My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2955 Understand which is heavier

Chapter 2955 Understand which is heavier
Liu Mingzhi stopped in the courtyard, waited until Suzaku's figure gradually merged into the night, then turned around and walked quickly towards the study.

"Yun'er, Lian'er, you're back for your husband."

"Husband, has the letter to Miss Xuan'er been passed on?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, walked to the desk and sat down on the chair.

Although Qinglian was depressed, after seeing her husband seated, she still picked up the teapot and poured Liu Ming a cup of tea.

"Husband, drink a cup of herbal tea and relax."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and took a sip, then looked up at his eldest son Liu Chengfeng who was standing beside the desk.

"Chengfeng, have you finished all the letters?"

"Go back to Dad, all the letters have been baked with wax."

"Well, you sit down too."

"Yes, my child obeys."


"The concubine is here."

"Everything that needs to be arranged has been properly arranged on my husband's side, so you can rest assured.

The husband also understands in his heart that Aunt has been kind to you in nurturing you. Now it is impossible to say that you are not worried about Aunt's situation at all.

As the saying goes, the grace of nurturing is greater than the sky.

Aunt, the old man, owes Lian Er a mountain of kindness to you, and it is only natural for you to worry about her when you hear the news of her serious illness.

However, in any case, my husband hopes that you will not think about it.

Don't stress too much.

Don't make it so that you have not yet seen your mother and her elderly, but you fell ill again because of excessive sadness.

If something like this happens, your husband will feel distressed, and your sisters and children will also feel distressed.

Especially grandma and her old man, if her old man knows that you fell ill because of her.

I will definitely feel distressed and blame myself.

Therefore, my husband hopes that you can relax.

Don't worry about it, but don't put too much pressure on yourself.

No matter what happens, Wei Fu, Yun'er, the sisters, and the children below will accompany you.

We are a family, no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, we should stand together and tide over the difficulties together.

Husband doesn't want you to put all the pressure on yourself alone.

In that case, my husband will feel distressed,
Lian'er, do you understand? "

Qinglian felt her husband's caring gaze on her, and the depression in her heart eased a little.

She wiped away the tears from her reddened eyes with her fingers, pursed her red lips and silently nodded her head to Liu Mingzhi.

"Well, the concubine knows, the concubine knows.

Husband, don't worry, the concubine will definitely take care of her body. "

The thing Liu Mingzhi is most worried about right now is what happens to Qinglian's body because of her excessive sadness.

Seeing that Qinglian listened to her confession now, the pressure in her heart could not help but eased a little.

"That's good, that's good."

"Husband, when are we going back to Sichuan?"

"My husband is going to tell you about this, Lian'er."

"Okay, sir, tell me."

"Lian'er, as a husband, I know in my heart that you must be eager to go back to Miaojiang to visit my mother right now.

Now even if my husband asks you to go back to rest, you will definitely toss and turn and cannot sleep.

Since I am such a husband, I will not persuade you any more. I will set off tonight and go to Miaojiang day and night. "

Qinglian stood up suddenly, her beautiful eyes full of sadness flashed with excitement for an instant.

"The concubine is the same as your husband thinks."

"Lian'er, no matter how anxious you are, you have to take it step by step.

Don't be impatient, can you listen to what my husband has to say first? "

"Yes, the concubine has lost her composure."

"Lian'er, grandma is your grandma, the grandma who is also your husband, and also the grandma of Yun'er and her sisters.

Her old man's health is unwell, and we are all worried in our hearts.

But our family all rushed to Miaojiang day and night to visit my mother and her elderly, which is unrealistic.

Yun'er, Sister Ya, to put it bluntly, Shan'er and the others are martial arts practitioners, it's not a problem to go to Miaojiang with you day and night.

But Yan'er, Yao'er, Bizhu, Lingyi, Bizhu, Rongrong and the others are no good.

Although the few of them have also cultivated their inner skills and mental skills over the years, when it comes to martial arts, the sisters are still laymen.

Let them gallop on horses and accompany you to Miaojiang on a long journey.

The bodies of the sisters couldn't bear this kind of jolt.

Therefore, the idea of ​​the husband is, Yun'er, Qingshi, Wei'er, you sisters who have practiced martial arts since childhood, and practiced martial arts to strengthen their bodies, accompanied Lian'er to Miaojiang to visit her mother.

And Yan'er, Lingyi and your sisters will continue to stay in the capital.

If you sisters have anything you want to say to Grandma and her elders, tell Lian Er directly, how many sisters Yun Er and the others have.

Just let them help you pass it on to Grandma.

I believe that my mother and her elders will understand your difficulties.

Of course, if you really want to go, you can take a carriage behind Lian Er and the others to Miao Jiang.

It's not a problem to see my mother and her elderly sometime in the evening.

I finished talking about my husband's thoughts, what about your sister's thoughts? "

Qi Yun, the empress, Murong Shan and the other sisters looked at each other and nodded without hesitation.

"There's nothing wrong with being a concubine, we sisters obey my husband's arrangement."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and shifted his gaze to the third princess, Gumo Rongrong, sister Yun Xiaoxi and the other beauties.

"Yan'er, Xiaoxi, Lingyi, what are you sisters going to do?
Whether to stay in the capital, or take a carriage to Miaojiang. "

The three princesses and the other beauties looked at each other, were silent for a moment, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with unison.

"Husband, as you said just now, Sister Lian'er's mother is the mother of all of us, her old man is sick, why don't my concubine sisters go to visit her.

The concubine decided to take a carriage and follow Sister Lianer and the others to Miaojiang. "

"The concubine is seconding, the concubine's mother has been living alone in the deep palace compound for these years, and the sisters accompany the concubine to the palace to greet the mother and her elders every now and then.

The sisters regard the concubine's mother and queen as a family, and the concubine will naturally regard all the sisters' families as a family.

The sisters who are concubines are good sisters of Sister Lian'er, and also the juniors of her grandmother.

Even if we can't go with Sister Lian'er and the others, we still have to go. "

"The concubine is seconding."

"The concubine will also go."

"So is the concubine."

All the beauties looked at Liu Mingzhi with firm expressions, and you made your decision word by word.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then glanced at the beauties and nodded silently.

"Forget it, since you have already made up your mind, my husband will respect your ideas.

Let's go together, let's go together. "

When all the beauties heard Liu Mingzhi's words, they unanimously breathed a long sigh of relief.

All the sisters naturally understand that her husband's thoughts are also for the sake of their bodies.

However, my sisters and others have been together for almost 20 years, and for five or six years.

Already gathered deep feelings.

In this case, some physical fatigue is nothing at all.

"Thank you husband."

Seeing the soothing expressions of all the beauties, Liu Mingzhi felt both distressed and relieved.

As a man, I can see such harmony between wives and concubines, such mutual trust and love.

this life

What else is there to regret?

"Yiyi, Feifei."

"Daddy, the baby is here."

"You two sisters followed your mothers and aunts from childhood to practice martial arts to strengthen your body.

This time I rushed to Miaojiang to visit your grandmother, so you two will ride with your mother and a few aunts. "

Sister Liu Feifei nodded without hesitation, and said in unison: "Yes, my son obeys."

As soon as Liu Yiyi and sisters finished speaking, Liu Chengfeng couldn't wait to look at his father.

"Father, where's the baby? What about the baby?"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and took a sip of tea, then raised his head to look at his eldest son Liu Chengfeng.

"Weifu originally wanted you to go to Miaojiang with your mother and aunts, but now the plan has to be changed."

"Huh? The child is confused."

"You have also heard the content of the conversation between Weifu, your mother and your aunts just now.

At first, what I wanted for my father was to let you Aunt Yan'er, Aunt Lingyi and the others stay in the capital.

Later you also heard that they planned to follow your mother and drive to Miaojiang in a carriage.

Since their sisters are also rushing to Miaojiang, let the girl Serena also go to Miaojiang to meet your grandmother.

Serena: After the two of you got married, your grandmother only learned about your marriage and childbirth from the family letter your mother gave her.

But I haven't seen what my niece and daughter-in-law look like!

This time, it happened to let her old man see what his niece and daughter-in-law looked like.

And your son Chenyu, the little guy, he hasn't met his great-grandmother yet.

Take him with you to make your grandma happy too.

Maybe when your grandma is happy to see her nephew, her health will get better! "

Liu Chengfeng nodded clearly: "Father, you mean to let the boy take Serena and Chenyu to set off with Aunt Yan and Aunt Lingyi?"

"That's right, Serena also doesn't understand martial arts, and Chenyu is still young.

As a husband and father, you naturally have to take care of their mother and child's basic necessities on the road. "

"Father, I understand what you mean, but..."

"But what?"

"But the boy wants to go to Miaojiang with his mother, Aunt Yun, Eldest Sister, Second Sister, and visit Grandma and her old man as soon as possible."

"What about Serena?"

"Dad, don't worry, the child on the mother's side will persuade her.

Serena is a reasonable woman, she will agree with the baby's decision. "

While talking, Liu Chengfeng got up and saluted the three princesses and sisters.

"My aunts, my son's wife and son, I need you elders to take care of me."


The three princesses and the others looked at Liu Chengfeng who was saluting to their sisters, and looked towards their husband with some hesitation.

It's not that the sisters are dissatisfied with Liu Chengfeng or Selina's mother and son.

It was because Liu Mingzhi had spoken earlier, and they didn't know what their husband was thinking.

Therefore, it is natural not to rashly agree to the request of Liu Chengfeng, the eldest son.


"Husband, what do you think?"

"Husband, why don't you just do what Chengfeng said."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly while looking at his eldest son Liu Chengfeng's expectant eyes.

"As long as Serena has no objections, you can set off with your mother and the others."

"Yes, thank you Dad."

"It's almost enough to say what should be said on the father's side, you should go back and discuss it with Serena first.

If the negotiation is successful, immediately pack your luggage and prepare to set off. "

"Baby knows, baby will leave first."


"Mother, all aunts, the child will leave first."

"Hey, let's go."

"Feng'er, remember to discuss it with Serena in a friendly voice."

"The boy knows."

After Liu Chengfeng's footsteps faded away, Liu Mingzhi silently turned the teacup in his hand, and looked towards Qinglian with a complicated expression.


"Husband, tell me."

Suddenly, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to gesture to Qi Yun and the other sisters.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, politely, you sisters should go back and pack your luggage first.

Yan'er, Lingyi, you sisters, please clean up and salute in advance.

By the way, you sisters are riding in a carriage, don't forget to prepare some specialties from the capital, as well as good things from various prefectures, and bring them to your mother and her elders. "

"Yes, the concubine sister understands, the concubine sister will retire first."

"Yiyi, Feifei, you sisters should go back and tidy up as well."

"Yes, sisters Hai'er will leave first."

Qi Yun, the beauties and sister Liu Yiyi got up and gave a blessing, and retreated out of the study hand in hand.

lean less.

Only Liu Mingzhi, Qinglian and his wife were left in the study.

After Qi Yun and the others had all left the study, Qinglian got up and walked to the door and closed the door.

Afterwards, Qinglian walked towards Liu Mingzhi lightly with lotus steps, and sat beside her husband with a questioning expression.

"Husband, do you have anything to say about my concubine's status?"

Liu Mingzhi brought the tea to his mouth, and after finishing the tea in the cup, he nodded to the beauty with a guilty expression.

"Lian'er, my husband will not be able to accompany you to Miaojiang tonight."

Seeing her husband's guilty expression, Qinglian didn't ask why, but nodded her head gently.

"It doesn't matter, we have been married for more than 20 years, and I know what kind of person you are, husband.

You can't rush to Miaojiang with my concubine, there must be more important things to deal with. "

"Lian'er, for my husband..."

Qinglian stretched out her jade hand to cover Liu Mingzhi's lips. Although she was depressed, she still firmly smiled at the man she had been with for life.

"Husband, you are no longer the young master of the Liu family, nor are you the servant of the household department in the imperial court.

Not to mention the one-word king who oversees all the important military and government affairs of the 27th government of northern Xinjiang.

It is the king of a country who is in charge of a hundred thousand mountains and rivers in the world, and he will be the emperor today.

No matter how important things about grandma are, they are not as important as things in the world.

Although the concubine is a girl, she also knows righteousness and knows right from wrong.

Be clear about state affairs and family affairs.

Which is heavier!

Finish the business first, I understand you.

I believe that grandma will understand you. "

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, grabbed Jiaren Hao's wrist and patted the back of her hand a few times.

"Lian'er, after the cabinet finalizes the matter of rewarding soldiers, I will rush to Miaojiang to join you as my husband.

The matter of rewarding military equipment is not just as simple as rewarding military equipment, there are too many things involved behind it.

For the husband, we have to carefully arrange one or two.

Lian'er, thank you for understanding my husband's difficulties. "

"Thank you? Have you forgotten what you told my concubine just now?"

"Yes, yes, my husband knew it was wrong, my husband knew it was wrong."

"That's right, the concubine has to go back to tidy up and salute first."

(End of this chapter)

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