Chapter 2950
After Sakai Hoshino softly scolded Young Master Liu, his beautiful eyes stared straight at him, with a hint of warning flashing in his eyes.

She was afraid that Liu Mingzhi would say any inappropriate jokes in front of her daughter.

Although Liu Jun's words just now were extremely cryptic, given her current age, there are nine out of ten she can't understand the deep meaning contained in them.

However, what if she understood it?

After all, my daughter's age is not too young. According to Dalong's custom, it will be the age to leave the court and marry in three to five years.

Even though I didn't deliberately teach her about the privacy of her daughter's family, it's hard to guarantee that she won't learn something about the love between men and women in other places.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Hoshino Sakai is worried.

If my daughter really understands something, how can I face her calmly in the future.

Sensing the reproachful look in the beautiful woman's light eyes, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly nodded to the beautiful woman as a gesture, and smiled bitterly.

"Don't be angry, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"It's good to know that you're wrong, and don't say inappropriate words in the future."

"Yes, yes, I promise not to talk about it in the future."

The little girl Hua Qi Yingzhi looked weird, and the two of you, Young Master Liu, who talked to each other, were completely at a loss when they heard the words they talked.

I really don't understand what charades are playing between the two of them.

The little girl's watery and exquisite eyes looked back and forth between Liu and Young Master, and her pretty face was full of confusion.

What are the two of them, sir and mother, talking about?

Why is mother so angry?How could you be wrong, sir?
"Sir, mother, what kind of charades are you two playing? Why can't Sakura Zhi understand anything?"

Liu Mingzhi and Alcohol Hoshino seemed to have a tacit understanding. After hearing the little girl's question, they all looked towards her and replied in unison.

"It's nothing."

"It's nothing."

Huaqi Yingzhi stared blankly at the two young masters and Liu who spoke in unison, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on their delicate and pretty faces.

"Ah, sir, mother, you two have a tacit understanding."

When the two heard the little girl's surprised words, they unexpectedly replied in unison once again.

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt."

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt."

"This, this, the two of you have a tacit understanding, you speak as if you have discussed it in advance."

Sakai Hoshino saw his daughter's surprised expression, a look of panic flashed in his beautiful eyes, and he immediately took back the words that came to his lips.

She was afraid that she would say the same words with Liu Jun again.

Sakai Hoshino glanced vaguely at Liu Mingzhi, who was also looking at him, and walked lightly to the side of the little girl.

"Yingzhi, didn't you come to ask mother to have dinner? You should go back to your elder brother He first, mother will be there in a while."

The little girl turned her head to look at her mother, and tugged at her sleeves with a smile.

"Mother, let's go to eat, what should I do, sir?"


"Mother, sir came to visit you, it's already getting dark at this time, you can't let him go back on an empty stomach like this?
If you don't invite your husband to have a meal with us, we will not treat guests well! "

Sakai Hoshino was planning to go to his nephew Sakai Ka to ask him to meet Liu Mingzhi, but he forgot that it was already time for dinner.

Liu Jun spent a long time with himself in Wushan, and then spent a long time with you and me. I think he must be very hungry now.

What the daughter said was indeed correct, for reasons of love and reason, for public and private affairs, I should invite Liu Jun to have dinner with me.

But, what if Liu Jun doesn't like eating with unfamiliar people?
And the key question is, how can having a meal be as important as talking about rewarding military equipment?

It doesn't matter if the meal is half past one in the evening, but the business of rewarding soldiers and equipment must not be delayed.

Compared to eating in the past, Sakai Hoshino wanted to bring his nephew over to meet Liu Jun immediately, and formally confirm the matter of rewarding military equipment first.

It was a matter of life and death for my brother and the family, and I couldn't completely let go of the pressure in my heart until it was formally finalized for a moment.

But the daughter has already spoken, so I can't pretend that I didn't hear it.

How about letting Liu Jun be hungry for a while, and then I will compensate him in other ways later.

For example, to compensate Liu Jun for what he said when he was tender with him, which made him feel flushed after listening to it.

Of course, this kind of thought Sakai Hoshino was just thinking about it in his heart.

No matter how much he hoped that he could finalize the matter of rewarding military equipment as soon as possible, he did not dare to ignore Liu Mingzhi's suggestion.

Liu Jun pampering himself does not mean that he can completely ignore his thoughts.

Sakai Hoshino can think this way, it can be seen that her Hoshino is as simple as before, and she is not the kind of woman who does not know the importance.

Sakai Hoshino suppressed the flashing thoughts in his heart, and looked towards Liu Mingzhi with a smile.

"Liu Jun, what do you think?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the little girl's head, stood up from the chair and stretched.


"Hey, Mr. Liu, tell me."

"When Yingzhi said that, I really felt a little empty in my stomach."

"Then let's go to He'er's for dinner together?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, waved his hands, and walked out of the room first.

When Sakai Hoshino and her daughter saw this, they immediately started to follow.

"Hoshino, I'm used to your environment here, I'll just have dinner in the gazebo in the courtyard later."

"Hoshino understands, Liu Jun, please wait a moment, I'll go and get someone to prepare the food and drinks right away."

"Alright, I'll wait for you in the gazebo first."

"Liu Jun, do you have any dishes that you particularly want to eat? If so, Hoshino will ask someone to prepare some for you."

"No need, just prepare some meals at will..."

"Yeah, Hoshino knows, Liu Jun, wait a moment, I'll go and get a chance."

"Sakura weave."


"Come with me and help serve drinks."

"Yes, Sakurai understands."

"Sir, Yingzhi and mother are going to prepare the food and drink first, see you later."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Sakai Hoshino, mother and daughter gave Liu Mingzhi a blessing, and walked towards the outside of the courtyard hand in hand.

When passing by the brightly lit corridor, the little girl looked at her mother with a flash of surprise.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Why does Sakura feel that you are more beautiful now than in the daytime?"

Sakai Hoshino's pretty face froze, and subconsciously stroked his pretty face a few times.

"Yes, is there?"

The little girl nodded her head vigorously, and while walking, she shook her head and stared at Sakai Hoshino's still charming face.

"Mother, you are really beautiful.

Especially your face, it looks moist and moist, so white and tender that it seems that water can be squeezed out.

Have you bought a new rouge powder? "


"No? Then how did you become so beautiful all of a sudden, even your complexion is different!"

"All right, all right, don't look blindly, let's hurry to your brother He's place."

The little girl clapped her hands suddenly, and suddenly realized that she grabbed her mother's sleeve.

"I see, I know why you suddenly became so beautiful, mother."

Sakai Hoshino was heartbroken, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he glanced nervously at his daughter who was by his side.

"You, what do you know?"

"Mister must have given you something good to eat, that's why you suddenly became so beautiful."

Some indescribable images appeared in front of Sakai Hoshino's eyes, and his pretty face instantly became hot.

She gently shook off her daughter's little hand holding her sleeve, and involuntarily quickened her pace.

"Mother, wait for me."

Sakai Hoshino was afraid that his daughter would pull him to continue asking questions, so he pretended not to hear her words, and quickened his pace again.

After all, Huaqi Yingzhi was just a child, and as soon as Sakai Hoshino quickened her pace, she couldn't keep up with the speed.

When she trotted to keep up with Sakai Hoshino's footsteps, she had no time to ask any more questions.

Liu Mingzhi watched the figures of the mother and daughter disappear into the courtyard one after another. He looked up at the starry night sky and remained silent for a long time. Then, shaking the folding fan in his hand, he walked towards the gazebo more than ten steps away.

Wa country is making Sakai He's room.

Sakai Ka picked up the wine glass and took a sip, looked at Taro Ishibashi who was sitting across from him and looked at the courtyard outside the door from time to time, and shook his head with a complex expression.

He could see that Taro Ishibashi still didn't really give up on his aunt.

According to his own observation, Taro Ishibashi still held a glimmer of hope for his aunt more or less in his heart.

Sakai Ka put down the wine glass in his hand and sighed secretly.

He couldn't figure it out, when will Mr. Shiqiao understand the gap between him and his aunt?

One is the noble lady of the Sakai family, and the other is a counselor raised by the Sakai family.

Even if the identities of the two people are not so different, there is still a big gap.

Without any special circumstances, how could he, as his aunt, take a liking to a little counselor like him?

Even if there are some special circumstances, my aunt may not be able to like him.

What's more, anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see that his aunt Sakai Hoshino has already fallen in love with His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon.

Sakai He didn't believe it. With Taro Ishibashi's status as a counselor, he couldn't see the ambiguity between his aunt and His Majesty the Dragon Emperor.

It seems that the warning I gave him earlier didn't have much effect.

"Mr. Shiqiao."

"Huh? My lord?"

"How are you dealing with the purchase of military equipment in the blacksmith shops in the major squares and cities in the capital?"

"Back to the adults, it's almost done.

Once the Great Dragon Emperor gave us a clear reply that he would definitely not agree to our mission's request, the brothers would immediately notify those blacksmiths to make every effort to forge weapons. "

"Things related to military equipment are no small matter, you must pay attention to it."

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely do my best."

"Okay, I believe in your ability.

By the way, have the Goguryeo missions made any other small moves in the past few days? "

"My lord, the brothers monitoring the Goguryeo mission have not found anything unusual for the time being."

"That's fine, that's fine.

Remember, our plan to buy military equipment privately must be kept secret, and we must not be caught by an old man like Jin Taeun.

Otherwise, once this old fox goes to the emperor of Dalong, or the officials of Dalong to file a complaint, it will be difficult for our side.

At that time, if the Dragon Emperor convicts us, we will still inevitably be punished even if our aunt mediates. "

"Your Majesty understands."

"One more thing, tomorrow..."

Before Sakai He could finish his words, Hanaji Sakuraori's clear and melodious voice suddenly sounded from outside the room.

"Brother He, Yingzhi is back."

As soon as Hanaji Sakuraori Sakuraori's voice fell, Sakai Hoshino's voice sounded outside the door.


Sakai Ka immediately gave Ishibashi Taro a look, and hurriedly got up and walked outside the door to marry him.

Seeing the mother and daughter Sakai Hoshino walking towards the door one after the other in the courtyard, Sakai Ka gave a big gift to Sakai Hoshino.

"Baby Sakai, see Auntie."

"The humble Ishibashi Taro, see Ms. Hoshino, see Ms. Sakuraori."



"Thank you Auntie."

"Miss Xie, Miss Yingzhi."

After Sakai Ka straightened up, he staggered and waved to Hoshino Sakai.

"Auntie, dinner is ready, please come in."

Sakai Hoshino waved his hand directly, pulled up Sakai Ka's sleeve and walked to the side.

Sakai He looked at his aunt for some unknown reason and asked softly, "Auntie, what's wrong?"

"He'er, don't be in a hurry about eating, a delay is nothing.

You heard from Auntie that Liu Jun is waiting for us in Auntie's courtyard. "

"What? His Majesty the Emperor went to your aunt again today?"

"Yes, Mr. Liu came over this afternoon, and now he asked me to come and see you, auntie."

Sakai He's expression suddenly brightened. Although she didn't know what Liu Mingzhi wanted to do with her, as long as he summoned her in private, it meant that she had more chances of winning in the matter of rewarding soldiers.

Sakai Ka suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at Sakai Hoshino with a suspicious expression and asked softly: "Auntie, did His Majesty the Emperor tell you why he was looking for the baby?"

Sakai Hoshino pursed his cherry lips, and looked around cautiously for the situation in the yard.

Seeing his aunt's cautious look, Sakai He sneered a few times calmly.

"Auntie, don't worry, there will be absolutely no outsiders present in this courtyard except those from our mission.

If you have anything to say, just tell the baby directly, don't worry about the walls having ears. "

Sakai Hoshino breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his nephew's assurance.

"He'er, all hardships are rewarding!"

(End of this chapter)

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