My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2936 Better than one chip

Chapter 2936 Even Better

After Sakai Hoshino's aunt and nephew left the courtyard one after the other, the Japanese deputy envoy Ishibashi Taro walked up to his subordinates with an excited expression.

In his dazed expression, Ishibashi Taro raised his hands and grabbed his arms and shook them vigorously a few times.

"Watanabe-kun, did you hear that? Did you hear what Miss Hoshino said to the lord just now?"

"Subordinate, subordinate heard."

"Watanabe-kun, I'm afraid that I was dreaming just now, so please repeat to me what Miss Hoshino said to your lord just now."

"Back to your lord, Miss Hoshino told you just now that His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon wants to summon him."

Ishibashi Taro immediately let go of Watanabe, put his hands on his cheeks and rubbed them vigorously, and at the same time showed a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, hahaha, in Dalong's words, this is really another village!

As long as the news of Jin Taeun's petty tricks reaches the ears of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, some factors that are unfavorable to us will be resolved immediately.

Even, Jin Taien, an old fox, might lose his old life because of the anger of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. "

Sakai Ka and Ishibashi Taro are indeed very smart. In just half a day, the two of them clearly dissected all the pros and cons.

Unfortunately, they didn't know, without Liu Mingzhi's secret instruction.

How dare Dalong's Minister of War and Minister of Industry dare to agree to the visit of an envoy of a country in a grand manner!
The two of them are indeed very smart.

However, Liu Mingzhi was even better.

Ishibashi Taro talked to himself excitedly, and seemed to think of something again, and immediately took out a silver ticket from his cuff and stuffed it in Watanabe's hand.

"Watanabe-kun, it's past the meal now, and the place where Ms. Hoshino lives most likely doesn't have anything to eat.

Now go to the big restaurant on the street to buy some delicious food, cakes and candied fruit and bring them back to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor and the others. "

"My lord, what if I can't use it?"

"Regardless of whether we can use it or not, we have to prepare in advance, after all, are we prepared for any danger?

The big deal is that we eat it ourselves, and we can't waste anything anyway. "

"This subordinate understands, and this subordinate will leave."

"Go back quickly."

"As ordered."

Sakai Hoshino's aunt and nephew didn't know about Shiqiao Taro's arrangement. At this time, they had already walked into the quiet courtyard where Sakai Hoshino lived.

"Auntie, didn't you just say that you have been chatting with His Majesty the Emperor for a long time?"

Sakai Hoshino couldn't help but see the love and joy that happened between himself and Liu Jun in the boudoir, and the embarrassment in his beautiful eyes flashed away.

However, it is naturally impossible for her to really tell her nephew what happened between herself and Liu Mingzhi.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Auntie, when you were chatting, did His Majesty the Emperor reveal to you the reason why he suddenly wanted to summon the child?

Now that the boy has passed the excitement just now, he suddenly feels a little nervous. After all, I didn't have the slightest psychological preparation in advance. "

"When we were chatting, we didn't mention anything about you or our mission. Mr. Liu just suddenly proposed to summon you to meet him."

Sakai Hoshino didn't tell his nephew Liu Mingzhi what he said earlier about rewarding military equipment, which was about to happen soon, not because she wanted to hide anything from her nephew.

But before there is any concrete result in this matter, telling my nephew would be better than not telling him.

Even if I tell him, there is no benefit other than letting him worry about gains and losses.

Sakai He sighed with regret, and immediately raised his hand to adjust his appearance.

"Yes, the child knows."

"He'er, don't be nervous, you can say what Liu Jun asks you later, you can say what you should say, and try not to mention what you shouldn't say.

In case something goes wrong, my aunt will find a way to help you get over it. "

"Hey, my son understands, Aunt Lao is worried."

"Silly boy, why are you being polite to your aunt.

Let's not talk about this for now, let's go there quickly, don't keep Liu Jun waiting for a long time. "

"Yes, yes, please, auntie."

When Aunt Sakai Hoshino and his nephew were walking towards the room, Young Master Liu's voice suddenly sounded from the gazebo in the small courtyard.

"Hoshino, Sakai He, I'm here."

Aunt and nephew Sakai Hoshino stared blankly, subconsciously looked towards the gazebo, saw Young Master Liu sitting in the gazebo holding melon seeds, the two of them hurried up to meet him.

"Hoshino met Liu Jun."

"Waguo is sending Sakai congratulations to see His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"It's all free."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi crossed his legs, and seemed to casually spit out the melon seeds in his mouth.

"There are no outsiders here, so don't be too cautious, don't stand still, sit down."

"Hey, Hoshino knows."

"The minister obeyed, thank you His Majesty the Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at Sakai Hoshino and nephew Sakai who were sitting opposite him, and raised his hand to put a melon seed into his mouth.

Gently spitting out the skin of the melon seeds in his mouth, Liu Mingzhi grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the tray on the table and put them in front of the beauty.

"Hoshino, it's too boring to just sit, you should also eat some melon seeds."

Sakai Hoshino knew that Liu Mingzhi didn't like himself and his overly polite behavior, so he directly grabbed the melon seeds with a smile on his face, squeezed out one and sent it to his cherry lips.

"Sakaihe, would you like some too?"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's signal gesture to him, Sakai He waved his hands generously.

My aunt dared to eat melon seeds without any scruples in front of First Young Master Liu, that was the basis of their friendship, but it didn't mean that I could also have such an honor.

If I was really naive enough to take Liu Mingzhi's polite words seriously.

That's really naive.

"No, no, no, Bangchen has become a little angry recently, and it is not suitable to eat melon seeds."

"That's a pity, you really have no luck."

"Yes, yes, Bundchen must pay attention to his physical condition in the future."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup and took a small sip of the tea, then continued to knead the melon seeds in his hand, raising his eyes from time to time to glance at Sakai Ka, who was sitting across from him, looking extremely embarrassed.

The more Liu Mingzhi remained silent, the more nervous Sakai He became.

Can you be nervous?
The man sitting across from him is not only a man who can control his own life and death, but also a man who can control the life and death of the entire Japanese country.

Not only can he decide his own life and death with ease, but he can also decide the rise and fall of the Wa kingdom.

No matter how noble his status in the Wa country is, no matter how prominent his status is.

But in front of him, after all, he was just a small envoy of a dependent country.

Sakai He sneaked a glance at First Young Master Liu who was silently kneading melon seeds but didn't speak. A thin layer of sweat had appeared on his forehead at some point.

He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit it.

In front of Liu Mingzhi, I was really nervous and felt uncomfortable anywhere.

This was the case when we met in the Royal Garden of the Dragon Palace many years ago, and it is also the case today many years later.

Instead of mitigating, it got worse.

Time flies, and with the passage of time, my fear of Liu Mingzhi has become more and more intense.

He couldn't tell where he was afraid, but he couldn't help feeling afraid.

Sakai He secretly glanced at his aunt Sakai Hoshino, who was kowtowing melon seeds like Liu Mingzhi, and he suddenly felt envious.

He didn't ask himself to be like his aunt, to be so unscrupulous in front of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor.

He only hopes that he doesn't have to be as cautious as he is now.

Unfortunately, he found that he seemed unable to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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