My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2944 Not Like Your Character

Chapter 2944 Not Like Your Character
Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly at the documents Liu Song put on the dragon case, and glanced calmly at the civil and military officials in the hall.

"My dear friends, besides the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry, who else has a book to play?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister has a book to play."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Jiang Yuanming, Shangshu of the household department came out, he took out a document from his cuff and held it in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the preparations for the second batch of food and grass for the [-] soldiers of the Second Western Expedition have now been completed.

The old minister asks His Majesty, when will the second batch of grain and grass be delivered to the front line and delivered to Marshal Duan Dingbang? "

"The matter of food and grass for the [-] troops is no small matter. Has the specific situation been stated in the document?"

"Return to Your Majesty, all the old ministers have listed all the situations on the document."

"Liu Song, present it."

"Little obedience."

Liu Song ran down the Longtai again, and handed Jiang Yuanming's documents directly to Young Master Liu after returning.


Liu Mingzhi took the document from Liu Song and flipped through it lightly, watching the content line by line with calm eyes.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi closed the document in his hand, raised his brow slightly and looked towards Jiang Yuanming who was standing under the dragon platform.

"House Department."

"The old minister is here."

"The amount of the second batch of grain and grass seems to be about [-]% more than what Duan Dingbang requested."

"Your Majesty, the share of the second batch of grain and grass is indeed [-]% more than the amount of grain and grass requested by Marshal Duan Dingbang."

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty, it is clear that it is the season of continuous autumn rains, and it is not easy to escort food and grass.

If the soldiers escorting the food and grass encountered severe rainstorms, it would be difficult to deliver the food and grass to Marshal Duan Dingbang in time.

If there is an extra day of delay during the period, the consumption of food and grass will be tens of thousands.

Just in case, the veteran prepared [-]% more food and grass.

However, as His Majesty just said, the issue of food and grass is no small matter.

Although the veteran prepared [-]% more food and grass, he didn't dare to make his own claim and directly let the soldiers escort the front line to deliver it.

That's why I invite you to play, Your Majesty, whether it is allowed to play. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression, and casually placed the document in his hand on the dragon case.

"Since the beginning of autumn, how has the rain in the northwest been?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, this year's autumn rain is slightly heavier than last year's."

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment, frowning slightly, then shifted his gaze to Xia Gongming, the chief assistant of the cabinet.

"Old Xia loves you."

"The old minister is here."

"The autumn rains are continuous, which can easily cause waterlogging. In the past month or so, have the officials of the state capitals in the northwest sent emergency documents about the autumn floods to the capital?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there are several documents to prevent autumn floods in advance, but there is not a single emergency document at present."

"It's fine if you don't, I don't worry if you don't.

After the dynasty was disbanded, your cabinet officials immediately drafted an edict and sent it to the officials of the various states, telling the chief officials of the various states that I have granted them the right to make impromptu decisions regarding the autumn floods, and there is no need to send them to the capital to request them one by one.

The decree is below to inform the chief officials of various places that I have granted them the right to make decisions on the fly.

If there is another incident that causes disasters on a large scale to the people, I will not spare them. "

"Your Majesty is wise, the old minister obeys."

"House Department."

"The old minister is here."

"You've thought well, you're ready.

After the dispersal of the court, the soldiers who escorted the food and grass were ordered to set off immediately. "

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"All my loves, please take your seats."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Is there any lover who has a book to play?"

The civil and military officials looked at each other, and when they saw that no one came out, they all raised the wat in their hands and saluted.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the ministers have nothing to play."

"Then retreat."

"I send you off to Your Majesty respectfully, long live my emperor."

"Wuyi King Song Qing, the chief assistant of the cabinet, two second assistants, Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun, six ministers, and the Zhengqing of Honglu Temple stayed behind."

"I will obey your orders."

After most of the officials left one after another, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to Xia Gongming, Wei Yong, Tong Sansi and the others to signal, and took the lead to walk towards the back hall of Qinzheng Hall.

"My lords, follow me to the Imperial Garden for a walk."

"I will obey your orders."

Xia Gongming and other important court officials responded, and hurriedly followed Liu Mingzhi who had already entered the apse.

in the Royal Garden.

Liu Mingzhi grabbed a handful of fish food from the ceramic pot and sprinkled it towards the water, then sat down on the stone bench in the gazebo, clapping his hands.

"You don't have to stand, you can all sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Song Yu and the others took their seats one after another, Liu Mingzhi raised his legs and straightened the hem of the dragon robe, took out a piece of rice paper from his cuff and placed it on the stone table.

"Ministers and gentlemen, regarding the matter that the Japanese mission asked me to reward them with a batch of excellent military equipment, this is my idea, let's pass it on to each other."

"I will obey your orders."

Several people looked at each other tacitly, Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet, took the initiative to pick up the rice paper on the stone table.

After a while, Xia Gongming seemed to pass the rice paper in his hand to Wei Yong who was beside him thoughtfully, raised his hand and caressed the gray beard on his chin, and meditated.

After about two cups of tea time, Honglu Temple Minister Wang He, who finally read the content on the rice paper, was gently putting the rice paper back to its original position.

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the tea in his hand, lightly fiddled with the tea lid in his hand, and glanced around at the people in the gazebo.

"My lords, have you finished watching?"

The people who were thinking about me came back to their senses, and hurriedly nodded to Young Master Liu as a gesture.

"Return to Your Majesty, the ministers and others have read the documents above."

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup, untied the pipe from his waist, and waved to Song Qing.

"King Wuyi, bring me some of your good shredded tobacco."


Song Qing immediately untied the pipe from his waist, took out a pinch of shredded tobacco, got up and stuffed it into the smoking pot in Young Master Liu's hand, and then lit the shredded tobacco for Young Master Liu with a torch.

"Your Majesty, please."

Liu Mingzhi exhaled a puff of smoke, smiled lightly and looked around at a group of courtiers who kept swallowing their saliva.

"You don't have to look at me dryly, if you like this mouthful, just do it yourself."

"Hey, your majesty is holy, your majesty is holy."

"The old minister was rude, thank you Your Majesty."

"The old minister is also rude, thank you Your Majesty."

"His Royal Highness King Wu Yi, I'm used to smoking my own shredded tobacco, let me also taste your shredded tobacco."

"Your Majesty, I want some. Your Majesty says it's good shredded tobacco. Your Highness King Wuyi's shredded tobacco must be good. I'll let you taste it."

"It's true, then the official has to come and have a taste."

Song Yu hummed and chirped a few times, and directly stretched out his cigarette stick in front of Song Qing.

Letting himself face his son in front of everyone and claiming to be an official, he really couldn't get rid of this face.

Song Qing was not a stingy master either, so he squeezed out pinches of shredded tobacco from the cigarette pouch and distributed it to others.

After a while, the gazebo turned into a smoky look as everyone swallowed clouds and fog.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the old smokers in front of him, picked up the tea and rinsed away the bitterness in his mouth.

"You all talk about your own opinions, who has a different idea about what I mean?"

"Your Majesty, there is no objection to the old minister.

But it's not like your character to agree to the request of the Japanese mission.

The number of these armaments is worth a lot of silver. "

(End of this chapter)

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