Chapter 2945 The Key
The corners of Liu Mingzhi's eyes twitched and he glanced at Jiang Yuanming, who had a questioning expression on his face, and slightly turned sideways to spit out the tea in his mouth.

I was in a pretty good mood at first, but was instantly overwhelmed by Jiang Yuanming's few words.

Could this young master not know that those soldiers are worth a lot of money?Can the young master not feel sorry for rewarding him like this?

Your sister, my young master loves you more than anyone else.

More than anyone else, I don't want to agree to the request of the Japanese mission, but for the sake of the overall situation later, I have to agree even if I don't want to.

Master Ben thought for a few days and finally made up his mind, but in the end, you broke my defense with one sentence directly to Master Ben.

Sin ah.

I can't think about it anymore, I can't continue thinking about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more distressed I become.

Jiang Yuanming and the others saw the cloudy and cloudy expression on Young Master Liu's face, and looked at each other for a few times because they didn't understand. They really didn't know what the reason for Liu Mingzhi's cloudy and cloudy expression was.

Especially Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Household Department, couldn't help discussing secretly in his heart, wondering if what he said just now was wrong.

"Old Ginger."

"The old minister is here, Your Majesty?"

"It's nothing, I feel that you have gained a lot of weight recently."


Xia Gongming and the others heard the conversation between Young Master Liu and instinctively looked at Jiang Yuanming who was stunned.

Has Lord Jiang gained weight recently?Doesn't it make any difference?

what's the situation?Could it be that His Majesty and Lao Jiang are playing some charades?

Well, it seems to be a little fatter, but it's not too obvious. It may also be that the weather has turned cold and I wear more linings and the like.

What does His Majesty mean by this?Damn it, could it be that Old Jiang, an old man, has been collecting black money recently, that's why His Majesty deliberately beat him with the phrase "he's getting fat?"
It shouldn't be, among the major government offices of the six departments and nine officials, the household department of his mother is the most filthy, and a little deduction from the nails is enough for him to eat for a year and a half, there is no need to risk his life Go collect black money.

After Jiang Yuanming came back to his senses, he felt the weird eyes of his colleagues, and subconsciously swept towards his stomach.

Are you fat?Have you gained weight recently?

What does he mean, Your Majesty?How come some of the foreword does not match the afterword?

Jiang Yuanming couldn't figure out the meaning of what Young Master Liu said just now after thinking about it. He stretched out his hand and patted his stomach, and looked at Young Master Liu who was holding a cigarette stick and puffing on his face in embarrassment. past.

"His Majesty."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I beg you, old minister, please give this old minister a good time, I really can't bear the inconsistency in my heart!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Jiang Yuanming's uncomfortable expression, and there was a flash of pleasure in revenge success in his eyes.

Old man, you know what it's like to feel uncomfortable, right?

"Old Ginger."

"The old minister is here, the old minister is here."

"I'm confused by what you said, what should I give you?
Firstly, you have not committed any treason, and secondly, you have not violated the laws of the Great Dragon, so what pleasure do you ask me to give you? "

"Old minister, old minister, old minister."

Young Master Liu looked at Jiang Yuanming's vague appearance, and pretended to be impatient, and lightly tapped the stone table a few times with his fingers.

"You, you, you, you can talk if you have something to say, and you can fart if you have something to say. I stayed with you to discuss important court affairs with you, not to listen to your old minister's non-stop.

what do you want to say in the end?If you want to say it, say it quickly, don't delay me and you to continue discussing business matters. "

When Jiang Yuanming heard Young Master Liu's tone that seemed to be a little angry, his expression turned bitter, and he suppressed the awkwardness in his heart and took two puffs of dry cigarettes.

what you want to say?
I don't know what I want to say?

No, no, how did I offend His Majesty today? Why did he torture himself like this?
"Old minister, old minister has nothing to say."

"If you have nothing to say, forget it, waste your time, and then talk about the business."

Jiang Yuanming was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously blurted out the thoughts in his heart.

"This is the end?"

When these words came out, Jiang Yuanming regretted it in an instant, wishing to raise his hand and slap himself directly on the mouth.

Your Majesty said it's all right, so why do you insist on answering this question?

"Otherwise? Is there anything else you want to do? I still say the same thing, talk when you have something to say, and fart when you have something to say. Why waste time?"

"It's gone, it's gone, it's business, it's business."

Seeing Jiang Yuanming's suspicious expression on his old face, Liu Mingzhi instantly relieved the pain in his heart by [-]%.

Compared with just now, it is simply too much fun.

Seeing that the topic had returned to the main topic, Jiang Yuanming let out a long breath of relief.

Liu Mingzhi leaned over and knocked out the embers from the smoke pot on the stone bench, stretched out his hand to pick up a bunch of grapes from the tray on the stone table, and threw them into his mouth one by one.

"Master Xia, Old Master Cai.

Now, one of you is the head of the civil servants in the court, and the other is the head of the military officials. The two of you first talk about your own ideas. "

Xia Gongming saw that the dry tobacco in his hand had burned out, he knocked out the ashes and gently put the tobacco stick on the table.

"Your Majesty, thirty thousand weapons, twenty thousand fine armor, ten thousand ordinary armor, eight thousand bows and crossbows, three thousand chain crossbows, and fifty thousand arrows.

The number of military equipment requested by Sakai He, the Japanese country, is not a decimal number.

Even if the veteran is not very proficient in these things, he still has a rough idea in his heart.

If these military equipment are converted into silver, I'm afraid they won't be able to get it without 20 taels of silver! "

Jiang Yuanming frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then took out an account book from his pocket and looked through it for a long time, then he naturally accepted Xia Gongming's words.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Xia, colleagues, don't even think about 20 taels. If all calculations are based on standard military equipment, at least 25 taels of silver will be used as a base.

If there are some special circumstances during the period, even if it is increased to 30 taels of silver, it is not impossible. "

Liu Mingzhi spat out the grape skins in his mouth, and casually put the remaining half bunch of grapes on the table.

"How much military equipment they request is their business, and how much military equipment we reward them in the end is our own business.

It is impossible for me to reward them as much as they ask for.

What do you take me for?What can you do when you are the Great Dragon Court?Being taken advantage of?

This is also the reason why I stayed with you, and I hope that you can come up with a suitable amount for reward as soon as possible.

I don't care about the configuration of the military equipment, and I don't care about the final number of military equipment.

I have only one requirement for you, that is, to save money as much as possible under the premise of appropriate amount.

The treasury of the imperial court is full again, but our Dalong family has a big business, and there are too many places that need money.

Save if you can! "

Rongwei Hou Cai Jun stroked his gray beard and thought for a long time, then looked up at Liu Mingzhi who was frowning slightly.

"His Majesty."

"Huh? Master Hou has an idea?"

"The old minister dared to ask, would your majesty still eat half a bunch of grapes?
If His Majesty doesn't eat it, he will reward the old minister, it would be a pity to waste it. "

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, and after realizing it, he shook his head angrily, picked up a bunch of new grapes from the tray and put them in Cai Jun's hands.

"Eat, eat, let me be excited."

"Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty, the old minister will not be polite."

Cai Jun grabbed a grape and stuffed it into his mouth. The sweet and sour taste of the grape made his eyes narrow.

"His Majesty."

"What's the matter? One bunch is not enough."

"No, no, the old minister is not so greedy.

Your Majesty, the old minister thought about it just now, and I have a question I want to ask Your Majesty. "

"Oh? Old Aiqing just ask."

"Your Majesty, are there any strict requirements on the quality of military equipment rewarded to the Japanese diplomatic mission?
For example, the embryos used to make weapons must be refined steel. For another example, the quality of military equipment after molding must reach the quality of standard military equipment equipped by our own soldiers. "

Without thinking about it, Liu Mingzhi immediately understood what Cai Jun said.

"Naturally, there is no request. Have you forgotten, old Aiqing, how did we do that time when the Japanese Sakai family mission and the Japanese royal family mission went to Dalong together a few years ago?
The Japanese people are relatively short in stature, and the standard military equipment used by our Dalong soldiers is obviously not suitable for them.

The military equipment we sold to them last time was reprocessed from the military equipment that was refurbished by the soldiers after they were upgraded.

Those weapons that we ourselves have long despised are still extremely good weapons for people from small barbarian countries. "

"Your Majesty, that is to say, there are no strict requirements on the quality of the military equipment rewarded to the Japanese mission."

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer Cai Jun's question right away, but squinted his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

"Although the military equipment rewarded to the Japanese mission does not need to be as good as the standard military equipment equipped by our own soldiers, it should not be too bad.

The reason why I agreed to the Japanese mission to ask for the reward of military equipment is because of my own ideas.

If the quality of the military equipment is too poor, it may ruin my plan in the future. "

"Of course the veteran understands this point. The quality of our military equipment is also part of the face of our Dalong Dynasty. If we act indiscriminately, it is tantamount to slapping ourselves in the face.

In this regard, the veteran still knows the importance.

The quality of military equipment does not need to be as excellent as the standard military equipment equipped by our own frontier soldiers, but at the same time it cannot be too bad.

So, does Your Majesty think that the military equipment used by the soldiers and soldiers of the various prefectures in Gyeonggi is qualified? "

After listening to Cai Jun's words, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Looking at the smiling expression on Cai Jun's old face, he vaguely understood the meaning of the old fox's words.

Not only Liu Mingzhi was alone, but the eyes of the others also brightened after hearing Cai Jun's words.

Everyone's eyes fell on Cai Jun's body, and they raised their hands to caress the beards on their chins, and each of them began to meditate.

Liu Mingzhi tapped his fingers on the table lightly and remained silent for a long time, then turned his head and looked at Song Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War, who was sitting on the lower left of him.

"Military Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Do you understand what Old Master Cai means?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister has already understood."

"Do you have any idea?"

"Your Majesty, as the old Hou Ye said just now, if we reward the Japanese diplomatic mission with the excellent military equipment in the treasury of the Ministry of War, then we will be at a loss, but if we recast a new batch of military equipment, there will be some It consumes manpower and material resources.

That being the case, it is the most appropriate way to mobilize the military equipment used by soldiers and soldiers in various state capitals.

No matter how you look at it, this method will be the most labor-saving way.

Moreover, according to the documents reported by the government offices of the military departments of various state capitals, there are military equipment for replacement in the warehouses of the military mansions of various state capitals.

To mobilize the military equipment used by the soldiers and soldiers of the state capital, it is better for your majesty to directly order the chief officials of the various state capitals to order them to send troops and horses to transport the military equipment in stock to the capital.

In this way, we not only save the time to renovate the military equipment, but also save the manpower and material resources consumed by refurbishing the military equipment.

It can be described as the best of both worlds. "

Liu Mingzhi thought for a long time and let out a soft breath, got up and walked out of the gazebo.

"My lords, my back hurts from sitting all the time, so follow me to walk around."

"I will obey your orders."

"Military Department."

"His Majesty?"

"Can the number of military equipment in the stockpiles of state capitals in Gyeonggi meet the requirements of the Japanese mission?"

"Your Majesty, the soldiers of the various state capitals in Gyeonggi shoulder the important task of defending the capital.

Therefore, let alone all the state capitals in Gyeonggi, even just the state capitals north of Gyeonggi.

With the permission of the imperial court, the number of military equipment they stockpiled would not be enough to support the Japanese diplomatic mission. "

"That's good, Ministry of Industry."

"The old minister is here."

"Even if military equipment is mobilized from various prefectures in Gyeonggi, the soldiers of the Wa Kingdom cannot use it normally.

After the military equipment is mobilized to the capital, the craftsmen of your Ministry of Industry will waste effort to change it. "

"The old minister understands."

"Military Department."

"The old minister is here."

"The general will be the prison, and the military will not be in charge of the prison. The two of you will work together to handle this matter."

"The old minister obeyed."

"My lords, do you have any different ideas about the suggestion of Old Master Cai?

There are different ideas. To put it bluntly, when it comes to state affairs, I always pay attention to brainstorming together. "

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister seconded."

"Your Majesty, the old minister also seconded."

"The old minister seconded."

"Your Majesty, the ministers will second the proposal."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and glanced at the group of high-ranking officials who were following behind him, and nodded with a light smile.

"Okay, since you all agree, then the matter will be handled accordingly."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"My lords."

"Sir wait."

"Within three days, I want to see a final result.

In the past few days, you will have to work hard. "

"I will obey your orders."

"Then it's all right, let's go back first."

"The ministers and others will retire, long live my emperor."

After Xia Gongming and others saluted, they walked out of the imperial garden hand in hand, only Song Qing stayed by Liu Mingzhi's side.

After Liu Mingzhi watched the group of important ministers gradually go away, he looked curiously at Song Qing who was hesitant to speak beside him.

"Brother, do you have anything else to do?"

Song Qing sighed softly, and lit the shredded tobacco that had just been packed with a torch.

"Your Majesty, I dare to say a word.

This batch of military equipment was really rewarded to the Japanese mission, and it is very likely that the Sakai family will gradually become bigger.

You, don't you worry that one day you will be infested with tigers?
Although I don't have many dealings with the Wa people, I can tell that the Wa people are definitely not good people. "

"Brother, your worried brother is clear in his heart, I will not sit back and watch this tiger take a bite of this young master in turn."

"In this way, the minister can rest assured. Since His Majesty already has a long-term plan in mind, the minister will stop talking."

"Brother, if there is something to take, it must be given first."

"I understand, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Walk slowly."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will take my leave."

After Song Qing left, Liu Mingzhi tidied up his dragon robe, and walked straight to the harem with high strides.

After about half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi, who had changed into a normal uniform, rushed towards the palace gate with a smile on his face.


"Hey, master?"

"You take the dragon robe back to the mansion first, young master, I'll take a stroll."

"Yes, the little one knows."

After Liu Mingzhi left the palace, he stopped and walked on the long street and rushed towards the Honglu Temple government office.

He wanted to tell Sakai Hoshino the good news.

Once Sakai Hoshino knows about this, maybe he will unlock more poses for himself...

Hmm, unlock more stuff.

For me, this news is a key that allows me to do whatever I want.

(End of this chapter)

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