My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2937 Very pleased

Chapter 2937 Very pleased

Liu Mingzhi kowtowed the melon seeds one by one silently, not knowing what was going on in Sakai He's heart.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care about anything.

From the moment I knew that Kazuko Sakai, Sakai He and the Japanese mission were playing tricks on me, I was destined not to have any good feelings for him.

However, even if Sakai He and the others didn't play tricks on him, he still wouldn't have any good feelings for them.

Not everyone is Hoshino Sakai.

In my heart, Sakai Hoshino is just Sakai Hoshino, and he doesn't have much connection with other people.

When Sakai Hoshino saw Liu Mingzhi kowtowing the sunflower seeds without saying a word, he could only kowtow the sunflower seeds silently with him.

In fact, she wanted to speak out to break the quiet atmosphere in front of her and help her nephew say something, but she knew Liu Mingzhi's character better.

When Liu Jun didn't take the initiative to say anything, I had to wait and see what happened, and silently accompany Liu Jun was the best choice.

Sakai He is also a smart person, when he saw that his aunt Sakai Hoshino hadn't opened his mouth to help him break this quiet situation, but silently accompanied Young Master Liu while kowtowing sunflower seeds.

I already understood what my aunt was thinking.

While he understood his aunt, the pressure in his heart became heavier and heavier.

While bearing this invisible pressure, he suddenly understood a common saying of Dalong.

What does it mean to accompany a king like a tiger?

The situation I am facing now is the so-called companion to a king is like a companion to a tiger.

For a moment, Sakai He suddenly felt a little regretful, regretting that he was so proficient in Dalong's culture.

If you don't understand anything, you should feel much less pressure.

Finally, Liu Mingzhi put the last melon seed in his hand into his mouth.

Liu Mingzhi casually patted the crumbs in his palm a few times, and inadvertently glanced at Sakai Ka, who was on the opposite side who was trembling and silent, the unfinished look flashed away in his eyes.

If what I expected was right, the kid's psychological pressure should have reached its peak by now.

"Sakai He."

"In... Bundchen is here."

Seeing that Liu Mingzhi finally spoke, Sakai Hoshino, who was eating melon seeds, immediately put the remaining melon seeds on the table, and poured a cup of tea for Liu Mingzhi and the two of them one after another.

Liu Mingzhi took the tea from the beauty, and took off the dry cigarette bag at his waist.

"I should have received all the rewards I gave you."

"Return to His Majesty the Emperor, it has been received, and it was received yesterday morning."

"Just receive it, are you satisfied?"

Sakai He looked at First Young Master Liu who was filling the tobacco pot with shredded tobacco, and nodded without hesitation.

"Satisfied, satisfied, Bundchen is particularly satisfied."

Sakai He's remarks were not meant to be perfunctory to Liu Mingzhi, but that he was really satisfied with the rewards Liu Mingzhi gave him.

Although I was very regretful that I didn't get the reply that Liu Mingzhi agreed to reward me with the military equipment of the Japanese embassy, ​​but I couldn't find anything wrong with the things Liu Mingzhi rewarded me.

The tributes that his own mission presented to the Dalong Heavenly Dynasty were very valuable, but the things that the Dalong Heavenly Dynasty rewarded him were equally valuable.

If the exquisite porcelain, luxurious silk, flawless glazed mirrors, and various Dalong specialties that Liu Mingzhi bestowed on him are brought back to the mainland of Japan, the benefits they will bring cannot be underestimated.

If the owner can handle it properly, the value of those things may be higher than what he estimated.

Therefore, although I couldn't get the excellent military equipment I wanted in my heart, I couldn't be dissatisfied with the special products of the Dragon that the Dragon Emperor bestowed on me.

Moreover, Sakai Ka is also very clear in his heart that a large part of the precious things bestowed on him by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor are due to his aunt Sakai Hoshino.

If there is no aunt, I may not be able to get such a large amount of rewards.

"It's good to be satisfied, it's good to be satisfied.

Earlier, I was a little worried that you would be dissatisfied with my rewards. "

"Don't dare, don't dare, even if the minister has eaten the heart of a bear, he dare not be dissatisfied with His Majesty's reward for the minister."

Seeing Sakai He's trembling reaction, Liu Mingzhi brought the teacup to his mouth with a light smile.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

Take your time, one day the young master of Japan will let you, no, it should let you Japan understand what it means to be extravagant and extravagant.

"Phew, compared to the envoys of the other countries' missions, I really like Sakai He's character.

I feel very comfortable when chatting with you. "

Sakai Ka's body shook, suppressing the excitement in his heart, he nodded with a licking smile.

"Don't dare to dare, this is the duty of the minister. It is the honor of the minister to make His Majesty the emperor feel at ease."


Liu Mingzhi chuckled a few times, lit the tobacco with a torch, and took a puff, then turned to look at Sakai Hoshino, who was silent and quietly acting as an audience.


"Ah? Hey, Liu Jun, what's the matter?"

"Among those rewards, a lot of jewelry and other things are rewarded to you, have you received it?"

"Received, received, He Er sent all the rewards used by those girls to Hoshino's room yesterday.

Hoshino originally wanted to thank Liu Jun, but because of the rush of time, Hoshino hadn't had time to mention this matter to Liu Jun. "

"You don't need to thank you, do you like those things?"

"Yeah, Hoshino likes it very much. There are many jewelry in it. Hoshino has never seen it in shops or stalls in the capital city.

According to the rules of Mr. Liu and your great dragon, those jewelry should not be used in the imperial court that can be circulated among the people. "

"It's fine if you like it. If you like it, I won't say anything more."

Liu Mingzhi used Zhen, and my self-proclaimed name freely between Sakai Hoshino and Sakai Ka.

"Yeah, thank you Liu Jun."

Liu Mingzhi smoked his cigarette pouch vigorously, and once again set his eyes on Sakai He.

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"Your Japanese diplomatic mission first presented a large number of yearly offerings to the imperial court, and then presented me with such rare treasures as the priceless three-foot night pearl.

I can feel the respect you Japanese missions have for me. "

"This is the duty of a state minister, as long as His Majesty likes it, as long as he likes it."

"Well, about the war between your Sakai family and the Japanese royal family, I already know everything from Hoshino.

The situation of the Sakai family is so critical, but they can still offer a large number of offerings and a rare treasure to me.

It can be seen that you, the Sakai family, respect me, and I am very pleased with this. "

Sakai He hid the excitement in his eyes very well, stood up pretending to be calm and bowed to First Young Master Liu.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your praise. I am ashamed to be a minister."

"Don't be restrained, sit down, sit down."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

"When the situation of your Sakai family is so critical, it must be very difficult to still prepare so many annual offerings for me."

"Your Majesty the Emperor is holy, the Patriarch spent about half a month to prepare the annual offerings and the rare treasure for you.

At that time, the head of the family said that no matter how difficult the situation of our Sakai family is, we cannot ignore our family's respect for His Majesty the Emperor. "

There was a gleam of light in the depths of Liu Mingzhi's eyes, and he picked up the tea and took a sip with a bit of a sigh.

Hehehe, hehehe~
It took about half a month to prepare so many annual offerings. The situation of the Sakai family is really at stake!

"Huh? Mr. Liu?"

"Your brother has spent a lot of time preparing for Dalong's New Year's Offering, right?"

When Sakaihe saw Liu Mingzhi suddenly asked his aunt a question, a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes, and his hands couldn't help clenching the hem of his clothes under the stone table.

"Yeah, it's been a lot of hard work. During the time of preparing the annual offering, Hoshino hardly ever saw his brother, and he had a good night's sleep at home."

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's reply, Sakai Ka breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a faint smile, bent over the stone bench and knocked out the embers in the smoke pot.

"Thanks for your hard work, brother."

"Dare not dare, this is the duty that our family should do."

(End of this chapter)

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