Chapter 2939
"Sit down, sit down, I have already said just now, there are no outsiders present, so there is no need to be too cautious."

"Yes, yes, my minister thanked His Majesty the Emperor."

When Sakai Hoshino saw Liu Mingzhi suddenly talking about the topic of military equipment rewards, his exquisite and graceful body trembled slightly, and a hint of joy flashed imperceptibly in his eyes.

She hurriedly picked up a piece of watermelon from the fruit plate, and handed it to Liu Mingzhi with a smile on her face.

"Liu Jun, don't just talk too much, eat a piece of watermelon to moisten your throat."

"Okay, you eat too."

"Sakaihe, you've been talking for so long, do you want to quench your thirst with a piece of watermelon?"

"No need, your majesty and aunt just taste it carefully. Bang Chen drinks tea, and Bang Chen prefers to drink tea."

Liu Mingzhi took a bite of the watermelon, and raised his legs with a satisfied expression.

"Sakaihe, do you know why the civil and military officials in the imperial court haven't discussed a specific result about rewarding you with the military equipment of the Wa Kingdom?"

Sakai He frowned instinctively, and shook his head at First Young Master Liu with a puzzled face.

"The minister is dull, please His Majesty the Emperor to clarify the confusion for the minister."

When Sakai He said this, it wasn't because he pretended to be ignorant, but because he really didn't know what Liu Mingzhi and the civil and military officials in the Great Dragon Court were thinking.

If he could guess what Young Master Liu was thinking, he would have already thought of ways to prescribe the right medicine.

And why are they wandering in Honglu Temple like they are now, aimlessly waiting for Liu Mingzhi's final answer.

Liu Mingzhi spat out the watermelon seeds in his mouth, and casually threw the watermelon rind on the table.

Seeing this, Sakai Hoshino immediately picked up another piece of watermelon and handed it to Liu Mingzhi, but Liu Mingzhi stopped him with his hand.

"Hoshino, put it back, just eat a piece to satisfy your hunger."

"Hey, would Mr. Liu want some pastries?"

"No, you don't have to serve me in every detail, I will tell you what I want to eat."

"Yeah, Hoshino understands, then He'er, the two of you continue to talk about business."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, picked up the dry pipe on the table again and skillfully filled the shredded tobacco.

Sakai He looked very winkingly, seeing that Liu Mingzhi had packed the shredded tobacco, he immediately took out the torch in his cuff and blew it on, and then he went up to it.

"Your Majesty, please."


Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly, got up and walked towards the courtyard.

When Sakai Hoshino and nephew saw this, they immediately got up and followed.

"Sakai congratulations, whether it's the letter of credence presented to me by your mission, or the words of pleading that you personally said after you entered the palace and had an audience with me.

The meaning expressed in it is that I hope that I can reward you with a batch of excellent dragon soldiers to solve the predicament your Sakai family is facing now.

Am I right? "

"That's right, that's true."

"It's good to be right, then the key issue that caused the delay in discussing the reward and no result has arisen.

The so-called batch of military equipment of your Japanese mission, what is the number of military equipment?

In order to come to a final result, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty had different opinions and discussed over and over again, but they still couldn't discuss how much military equipment should be set for you to be more appropriate. "

Sakai He couldn't help being startled after hearing First Young Master Liu's explanation.

"Huh? Is that so?"

"Yeah, otherwise what do you think?"

Sakai He scratched his head in embarrassment, a look of remorse flashed in his eyes.

It turns out that the root of the problem is actually in yourself?

"Because of this incident, the civil and military officials in the court had to be divided into two factions.

Some officials feel that your negligence caused this situation.

And some officials think that you, Sakai Ka, are deliberately confusing the public, and want to use this kind of vague words to ask for more military equipment.

One side can be considerate of you, thinking that you made a mistake unintentionally, while the other side can't understand you, thinking that you are greedy.

Officials from both sides insisted on their own opinions, and they couldn't come up with a concrete result for a while. "

Sakai He's expression flickered, and he hurriedly followed Young Master Liu and shook his head heavily.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, please learn from me, the ministers absolutely did not intentionally confuse the public and have greedy thoughts.

It was the state minister who was negligent, and the state minister was negligent. "

Liu Mingzhi's footsteps stopped abruptly, and he let out light smoke from his mouth with a slight frown.

"It turns out that you were really negligent."

"Yes, yes, it is because of the negligence of the ministers. It is because the ministers are not rigorous enough to do things. I hope His Majesty the Emperor will forgive the fault of the ministers."

Sakai Hoshino saw his nephew's terrified expression, a hint of distress flashed in his beautiful eyes, and he immediately reached out and tugged Young Master Liu's sleeve twice.

"Liu Jun, He'er is still too young after all, he can't think carefully when doing things.

I also hope that Liu Jun will look at Hoshino's thin face and forgive He'er's fault, Hoshino please. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and gently patted the back of the beautiful lady's tender hand.

"Hoshino, people are not sages, no one can do anything wrong, don't worry, I won't be angry."

"Hey, thank you Liu Jun, thank you Liu Jun."

Hearing that his aunt had justified his words, Sakai He hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"The minister thanked His Majesty the Emperor, the minister thanked His Majesty the Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but recall what Liu Song reported to him that night at the palace banquet.

He sighed with regret, and glared at Sakai He pretending to be annoyed.

"Oh, Sakai congratulations, you are the same, every time you ask for military equipment here, you always say your request in front of the envoys of other countries.

Your country of Wa is a subsidiary country of my Great Dragon Dynasty, aren't the other countries the subsidiary countries of the Great Dragon Dynasty?

Under such circumstances, how can I treat one more favorably than another?
Have you ever thought about it, if I agreed to the request of your Japanese mission on the spot, what would the ambassadors of other countries' missions think?
Can't you come and beg to see me in private?For Hoshino's sake, how could I reject you? "

When Sakai He heard First Young Master Liu's angry words, the words Liu Song said to himself on the night of the palace banquet suddenly flashed in his mind.

"If Your Majesty agrees to the request of your Japanese diplomatic mission alone, how can you explain to the missions of other countries?"
I mean do you understand?

The heavenly secrets must not be leaked, and the Sakai Kingdom will let you understand it yourself. '

Those words lingered in his mind, and Sakai He's eyes suddenly showed a little tangled color.

Combining what Young Master Liu said just now, he recalled what Liu Song said to himself that night at the palace banquet.

He can't wait to slap himself right now.

Mr. Liu has hinted at himself like this, why didn't he understand what he meant?

Sakai He felt as much regret as he wanted now, and he sighed with regret on his face.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are confused, the ministers are confused."

"It's not too late to make up for it.

Up to now, the officials have not discussed how much military equipment should be rewarded to your Japanese mission.

Some say three thousand, some say five thousand.

Some say [-], others say [-], or even more.

In short, there are as many as there are, and it may be difficult to determine an accurate number in a short time.

However, it's not an option to procrastinate. I can only go out to Xingye in a subdued manner and summon you when the envoys from other countries are not paying attention.

Now, can you tell me about the approximate number of your army? "

Sakai congratulated with a happy face, and exhaled forcefully.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the minister has the courage to say it. If the minister has said too much, I hope His Majesty will not be offended."

"Speak, I'm listening."

"What Bangchen thinks in his heart is that there are [-] weapons of various types, [-] pairs of fine armor, [-] pairs of ordinary armor, [-] bows and crossbows of various types, [-] chain crossbows, and [-] arrows of various kinds."

First Young Master Liu coughed a few times because of the smoke in his mouth, and looked towards Sakai He who looked trembling with a slight frown.

Whoops, you fucking dare to speak.

Thirty thousand weapons, twenty thousand fine armor, ten thousand ordinary armor, eight thousand bows and crossbows, three thousand chain crossbows, and fifty thousand arrows.

The combination of these armaments is enough for my young master to recruit another [-] elite troops, do you know that?
Do you fucking know how much money these standard weapons are worth?

Who do you take Master Ben as?
How about hitting local tyrants?

Why do you want a reward?You fucking are obviously cutting off Master Ben's flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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