Chapter 2971 Why bother

Shu became the capital of the state.

Some people also call it Chengdu Mansion.

The specific reason depends on the habit of the individual.

Outside the city gate, Liu Mingzhi, Wenren Yunshu and his wife accepted the credentials returned by the gatekeepers with a light smile, took the reins and walked into the city gate hand in hand.

Liu Mingzhi and his wife took their son Liu Zhengwen and galloped for about two or three days.

Finally, I returned to this city of Chengzhou after many years of absence.

The couple led the horse through the city gate, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar streets with sighs.

As for Liu Zhengwen who was riding on horseback, he leaned forward and looked around curiously.

"Father, mother, is this where grandpa and grandma live?"

Liu Mingzhi looked up at his son, raised his cart and touched his clothes.

"Stinky boy, sit down quickly, and be careful not to fall off the horse."

"Daddy, it's okay, the boy has already gripped the rein tightly."

"Husband, this kid is coming to Chengzhou City for the first time, so he is naturally very curious about the situation here.

Just let him take a good look at the customs and customs in the city. "

Hearing Wenren Yunshu's words, Liu Mingzhi reached out and patted the little guy's ankle.

"Hurry up, otherwise, there will be times when you will be in pain."

"Thank you father, thank you mother, the child will definitely pay close attention."

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at his son's little hand tightly holding the rein of the horse, smiled helplessly, pulled the rein of the horse and walked towards the street at a leisurely pace.

"Shu'er, let's go."

"Hey, here we come."

"Father, mother, look quickly, the face-changing trick is a face-changing trick, much better than the ones in our capital."

"Brat, if you look good, just look carefully, don't be startled and startled others by yelling.

Accidentally scaring people is not a big problem, and apologizing to your father and mother will make it a trivial matter.

However, if the horses, ox carts and other livestock are frightened, there will be big troubles.

Do you understand? "

Liu Zhengwen hastily covered his mouth, looked down at Young Master Liu and nodded obediently.

"Well, the child knows, the child will lower his voice."

Seeing his son's cautious smile, Wenren Yunshu shook his head a few times with a flowery smile, raised his slender hand and patted the back of Liu Zhengwen's hand.



"Your father said that just in case, you remember to be careful when you see horse carts, ox carts, mules and other livestock.

At other times, I see something new and curious, and what I was like in the capital can be what I am here.

Just pay attention when you should pay attention, and nothing will happen. "

"My son knows, thank you mother, my son will pay attention."

Just as Liu Zhengwen agreed, his small face suddenly pointed in front of the horse's head in surprise.

"Daddy, mother, candied haws."

Liu Mingzhi looked in the direction of the little guy's finger, shook his head with a chuckle, and put the rein in Wenren Yunshu's hand with his backhand.

"Wait, Dad will buy it for you."

"Thank you, Daddy, you are the best."

Wenren Yunshu looked at the generous back of her husband going to buy candied haws for his son, raised his slender jade neck and looked towards the front left.

She frowned slightly, and a hint of hesitation flashed in her light and beautiful eyes.

This time, I, my husband and my son came to Chengzhou City again to visit my parents.

She didn't know whether her parents and the elders would accept her as an unfilial daughter this time.

It should be said, whether they can accept the husband, the son-in-law.

You must know that the source of all the conflicts between me and my parents in the past all came from my husband Liu Mingzhi.

If my parents haven't let go of what happened back then, what should I and my husband do?
It's fine if I feel wronged, but what should my husband do?

After all, my husband himself didn't know that so many things happened because of his failure to come as promised.

Father, mother, decades have passed.

You two elders, should you be able to forgive your daughter?

Liu Mingzhi walked back with two bunches of candied haws in his hand, and saw his wife, Wenren Yunshu, staring straight at the building in the distance, looking dazed and absent-minded.

A trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

Wenren Yunshu naturally knew why he became such a distraught look.

Liu Mingzhi adjusted his mood, smiled lightly, raised his hand and shook it a few times in front of the beautiful woman.

"Shu'er, why are you staring straight at the restaurant over there?

how?Could it be that there is some old friend of yours there? "

Wenren Yun Shu came back to his senses, and shook his head generously.

"Huh? No, no."

"Really? Is there really no one there?
Is there Shu'er, a childhood sweetheart of yours, there, are you embarrassed to tell your husband?

If this is the case, I will be jealous as a husband. "

Wenren Yunshu heard Liu Mingzhi's nonsensical words, and knew in his heart that he was deliberately teasing himself, so naturally he didn't really take it to heart.

However, she still rolled her eyes with a charming face and angrily, and performed the two-finger Zen magic skill to greet Young Master Liu with an 'intimate' waist.

"That's right, you guessed it right, there is a concubine's childhood sweetheart.

And not just one, but several! "

"Hiss—lightly, lightly."

Wenren Yunshu loosened the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist, rolled his eyes and let out a coquettish snort.

"The next time you dare to do every right thing, it will not be so simple.

Be careful when I wait for you to fall asleep, a pair of scissors will snap you. "

Wenren Yunshu was talking, and the succubus glanced faintly at a certain place on Young Master Liu.

The implication is naturally self-evident.

"Ah! I made a mistake for my husband, I made a mistake for my husband."

Seeing Young Master Liu's nervous expression, Wenren Yun Shu couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh.

"Pfft, huh, you're smart."

Liu Mingzhi smiled and smoothed out the black hair scattered around the ears for the beauty, and raised his hand to hand a bunch of candied haws to the beauty's lips.

"Good Shu'er, I bought it for you for my husband, please taste whether it's sweet or not."

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu's apologetic smile, and raised his hand to take the candied haws he handed over to him.

With a smile on his face, he scolded.


"Daddy, candied haws, the child also wants to eat candied haws."

"Okay, okay, here you go."

"Thank you dad."

"Text, when eating candied haws, pull them out with your hands before eating, and don't bite the tip of the bamboo stick in your mouth."

Riding on the horse was somewhat bumpy, Liu Mingzhi was worried that his son would accidentally hurt his palate, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"Daddy, come down and walk with you, I won't be afraid to eat while walking."

"Husband, Zhengwen has been riding a horse with us all the way, so it's good to let him come down for a walk."

Hearing Jiaren's suggestion, Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly.

"Okay, then let him come down and take a walk."

"Come down."

"Daddy, help me up."

"Got it."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to pat the little guy's bun, and reached out to take the rein from Wenren Yunshu's hand.

"Shu'er, let's go on."

"it is good."

"Brat, follow closely."


Liu Mingzhi held the reins, Wenren Yunshu led his son, and the family of three set off again towards Wenren Yunshu's parents' residence.

Wenren Yunshu first opened his cherry lips and ate a candied haws, then pulled one out with his hands and brought it to Young Master Liu's mouth.

"My lord, you should try it too.

See if the candied haws you buy are sweet or not. "

Liu Mingzhi observed the pedestrians coming and going on the left and right sides, instinctively stretched his body and shook his head.

"No, no, no, no matter what age my husband is, I don't like eating these gadgets anymore."

"No, no, open your mouth quickly."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it first, I will eat one for my husband!"

"Yeah, just eat one."

"How about it, my husband, is the candied haws you bought sweet?"

"Does it need to be said? How can the candied haws I bought for my husband not be sweet?
Dear son, is the candied haws that Daddy bought for you sweet? "

Liu Zhengwen looked up at his father with a wrinkled face, grinning and shaking his head.

"Sour... sour."

Wenren Yunshu was stunned for a moment, but when he realized it, he immediately covered his cherry lips and smiled tremblingly.

"Hmph, hum, yes, the candied haws that my husband personally bought are really sweet!"

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched a few times, looked down at Liu Zhengwen's embarrassing little face, and waved his hands angrily.

"Stinky boy, it's good to eat something, you can eat it while you're alive."

Wenren Yunshu gave First Young Master Liu an angry look, leaned over and stuffed his candied haws into his son's hand.

"My dear son, come, mother will change it for you, mother likes sour food."

"Yeah, thank you, mother."

While talking and laughing, the family of three gradually came to the street outside Wenren's Mansion.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sixth mansion located on the street, and let out a long breath with his brows slightly frowned.

"Shu'er, we're almost here."

Wenren Yun Shu nodded her head quietly, and held her jade hands tightly together.

The slender fingers, which were already fair, seemed even fairer after the beauty clenched her fists.

"Well, I saw it."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Liu Zhengwen, who was still eating candied haws and looking around curiously, and raised his hand to pat the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder.

"How is it? Do you feel more timid now that you are closer to your hometown, and you dare not ask people?"

Wenren Yun Shu's delicate body trembled slightly, her black eyebrows were frowned and she was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Liu Mingzhi and shook his head gently.

"No, that's not how it feels."

"What does that feel like?"

"It's obvious that I'm revisiting the old place, but I feel like I don't know where I am!"



"Follow up."


Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to hold the beauty's delicate wrist, and strode forward with great strides.

"Go, no matter what the road ahead is, we husband and wife must face it together.

No, it should be said that our family of three faced it together. "

Wenren Yun Shu looked sideways at her husband's resolute face, then lowered her head to look at her second son Liu Zhengwen who was bouncing beside her, her frowning eyebrows gradually relaxed.

As long as you have your husband and son by your side, no matter what the future holds.

I have nothing to fear.

The two of them can give themselves infinite courage.

After a while, the family of three led the horses and stopped outside the gate of the sixth mansion.

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and looked at the plaque engraved with the word "Wenren" above his head, and silently took out the greeting card that he had prepared from his bosom.

"Shu'er, do you want to take a breath?"

"No need, you have to face it after all."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, patted the top of Liu Zhengwen's head, and handed the document in his hand to the little guy.

"Stinky boy, go, knock on the door and hand over the greeting card."

"Yes, Daddy."

The little guy nodded excitedly, and handed the candied haws left in his hand to his mother.

"Mother, please take it for the child first."

"Okay, watch your feet."


With a childlike smile on his face, the little guy stretched out his hand to take the greeting card from his father, and trot towards the gate of Wenren Mansion.

Liu Zhengwen stopped outside the gate, stood on tiptoe and knocked hard on the door bolt a few times.

"Who is knocking at the door?"

"Open the door, open the door quickly, there are guests."

"Guest? What kind of guest?"

"Don't worry about it, you'll know when you open the door."

"Wait a minute, the old man will open the door."

The door opened, and an old man walked out from inside.

The old man looked down at Liu Zhengwen who was standing in front of the door smiling, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and then he moved his gaze to Liu Mingzhi, Wenren Yunshu and his wife.

After seeing Wenren Yunshu's face, the old man was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

"Miss...Miss, you are back again."

Seeing the excited and complicated expression on the old man's face, Wenren Yunshu took a few steps forward, stopped in front of the old man and gave a blessing.

"Uncle Tao Ye, long time no see, Yun Shu is polite."

"The old slave doesn't dare, Missy, please forgive me, please forgive me."

After Wen Renyun got up, he looked melancholy at the mansion.

"Uncle Tao Ye, are my father and mother at home?"

The old housekeeper Tao Ye followed Wenren Yunshu's gaze and looked back at the mansion behind him, shaking his head with a sad old face and sighing.

"Miss, Master, Madam and the others are in the mansion now!
It's just that you also know the master's order back then.

Miss, why are you bothering? "

"Uncle Tao Ye, no matter what, please pass on the greeting card first."

"Miss, old slave... oh..."

"Uncle Tao, this is Yun Shu's son Liu Zhengwen.

Text, come and salute your Grandpa Tao. "

"Hey, here we come."

"Boy Liu Zhengwen, see Grandpa Tao, I wish Grandpa Tao a happy life and good health."

Tao Ye looked at Liu Zhengwen who was saluting him, and after a moment of stunned expression, he leaned over and helped him up.

"Don't dare, don't dare, old slave doesn't dare, young master, please forgive me, young master, please forgive me."

"Thank you, Grandpa Tao."

"Grandpa Tao, Zhengwen came back with his father and mother to visit grandpa, grandpa and the others are gone.

This is a greeting card from Dad, please go and give it to grandpa, grandma, and the others. "


"Huh? Grandpa Tao, are grandpa and grandma not at home?"

"At home is at home, but young master, old slave, old slave."

"Uncle Tao Ye."

"The old slave is here, miss, tell me."

"Hand it over, as for the parents, will they see our family of three?

Say it again. "

(End of this chapter)

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