Chapter 2938
Sakai Hoshino saw Liu Mingzhi knock out the ashes in the smoke pot, got up slightly and stretched out his arms in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"Liu Jun, these are the melon seeds that Hoshino peeled out when you were chatting with He'er just now, do you want to eat some to get rid of the smell of smoke in your mouth?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, put down the pipe in his hand, and took a small handful of melon seeds from the beautiful woman with a smile.

"I have a heart, I have a heart."

"It's okay, Hoshino is still sitting when he is dry, as long as Liu Jun likes it."

After Liu Mingzhi took the melon seeds, he was about to pick up the tea to rinse his mouth, when a voice suddenly sounded in the gazebo.

"The envoy pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live,"

"My subordinates refer to Ms. Hoshino and my lord."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea, and subconsciously turned to look at the arch in the courtyard.

Sakai Ka's heart skipped a beat, and he recognized that the voice of the person coming was his subordinate Watanabe No.

"Watanabe-kun, what's the matter with you?"

"Returning to my lord, Master Shiqiao was worried that Miss Hoshino would not treat His Majesty well because she didn't have much to eat here, so she asked her subordinates to go down the street to buy some fine wine and delicacies, as well as pastries and fruit plates."

Sakai He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately turned around and bowed to First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, do you see?"

Liu Mingzhi caressed his waist intentionally or unintentionally. Not long ago, he had been exercising with Sakai Hoshino for so long, and he was really hungry.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the beautiful woman whose pretty face was slightly flushed after he stroked his waist, and nodded with a smile.

"I chatted with Hoshino for a long time, and I'm really hungry. Let him bring over food and wine."

"Yes, yes, His Majesty, please wait a moment, and the minister will fetch it in person."

After Sakai Ka got up, he trotted directly towards Watanabe who was standing inside the arch.

Seeing that his nephew had left the pavilion, Sakai Hoshino clenched his fists with a pretty face and lightly beat Young Master Liu's arm.

"Bad Liu Jun, can you stop touching your waist in front of He'er, what should you do if he sees something?"

Young Master Liu blinked at the beautiful lady meanly, and suddenly reached out and patted her buttocks without any warning.

"I can't help it, isn't it because you are tired by Hoshino?"

"Ah! You, be serious."

Sakai Hoshino let out a soft voice, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that his nephew had turned back with a tray.

The beauty immediately reprimanded First Young Master Liu in a soft voice, adjusted her skirt in a subtle manner, and her pretty face turned into a nonchalant look.

"Your Majesty, the minister is back."

"Okay, put the food and wine on the table."


Sakai He first arranged six meat and vegetable dishes in an orderly manner, and then put on pastries, melons and fruits, and a jar of fine wine.

Sakai He put the tray aside, and placed the bowls and dishes in front of Liu and Young Master one after another with a respectful expression.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the minister dared to be rude first."

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, and he didn't realize the meaning of Sakai He's words for a while.

Sakai Hoshino also looked at his nephew in confusion. Just as she was about to speak, Sakai Ga picked up a pair of chopsticks and picked them down towards the food and wine on the table.

Liu Mingzhi immediately understood what Sakai He meant. He wanted to test himself for poison, so that he could rest assured that there was nothing wrong with the food and drink.

Seeing this, Sakai Hoshino vaguely understood what his nephew meant.

She smiled sweetly, got up and picked up the wine jar beside her and gently removed the mud on it, then poured a glass of wine into the wine glass in front of her nephew.

After Sakai Ka tasted the left and right food on the stone table one by one, he raised his head and drank the drink in front of him without hesitation.

After wiping the corners of his mouth casually, Sakai He nodded to Young Master Liu indifferently.

"Your Majesty, you can eat now. If the leeks are not suitable for your mouth, the ministers will replace them immediately."

"Sakai He, you have a heart."

"Don't dare to dare, this is the responsibility of the state minister."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, picked up a piece of sauced beef and put it directly into his mouth.

"Hoshino, you eat too."

"Hey, Hoshino knows."

Liu Mingzhi savored every meal carefully, and glanced sideways at Sakaiga's face from time to time.

Although I don't have any good senses about Sakai He, but I have to admit one thing, that is, his ability to deal with people is quite good.

If he wasn't from the Wa country, he might be able to flourish in Dalong's court.

It's a pity that there is no word "if" in the world.

His identity has already determined that he will not stay with Dalong.

When Liu Mingzhi was thinking secretly, Sakai Kawa was also in a hurry.

He was thinking about how to properly inform Liu Mingzhi and Kim Taeun of the little tricks that the old fox had done in private.

If what he said was too blunt, of course he couldn't do it, Liu Mingzhi would definitely be able to see his purpose of killing people with a knife at once.

If it is too cryptic, in case Liu Mingzhi can't understand what he means, but he can't achieve his goal.

Oh, what should I do?How to do it?

How should I speak so that His Majesty the Emperor can know about this matter without seeing my intentions?

Why don't you open your mouth to test the mood of His Majesty the emperor first, and then continue to talk about the following things.

Anyway, my aunt had already told me that if something went wrong, she would help me to make it right.

She has an aunt to help me out, even if my words later offend His Majesty the Emperor, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Yes, just do it like this, you have to try it anyway.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai He's expression of frowning and struggling, and put down the chopsticks in his hand with a chuckle.

"Sakai He."

"Ah? The minister is here, His Majesty, tell me."

"Since your Japanese mission came to Beijing to meet me, you have asked me more than once to reward you with a batch of excellent standard military equipment, right?"

The thoughts in Sakai He's mind about how to plot Goguryeo's envoy Kim Tae-eun disappeared in an instant, and at this moment there was only one thought left in his mind.

His Majesty the Emperor actually took the initiative to mention the matter of rewarding military equipment to himself?
His Majesty the Emperor actually took the initiative to mention the matter of rewarding military equipment to himself?
Are you not dreaming?

Sakai Ka directly twisted his thigh vigorously, and the intense pain made him realize that he was not dreaming now.

Liu Mingzhi really mentioned the reward to himself just now.

Sakai Ka took a deep breath, and kept reminding himself in his heart that no matter what, he must seize this opportunity.

How the hell are you plotting against Jin Taeun, an old fox.

The only real goal is to try every means to obtain the excellent military equipment of Dalong, and bring the land of the Japanese country into the hands of the Patriarch.

Sakai He forcibly controlled the excitement in his heart, but no matter how he tried to control it, the obvious excitement was still uncontrollable on his face.

He immediately got up and adjusted his appearance, and respectfully saluted First Young Master Liu.

"Return to His Majesty the Emperor, it is true."

(End of this chapter)

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