My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2969 may not be good

Chapter 2969 may not be good

"Husband, you are just mother-in-law and son-in-law, you don't need to dress so grandly for funerals."

After Qinglian took the mourning clothes from Liu Mingzhi, she realized that the mourning clothes her husband was going to wear had obviously exceeded the standard that a son-in-law should wear.

After being taken aback for a moment, she hastily reminded Liu Mingzhi.

Liu Mingzhi saw the puzzled expression on the beautiful woman's pretty face, raised his hand and put it on the beautiful woman's cheek, and said tenderly: "Lian'er, Auntie, she only has two daughters, you and Sister Baishao, and Bai Shao Sister Shao, she...

As her husband's son-in-law, he is no different from a son.

Now that her old man has gone west, she should be her husband, the son-in-law, to dress her in mourning. "

Qinglian looked at Liu Mingzhi with a deeply moved expression, and hesitated for a moment in silence, but finally shook her head lightly.

"Husband, I know your kindness and your filial piety.

However, being a concubine still can't let you dress like this, after all, we still have father and mother here!

If the two elders find out about this by then, I won't be able to explain to them.

Husband, please wait a moment, the concubine will go to change you into other mourning clothes immediately. "

As Qinglian spoke, she raised her foot and was about to bypass Liu Mingzhi and walk out of the room.

Hearing Qinglian's words, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, grabbed the beautiful woman's wrist, and stopped her from leaving.


"Lian'er, my husband has already made a decision on this matter.

After my mother died yesterday, it turned out that my husband was going to tell our old man that I was going to die for her old man!

As a result, before Wei Fu had time to speak, the old man mentioned this matter to Wei Fu first.

The old man told Wei Fu straightforwardly that she said that her mother had no son under her knees, so the husband, the son-in-law, took care of the mother's funeral.

The old man has said so, so the mother will definitely not have any objections.

They don't care about anything, what else do you care about? "

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's explanation, Qinglian asked with a pretty face, "Really? Really?"

"What are you thinking? Will my husband lie to you with such an important matter?"

After Qinglian listened to her husband's reproachful words, a trace of water mist formed in her red and swollen eyes involuntarily, and tears kept rolling in her eye sockets, which were about to slide down her cheeks.

Seeing that Qinglian was about to cry again, Liu Mingzhi immediately took out a handkerchief from his cuff and wiped both sides of the beauty's eyes.

"Good Lian'er, don't cry, don't cry.

Do you remember what my husband told you?No matter what happens, my husband will be by your side.

Believe me, as long as there is a husband, I will never let you suffer the slightest grievance.


Qinglian waited until her husband wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes for her, and nodded her head a few times with sobs.

"Unless what?"

"Unless my husband dies, I can no longer protect you, and I can no longer protect all your sisters."

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense.

In the future, if you say such things again, the concubine will ignore you, and let Sister Yun and the others ignore you.

Let's not say such bad words, I will serve you first and change the mourning clothes. "
Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, walked in front of Qinglian and opened his arms.

"Well, change it."

Qinglian turned around and put the mourning clothes in her hand on the dressing table, then leaned her waist and began to undress Liu Mingzhi.

Qinglian took off her outer robe for Liu Mingzhi, picked up the mourning clothes on the table and put them on for her husband, at the same time her cherry lips parted slightly and gave a cry.


"People? What's the matter?"

"When you have time, help Lian'er to thank father and mother for their elders."

"Fool, our husband and wife have been together for so many years, don't you understand the temper of the old man and the young man?
If you pretend you don't know anything about this matter and don't say anything, the two elders won't care about anything.

If you really said something to the two of them, they would feel uncomfortable instead.

At that time, they will feel that your daughter-in-law has cheated on them. "

"This... let's not talk about it then."

"That's right, there's nothing to be thankful for in a family."

After a while, Qinglian carefully tied the white silk around Liu Mingzhi's waist.

"Husband, it's all right."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, looked at Qinglian and asked: "According to your Miaojiang rules, who should we report the funeral to first?"

"Go to the patriarch of the Bai Miao tribe first, and then the elders..."

"Got it, let's go then."

"Well, my lord, please."

"Together, together.

By the way, Lian'er, who is the current patriarch in the village?For my husband, have I seen it? "

"It's Brother Wuge. You met him many times back then, but you don't know if you still remember him."

"Ug, Ug."

Liu Mingzhi muttered to himself a few times, then narrowed his eyes and recalled.

In just a few breaths, the figure of a muscular Miao family man appeared in front of his eyes.

"Remember, remember, remember for my husband.

When we became husband and wife, you left Jiangnan and returned to Miaojiang. He was one of the people who went with you to borrow food from Liu's House in Chengdu.

Later, when we came to visit my mother a few times, he also came forward to lead a group of Miao family boys in the village to entertain our group.

Oh~ I thought of it for my husband.

I said, why is the name Wushanli so familiar?The strong young man who was next to Brother Wuge at that time seemed to be called Wu Shanli.

Weifu remembered, this young man in the mountain seems to be the boss of Brother Wuge and his family. "

When Qinglian heard the eloquent words, she hurriedly nodded her head.

"Yeah, it's him, husband, your memory is really good."

"You, stop complimenting my husband, to be honest, Lian'er, if you don't remind me, my husband may not be able to remember Brother Wuge.

Fortunately, my husband asked you in advance.

Otherwise, after we met Brother Wuge later, he would recognize my husband all of a sudden, but I would not recognize him as my husband.

That would be embarrassing for me as a husband. "

"There's nothing embarrassing about that, after all, my husband, you haven't been to Miaojiang for many years, and it's understandable that you can't think of someone all of a sudden.

Don't talk about you husband, when my concubine and sister Yun returned to the village a few days ago, they were stunned for a while when they first saw Brother Wuge before they realized it. "

"That's true, there's really nothing embarrassing about not recognizing each other's identities after seeing each other for several years.

Lian'er, first tell Weifu some rules about organizing funerals here in Miaojiang.

Provincial Weifu's eyes were darkened when he saw Brother Wuge and the others, and he didn't know anything. "

"In general, there is no difference from our side, mainly because some details are different from our side.

For some specific things, it is enough for a concubine to tell Brother Wuge and the others. "

"Lian'er, what I think in my husband's heart is, after I know the rules of Miao Jiang, I will see if I can fight with Big Brother Wu Ge and the others.

Try to follow the customs and habits of our side to handle the funeral of my mother and her elders.

A mother only has one daughter for you, and only one son-in-law for her husband.

For my husband, I want my mother and her old man to be more beautiful. "

Qinglian's footsteps stopped suddenly, she turned sideways to look at Liu Mingzhi, pursed her cherry lips and pondered for a long time, she looked at her husband with complicated eyes and shook her head gently.

"Husband, I hope that I can follow the rules of Miao Jiang to handle the funeral of my mother and her elders."

"Tell me what you mean."

"Husband, you hope that mother's funeral can be held in a grand manner. This is your filial piety as a son-in-law. Naturally, the concubine can understand your kindness.

However, our mother is always a Miao person, a Miao person who grew up in Miaojiang and died in Miaojiang.

Grandmother, the old man, has never left Miaojiang several times in her whole life.

This alone is enough to show that her old man's heart is tied to the Miaojiang Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Therefore, the concubine decided to use the customs and habits of Miaojiang to handle her funeral affairs.

What about my husband!
If we follow the customs and habits of our Han family, of course we can handle grandma and her elders' funeral affairs in a beautiful manner.

However, this is not necessarily what her elder Zai Tianling wants to see.

Miao Jiang's customs may be a bit rudimentary, but it may not be what her old man's spirit in heaven wants to see.

Our filial piety is enough for her old man.

However, I feel that it is more appropriate to follow Miao Jiang's rules.

After all, my mother was born in the [-] mountains in Miaojiang.

It may not be a good thing if we overdo it for the sake of filial piety.

Husband, what do you think? "

Liu Mingzhi saw Qinglian's questioning eyes in a daze, thought for a long time in his heart, looked at the beautiful woman and nodded silently.

"Lian'er, you're right, it's because my consideration for my husband is too one-sided.

You are still thoughtful. It is good for us to have filial piety, but the idea of ​​filial piety may not be good.

My husband listens to you, so I will follow what you said, Lian'er, and use Miaojiang's customs to handle the funeral affairs of my mother and her elderly. "

"Husband, thank you for understanding my thoughts."


"Husband, what are you talking about standing there with Sister Lian'er?"

"Big brother."


When Liu Mingzhi and his wife heard the greeting from Qi Yun and the others, they immediately waved and responded to them who were already dressed in mourning clothes.

"I'm coming."

"Sister Yun, husband, let's go over now."

The two responded to Qi Yun and the others, and walked towards them.

"Husband, sisters, Brother Wuge is currently living in the bamboo house at the highest point in the village, let's go there."

"Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Serena."


"Don't forget the rules I gave you last night for my mother."

Liu Yiyi and the others nodded without hesitation, and said in unison: "Mother, don't worry, the child will never forget."

"Husband, all sisters, follow me."

When a group of people climbed towards the highest bamboo house in the village, sisters Qi Ya and Wenren Yun Shu approached Liu Mingzhi, and tugged her sleeves a few times with their fingers.

Liu Mingzhi noticed the movements of the two sisters, turned his head to look at the two beauties, and asked softly with a puzzled expression: "Sister Ya, Shu'er, what's wrong? What's the matter with you two?"

Seeing her husband's puzzled expression, Wenren Yunshu raised his arms and pointed at his son Liu Zhengwen who was holding his elder brother Liu Chengfeng's sleeve behind him.

"Husband, because of my mother's affairs yesterday, I didn't have time to ask you.

Why did you bring the boy Zhengwen here? "

Qi Ya also followed Wenren Yunshu's words and asked: "Husband, before we came to Miaojiang, didn't you say that except Yiyi, Chengfeng and their siblings, you would not tell the other children?

What now?Is something wrong? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the puzzled looks on the pretty faces of the two sisters, turned his head to look at Liu Zhengwen who was wearing a white silk around his waist, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"You sisters, don't think about it, nothing happened.

The thing is like this, when Wei Fu and Liu Song were about to set off to Miao Jiang a few days ago, they suddenly wanted something that the old man told them back then.

After careful consideration for her husband, she went back to the mansion and brought Zheng Wen with her. "

Qi Ya and sisters naturally knew who the old man was talking about.

Wenren Yunshu pursed her cherry lips and thought about it for a moment, then looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated beautiful eyes and asked softly, "Husband, what did Grandpa explain to you, is it convenient for me to tell my concubine?"

"What's the inconvenience, Shu'er, you are the granddaughter of the old man, so your husband will not hide anything from you.

The situation is like this, before the old man left our house for the last time a few years ago, he talked with Wei Fu about Shu'er and your parents.

The old man told Weifu...

That's probably the way things are, that's why my husband brought the child Zhengwen to Miaojiang. "

Wenren Yun Shu looked at the somber expression on her husband's face, bit her cherry lips tightly with her white teeth and fell silent.

After a long time, Wenren Yunshu looked at Liu Mingzhi with sad eyes, and said with her cherry lips lightly: "Husband, I understand the temper of my parents.

When we went to visit, if their two elders...if...

I hope you don't mind my husband. "

"Shu'er, don't worry, no matter what the result is, my husband won't take it to heart.

I hope that the appearance of this child in the text can resolve the conflicts between you, Shu'er, your father-in-law, and your mother-in-law.

Similarly, the husband also hopes that the two elders can accept the husband as the son-in-law. "

"Yeah, thank you husband."

After the couple talked, the group finally rushed out of the courtyard where Wu Ge lived.

When Liu Mingzhi and the others stopped outside the courtyard, Wu Ge was pacing back and forth in the small courtyard with a depressed expression.

"Brother Ugg."

"Sister Qinglian...

No, no, Wu Ge, the patriarch of the Bai Miao tribe, has seen the saint. "

"Brother Wuge, you are too out of touch, please excuse yourself."

"Thank you, Holy Maiden."

"Brother Wuge, I think you should already know about the death of my mother and her old man.

My younger sister, my husband, and my sisters came to you to report your funeral to Brother Wuge. "

Wu Ge shifted his gaze to Liu Mingzhi next to Qinglian, and knelt down without hesitation.

"Caomin Miaojiang Baimiao Wuge, see His Majesty the Emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Liu Mingzhi tidied up and leaned over to help Wu Ge up.

"Brother Wuge, please forgive me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Brother Wuge, you don't have to be so alien, just call me brother Liu or brother-in-law."

Wu Ge immediately shook his head like a rattle when he heard Liu Mingzhi's words.

"Grass people dare not, grass people dare not."

"Brother Wuge, as the saying goes, filial piety is the first thing to do, and my mother has gone west now.

Now standing here is only the son-in-law of my mother and her old man, and there is no current emperor.

If you are so out of touch, Aunt and her elderly spirit in heaven will not be happy. "

"Here, Cao Min obeys."


"Ah! Big brother knows, big brother knows."

(End of this chapter)

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