My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2967 I'm in Your Care

Chapter 2967 is in your care ([-])

"Grandma, grandma, stop talking nonsense, your old man will be fine, you will be fine."

Liu Mingzhi tightly held the old man's palm, shaking his head hoarsely.

"Mum, you old man is just tired, just a little tired.

You listen to my son-in-law, drink the decoction and you'll be fine, drink the decoction and you'll be fine. "


Liu Yiyi hastily wiped the tears from her eyes, looked at her father and said with a choked voice: "Daddy, the child is here, what do you want?"

"Quick, quick, go and get the soup for your grandma, hurry up."

"Well, let's go now, baby."

Qinglian's mother looked at Liu Mingzhi's flustered expression, and tremblingly placed her other withered hand on the back of First Young Master Liu's hand.


"Mum, don't talk now, old man, take a slow breath and drink the soup.

After your body recovers, you can tell your son-in-law what the old man wants to say to your son-in-law. "

The old man is obviously very clear about what kind of state his body has reached now.

She knew very well in her heart that if she didn't explain some things to Liu Mingzhi now, she might not have time to explain them.

So, no matter how Liu Mingzhi comforted herself, she couldn't stop her determination to explain what happened behind her.

"Son, ahem, child, listen to what Grandma said."


"My child, my mother understands your intentions, but my mother is more aware of her own situation.

If I don't tell you some things now, I won't have a chance to say them again. "

Qinglian's weeping Lihua sobbed twice with rain, and stretched out her hand to tug on Liu Mingzhi's sleeve.

"Husband, you...huh...just let my mother continue."

When Liu Mingzhi heard what Qinglian said, the unrealistic psychological defense that he insisted on in the depths of his heart instantly collapsed.

He blinked his eyes hard a few times, trying not to look so embarrassed.

Lian'er's pressure was already great enough, he really didn't want Lian'er to see him lose his composure.

This added to the pressure in her heart again.

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded heavily at the old man.

"Hmm, mother, you talk, you continue to talk, my son-in-law is listening."

Qinglian's grandmother took a few breaths with difficulty, turned her head slightly to look at Qinglian standing behind Liu Mingzhi, who was crying and kept wiping the tears on her pretty face with a handkerchief.

"My child, the life of this silly girl, Lian'er, is miserable!
When she was young, her family suffered from natural and man-made disasters. Since then, she and her elder sister followed their parents to live a life of uprooting, wandering, and begging for a living.

At that time, it was a disaster year, and the life of ordinary people was sad!
In order to leave a ration for them, the parents of her two sisters finally starved to death in a foreign country.

Then, the two sisters became orphans without father or mother.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, so these two poor children met the old man who went to Jiangnan to visit his relatives.

When the old man saw their sisters for the first time, the two sisters were already hungry and skinny, and they were not human.

To put it bluntly, the two sisters were so thin that they could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Because he had no children, the old man felt compassionate and adopted the two sisters as daughters.

Under the care of the old body, Lian'er and the other sisters managed to survive the calamity year.

At that time, the old body thought that their sisters could stay in Miaojiang steadily, and live a peaceful and stable life with the old body.

Who would have thought that the two sisters relied on a little poisonous poisoning technique they learned from the old man.

When he was young, he went astray and became a sword-wielding maidservant next to the leader of the White Lotus Sect.

These two stinky girls were too young at that time, and they really didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Is it possible for these two silly girls with no experience to get involved in a place like the White Lotus Sect?

as predicted.

Lian'er, this girl, lost her only blood relative when she was at the age of flowers and jade.

That is her sister, Bai Shao.



Later, this silly girl met you again.

Regarding the various things between you, the two of you are more clear than the old man.

The old man will no longer... ahem... no more long-winded words.

child. "

"Hey, Mom."

"Lian'er, a silly girl, has a lot of fate, it's really hard.

I will have no chance to take care of her in the future.

She... hum... hum... she will leave it to you. "

"Mother, my son-in-law knows, my son-in-law knows, take a break first, take a rest first."

Qinglian's mother looked at Qinglian who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, and twitched her arm slightly.

"Son, grandma is tired and can't rest anymore.

I am afraid that if I am afraid of this rest, I will never be able to open my mouth again. "

Liu Mingzhi noticed the old man's movements, and hastily let go of his hands holding the old man's withered palm, and pulled Qinglian to his side behind him.

Qinglian stopped beside Liu Mingzhi, knelt down in front of the old man without hesitation, reached out and grabbed the old man's palm, and pressed it to her cheeks that were already stained with tears.

"Grandma, grandma."

"Silly girl, don't cry, don't cry, be obedient.

If you cry like this, Grandma is worried about leaving. "

"Well, Lian'er doesn't cry, Lian'er doesn't cry, Lian'er is obedient."
Qinglian said that she would not cry, but the tears in her eyes slipped out of her eyes like rain.

It dripped down the cheeks, wet the skirt of the chest.

"Silly girl, you are no longer young.

Not only a wife, but also a mother, a mother-in-law, and even a grandmother.

You must be sensible, be a good wife, a good mother, and a good mother-in-law.

Be a good grandmother.

Zhi'er is a talented kid with a long-term vision. Whatever happens to you, you must discuss it with him.

Don't make any claims, lest good intentions do bad things.

No matter how much Zhi'er dotes on you, you must never do things that are pampered and coquettish.

Do you understand? "

"Yeah, Lian'er knows, Lian'er knows."

"Aunt believes in you, don't let Aunt down."

"Don't dare, Lian'er dare not, never dare."

Qinglian's mother looked at her well-behaved and sensible daughter, and nodded with satisfaction.

With difficulty, he raised his hand to caress Qinglian's tear-filled cheek, and the old man looked towards Liu Zhi'an and his wife with unsteady breath.

", in-laws."

"My mother, my brother is here."

"Hey, the girl is here."

"I really can't take it anymore, Lian'er, a silly girl, will be the biological daughter of the two of you from now on.

If she does something wrong, you two should teach me a lesson.

At the same time, I also hope that the two of you can forgive me a lot.

Please, please. "

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, my brother has long regarded all daughters-in-law as his own daughters."
"My mother, my sister knows, my sister knows."

"Thank you so much..."

The old man looked at Liu Zhi'an and his wife and smiled gratefully, and looked at Liu Chengfeng and his wife kindly.

"Ride the wind, Serena."


"I can see with my own eyes the two of you getting married, and grandma will have no regrets."


The old man took a breath weakly, and moved his eyes more and more difficultly to Liu Feifei and sister Liu Yiyi who had just returned with the soup.

"Yiyi, Feifei."


"After the two of you sisters leave the cabinet, don't forget to offer incense sticks to grandma.

Grandma... Grandma will watch you from the sky.

I will bless you too. "

"Grandma, no, no, you will live until Yiyi gets married."

"Grandma, Feifei don't want to marry, Feifei wants grandma to live well."

"Two silly girls, don't be sad, I can see you grow up one by one.

Even if grandma is gone, she can feel at ease.

Grandma, grandma, I left with a smile. "

"Grandma, you can rest for a while."

"Grandma, Feifei please, please take a break."

The old man took a last look at the people in the bamboo house with nostalgia in his eyes, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he grasped the palm that was caressing Qinglian's cheek on Young Master Liu's wrist.


"Mum, my son-in-law is here, my son-in-law is here."

"Don't forget... don't forget that you promised Amu...Ama.

Okay... take good care of... take care of Lian... Lian..."

Before the word Lian'er could be finished, the old man's hand on the back of First Young Master Liu's hand slid down feebly.

At the same time, the old man's neck was also weak and fell on the pillow.

The eyes that were originally dim were completely dimmed.

There is no trace of spirit, and there is no trace of vitality.

However, there was a heart-warming smile on the corner of the old man's mouth.

That smile seems to contain the meaning of reluctance to the world, and also seems to contain the nostalgia for the children.

Similarly, there is still a bit of relief for this generation of life.

Maybe it's just like what her old man said to Liu Yiyi and sister Liu Feifei.

She was an old man and walked away with a smile.

"Mother! Mother!"

The moment the old man died, his arms slipped, and his neck fell down, Qinglian's heart-piercing cries suddenly sounded in the bamboo house.

"Mum! Don't go!"

Qinglian cried out in pain again, straightened up and gently nestled in the old man's arms, crying bitterly with tears streaming down her face.








In the blink of an eye, the shouts of the crowd echoed in the bamboo house.

The little guy Liu Chenyu seemed to be startled by the sentimental shouts from the people in the bamboo house, his chubby little hands tightly grasped his mother's waist, and cried loudly with his neck stuck.

Liu Mingzhi let out a long breath, raised his hand and patted the beauty's back, and then used both hands to hold the old man's arm that had slipped on the edge of the bed.

How many years have passed since he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor?
It seems that many years have passed.

Yes, it has indeed been many years.

Since I sat on that chair, it has been many years, many years, I haven't witnessed someone driving west in front of me.

That said, it's not entirely true.

After all, during the period, there were movie masters and dozens of spies who generously died in front of me.

It's just that at that time, some of me were more emotional and admirable.

Not like now.

It made me really feel an indescribable grief.

Liu Mingzhi silently put the old man's wrist on the bed, and whispered softly with a sad expression.

"Mom, don't worry about your old man.

What your old man told your son-in-law, your son-in-law will never forget.

Moreover, no matter whether you tell my son-in-law or not, my son-in-law will take good care of Lian Er.

This is not only what I should do, but also what my son-in-law owes Lian Er. "

"Lian'er, I'm so sorry!"

"Master, Young Master, this old man and brother Chu are back.

In the morning, the old man and brother Chu went to the mountain to dig out medicinal herbs such as Zhonghe Shenwang and Angelica.

What is the old lady doing now..."

Before Sai Huatuo and Chu Renxin, the two medical masters, arrived, their voices came first.

However, when they hurried into the bamboo house and saw the crying, sad, and sighing people, the words in their mouths were swallowed suddenly.

Sai Huatuo looked at Aunt Qinglian, who was lying on the bed, already lifeless, and shook the herb just picked in his hand with a gloomy expression.

"Fate! Fate!"

Chu Renxin on the side also tightly clenched the herbal medicine in his hand, raised his hand to support his gray beard, and shook his head sighingly.

The complex emotions of the two of them are naturally different from the grief of Liu Mingzhi, Qinglian, and Liu Yiyi who lost their loved ones.

Their sadness stems from the sense of powerlessness that the patient felt powerless when he let go of others in front of him, but he was helpless.

That feeling of powerlessness that a doctor can't help the world and save people.

Sai Huatuo sighed heavily, and walked towards Liu Zhi'an who was sighing with a complicated expression.


Liu Zhian raised his hand and patted the table beside him, then turned to look at Sai Huatuo.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Master, I have let you down."

Liu Zhi'an glanced at Qinglian and Liu Yiyi who were still crying bitterly, and raised his hand to pat Sai Huatuo's shoulder.

"Old man Sai, there is a definite number in one life, one autumn of grass and trees.

Can it be changed by manpower.

You, don't worry too much about it.

The old man's in-laws and mother left with a smile.

In this life, she has been content. "


"Needless to say, the old man knows what you want to say."

"Well, the old man will stop talking nonsense."


Mrs. Liu hurriedly looked towards Liu Zhian, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.


Liu Zhi'an looked at his wife's puzzled eyes, didn't say much, raised his head and gestured to Qinglian who was lying on his mother's body.

"Well, I understand."

"Yun'er, Ya'er, Wanyan, Shan'er, you sisters, follow your mother to persuade Lian'er."

"Yes, mother."

Liu Zhi'an started to walk towards First Young Master Liu, and heard Young Young Master Liu's sleeve being pulled by the head of the bed.

First Young Master Liu glanced at Qinglian who was crying bitterly, got up and followed his old man towards the main hall.

"Old man?"

"Bastard, your mother-in-law doesn't have a son, so let your son-in-law supervise her funeral affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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