pushed the door open and walked in, seeing Sakai Ga who was sitting behind the desk hurried up.

"The next official sees the adults."

Sakai He nodded lightly, picked up a piece of paper and put it on top of the paper he had already written half of.

"No gift, sit down."

"Thank you sir."

Sakai He Tihu poured a cup of herbal tea for Ishibashi Taro who was sitting opposite him, and glanced at him with some doubts.

"what happened?"

"My lord, according to reports from my brothers, that old man Jin Taeun went to flatter Mr. Wang again."

"What? I just went there yesterday, and I went again today?"

"Yes, it's only about half a cup of tea away from now."

Sakai He frowned and took a sip of the tea, his eyes were clearly showing shadows.

"Is this old fox so impatient?
By the way, Kim Taeun is still the same today as yesterday, did he still bring a gift box? "

Ishibashi Taro nodded with the same frown, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I have brought it. My brother said that he has brought several gift boxes of different sizes. As for what is inside, I don't know."

Just as Taro Ishibashi's indignant words fell, there was another knock on the door in the room.


"Come in."

"As ordered."

"This subordinate sees the two adults."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you two adults."

Sakai Ka leaned on the chair, and looked at the subordinate standing in front of the table with a slight brow.

"Watanabe, what's the matter?"

"Returning to my lord, just now Lord Wang from Dalong Honglu Temple went out with Jin Taeun from Koguryo Kingdom, the two of them were chatting and laughing, and seemed to get along very well.

Moreover, the subordinates and brothers vaguely heard that when the two of them talked, they seemed to mention some titles such as Mr. Song and Mr. Yang.

Because of the distance, the subordinates and brothers could not hear the specific content clearly. "

A look of doubt flashed in Sakai Ka's eyes, and he subconsciously looked at the deputy envoy Taro Ishibashi who was sitting opposite him.

"Lord Song, Lord Yang? Is Lord Wang going to recommend other Dalong officials for the old fox Jin Taeun?

Mr. Shiqiao, what do you think of this matter? "

Ishibashi Taro straightened his waist, frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked towards Sakaiga.

"My lord, Lord Wang is an important minister of the Great Dragon Dynasty, and the officials he wants to recommend to Jin Taien are at least comparable to him in terms of rank.

Master Song?Master Yang?
Could the two people they were talking about be Song Yu, Shangshu of the Dalong Military Department, and Yang Tao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry?
My lord, if it is really their two lords, we will be in big trouble.

One of them is in charge of the casting of weapons, and the other is in charge of military equipment and military defense. His Majesty the Dragon Emperor has a lot of weight in his heart.

If Jin Taeun really won the favor of the two of them, and when they help Jin Taeun to say a few words in front of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, then Dalong's excellent military equipment will most likely be given by the Goguryeo Mission. Get there first!

My lord, I suggest that you have to think of a way quickly to destroy the meeting between Jin Taeun and the Minister of the Ministry of War and Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Otherwise, the Patriarch will really face a critical situation. "

After Sakai Ka listened to Ishibashi Taro's analysis, the gloom in his eyes became three points heavier again.

After taking a few breaths heavily, Sakai Ga slapped the table forcefully.

"This old fox actually played the trick of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot for us.

His Majesty the Emperor of Dalong clearly warned us to wait for his or the court's reply with peace of mind, how dare this old fox, Jin Taien, how dare he! "

"My lord, what should we do now?"

"What to do? I don't know what to do either.

The old man Jin Taeun has hooked up with Mr. Wang now, if we go to sabotage at this time, it will be fine if we succeed.

However, if we miss it, instead of destroying the good deeds of Jin Taeun, a bastard, it will cause Mr. Wang to be dissatisfied with us.

Mr. Wang is the official minister of Honglu Temple. As the envoys of the mission, if we offend him, I am afraid there will be no good end. "

Shiqiao Taro's body trembled, his brows were furrowed and he thought for a moment, then he put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table.

"This old fox is really insidious.

Now that it's done, we really have no way to destroy it anymore.

My lord, why don't we, like Jin Taeun, secretly go and donate some gold, silver and jewelry to Mr. Wang? "

"It's too late."


"Yes, it's too late.

Now that Mr. Wang has accepted Jin Taeun's gift and helped him match up, he introduced two adults, the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

It shows that Jin Taeun has left a good impression in Mr. Wang's mind.

Now if we try to get in the way again, apart from wasting a batch of gold, silver and jewelry in vain, we will not get any desired results at all. "

"This—then what should we do now?"

"Mr. Shiqiao, I'm really hungry, and I don't know what to do now.

The actions of this old fox, Jin Taeun, were too insidious, and caught us off guard.

I never imagined that Jin Taien, an old fox, would dare to go against the wishes of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor and engage in such shameful tricks secretly.

It's too late to regret, it's too late to regret! "

Ishibashi Taro's eyes lit up, and he hastily stretched out his hand to signal Sakai Ga.

"Wait a minute, my lord, what did you just say?"

Sakai Ka looked at Taro Ishibashi with bright eyes, his eyes showed a puzzled expression.

"Well, what I said is that it's too late to regret, it's too late to regret!"

"No, one more sentence."

"One more sentence? One more sentence, I said that I never imagined that Jin Taien, an old fox, dared to go against His Majesty the Dragon Emperor's wishes and secretly engage in these shameful little tricks."

Ishibashi Taro slapped his hands suddenly, and looked towards Sakai Ka with a cheerful expression on his face.

"Yes, that's the one sentence, that's the one sentence."

"Huh? What's wrong with this sentence?"

"My lord, even if this sentence is not enough to kill Kim Taeun and the Goguryeo mission, it is enough for them to have a good drink."

"Don't be a fool, just tell me what good solution you have thought of."

"My lord, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor has clearly told us to wait for him with peace of mind, or the reply from the Dalong court, but the Goguryeo Kingdom is obediently obedient, and secretly engages in some evil tricks against his will.

My lord, what do you think will happen to the Goguryeo mission if this matter gets to the ears of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor?
What will happen to Jin Taeun, an old fox? "

(End of this chapter)

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