My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2972 ​​invite them in

Chapter 2972 ​​invite them in
"Oh, the old slave obeyed."

The old housekeeper took the greeting card from Liu Zhengwen's hand with a helpless expression, and with a bitter smile on his lips, he gestured to the family of three with his hands clasped.

"Uncle, miss, young master, please wait here for a while, old slave, I will go back as soon as I go."

"The old man is here."

"Uncle Tao Ye, I hope you can say something nice for Shu'er after meeting your parents and the elders."

"Grandpa Tao, we'll see you later."

The old housekeeper who was about to enter the gate of the mansion heard the different words of the three members of the family behind him, shook his head lightly, let out a long sigh, and quickened his pace to enter the gate of the mansion.

In the garden of the inner courtyard of Wenren Mansion.

A figure in a light gray Confucian robe and long gown was on the martial arts arena in the garden at this time, dancing the three-foot sword in his hand that reflected the cold light.

The figure of this person turned and moved on the martial arts arena, sometimes lightly, sometimes ethereal.

When this person danced the sword, the garden would occasionally echo with the sound of sword chants piercing through the air.

Twenty steps away from the left front of the Martial Arts Field, there stands a simple and elegant gazebo.

On the plaque above the gazebo, there are three words Wangyue Pavilion written on it.

Under the gazebo, a mature and beautiful woman about 50 years old is sitting in it.

I saw the beautiful woman wearing a plain white cloud-smoky silk shirt, sitting gracefully on the stone bench, her body naturally exuded a virtuous and virtuous and elegant temperament.

She was embroidering the handkerchief in her hand very deftly, and raised her slender and white jade neck from time to time, looking at the sword-dancing figure on the martial arts arena.

Whenever her eyes fell on that figure, her delicate and moist red lips could not help but raise a faint smile.

The appearance of the beautiful woman is seven or eight percent similar to that of the Wenren Yun Shu. They both have Qingdai as the eyebrows, autumn water as the eyes, red lips that are moist, and a jade face that gives off fragrance.

Compared with Wenren Yunshu's temperament, she has a bit more mature charm and quiet temperament.

Just as she raised her head to stare at the figure on the martial arts arena again, the sound of footsteps outside the pavilion behind her made her look away.

"Tao Ye has seen Madam."

The beautiful woman put down the embroidered handkerchief in her hand, and looked sideways at the old butler standing aside.

"Old Tao, what's the matter?"

The old housekeeper hesitated for a while, then gently took out Young Master Liu's greeting card from his cuff, leaned over and handed it to the beautiful woman.

"Returning to Madam, there is a guest outside the mansion who handed the master a greeting card."

The beautiful woman stretched out her well-maintained slender hand to take the greeting card in Tao Ye's hand, and looked helplessly at the figure on the martial arts arena.

"Which family's great Confucian, famous scholar came to discuss knowledge with the master? Or is it a master of the rivers and lakes, a martial arts hero who came to the master to compete in swordsmanship?"

"Returning to Madam, it's not."


"Yes, neither."

The beautiful woman withdrew her gaze directly, and looked at the old butler beside her again with curiosity.

"That's really strange, who is it?"

The old butler glanced at the sword-dancing figure on the martial arts arena, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, they are three very distinguished guests."

"Three distinguished guests?"

"Yes, it is a distinguished guest."

"The person who can make Lao Tao you call a distinguished guest must have a very important status.

Tell me, what is the identity of this person? "

Sensing the curious gaze of the beautiful woman, the old housekeeper scratched the back of his head a few times with his fingers
"It's hard to say, Ma'am, you should take a look at the greeting card in your hand.

After reading it, madam, you will know the identities of the three distinguished guests outside the mansion. "

When the beautiful woman heard the old housekeeper's words, she replied angrily.

"To make things mysterious."

Immediately, the beautiful woman frowned slightly and looked down at the exquisite greeting card in her hand, and opened the cover of the greeting card casually.

When the beautiful lady saw the content on the greeting card, she stood up abruptly from the stone bench.

Meimou stared closely at the content on the greeting post, and there was clearly visible excitement on her charming face.

"Shu'er, Shu'er, it's Shu'er, it's Shu'er who's back."

The beautiful woman whispered softly to herself, then hurriedly raised her head to look at the old housekeeper.

"Old Tao, where's Shu'er? Where's Shu'er? Where is she now?"

The old housekeeper looked at the uncontrollable excitement on the beautiful woman's face, and directly pointed in the direction of the mansion gate.

"Madam, eldest lady, uncle, young master, they are waiting outside the gate of our house now."

"Lead the way quickly, lead the way quickly, Mrs. Ben will go see them right away."

"Ma'am, wait a minute."

"what happened?"

The old butler raised his hand and pouted in the direction of the martial arts arena, sighing helplessly.

"Ma'am, what about the master?"

Hearing the old housekeeper's reminder, the beautiful woman's mature and charming body trembled suddenly, and the excitement on her face couldn't help but eased a little.

She held up the greeting card in her hand again and looked at it for a while, Ruo Qiushui's beautiful eyes gleamed with a hint of sadness.

"Old...Old Tao."

"Ma'am, tell me."

"Do you think the master will meet Shu'er and the others this time?"

The old butler breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked towards the martial arts arena.

"Ma'am, this old slave just doesn't know if the master will receive the young lady, young master, and the three of them.

That's why I didn't dare to take the greeting card directly to see the master, but came to Madam you.

The old slave just wants to hear what you mean, Madam, what should I do? "

"Madam Ben... Madam Ben didn't know what to do for a while."

"Then, why don't the old slaves directly send the greeting card to the master?"

"It's not like you don't know that old stubborn donkey's temper, Lao Tao. After he saw Shu'er and the others' greeting card, he would be the same as before in all likelihood.

Wait, wait, let me think again and see if there is any good way. "

"Yes, the old slave understands."

Just as the master and servant were discussing how to deal with the invitation, the sword-wielding figure on the martial arts field gradually stopped.

He put away the long sword in his hand, and walked towards the gazebo with steady and powerful steps.

"Ma'am, the old man is a little thirsty, please pour me a cup of herbal tea to quench my thirst."

When the beautiful woman heard the voice of the visitor, she couldn't help being flustered, and hurriedly put the greeting card in her hand into her cuff.

"Understood, this concubine will pour you tea immediately."

"Hey, Lao Tao, why are you here? What's the matter?"

"Ah! Old slave, old slave."

The person holding the long sword was Wen Renzheng's son, Wenren Yunshu's father, Wenrenxuanhe.

As for the beautiful woman standing at the stone table cupping tea, it was her first wife, Wenren Yunshu's mother, Liu Yulan.

Wen Renxuan put the long sword in his hand on the stone table, turned around and sat down on the stone bench.

"Old Tao, why are you hesitating, just say no to what you want to say."

"Back to the master, old slave, old slave, old slave..."

Tao Ye hesitated to speak for a long time, but didn't say why, and instinctively shifted his gaze to the beautiful woman Liu Yulan.

Wen Renxuan frowned slightly, and followed the old housekeeper's gaze towards his wife.



"What's the matter? Is there something you two want to tell the old man?"

Liu Yulan hadn't thought about how to deal with the greeting post, but now that she heard Wen Renxuanhe's question, she didn't know what to do.

She pursed her lips and remained silent for a while, then reached out and put the poured tea in front of Wen Renxuanhe.

Come on, there is nothing I can do anyway.

Just break the jar and smash it.

"Master, there is indeed a small thing I want to tell you here."

Wen Renxuan took a sip of the tea, then raised his head to look at his wife suspiciously.

"It turns out that something really happened. Let's talk about it. It's a small thing."

Liu Yulan let out a sigh of relief, sat gracefully on the stone bench next to Wen Renxuan, and gently took out Young Master Liu's greeting card from her cuff and handed it over.

"Hey, sir, you can see for yourself."

Wen Renxuan put down his teacup, and leaned forward to accept the invitation from his wife.

After a moment.

Wen Renxuanhe's eyes stared straight at the content on the greeting card in his hand, and a subtle excitement flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, the excitement was mixed with a bit of sadness and pain.

Wen Renxuan closed the greeting card in his hand with his arms trembling, the expression on his face was constantly changing, and there was a struggle in the depths of his eyes.

Liu Yulan saw the constantly changing expression on her master's face, and she was worried.


Wen Renxuan and his brows were silent for a moment, then raised his head and threw the greeting card in his hand on the stone table.

"No, no, I don't have such a daughter, nor such relatives.

Old Tao, let them go. "

Liu Yulan panicked, and hurriedly got up and walked to Wen Renxuanhe.

"Master, Shu'er is our biological daughter!

Decades have passed since what happened back then.

No matter how angry you are, you should let it go, right?

Daughter, she has come back to make amends to you several times, I beg you, let them come into the house this time.

Master, Shu'er is our own flesh and blood, don't you feel sorry for her at all? "

"I don't have such an unfilial daughter."

"Master, I beg you."

"Old Tao."

"The old slave is here."

"Send them the greeting card and let them leave."

"Yes, the old slave complies."

Liu Yulan saw that Lao Tao was going to get the greeting card, so she reached out and snatched the greeting card first.

"Master, how can you treat Shu Er like this? She is our daughter.

My concubine married the master and you have been my wife for decades. When it comes to major and important matters, my concubine is always based on you, and I have never disobeyed your will.

That's because the concubine knows that you, Wen Renxuanhe, are a man who understands righteousness and principles.

As a concubine, as a woman, I naturally deserve your words.

But today, the concubine has to say.

When it comes to treating Shu'er, your heart is too cruel.

Shu'er is not only the flesh and blood of my concubine who was pregnant in October, but also the flesh and blood of you, Wen Renxuan.

Wen Renxuanhe, your heart is too cruel.

You feel your conscience and ask, are you worthy of being a father? "

Wen Renxuan and Ceng stood up suddenly, with a flash of anger in their eyes.

"You, presumptuous."

Liu Yulan raised her neck and glared at Wen Renxuanhe without hesitation.

"Presumptuous is presumptuous, Wen Renxuanhe, my old lady will show you presumptuous today.

Wen Renxuanhe, our old man told my concubine himself that the matter of your betrothal to your sworn brother was not Shu'er's fault at all.

The real fault came from you, Wen Renxuanhe.

What happened back then, if you hadn't seen the situation clearly and insisted on getting involved in it, what happened later would never have happened to us.

And your sworn sworn brother will naturally not be implicated because of your ignorance? "

"Me! Madame, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Am I talking nonsense? If you don't believe me, you can go to our old man to ask.

Ask the old man if he had said this to his concubine back then? "


"Wen Renxuanhe, after what happened back then, our old man never blamed Shu'er at all from the very beginning.

She never complained about Shu'er.

Although our old man is getting older, he still has a bright eye and a bright heart.

He knew better than anyone else that it wasn't Shu'er's fault from the beginning to the end.

When Shu'er was helpless, it was the old man, the old lady and the others who took Shu'er to Jiangnan.

What about you, the father?How do you do it?

It's been 90 years, but it's still haunting me.

Refusing to forgive Shu Er, insisting that the cause of that incident was Shu Er's fault.

But, Wen Renxuanhe, ask yourself, was it really Shu'er's fault that happened back then?

If it's Shu'er's fault, then you can tell me clearly, where is Shu'er's fault? "

"you shut up."

"If the concubine made a mistake somewhere, she would naturally shut up.

But the concubine is right, why should she shut up?

Decades have passed, the concubine has been expecting you to figure it out and stop worrying about the past with Shu Er.

But the concubine was wrong, and the concubine thought wrong.

Wen Renxuanhe, even if your heart is a stone, it should be warmed up. "

Wen Renxuan panted heavily, looking at the aggressive lady in front of him and instinctively raised his palm.

"Don't say any more."

Liu Yulan stared coldly at Wen Renxuanhe, who was blushing, and walked half a step forward.

"Let's fight, I will fight with you."

When the couple refused to give in to each other, an old voice came from the sky and echoed in the ears of the three people in the gazebo.

"You bastard, you've lived in vain for decades.

If I knew you were such a bastard, I should have slapped you to death back then. "

The three of them were taken aback, and subconsciously looked out of the gazebo.


Wen Renxuanhe didn't finish a sentence, and the whole person shot out of the pavilion like a flying arrow.

Wen Renxuanhe's figure shot out for a distance of more than 20 steps, landed heavily on the flowerbed and rolled several times.

And at the place where he was standing just now, an old man who looked old but full of vigor was stroking his snow-white beard on his chin, smiling and looking at Liu Yulan who was staring at him dumbfounded.

"Daughter-in-law, long time no see."

"Old... old man?"

"Well, it's the old man."

After Liu Yulan realized it, she hurriedly saluted the old man.

"My daughter-in-law pays respects to the old man."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, old man."

The visitor glanced at Wen Renxuanhe who was clutching his chest and coughing non-stop outside the gazebo, and happily sat down on the stone bench.


"My daughter-in-law is here."

"Go, invite Shu'er and the others in."

(End of this chapter)

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