Chapter 2968

Liu Mingzhi looked at the emotional expression on the old man's face, and nodded without hesitation.

"I know, even if you don't say it, I plan to do so."

Liu Zhi'an nodded slightly, turned his head and gestured towards the direction of the bed in the inner room.

"How do you plan to handle the funeral of your mother-in-law? Do you want to make a big fuss? Or do you follow the standards of ordinary people's families?"

"I'm going to wait for Lian'er's mood to ease up a bit, and discuss with her before making a decision.

Grandmother and her elders are Miao people, and this is the border of Miao border.

The customs and habits of Miaojiang are different from ours.

No matter how much I am the son-in-law of my grandmother, I can't break their customs.

Therefore, after Lian'er's mood improved a bit, I asked her to take me to the elders in the village.

Ask about the opinions of the old people in Miaojiang in the stockade.

It would be best if we could handle the funeral affairs according to our customs, but if not, then we should follow the rules of Miaojiang.

Old man, you have traveled all over the world for so many years, and you should also know that the customs and concepts of some places are difficult to be changed by outsiders. "

Liu Zhi'an squinted his eyes and pondered for a while, then looked at Liu Mingzhi and nodded gently.

"Alright, just act according to your own ideas."

Qi Yunlian walked lightly to Young Master Liu's side, watching Young Master Liu gently shake his head with red eyes.

"Husband, sisters who are concubines really can't persuade Sister Lian'er, no matter what we say, she won't listen."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's pretty face full of helplessness, turned his head to look at Qinglian who was still crying bitterly on his grandmother's body, raised his hand, rubbed his forehead and let out a long sigh.

"Lian'er is the daughter of my mother, how can she not feel sad when her mother has gone west.

As long as Lian'er doesn't act too aggressively, let her cry if she wants to.

Just let her cry out loud. "

"Okay, I know."

Qi Yunfu saluted, and was about to leave to walk towards the inner room, but Liu Mingzhi spoke again.

"Yun'er, wait a minute."

"Huh? Husband, tell me."

"Later, you will quietly tell Sister Ya to cook some thin porridge for Lian Er.

Grandma and her old lady just left, Lian'er must not be able to eat now.

No, it should be said that she may not be able to eat in the past few days.

It's not just Lian'er, Yiyi, Feifei, and Chengfeng are probably the same.

In the past few days, you sisters have worked hard, taking turns to cook some thin porridge for their mother and son to nourish Qi and blood.

We can't just watch their bodies starve to death! "

"Yes, I know, I will explain to all the sisters later."

"Okay, go and take care of Lian Er first."

After watching Qi Yun walk into the inner room, Liu Mingzhi took out the dry pipe from his waist and started walking towards the outside of the bamboo house.

Liu Zhi'an narrowed his eyes lightly, and looked for a long time at the people who all looked sad.

Not knowing what to think of, he suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Like Liu Mingzhi, he took out the pipe from his waist and started to walk out of the bamboo house.

Liu Zhi'an saw the eldest son who was squatting on the stones outside the bamboo house quietly puffing out the clouds, filled the shredded tobacco in his hand, and walked straight over.

Liu Zhian lifted the hem of his clothes, and sat directly on the ground next to First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at his old man, ignited the torch in his hand again and moved over.

Liu Zhi'an poked his head straight and leaned over, lit the shredded tobacco and took a strong puff.

"Do you want to replace it with the old man's shredded tobacco? Your shredded tobacco is too hot for your throat."

"No, I'm not a big smoker."

"Come on, aren't you still addicted to cigarettes?
Your current addiction to smoking is much greater than when the old man was young, it's just that you haven't noticed it yourself.

I said that you are now the king of a country anyway, can't you buy some good shredded tobacco to smoke?

You just eat the best shredded tobacco, how much money can you spend? "

"I don't pay too much attention to it. I buy whatever cut tobacco I come across, and smoke whatever kind of cut tobacco I buy.

Left and right are just things used for refreshment and meditation, there is no difference between good and bad.

It doesn't matter how much money it is.

What is important is just to live with the situation and muddle along. "

Liu Zhi'an exhaled a puff of light smoke, looked up at the sun that was already slanting westward in the sky.

"That's what life is all about.

Laughter is also a lifetime, and suffering is also a lifetime.

Rich is also a lifetime, and poverty is also a lifetime.

Being chic is a lifetime, and being depressed is also a lifetime.

Being sober is also a lifetime, and being confused is also a lifetime.

Since everything is a lifetime, why not choose the former?

Life is like the sun above our heads.

When the sun is scorching in summer, people can't like it no matter what.

However, once it comes to winter, instead of feeling dazzling and hot, you hope that it will be as warm as possible.

But what?
Whether you like it or not, it will rise as usual and fall as usual.

There has never been a slight change because of whether you like it or not. "

Hearing his old man's words of emotion like a wise man, Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and laughed a few times.

"Hehehe, old man, you were not like this before. When did you become so open-minded?"

"As you get older, you should naturally look away.

What belongs to the old man's generation has gradually passed away.

The next era is your generation, the era of Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, Yiyi, Yueer and other brothers and sisters. "

"That's right, the next era is the era of my young master, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er and other young people.


"What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, the era that belongs to this young master is about to pass.

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

In a blink of an eye, will this young master still be alive in this world?

Business is still two words! "

"Asshole, the old man didn't say this, but you sighed first."

"Hey, isn't it a matter of time?"

Liu Zhian paused for a moment while smoking, and looked down at the smoke pot, only to see that the shredded tobacco in the smoke pot had already turned into a mass of embers.

Liu Zhian knocked out the soot casually, turned his head to the side and spit out the soot on the tip of his tongue.

"You're right, sooner or later."

Liu Mingzhi's body shook, and he hurriedly looked towards Liu Zhi'an.

"Old man, what my young master said just now was just a casual remark following what you said earlier.

I don't mean anything else, so don't think about it. "

"Fuck you, you bastard is thinking wildly, and the old man won't think wildly."

Liu Zhi'an cursed casually, got up and walked out of the courtyard.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the back of his old man striding away, shrugged his shoulders casually, rolled up the dry pipe and raised his hand, looked up at the cloudless nostrils and stared blankly.

Liu Zhi'an walked outside the courtyard gate, looked back at First Young Master Liu who was squatting on the stone in a daze, and sighed with a complicated expression.

Withdrawing his gaze, Liu Zhi'an put his hands inside his cuffs, wandering lonely and lonely in the village.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, how difficult it is to meet each other!

It seems that he is already in his sixtieth year.

In the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to meet a few times.

Some people, once separated, may not see each other for the last time in three to five years or more than ten years.

Some people, once they leave, may say goodbye forever, and there will never be a chance to meet again in their lifetime.

Compared with those people, I am lucky enough.

So, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

Those who are content will be happy forever!

Life, in fact, is the same thing!

Liu Zhi'an whispered the words in his heart softly, sometimes frowning and sighing, sometimes the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Under the signal of many Miao people in the village smiling.

His figure gradually blended into the beautiful scenery of the [-] mountains in Miaojiang.

About half an hour or so in the past.

Liu Xuan walked out of the bamboo house softly, stopped in front of the elder brother who was still wandering in the sky, and coughed twice.

"Cough cough."


Liu Mingzhi suddenly came back to his senses, and looked up at Liu Xuan.

"Xuan'er, you're out."

Liu Xuan silently nodded Zhenshou, and squatted down beside Liu Mingzhi holding her dress.

"Brother, I'm so sorry."

Liu Mingzhi let out a silent sigh when he heard the little sister's comforting words to him.

"Oh, so what if you don't feel sorry?

For my mother and her elder brother, I have tried my best to fulfill my filial piety.

To put it bluntly, this is the fate of her old man.

Brother, no matter how hard I try, it still doesn't help. "

"Yeah, big brother, it's good that you can see through it. If that's the case, Xuan'er can feel at ease."

"How is your sister-in-law Lian'er doing now? Are you in a better mood?"

"Sister-in-law Lian'er, she doesn't cry anymore, presumably she has dried up her tears today.

When Xuan'er came out, she was sitting by the bed, not saying a word in a daze. "

"Understood, wait a little longer.

By the way, Xuan'er. "

"Huh? Brother, tell me."

"Aren't you in Qinzhou Prefecture, or the surrounding prefectures?
If you are in these state capitals, it is said that you should have arrived in Miaojiang several days ago after receiving the letter from my elder brother.

Why did you come a few days later than Brother Wei?
Besides, how did you come here with the old man and mother? "

Liu Mingzhi didn't hide anything from his little sister, and told her straightforwardly that he knew her whereabouts around Qinzhou.

He knew in his heart that Liu Xuan would not care about these things for himself.

Sure enough, after listening to her elder brother's explanation, Liu Xuan just nodded her head a few times, and there was no surprise on her delicate face.

"Well, the younger sister rushed to Miao Jiang non-stop after receiving the letter from your elder brother.

On the way, the younger sister sent a letter to our father while resting.

At that time, my younger sister didn't know that you had already written a letter to my father.

I passed the letter to him because I thought he could send Mr. Sai over. "

"Well, what happened next?"

"Later, when my younger sister rushed all the way to Bazhong, she suddenly received a letter from our father asking me to wait for him and my mother.

The little girl thought that my father should have his plan, weighed things up and down and stopped. "

"So it is."

While the siblings were talking, Qi Ya came towards them slowly with a tray in his hand.

"Husband, little sister, is it convenient for me to go here?"

"It's convenient, of course it's convenient. My husband just chatted with my younger sister and didn't say anything important. Sister Ya, come here."

Liu Xuan went directly to meet Qi Ya, and reached out to take the tray in Qi Ya's hand.

"Sister-in-law, let me carry it."

"it is good."

"Husband, this concubine has already cooked the porridge.

Is the porridge for Sister Lian'er now, Yiyi and the others?Or wait till they come out to drink? "

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky, stood up and patted the dust off his clothes.

"Let's send them over together. Given their current condition, how can they come out to eat in any mood!"

"Okay, I will listen to you."



"After Lian'er and the others have had the porridge, Sister Ya, you sisters, don't forget to prepare a table of food and wine.

The old man, mother and Mingli, Mingjie, Xuan'er and the others rushed over all the way, but they hadn't had time to eat yet.

Grandma and her old man went west by car, and we all felt bad.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, you have to eat, even if you eat a little less.

One yard is one yard, don't neglect the old man and the others. "

"Yes, the concubine knows it, and I will prepare it immediately after I come out."


"Big brother?"

"Come on, give me the porridge water."

"it is good."

The next day.

Under the consolation of everyone, Qinglian barely felt a little less sad about the loss of her mother.

The sadness in my heart is no longer as painful as yesterday.

After Liu Mingzhi washed up, he walked directly towards the bamboo house where Qinglian lived.

Liu Xuan, who was waiting silently outside the bamboo hut, saw the elder brother walking towards her and immediately started to meet her.

"Brother, sister-in-law has changed into mourning clothes, and now she is wearing mourning ornaments!
This is the mourning dress for you, go and change into it too. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the mourning dress in Liu Xuan's hand, nodded lightly, and took it directly into his hand.

"okay, I get it."

After Liu Mingzhi walked into the bamboo house, he immediately saw Qinglian who was sitting in front of the dressing table, silently looking towards Qinglian who was wearing funeral ornaments on her bun.


When Qinglian heard her husband's words, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she silently turned and looked towards Liu Mingzhi.

I saw Qinglian's eyes were red, and her pretty face was full of haggardness.

It looked like he hadn't slept all night, or just slept for a while.

"Husband, you are here."

Liu Mingzhi walked towards Qinglian with distressed eyes, stopped in front of the beauty, and wiped her bloodshot eye sockets behind him.

"Didn't sleep all night?"

"Slept, but didn't sleep for too long."

"Oh, you, let my husband tell you what?
My mother passed away, my husband must be very sad to know you.

But no matter how sad you are, you can't help loving your body. "

"Husband, the concubine's body is fine, husband, you don't have to worry about the concubine's body.

Husband, it's almost time, my concubine will serve you first and change your mourning clothes.

It's time for us to report the funeral to the patriarch and the elders. "


(End of this chapter)

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