Chapter 2951
Sakai Hoshino looked at his nephew Sakai Ka's questioning eyes, and softly said the four words "hard work and sweetness".

After Sakai He heard these four words, he couldn't help being stunned.

lean less.

Sakai He's somewhat stunned expression was replaced by an expression of unbelievable surprise in an instant.

Although his understanding of Dalong culture is not as proficient as his aunt Sakai Hoshino and younger sister Huaqi Yingzhi, he can still understand what these four words mean and what they mean in Dalong culture .

"It's all about suffering."

"It's all about suffering."

Sakai He repeated the four words twice with trembling lips, and looked at his aunt with inexplicable excitement in his eyes.

All hardships come with joy, just four simple words.

However, these simple four words are far more than a thousand words to Sakai Ka, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese envoy.

"Aunt... Aunt, is it true? You are not joking with the child, are you? "

Sakai Hoshino looked at the unbelievable expression on his nephew's face, raised his white and tender hand, grabbed Sakai He's ear and twisted it gently.

"He'er, what do you mean by that? Do you think aunt is lying to you?"

Seeing his aunt's sulky pretty face, Sakai He hurriedly shook his head, grabbing Sakai Hoshino's bright wrist with a flattering expression on his face and laughing foolishly a few times.

"Don't dare, Auntie, forgive me.

It wasn't that Hai'er didn't believe her aunt, but that the surprise came so suddenly that Hai'er couldn't believe his ears for a while. "

Seeing his nephew's flattering smiling face, Sakai Hoshino covered his delicate red lips with his fingers and smiled.

Naturally, she wouldn't really be angry with her own nephew.

As my nephew said just now, this surprise was too sudden.

You must know, when I was in my room during the day, when I just heard the news from Liu Jun, why didn't I look like this kind of unbelievable surprise?
That is to say, I couldn't see the reaction on my face at that time, if I could see it.

Thinking about my reaction at that time, it should be worse than my nephew's expression now.

"Okay, stop pretending in front of aunt, go with aunt to meet Liu Jun."

"Auntie, is it really true?"

Sakai Ka naturally wouldn't doubt his aunt, but in order to make sure there was no problem with his ears, he asked again.

Sakai Hoshino naturally understood why his nephew questioned his feelings again, because didn't he ask Liu Jun the same way back then?
Seeing his nephew's anxious expression, Sakai Hoshino smiled and nodded as a gesture.

It's just that Sakai Hoshino's character has always been stable. Before the reward of military equipment is officially finalized, she herself will not give Sakai He a sure guarantee.

Sakai Hoshino frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then narrowed her beautiful eyes and let out a soft breath.

"Ten to ten dare not say, but there should be a nine out of ten possibility."

Sakai Ka raised his hands and beat them together vigorously, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Great, don't say nine out of ten, even if there is only a sixty percent chance, my nephew can breathe a sigh of relief.

Aunt, let's go quickly, don't make His Majesty wait too long. "

"The past must pass, but before it passes, there is one more thing to do."

Sakai He frowned, and the expression on his face suddenly became tense.

"whats the matter?"

Seeing his nephew's suddenly nervous expression, Sakai Hoshino smiled and shook his head.

"He Er, you don't need to be nervous, it's just a small matter.

It's getting late, and Liu Jun hasn't eaten dinner yet, so when we go to visit Liu Jun, we will naturally prepare some delicious food and wine. "

"Huh—so that's how it is, Auntie, you and Sister Yingzhi go there first, and the boy will prepare the food and drinks right away."

"Okay, then we'll go there first, aunt is waiting for you outside the palace gate, you should hurry up, don't make Liu Jun wait too long."

"My child understands, by the way, aunt, is there any dish that His Majesty the Emperor wants to eat in particular?"

"Before coming to you, my aunt has already asked Liu Jun, and he told us to prepare as we please.

As for what kind of food and wine to prepare, you just look at the preparation.

Don't be too grand, and don't be too simple. "

"Yes, my son is going to prepare first."

"Mr. Shiqiao."

"The subordinate is here."

"I'm going to go to my aunt and Sister Yingzhi to visit His Majesty the Emperor. You can take the food and drinks in the room back to share with the brothers."

"Yes, the subordinate understands."

After Sakai Ka left in a hurry, Sakai Hoshino smiled lightly and nodded to Ishibashi Taro.

"Mr. Shiqiao, let's go first."

"Miss Hoshino, please, Miss Sakuraori."

Sakai Hoshino didn't answer anything. He patted his daughter on the shoulder and walked out of the courtyard first.

Huaqi Yingzhi smiled and waved at Shiqiao Taro, and hurriedly followed in her mother's footsteps.

Ishibashi Taro watched Sakai Hoshino's graceful figure gradually go away, gritted his teeth, clenched his fist and beat heavily on the door frame.

After the mother and daughter disappeared into the courtyard, Taro Ishibashi sighed with a complex expression, turned around and returned to the table and began to pack the food and drinks on the table.


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Did you feel that Mr. Shiqiao looked at you with something wrong?"

"Is there? Is there something wrong?"

"Hmm ~ Sakura Zhi can't say it, I just think he looks very excited every time he sees you, mother."

Sakai Hoshino Lianzu gave a slight pause, and patted the little girl's bun with a delicate face.

"Sakura weave."


"Remember your mother's words, never mention anything about Mr. Shiqiao in front of you, Mr. Liu.

Especially don't mention those thoughts you feel. "

"There's no reason, just remember what mother said."

Huaqi Yingzhi looked at her mother's serious expression, and nodded her head in doubt on her pretty face.

"Okay, Sakura knows."

"You are so sensible, you will always be my mother's good daughter,"

"By the way, mother, Sakura has something to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

"Mother, before you went out to buy fabrics this morning, before you came back, Mr. asked Yingzhi an inexplicable question."

"what is the problem?"

"Mr. asked Yingzhi what he thinks of Dalong, and whether he likes Dalong."

Sakai Hoshino's delicate body trembled slightly imperceptibly, and he was silent for a moment with a melancholy expression, and looked down at his daughter with complicated eyes.

"Really? Then how did you answer Mr. Liu?"

"Sakura replied, Mr. Dalong is very good, much better than our Wa country."

"and then?"

"Later, my husband asked me, do you want to stay in Dalong?"

Sakai Hoshino looked at the girl Tongzhen's appearance, and a flash of panic flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Then you...then how did you answer?"

"Sakura replied that I don't know, but I told you, mother, you really like Dalong."

Sakai Hoshino stopped suddenly, put his hands on his daughter's shoulders and squatted down, with an indescribably complex expression on his pretty face.

"Silly boy, how do you know that mother likes Dalong?"

"Mother, the smile on your face has never stopped since the moment we got off the sea boat and set foot on the dragon.

When you were in Japan, you seldom smiled, especially after your father passed away, you haven't smiled for a long time.

But since arriving in Dalong, you have changed, mother, you have become more smiling.

In Yingzhi's memory, mother, you seem to have never had such a pistachio, it's like a different person.

So Yingzhi thought, mother, if you don't like Dalong, why are you so happy, so happy? "


After Sakai Hoshino heard his daughter's question, he stared blankly at the girl's true appearance, his cherry lips pursed and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

"Sakura, what happened next? What did Mr. Liu ask you later?"

"At that time, the husband should have wanted to say something, but you came back suddenly, mother, and then we both looked at you, mother."

A trace of regret flashed in Sakai Hoshino's eyes, and he nodded his head twice with a wry smile.

"Well, mother knows."



"Do you like Dalong very much?"

"Mother, mother doesn't know either."

The little girl raised her hand and scratched her forehead, then smiled nonchalantly.

"Well, so mother, you don't know either."

Sakai Hoshino rubbed his daughter's hair lightly twice, stood up and looked at the lanterns hanging under the corridor and quietly lost his mind.

After a long time, Sakai Hoshino asked unintentionally, "Sakura, mother asks you, do you want to stay in Dalong?"

"Well~ I kinda want to stay, but I don't want to stay."


"Mother, Big Sister Yue'er, Big Sister Lingyun, Miss Yunxin, Sister Lianiang, they are all very good to Yingzhi.

When we were in our house before, Sakurai never thought he would be so happy now.

Because Sakurai wants to be so happy all the time, so Sakurai wants to stay.

But if we stay with Dalong and don't go home, then Yingzhi may not see his uncle and brother in the future.

If there is no chance to play with sister Yue'er and the others in the future, Yingzhi will be very sad, but if he never sees his uncle and brother again, Yingzhi will also be very sad.

So Sakuraori really wanted to stay here with Dalong, but at the same time, she didn't really want to stay here.

How to choose, Sakurai doesn't know. "

Sakai Hoshino looked down at his daughter's troubled and depressed pretty face, and heaved a deep sigh.

"Oh, mother, why isn't that the case?"

Sakai Hoshino's voice was somewhat suppressed, the little girl didn't hear clearly what mother was muttering softly, and instinctively asked: "Ah? What? What did you say, mother?
Please speak louder, Sakura couldn't hear clearly. "

"Mother said that I think the same as you."

"Oh! Mother, do you want to stay in Dalong?"

"My mother doesn't know, let my mother think about it."

"Yeah, Sakura knows."

Seeing his daughter's well-behaved and sensible appearance, Sakai Hoshino leaned over slightly and took his daughter's wrist, and hurried towards the courtyard where he lived.

"Let's go, don't make you, Mr. Liu, wait too long."



"Whatever you choose, Sakurazhi will be like, I will always be with mother."

"Hehehe, silly girl."

After half a stick of incense, Sakai Ka, holding a tray with wine and vegetables in his hand, hurried towards the courtyard where his aunt Sakai Hoshino lived.

Seeing the mother and daughter outside the arch, Sakai He let out a heavy breath.

"Auntie, little sister, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"He'er, don't worry, after meeting Liu Jun later, you just follow his words."

"Yes, the child understands."

"Mother, Brother He, let's go see Mr. Hurry up, don't make him wait too long."


"it is good."

Sakai Hoshino and the two responded one after another, adjusted their appearance, and walked through the arch of the small courtyard hand in hand.

"Hoshino met Liu Jun."

"Sakura sees you sir, sir, you are well."

"Bangchen Sakai congratulates His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi, who was looking up at the moon in the night sky in the gazebo, was quietly in a trance, and immediately came back to his senses when he heard the voices of the three people.

"All free."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

"Thank you sir."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor."

After Sakai Hoshino gave his nephew a look, he took his daughter by the wrist and walked to the front of the stone bench in the gazebo and sat down.

"Liu Jun, it will take some time to prepare the food and drink, so I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, although the night has come, but the time is still early, it will be nothing to delay for an hour and a half."

"Thank you Liu Jun for your understanding."

After Sakai Ka put the food and wine on the tray one by one, he put the tray aside casually.

"Your Majesty, the time is too short. The minister simply prepared some food and wine. I hope your Majesty will not be disgusted with it."

"sit down."

"The minister obeyed, thank you His Majesty the Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi picked up a piece of sauerkraut fish with his chopsticks and brought it to his mouth, then smiled and signaled to Sakai Hoshino and the others.

"I'm hungry, let's chat while eating."

Sakai Hoshino immediately nodded in agreement, got up and poured a few glasses of wine with the pot.

"Hey, listen to Mr. Liu,"

"Sir, Sakurai is also hungry, so I will not be polite."

"Your Majesty is satisfied with the subject, so rest assured."


"Mr. Liu?"

"I think, you should have explained everything to Sakai Ka, right?"

"Liu Jun, me.

It's's true. "

"Hoshino, don't worry, I don't mean to blame you.

Since you have told Sakai He everything you need to say, then I don't need to waste any more words. "

"Thank you Liu Jun. Before coming to see you, Hoshino gave He Er all the things that should be explained to He Er."

Liu Mingzhi put down his chopsticks, picked up the wine and took a sip.

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"Since your aunt has already told you some things, I don't need to say more. You just need to understand it in your heart."

"Yes yes yes, Bundesir understands, Bundesir understands."

"It's still what I told you earlier, your country Wa is a subsidiary country of Dalong Kingdom, and the other countries are also subordinate countries of Dalong.

On the bright side, there are some things that it is not easy for me to act biased. "

"His Majesty the Emperor is holy."

"I don't hide it from you, but a large part of the reason why I agreed to the request of your Japanese mission this time is because of Hoshino's face.

If Hoshino hadn't been nagging me about military equipment repeatedly, I might not have made up my mind so quickly.

You can get what you want, and a lot of thanks to your aunt for her selfless help. "

"Yes, yes, Bundyen understands."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai He's respectful expression of nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, a subtle smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and then he picked up a piece of sauced beef and handed it to his mouth.

"Although I have instructed the civil and military officials in the DPRK to resolve the matter of rewarding military equipment as soon as possible, the specific details still need to be carefully reviewed by you and them.

During these three days, if you have any questions, you can go directly to Mr. Wang at Honglu Temple. "

"Bangchen understands, thank His Majesty the Emperor for his kindness, long live long live."

"There is also a crucial point for you, you must handle it properly."



"Bang Chen is confused, Bang Chen is confused, please enlighten me, His Majesty the Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and slapped the chopsticks in his hand heavily on the table.

"I see that the decision was made on Hoshino's side, do you think everyone who is suitable for trouble knows it?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's unhappy expression, Sakai Hoshino hurriedly got up and filled another glass of wine for him.

"Liu Jun, He'er is still too young, I hope you..."


Sakai Hoshino's tender body trembled, and he put down the flagon in his hand, not daring to say anything more.

Seeing his aunt's uneasy expression, Sakai He hurriedly stood up and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the ministers will guarantee with their lives that there will never be any rumors that will be detrimental to your Majesty, the Emperor, or the Dalong court.

If he can't do it, Bangchen is willing to accept the punishment. "

"Well, let's continue eating."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please."

(End of this chapter)

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