Chapter 2958

Xia Gongming went quickly and returned quickly, walked up to Liu Mingzhi and handed over a document in his hand.

"Your Majesty, please take a look."

Liu Mingzhi put the tea on the table next to him, reached out to take the document from Xia Gongming, leaned on the pillow and opened the cover of the document in his hand.

"My lord, don't stand still, sit down and talk."

"The old minister complied, thank you Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi twisted his waist slightly, changed to a more comfortable posture, and concentrated on watching the contents of the document.

Without distraction, he silently read the types of military equipment and the specific number of military equipment that were drawn up after the discussions of the important ministers in the court.

Liu Mingzhi sometimes frowned slightly, sometimes pursed his lips in deep thought, and sometimes fell into deep thought.

Xia Gongming and the others looked at the ever-changing expression on Liu Mingzhi's face, and couldn't help feeling nervous.

Why is His Majesty frowning?Is he not satisfied with the number of armaments we have drawn up?

I just don't know exactly what is not satisfactory.

Is it because there are too many rewards?Or are there fewer rewards?

When Song Yu and the others silently flipped through the contents of the documents in Liu Mingzhi, there were some small waves in their hearts.

Just when Liu Mingzhi turned over a page of the document in his hand, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded outside the hall.

Liu Mingzhi continued to look at the contents of the document without looking sideways, while Xia Gongming and other officials subconsciously looked sideways behind them.

"Son, Liu Chengzhi, see father."

"Well, sit down."

"Thank you, Father."

"The ministers and others see His Royal Highness the Second Prince, thousands of years old."

"My lords, please take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After Liu Chengzhi walked to the side chair and sat down, he instinctively set his eyes on the old man, with a look of doubt flashing in his eyes.

He was a little puzzled, wondering why his father suddenly asked him to come to the cabinet to meet him.

However, Liu Chengzhi had no choice but to suppress his incomprehension when he saw that his father was concentrating on flipping through the documents in his hand.

Like Xia Gongming, Song Yu and other important court officials, they waited quietly and held their breath.

Time passed quietly, I don't know how long it has passed.

Liu Mingzhi stood up and left the pillow behind him, and casually closed the document in his hand.

Seeing this, Liu Chengzhi and others immediately sat up straight, and looked at Liu Mingzhi in unison.

Young Master Liu let out a silent breath, holding the document in his hand and patted it gently in the palm of his hand.

"Master Xia."

"The old minister is here."

"The number of military equipment requested by the Japanese mission is [-] weapons of various types, [-] pairs of fine armor, [-] pairs of ordinary armor, [-] bows and crossbows of various types, [-] serial crossbows, and a total of [-] arrows of various kinds.

And the number of military equipment that you finally decided after the collegiality has been reduced by about half.

Right. "

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is true.

The old minister dared to ask, I wonder if Your Majesty thinks the number of military equipment drawn up by the ministers is too much?Or less? "

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and remained silent for a while, then got up and walked towards the outside of the hall with his hands behind his back.

"Wait, follow me out for a walk."

"I will obey your orders."

After Liu Mingzhi took the lead in removing the cabinet, he walked down the steps at a leisurely pace.

"My lords."

When the group of people following Young Master Liu heard Young Master Liu speak, they immediately quickened their pace.

"Sir wait."

"The number of military equipment you finally proposed is a bit too small."


Everyone looked at each other and communicated silently with their eyes.

Now Liu Chengzhi also vaguely guessed why his father asked him to come here, and glanced lightly at the group of important officials who were looking at each other.

He didn't ask anything, but pondered thoughtfully.

lean less.

Xia Gongming stroked his gray beard lightly, quickened his pace and followed Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, before the ministers worked out the number of military equipment, they carefully calculated the value of the yearly offerings from the Japanese mission and the value of that rare treasure, the Night Pearl."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he probably understood the deep meaning of Xia Gongming's words just now.

"What do you mean, the combined value of these armaments is roughly equivalent to the combined value of the yearly offering and the rare night pearl presented by the Japanese mission?"

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Which is higher and which is lower?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the value of our rewards of military equipment is slightly inferior to the value of the New Year's Offerings offered by the Japanese embassy.

However, our Dalong has already rewarded Sakai, the envoy of Wa Kingdom, with a batch of Dalong's special products. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, and looked sideways at Xia Gongming and the others.

"If you add the special products that I bestowed on the Wa country Zhengshi Sakai congratulations in advance, which one is higher?"

"Your Majesty, I have reported to His Majesty a few days ago that the batch of Dalong's special products that we rewarded the Japanese envoy, our Dalong is certainly not too expensive.

However, once it is shipped back to the country of Wa, it may increase several times.

It's just that the ministers have never been to the Wa country, and they don't know what the situation in the Wa country is like.

Therefore, these situations are the prices estimated by Chen et al. based on speculation.

After several discussions, the minister and others all felt that the batch of special products that His Majesty bestowed to the official envoy of the Wa Kingdom should be added.

The value of this batch of armaments is still not as good. "

"Oh? Why? Are the yearly offerings offered by the Japanese missions worth a lot after being converted into silver taels?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, although the annual offerings presented by the Japanese mission are expensive, they are not too much.

The estimated value of the ministers and others is the value of the three-foot night pearl.

The minister and others negotiated over and over again, but in the end they did not come up with a rough price.

So the ministers and others came up with a compromise. "

"any solution?"

"The ministers estimated the value of that luminous pearl to be equal to the value of those offerings.

The two phases are added together, and then the number of these armaments is obtained. "

"So it's like this, you guys are quite easy."

"I am ashamed, I made His Majesty laugh at you.

This is also a no-brainer, the ministers really don't know how to price that rare treasure. "

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but see the night pearl shining brightly in the night and blooming with charming fluorescence, and he nodded with a slight frown.

"Hey, to be honest, let alone you guys, even I myself don't know how to price that luminous pearl.

To say that it is not worth much silver, it is a rare treasure that is rare in the world after all.

But if it is priceless, it is not very useful in other aspects except lighting appreciation.

As the saying goes, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

Depends on who owns it.

If the person who owns it likes it, it is priceless, otherwise, it is at best just a valuable treasure. "

"Your Majesty has a great opinion, and I admire you."

Listening to the compliments from the crowd, Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, and continued to walk forward.

"Let's not talk about that, let's continue talking about military equipment."

"I will obey your orders."

"Your Majesty, it is precisely because of these considerations that the ministers have set these numbers for the military equipment.

To tell the truth from the old minister's heart, the minister and the others are actually very clear that the amount that the minister and the others settled after deliberation is a little bit less.

It's just that the ministers are afraid that the number of rewards will be too much.

At that time, His Majesty will be angrily scolding the ministers and others for not being in charge of the family and not knowing that Chai Migui is expensive.

Therefore, the ministers had no choice but to draw up a moderate amount, and then wait for His Majesty to review it before making a final decision. "

Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun smiled and moved to Young Master Liu's side, and took Xia Gongming's words in a timely manner.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing you can do about it, after all, a smaller number is better than a larger number.

Your majesty clearly learned that the ministers and others thought this way to save money for your majesty and the court.

I also hope that His Majesty can understand the painstaking efforts of the ministers. "

Hearing Cai Jun's pretentiously joking words, Liu Mingzhi hummed angrily a few times.

"You old foxes, don't think that I don't know what's going on in your mind.

Isn't everyone afraid that if the number is set too much, I will feel distressed and blame you? "

Xia Gongming and the others had embarrassing expressions, and they all laughed bitterly.

"Your Majesty Shengming, Your Majesty Shengming."

Liu Mingzhi casually threw the document in his hand to Liu Chengzhi next to him, and drew out the jade fan from his cuff to gently fan the cool breeze.

"Some money can be saved, and some money cannot be saved.

As long as the money can be spent wisely, no matter how much money I have, I won't feel bad.

Let's add one more to the number of armaments. "

When everyone heard Young Master Liu's words, their eyes fell on Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

Song Yu felt the eyes of a group of colleagues, shook his head angrily, and quickly followed Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how many additional troops are appropriate?"

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and was silent for a moment, then looked sideways at Song Yu.

"Add [-]% to each."

"Your Majesty, are you sure to add [-]% to each? Do you want to think about it again?"

"No need, I have already considered it very clearly, so I will add [-]% to each."

"Yes, the old minister understands."

The corners of Liu Mingzhi's mouth raised slightly, and he stared deeply at the pavilions directly in front of him.

"Since you want to reward them, let's give them a happy one-off.

There are too few soldiers rewarded, and there is no point in making small troubles.

Only with sufficient military equipment can we have sufficient strength.

And once you have the strength, you will have confidence. "

"Huh? The old minister is confused."

"The old minister is also confused."

"Your servant is confused."

"It's nothing, I just remembered some interesting things, you don't need to take it to heart."

"Sir, you understand."

"Before the sun goes down, the final documents must be sent to Honglu Temple and handed over to Sakai Ka, the envoy of Wa Kingdom.

By the way, tell the people who send the documents to pay attention to their whereabouts, and don't let the envoys from other countries see them. "

"I will obey your orders."

"Your Majesty, why don't you just let Lord Wang bring the document back to Honglu Temple.

After he went back, he randomly asked Wa Guozheng Shi Sakai He to rush over to him under any name, and then handed over the documents to him. "

"Alright, then Wang Aiqing will take it back."

"Yes, the old minister obeyed."

"King Wuyi."

"The minister is here."

"I have something for you to handle."

"Yes, Your Majesty please order."

"After the documents for rewarding military equipment are handed over to Sakai He, the envoy of the Wa Kingdom, immediately order the Ouchi guards to go to Honglu Temple to spread a message.

The content of the news is that the Japanese envoy had already contacted the blacksmith shops in various squares and cities in the city many days ago, and ordered a large number of excellent military equipment from those blacksmith shops.

You tell the soldiers that you must find a way to pass these news to the envoys of the missions of other countries. "

"My minister obeys."

"Your Majesty, I have something that I don't understand, please boldly ask Your Majesty to clarify."

"Why is Mrs. Cai so puzzled?"

"Your Majesty, you just told the ministers to keep secret the military equipment rewarded to the Japanese embassy, ​​why did you order King Wuyi to act like this?
We can obviously quietly deliver the military equipment to the Japanese mission.

In this way, wouldn't everyone know about it? "

Liu Mingzhi paused, turned around and glanced at the people around him playfully.

"I just want everyone to know."

"Ah? Your Majesty, isn't this contradictory?"

"Your Majesty, please clarify."

"My lords, I don't need to tell you about Goguryeo's deployment of troops to support the Japanese royal family, do I?"

"No, no, the old minister heard it from the official envoys of the two countries on the day the diplomatic missions from all over the world entered the palace for an audience."

"So are the ministers."

"Well, it can be said that because of Goguryeo sending troops to support the Japanese royal family, the relationship between the mission of the Sakai family and the Japanese mission is extremely inconsistent."

Wang Hezheng, Zhengqing of Honglu Temple, gave a muffled sneer, and shook his head helplessly.

"It's not so simple, if it weren't for the rules of Honglu Temple, the old minister probably would have met each other long ago.

During these days, although there was no major fight between the envoys of the two countries, the small conflicts and frictions never subsided.

The veteran and Master Lu would scold them at first.

Later, seeing that although they were constantly at odds, they were somewhat measured, so I let it go. "

"Then tell me, once Kim Tae-eun, the envoy of the Goguryeo mission, knows that Wa has secretly purchased a large amount of sophisticated military equipment, what will he do?"

"Naturally, there is panic in the heart, after all, the relationship between them is hostile."

"It's just a panic and it's over? Then?"

"Then he must also... oh... the old minister understands."

"Hiss—the old minister also understands."

Those who can stand here are not fools, they understood the deep meaning of Young Master Liu's words after a little thought.

Seeing the suddenly enlightened expressions of a group of old foxes, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the shoulders of Wang Hezheng, Minister of Honglu Temple, and Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and turned around with a smile and walked forward.

"Song Aiqing, Wang Aiqing, whether the national treasury can be more abundant, and whether you can eat meat, it all depends on the eloquence of the two of you."

Song Yu and the others looked at each other, and hurriedly chased after Liu Mingzhi who had walked more than ten steps away.

"Your Majesty, are you so sure that the Goguryeo mission will buy military equipment from the imperial court?"

"They may not, but the Japanese royal family will definitely.

Unless the Japanese royal family wants to lose their own country, prosperity and wealth.

You say, do the Japanese royal family want to lose their territory? "

"Your Majesty Shengming, Your Majesty Shengming."

"Your Majesty, how much is the right amount to sell?"

"It is enough to reward five times the number of soldiers and equipment of the Japanese mission."

(End of this chapter)

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