Chapter 2957
Liu Mingzhi watched Qi Yun and his group gradually go away, just as he was about to turn around and return home.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of horseshoes rushing from behind.

The sound of horseshoes was far and near, and gradually became clearer in the ears.

Liu Mingzhi already knew who the visitor was, and if he didn't expect it, it was probably his eldest brother Song Qing and Liu Song.

After taking a last look at Qi Yun and his party who had disappeared on the street, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked behind him.

Sure enough, the two people who ran towards the gate of Liu's mansion at high speed were Song Qing and Liu Song.



More than ten steps away from Liu Mingzhi, Song and Qing immediately tightened the reins.

The two vigorous horses whined rhythmically and raised their hooves high.

Song Qing and the two waited until the horses fell and stopped, and immediately got off the horses and walked towards Liu Mingzhi.

"Chen Songqing sees His Majesty, long live long live."

"Little Liu Song, see the young master."

"It's all free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Master."



"You put the horse aside, and the young master and elder brother go in first."

"Little obedience."

"Brother, let's talk at home."

"Yes, please, Your Majesty."

After a while, the two brothers Liu Mingzhi appeared in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

"Brother, did Liu Song tell you the reason why I came to meet you so quickly?
By the way, we have already arrived in the inner courtyard, and there is no servant present, so you don't need to continue to address the younger brother, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty said it from your mouth, big brother, and my little brother sounds awkward. "

"Okay, brother, I know.

Third brother, due to the rush of time, brother Liu Song didn't have time to explain the reason to brother Wei in detail.

He just roughly told Brother Wei that something happened on Qinglian's side.

what happened?Did the Qinglian brothers and sisters encounter any difficulties? "

"That's it."

Song Qing frowned, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a puzzled expression.

"What is it called?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed with a complicated expression, turned around and walked under the gazebo in the courtyard.

Seeing this, Song Qing had no choice but to follow silently.

Liu Mingzhi sat on the stone bench, lifted the teapot and poured two cups of tea, then pointed to the stone bench beside him and signaled to Song Qing.

"Brother, sit down."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the herbal tea and took a sip, then looked up at Song Qing with a puzzled look on his face with a slightly gloomy expression.

"Nothing happened to Lian'er, it was her grandmother."

"What happened to the old man?"

"Old people are getting older, and their bodies are not as good as before.

Lian'er received a letter from her uncle in Miaojiang, and learned from her heart that her mother was seriously ill.

The situation her uncle mentioned in the letter is not too serious.

It's just that we are not in front of my mother and her elders, so we have no way of knowing whether what is said in the letter is true or not.

Therefore, we don't know the specific condition of her old man's health.

It is possible that it is really just a little more seriously ill, and there is still a chance of recovery.

It is also possible that Lian'er's uncle was afraid that Lian'er would not be able to bear the blow, so he intentionally reported good news but not bad news. "

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's explanation, Song Qing let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, so it is.

Now that the words have come, what kind of news is it to report good news but not bad news!
Whether the old man is really seriously ill, or what, there is nothing to be happy about. "

Seeing Song Qing's complicated expression, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a wry smile.

"What big brother said is true, whether it is the former or the latter, there is really nothing to be happy about.

It is helpless for the younger brother to think so, no matter what, before the matter is confirmed.

Little brother, at least have [-]% hope, don't you? "

Song Qing was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of stupor, he seemed to understand Liu Mingzhi's meaning, nodded and untied the pipe from his waist.

"That's true, it's better to have hope than to have no hope."

After skillfully filling the cigarette pot with shredded tobacco, Song Qing handed the cigarette bag to First Young Master Liu as a gesture.

"Come on?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to untie his pipe, picked up a pinch of shredded tobacco in the pipe with his fingers, and put it in the pipe.

Smoking a pot of shredded tobacco at this time can really relieve some of the depression in my heart.

"Well, fire."

Liu Mingzhi saw Song Qing hand over the fire bag, and immediately leaned over to put the smoke pot on it.

After Liu Mingzhi lit the shredded tobacco, Song Qing lit his own shredded tobacco backhand.

Song Qing took a puff of smoke vigorously, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a light smoke in his mouth.

"Tell me, why did you call Brother Wei to come over as soon as possible? Is there anything you can do for Brother Wei?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, turned his head to let out the smoke from his mouth, and took out three letters from his cuffs and put them on the stone table.

"This is the decree that my younger brother passed on to the chief officials of the various prefectures in the Shu region. After you go back, immediately use a golden carving to pass the letter to the chief officials of the prefectures in the Shu region.

After receiving the letter, they were ordered to call their respective famous doctors to Miaojiang to diagnose and treat Aunt and her elders.

If the younger brother passes the letter alone, those state officials might doubt the authenticity of the letter.

After all, the chances of the little brother, the king of a country, passing on the book to them alone are really very small.

Therefore, it has to be done once from the imperial court. "

Song Qing nodded without hesitation, took a puff of smoke vigorously, picked up the three letters and carefully stuffed them into his cuffs.

"Brother, I understand, third brother, do you have any other orders?"

"After you go back, immediately send someone to inform Chu Renxin, the imperial doctor of Chu, and order him to take his right-hand assistant to Miao Jiang tomorrow morning.

By the way, tell him by the way, all kinds of precious medicinal materials, rare medicinal materials can be used as needed, and there is no need to report. "

"Yes, Brother Wei understands."

"I don't have anything else to do here, brother, go back and do business first."

Song Qing hurriedly knocked out the shredded tobacco that was still burning in the tobacco pot, got up and punched Young Master Liu.

"Farewell to my brother."

"No more."

Song Qing nodded as a signal, and hurried towards the inner courtyard with the dry pipe in his hand.

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry cigarette lightly, looking up at the bright moon in the sky with a sighing expression.

I hope God will not disappoint the hope in my heart.



The two voices, one in front and the other in the back, brought Liu Mingzhi's thoughts back from contemplation to reality.

Liu Mingzhi subconsciously turned around and looked out of the gazebo, only to see the third princess and sister Xue Bizhu walking towards the gazebo hand in hand.

The third princess still held a tray in her hand.

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"No gift, sit down."

"Thank you husband."

After the three princesses and sisters settled down on the stone bench, Liu Mingzhi leaned over and knocked out the embers in the smoke pot.

"Yan'er, Bizhu, why are you two sisters here?"

"Husband, the concubine sisters have been here for a while, but we saw you talking with elder brother.

The concubine sister didn't know whether your side was convenient or not, so she waited under the long corridor over there for a while. "

Liu Mingzhi straightened up, pointed to the tray with soup bowls on the table.

"This is?"

"Husband, after the concubine sisters packed up and saluted, they went to make you a bowl of soothing soup.

The sisters who are concubines also know in their hearts that you must be hurt by the things about your mother and her old man now!
But no matter what, husband, you have to pay attention to your body.

The calming soup has been cold for a long time, husband, you should drink it while it is hot. "

Xue Bizhu nodded her head in agreement, looking at her husband with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Husband, not long ago you comforted Sister Lian'er to take care of her body.

You can't comfort Sister Lian'er, and ignore your own body. "

Naturally, Liu Mingzhi didn't want the two ladies to worry, he nodded with a 'light smile', put down the dry pipe and directly picked up the soothing soup on the tray.

Liu Mingzhi sipped the soothing soup with a spoon, and seemed to think of something in the middle, and looked up at the third princess.


"Hey, husband?"

"Tomorrow morning, you will go to the palace and tell the queen mother about the fact that your sisters and others are going to Sichuan.

The provincial queen mother and her elderly don't know what happened, and they haven't seen you for many days, so they are worried about you. "

"Husband, don't worry, this concubine has already thought of this.

Even if you don't tell me about my concubine, I will also enter the palace tomorrow to visit the queen mother. "

"So good, so good."

Liu Mingzhi heard that the third princess had already considered the matter thoroughly, so he didn't say anything, and continued to drink the soothing soup in the bowl.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"When do you plan to go to Miaojiang? Do you want to go with my concubine sisters? Or delay for a few more days?"

"Well, maybe in two or three days.

The specific date for the husband is still uncertain, and it has to be judged according to the situation of the government affairs of the DPRK and China.

It should not exceed three days at the latest. "

"The concubine knows, the sisters will not wait for you."

"Don't wait for me, although my husband left about two or three days later than you, but after all, my husband rushed to Miaojiang at full speed.

Maybe it's one step ahead of your sisters and the girl Serena! "

"That's true, by the way, my husband, why don't my concubine sisters prepare your bags for you and take them with you right away?

In this way, it saves you from wasting time for packing up and saluting. "

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment, watching the two beauties nodding slightly.

"Alright, you guys help Wei Fu clean up in advance."

"The concubine knows, what do I need to prepare?"

"Just bring two pieces of Huanxi's clothes. There are other things in the station or restaurant, so you don't need to prepare any more."

"Okay, sister concubine knows."

Liu Mingzhi drank the Anshen Soup thoroughly, and then put the soup bowl back on the tray.

"Yan'er, Bizhu."


"It's getting late, you two sisters should go back and have a rest first, I want to be alone for my husband's sake."

"It's… okay."

"Husband, the sisters who are concubines will go back to the room first, so don't stay up too late."

"Okay, got it, you two sisters, go back and rest first."

The two sisters, Xue Bizhu, stood up, picked up the tray, and saluted Liu Mingzhifu in unison.

"The concubine sister resigns."


After Xue Bizhu and sisters left hand in hand, Liu Mingzhi got up and walked to the lawn outside the gazebo and stopped.

Looking at the lawn that had been slightly wet by the autumn dew, Liu Mingzhi put his hands behind his head and lay down indifferently.

Liu Mingzhi let out a long breath, staring at the moonlight in the night sky with long and deep eyes, and became dazed.

The next day.

There are about three poles in the sun.

After the third princess returned from the palace, she made some preparations before boarding the carriage that had been waiting outside the gate for a long time, and said goodbye to Huyan Yunyao, Huang Lingyi and Liu Mingzhi.

Watched by her husband waving his hands, he set off to Miaojiang in the Shu region.

The years are like passing by.

Another two days later.

After Liu Mingzhi washed up, he casually ate a few mouthfuls of breakfast prepared by the maids, and accompanied by Liu Song, he at least rushed to the palace.

"We see Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"All free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Continue to be on duty."

"We obey, and respectfully send His Majesty back to the palace."


"I'm here, young master, what are your orders?"

"You go to the East Palace right now, and ask Cheng Zhi to meet me in the cabinet immediately."

"Little obedience."

After Liu Song sprinted away, Liu Mingzhi turned around and waved to a soldier of the Imperial Army who was on duty on the square in the palace.

The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army were stunned for a moment, then they hurriedly ran to Liu Mingzhi and saluted him.

"My minister sees Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You go to the Hall of Ten Kings right away, if the Second Prince Liu Chengzhi is dealing with official business in the Hall of Ten Kings, you tell him to go to the cabinet to see me immediately.

If not, keep coming back on duty. "

"My minister complies, and my minister resigns."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and waved his hands, striding straight towards the cabinet.

A moment later, the soldiers of the Forbidden Army who were on duty outside the cabinet hall saw First Young Master Liu and immediately yelled.

"Your Majesty is here."

Some noisy voices in the cabinet stopped abruptly, followed by some chaotic footsteps.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi put his hands up in vain, and walked into the hall with his feet up.

"All ministers are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, please sit down."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand as a signal, and walked straight to the side hall on the right.

"Master Xia, Lord Cai Laohou, the two secondary assistants, and all the ministers, let's talk in the side hall."

"I will obey your orders."

Before Xia Gongming raised his foot, he hurriedly waved to a young official standing behind the palace gate.

"Master Sun, show Your Majesty some tea immediately."

"The subordinate takes orders."

Liu Mingzhi walked to the soft bed where cabinet officials usually rested and sat down, leaning sideways on the pillow and beckoning angrily.

"You don't have to stand, just sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, please have some tea."

"it is good."

"My lords, please have some tea."

"Master Lao Sun is here."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and sipped it, then raised his eyes and set his eyes on Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet next to him.

"Lord Xia, all the ministers, the three-day time for me to explain to you has come, has the regulations on rewarding military equipment been drawn up?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it has been drawn up.

Please wait a moment, Your Majesty, the old minister will fetch the document for you to have a look at immediately. "

(End of this chapter)

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