My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2943 The debt of this life will be repaid in the next life

Chapter 2943 The debt of this life will be repaid in the next life
When Liu Mingzhi uttered the last few words, his voice was hoarse.

It seems to be blaming yourself, and it seems to be regretting.

Only Liu Mingzhi himself knows what kind of complicated emotions are contained in it.

"Master, you said it yourself, this is just your guess.

Whether the old man Ruizong knew about the matter between you and Mrs. Wanyan has become a mystery that no one knows after the old man passed away.

And this mystery will never be solved by anyone.

Maybe his old man has already known about the things that happened between you, young master, and Mrs. Wanyan, and maybe he has never been clear about it.

How exactly, now who can say clearly?
That being the case, young master, why do you bother yourself and add to your sadness?

The most important thing is that the fundamental reason why the situation has come to this point does not lie with you, young master.

Six years ago, if His Majesty Li Ye hadn't been benevolent and took the assassination of Fengyundu first, you wouldn't have been unrighteous and rebelled later, young master.

It must be known that the young master at that time was a loyal minister and general who was unwaveringly loyal to the Dalong court and the Li family!

If His Majesty Li Ye hadn't been suspicious, the young master should have assisted him to rule the world and lay the foundation of Dalong's eternity.

It's a pity that His Majesty Li Ye at that time was too young after all. "

Hearing Liu Song's sighing words, Liu Mingzhi put the jug into his mouth and drank a few swigs again.

"That's right, Ye'er was still too young and immature at that time.

He couldn't understand why, young master, the reason why I was able to become the one-word side-by-side king in charge of the 27 prefectures in Northern Xinjiang was entirely due to the trust of his grandfather and father.

Both his grandfather and father can firmly believe that Liu Mingzhi, who is in charge of 30 Northern Border Cavalry, will not raise his troops to rebel, will not become a king on his own, and will not turn his king and ministers against each other.

Why can't you trust me when it's his turn?

Maybe, if there wasn't an old man pushing Nanasuke behind his back... Hehe... Forget it.

Many years have passed, and it is too late to say who is right and who is wrong.

Young master Ben asked himself how to treat this child Ye'er.

For family affection, I, Liu Mingzhi, have fulfilled the responsibilities of an uncle; for my courtiers, I have also fulfilled my duty as a personal courtier.

Even though six years have passed, I have never regretted the matter of rebelling against Ye'er.

As for Li Ye, I, Liu Mingzhi, can feel my conscience and say that I have reached the point of being benevolent and righteous.

What makes me regret and blame myself is that after all, I failed to live up to the trust of my father and elder brother.

The important minister of Tuo Gu, who shouldered the heavy responsibility of Tuo Gu, finally became the one who overthrew the Li family.

This has to be said to be an irony.

Because of this, sometimes I just keep thinking about one thing.

That is, the father, the old man, is for the world, for the people of the world.

You can pretend to turn a blind eye to the matter between me and Wanyan, but you can pretend that it never happened.

Why can't I, Liu Mingzhi, turn a blind eye to Ye'er's act of sending someone to assassinate me in Fengyundu, pretend not to hear it, and pretend that it never happened?
In the final analysis, Father Huang and his elders are thinking about the people of the world.

Compared with my father and his old man, the world is for the public, I, Liu Mingzhi, seem to be much more selfish.

That's why I said just now, if his father, emperor, and old man are not considered benevolent kings.

Then I, Liu Mingzhi, are not worth mentioning.

Unfortunately, I understood it too late.

After understanding, there is no turning back. "


"Drive well."

"Yes, my little one obeys."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song who stuffed two pieces of cakes into his mouth and continued to drive honestly, raised the flagon in his hand and gestured towards the empty carriage.

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and took a sip of the wine, then lifted the curtain of the car, and poured out half of the vintage wine in his hand towards the outside of the slowly moving car.

"The son respects the father and the emperor, and the minister respects the elder brother.

The account of this life, if there is an afterlife, I, Liu Mingzhi, will slowly return it to you. "

When no more drop of wine could be poured out from the spout, Liu Mingzhi retracted the jug and leaned lazily on the carriage, closed his eyes silently and fell asleep.


"Master, we have arrived at the gate of the palace."

Liu Mingzhi, who was taking a nap, opened his eyes calmly, opened the curtain and jumped off the frame of the carriage.

The moment his feet landed on the ground, the heaviness and laziness on Liu Mingzhi's face disappeared instantly, replaced by a calm and indifferent expression that was not angry and prestige.

"We see Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"You're welcome."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Continue to be on duty."

"We obey, and respectfully send His Majesty back to the palace."

Liu Song handed the reins in his hand to the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army on duty outside the palace gate, trotted towards Liu Mingzhi who had already entered the palace gate, and followed.

"Master, should we take a detour to the apse, or go straight to the Qinzheng Hall?"

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky, stretched out his hands to straighten the crown on his head, and took the lead in walking towards the Qinzheng Hall.

"It's getting late, just go in directly from the main entrance."

"Yes, little one understands."

Liu Mingzhi's master and servant rushed all the way to the Palace of Qinzheng, and walked directly into the gate of the palace.

"Your Majesty is here."

The chatter and laughter in the hall stopped abruptly, and the eyes of all civil and military officials fell on Liu Mingzhi at the same time.

Liu Mingzhi walked up to the dragon chair and sat down, and all civil and military officials saluted with the wat.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"Your dear friends, you are seated without courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi waited for all the officials to sit down one after another, and glanced around the hall calmly.

"Which lover has a book to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is a book to be played by Minister of the Ministry of War."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu's uncle, Minister of the Ministry of War, Song Yu, came out with the imperial wat, and took out a document from his cuff.

"Your Majesty, with regard to the military preparation requested by the Japanese mission, the veteran minister and his colleagues in the Ministry of War have already reached a rough result."

After Song Yu finished speaking halfway, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand as a gesture.

"Military Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Regarding the matter of rewarding the military equipment of the Japanese country, we will discuss it later."

"The old minister obeyed."

"Is there any lover who has a book to play?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister's Ministry of Industry has a book to play."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, the construction of the imperial mausoleum that His Majesty ordered the veteran to supervise has now started, and the specific matters have been listed in the document by the veteran. Please have a look at it, Your Majesty."


"As ordered."

When Liu Mingzhi waited for Liu Song to take over the document from Minister of the Ministry of Industry, a look of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

"Ministry of Industry."

"His Majesty?"

"The construction of the main tomb of the emperor's tomb should not cause any interference to the companion tomb that was built two years ago, right?"

"Return to Your Majesty, please rest assured that the construction of the main tomb of the imperial tomb will not cause any disturbance to the companion tomb."

"Okay, then I can rest assured and go all out to supervise this matter."

"The old minister obeyed."

(End of this chapter)

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