Chapter 2954
Qinglian looked at Liu Mingzhi's puzzled expression, and nodded sadly, pursing her cherry lips.

"Well, come out, something bad happened."

Seeing Qinglian's pretty face suddenly becoming sad, Liu Mingzhi's eyes suddenly showed anxiety, and he grabbed the beautiful woman's hands with a caring expression on his face.

"Lian'er, tell Weifu what happened? Do you need Weifu's help?"

Qinglian felt her husband's concern for her, her bright eyes gradually turned red, and faint tears could be seen in her eye sockets.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi saw the appearance of the beautiful woman who was about to cry, he felt a little impatient again.

"Lian'er, what happened? Tell me quickly?"

Under Liu Mingzhi's anxious gaze, Qinglian sobbed a few times, and said in a choked voice: "Husband, I have received a letter from my seventh uncle, mother, she...

Grandma, Grandma is seriously ill. "

"What did you say? Mother is seriously ill?"

Qinglian nodded with a choked voice, the tears accumulated in her eyes finally slid down her cheeks.

"My uncle said in the letter that my mother's body is not as good as before because of her age.

Since half a month ago, my health has been getting worse day by day. Several uncles helped my mother find many famous doctors.

After those doctors diagnosed and treated Aunt, the results they got were all the same.

The doctors said that my mother's body is naturally aging.

It's not a medicine must be cured by a medicine stone.

Seventh Uncle and the others meant that even if Grandma hadn't run out of fuel, she probably wouldn't have much in the future...

There are not many days left. "

Sobbing, Qinglian took out a piece of letter paper from her cuff, and handed it to Liu Mingzhi with trembling arms.

"Husband, this is a letter from my uncle, please read it yourself."

Liu Mingzhi took the letter from Qinglian, walked quickly to the lantern under the eaves, and read the contents of the letter.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi closed the letter in his hand with a melancholy expression, raised his hand and patted it heavily on the court pillar.

Qinglian walked behind First Young Master Liu with difficulty, her pretty face was full of sadness,
"Husband, what should I do? Lian'er is so scared that even if she rushes back in time now, she won't be able to see her mother for the last time."

Liu Mingzhi listened to the beautiful woman's choked and worried words, and heaved a long sigh in confusion, and the old man with kind expression and kind eyes appeared in front of his eyes.

"Husband, what should Lian Er do?"

Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths, and forcibly adjusted his mood.

He didn't want Qinglian to aggravate the sadness in her heart after seeing the melancholy expression on his face.

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his face indiscriminately, turned to look at Qinglian, and comforted him softly: "Lian'er, don't worry too much, maybe Auntie is just a little sicker.

And because those quack doctors are incapable of curing grandma's illness, they will find excuses for their aging body to cover up their poor medical skills.

And didn't uncle and the others say it in the letter?Grandma's body is just not as good as before, and she hasn't reached the point of exhaustion yet.

Maybe one day my mother's mood will be better, and her body will slowly recover.

Lian'er, you are also a person who has traveled through the rivers and lakes and seen the world, and you should have seen the situation that your husband said.

Don't worry, don't worry, Auntie is an old man who is auspicious and has her own natural appearance. She will be fine, she will be fine.

You have to know, what uncle and the others said in the letter was that the old mother was seriously ill, not that she was critically ill.

Severely ill and critically ill are two completely different concepts.

It's just that she is seriously ill, which means that her mother still has a chance to recover.

You, this is simply worrying too much. "

Liu Mingzhi said comforting words to Qinglian, stretched out his hand and hugged the crying beautiful woman into his arms, and gently patted the beautiful woman's back.

"Silly Lian'er, don't think about it, everything is a husband!
Everything is for the husband! "

Liu Mingzhi thought of all kinds of excuses to comfort the worry in the beauty's heart.

However, when those words of comfort were uttered, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

He couldn't understand the excuses he thought of just now.

How slim the odds are!
Life is full of life.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are the eternal laws in the world, which cannot be changed by anyone.

Lian'er's grandmother is old after all.

Her old man may not have any problems in a short time, but what about in the future?
In the future it will be...


No one can escape the end of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Perhaps, Li Buyi, that bastard, can escape.

I haven't seen Li Buyi for many years, and I don't know if this bastard who has lived for more than 100 years is still alive?

Liu Mingzhi put away the chaotic and complicated emotions in his heart, and continued to pat Qinglian's back lightly.


"Hmph, hum, husband?"

"It's pointless for us to worry at home now, the most urgent thing right now is to hurry to Miaojiang, Sichuan.

Now go to the Yuehuating Pavilion in the courtyard outside the main hall, and ask Yun'er and her sisters to meet me in the study.

By the way, don't forget to also inform Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng and the other three siblings to rush over together.

That's right, there is also Liu Song, let him come here too.

Now go to the study for my husband, I will wait for you in the study. "

Qinglian left her husband's arms, reached out to wipe the tears on her pretty face, sobbed and nodded her head.

"Well, I know, I'm going to inform Sister Yun and the others right now."

"Go, pay attention to your feet, and don't think about it."

"Yes, the concubine is resigning, and we will meet later."

Liu Mingzhi watched the beautiful woman trot away, nodded and looked at the letter paper in his hand, then turned around and hurried towards his study.

It takes about a cup of tea.

Liu Mingzhi was writing at his desk on a blank piece of rice paper when he suddenly heard a knock on the door outside the study.

"Husband, my concubine sister is here."

Liu Mingzhi picked up his pen and dipped his ink in the ink, raised his head and quickly glanced at the door.

"come in."

"The concubine's sister has seen her husband."

"Sister and brother of the boy pay a visit to Daddy."

"Little Liu Song sees the young master."

"Free of courtesy, free of courtesy, all of them."

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Thank you, Master."

"You guys sit down first, we'll talk after I finish writing this letter."

Without raising his head, Liu Mingzhi replied to the crowd, and continued to write vigorously on the rice paper.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi put down his brush, picked up the half-filled rice paper and blew on the ink on it.

After the ink on the rice paper was completely dry, Liu Mingzhi folded the letter paper together, took out a few envelopes and put them in directly.


"The little one is here."

Liu Mingzhi got up and walked out of the table, and directly stuffed the three envelopes in Liu Song's hands.

"Liu Song, the contents of these three letters are the same, you should pass the letter to the old man immediately with a golden carving.

The three letters were sent out every quarter of an hour, and one of them must be guaranteed to reach the old man.

The young master has written all the things that should be explained to the old man in the letter, and he will understand after reading it. "

"Yes, I understand, young master, do you have any other orders?"

"After the three letters are sent out, you immediately rush to my eldest brother Song Qing's house, and let him come to see me as quickly as possible."

"The little one obeys, and the little one resigns."

After Liu Song trotted away with the letter, Liu Mingzhi turned and looked at Qinglian with a gloomy expression.

"Lian'er, my husband has already passed on a letter to our old man, Golden Eagle.

My husband told him in the letter that after the old man received the letter, he immediately sent it to Liu Yezi's younger brother in Shu, and called all the famous doctors among Liu Yezi's younger brothers in Shu to diagnose and treat Aunt and her old man.

At the same time, the husband asked the old man to order the old man Sai Huatuo to rush to his mother as quickly as possible.

You don't need to explain to Lian'er how superb old man Sai's medical skills are. "

After Qinglian listened to her husband's words, she nodded her head with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, I know, thank you husband, thank you husband."

"Fool, we are husband and wife, what do you think of your husband.

You wait a little longer, my husband has to write some more letters now. "

Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked to the desk, spread three sheets of rice paper on the desk, picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and started to write again.

"Lian'er, the old man's brother Liu Yezi has limited manpower after all, and now, in the name of the imperial court, I will send a letter to the chief officials of the various prefectures in Shu.

He ordered them to call their famous doctors to Miaojiang immediately after receiving the letter of husband.

After our eldest brother arrives later, I will ask him to order the imperial doctor Chu Renxin Chu to go to Sichuan as soon as possible. "

While comforting the worry in the beauty's heart, Liu Mingzhi wrote on the rice paper the orders he sent to the chief officials of the various prefectures in Shu.

Under the heavy gazes of all the beauties and the three children, Liu Mingzhi put the pen in his hand on the brush washer, opened the drawer on the desk, and took out the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, which represents the supreme power, from the printing box .

"Ride the wind."

"The child is here."

"Come and help me press some rice paper for my father."

"The child obeys."

Liu Mingzhi carefully checked the contents of the rice paper, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he stamped the big seal on the three pieces of rice paper one after another.

"Envelopes, waxed."

"Yes, the child knows."

After Liu Mingzhi put the Chuan Guo Yuxi back into the printing box, he spread two pieces of rice paper on the table again, and then wrote with a pen under everyone's suspicious eyes.

"Husband, who else are you writing to?"

Liu Mingzhi wrote words on the rice paper, and replied without raising his head: "For this girl, Xuan'er, this girl has already been a master of the innate realm, and her skills are extremely profound.

Moreover, the girl Xuan'er is also carrying treasures such as ginseng king, snow lotus seeds, healing elixir and so on, which can cure diseases and strengthen the body without diseases.

If she rushed over to Aunt's place, it might have an unexpected effect.

Whether it works or not, it's always good to try. "

"The concubine understands, it's still your husband who is thoughtful."

"Oh, there is no other way for my husband."

Liu Mingzhi put down his pen, took out his personal seal and stamped it on two pieces of rice paper.

"Lian'er, Yun'er, please wait in the room for a while, and come back as soon as you go for your husband."

"Yes, my concubine sister knows."

Liu Mingzhi nodded as a gesture, stuffed the letter into the envelope, and walked quickly towards the outside of the study.

When all the beauties saw the back of her husband walking out of the room, they looked at each other with melancholy faces, and they all sat on the chairs silently and waited.

The two sisters Liu Yiyi and Liu Feifei saw their mother and many aunts were silent, they looked at each other with concern, and could only silently wait for their father to come back.

Knowing the news that their grandmother was seriously ill, the two sisters were no less worried than their own mother.

However, no matter how worried the two sisters were, there was nothing they could do.

After all, one of the two parties is in the Miao area of ​​Shu, and the other is in the capital.

The two places are thousands of miles apart, and no matter how sad my sisters are now, they can't immediately appear by my grandmother's side.

After all, the distant water can't quench the near thirst!
Liu Mingzhi walked into the courtyard outside the study, looked around for a while, and gestured to the roof.

After the gesture fell, Liu Mingzhi put his hands behind his back and wandered silently on the spot, waiting for Suzaku's arrival.

Although Qi Yun and her sisters have already known about the existence of the relevant department and the two secret agents of the relevant department, Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, and Liu Chengfeng, their siblings, do not know the existence of the two secret agents.

Under unnecessary circumstances, Liu Mingzhi didn't want the sons and daughters below to come into contact with the secret agents of the two divisions prematurely.

Liu Mingzhi did this not because he didn't trust his sons and daughters.

But he has his own plans.

As for what he thinks in his heart, only he knows best.

In less time than a cup of tea, under the bright moonlight, a beautiful figure leaped towards Liu Mingzhi indistinctly.

After a few ups and downs, he had already stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"Subordinate Suzaku, see the young master."

"Excuse me."

"Master Xie, Master, why are you looking for Que'er?"

"Que'er, do the brothers of Suzaku Division know the whereabouts of this girl Xuan'er?"

"Returning to young master, seven days ago when the brothers in Qinzhou reported the situation of local government officials and people's livelihood, they mentioned a word at the bottom of the letter, saying that some brothers had seen Miss Liu Xuan's whereabouts in Qinzhou.

However, the brothers just reported the situation casually, and did not pay close attention to Miss Liu Xuan's whereabouts.

Now whether Miss Liu Xuan is still in Qinzhou, Que'er can only give the young master a clear answer after informing the brothers to investigate.

What's wrong?Is there something wrong with Miss Liu Xuan? "

"No, you don't have to worry, there is nothing wrong with Xuan'er, but something happened with Lian'er's mother.

Is there something wrong with Mrs. Lian'er's mother?What happened to the old man? "

"Well, the old man is getting older, and his body is... you know."

"I see, Que'er understands."

Liu Mingzhi sighed softly, reached out and handed the two letters in his hand to Suzaku.

"Que'er, immediately pass these two letters to the Qinzhou brothers and order them to investigate the whereabouts of this girl Xuan'er immediately.

Once Xuan'er's whereabouts are found, immediately think of a way to pass these two letters to Xuan'er's hands as quickly as possible.

At the same time, you send a letter to the brothers in the capitals near Qinzhou, asking them to go all out to assist the brothers in Qinzhou to investigate Xuan'er's whereabouts after receiving the order. "

"Yes, Que'er understands."


"Que'er obeys, Que'er will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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