My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2953 The Right and the Wrong

Chapter 2953 The Right and the Wrong
"Master, you are back."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song who was behind the door, smiled lightly and nodded in response.

"Well, we're back, where are Yun'er and the sisters?"

"Master, all young ladies are having dinner now."

"Understood, by the way, is there a letter from Yaoyao and his siblings reporting their safety today?"

Liu Song looked at Young Master Liu's expectant eyes, and shook his head with a slightly regretful expression.

"Returning to Young Master, apart from a letter from Master Qi Liangqi to Madam Yun Shao and Madam Ya Shao today, the family has not received any other letters.

There are a few documents sent by the cabinet messenger, and the small ones have already been sent to the study. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a melancholy expression, closed the folding fan in his hand and slowly rushed towards the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion.

"Understood, you go about your own business."

"Yes, the little one will send you off to the young master."

Liu Mingzhi walked all the way into the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion, and before he arrived at the main hall where he had dinner, he heard the laughter and laughter coming from under the gazebo in the courtyard.

Liu Mingzhi followed the source of the sound, and saw Qi Yun, the empress, Huyan Yunyao and their sisters chatting and laughing in the gazebo.

Putting the folding fan in his hand on his waist, Young Master Liu with a faint smile on his face, raised his feet and rushed towards the gazebo where many beauties were.

"Yun'er, Yao'er, your sisters are all here."

"Yeah, my husband is back."

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"No courtesy, no courtesy, no courtesy."

"Thank you husband."

Liu Mingzhi walked to the bench in the gazebo and sat down, and happily glanced at the many beauties.

"My husband heard the laughter of your sisters and others from a long distance away. Tell me, what are you talking about, and you have such a happy chat."

Yun Xiaoxi shared half of the melon seeds in his hand with Liu Mingzhi, and said in a charming voice with a smile: "Husband, we sisters are just chatting about some interesting things about our parents."

Liu Mingzhi picked up a melon seed and threw it in his mouth, and looked suspiciously at the beauties in the pavilion.

"Really? What anecdote from the parents can make you so happy, tell me about it for your husband."

Huyan Yunyao pursed her cherry lips and snickered, then grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the tray on the stone table and put them in the palm of her hand.

"Oh, there's nothing particularly interesting, husband, you'd better not listen."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huyan Yunyao's pretty face with a strange smile, and spat out the melon seeds in his mouth with some doubts.

"What is this called? What is it called being a husband or it is better not to listen to it?"


Seeing her husband's curious and puzzled reaction, Huang Lingyi couldn't help laughing.

Young Master Liu shifted his brows to Huang Lingyi's body, picked up a melon seed and put it in his mouth, and did not lick it.


"Hey, my concubine is here, puff..."

"Laugh if you want, don't be bored, tell your husband quickly, what are you sisters talking about?"

"Husband, forget it. It's not that the concubine sisters don't want to tell you, but the concubine sisters are afraid that you won't be able to sleep at night after hearing it."

The more Huang Lingyi said this, the more curious Young Master Liu became.

He was surprised, what kind of gossip and anecdotes actually made him unable to fall asleep after listening to it.

"Lingyi, do you need to clean up again?"

Huang Lingyi hurriedly shook her head, glanced around the sisters with playful faces, and coughed twice with a strange expression.

"Ahem, husband, that concubine's identity can be said."

"Say it, and listen carefully for my husband."

"Husband, it's really not a particularly interesting thing, but sister Ya, sister Shan'er, and sister Wei'er went to the street to buy rouge and water powder this afternoon!"

"Well, then what?"

"Then Sister Ya and the others met Sister Yuan and Sister Lu from Qianjie in the rouge shop.

When they were shopping together, Sister Ya and the others heard something interesting from the mouths of the two sisters of the Yuan family. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression, stretched out his hand to take the tea from Yun Xiaoxi, and silently sent it to his mouth.

"Lingyi, go on."

"Sister Ya and the others heard that Mr. Tang of the Tang family on Xuanwu Street secretly went out to seek flowers and ask willows behind his wife's back, so that something happened later."

"What happened?"

"Well~ Madam Tang found out about Mr. Tang, so she took advantage of Mr. Tang's deep sleep one night in the dead of night.

With a scissors, Mr. Tang's something was clicked. "

"Hah, puff...cough cough cough..."

Huyan Yunyao looked at Young Master Eliu who was coughing non-stop after spitting out the tea, and with a smile pinched a piece of candied fruit and sent it to her cherry lips.

"Husband, I heard that Mrs. Tang's craftsmanship is much better than the father-in-law in the palace's clean room.

What the concubine sisters just said is this matter, and we sisters are discussing it.

This matter has fallen to such a point, is it the fault of Mr. Tang who is too flirtatious?Or is it Mrs. Tang's fault for being too jealous?

We haven't reached a conclusion yet, and then you will come back, husband.

Husband, what do you think?Whose fault should this be? "

When all the beauties heard Huyan Yunyao's teasing words, they all looked at First Young Master Liu, got up and echoed.

"Yes, sir, what do you think?"

First Young Master Liu straightened up and wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth, just in time to see all his ladies staring at a certain position of him with narrow eyes with faint smiles.

First Young Master Liu followed the eyes of all the beauties and glanced down, suddenly felt a chill down his back.

Let me go, what do these silly women mean by the look in their eyes?

"Husband, why don't you speak?"

"That's right, you haven't answered my concubine sister yet, who do you think is right and who is wrong about this matter?"

"My husband, please tell me your opinion."

Liu Mingzhi stood up straight suddenly, and casually threw the cup that was out of tea to Yun Xiaoxi.

"Then what, because my husband drank too much tea, let's go to the toilet for convenience, and we'll talk when we come back."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he didn't wait for the beauty to react, and ran towards the outside of the gazebo in a panic.

Qi Yun and the other sisters looked at the back of their husband fleeing in a hurry, and they all covered their stomachs and laughed coquettishly.

Hearing the melodious laughter of the beauties behind him, Liu Mingzhi quickened his pace again.

He was afraid of these deadly goblins.

Huang Lingyi was right, he shouldn't be curious about the topics that the sisters talked about.

It's all right now, I guess I won't be able to sleep.





"Husband, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"It's nothing, it's convenient for my husband to go to the toilet.

By the way, what are you doing here? Why didn't you chat with Yun'er and the others? "

"Concubine body, concubine body."

Qinglian looked at her husband hesitantly, as if she wanted to say something.

"The concubine went to change a piece of clothing, so what, husband, you should go to the toilet first."

Seeing Qinglian's tangled expression, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to lead her and walked towards the side.

"Lian'er, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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