My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2973 Dogs have better eyesight than you

Chapter 2973 Dogs have better eyesight than you
As soon as the visitor said this, his identity was self-evident.

Naturally, he was Young Master Liu's mentor, plus the grandfather who stood on the side of his wife Wenren Yunshu.

The former Heavenly Sword Sword Master has heard of Renzheng.

Liu Yulan stared blankly at Wen Renzheng who was full of smiles, and couldn't react to what he said for a while.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's dazed look, Wen Renzheng reached out to pick up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea.


"Huh? Old man?"

"What are you in a daze for? The old man asked you to invite Shu'er and his family of three."

"Yes, my daughter-in-law knows."

Liu Yulan was talking in response to Wen Renzheng, but she didn't take any action.

Instead, he looked hesitantly at Wen Renxuanhe who was sitting on the edge of the flowerbed, covering his chest with his hands and panting heavily.

Wen Renzheng nodded and took a sip of herbal tea. Seeing his daughter-in-law's hesitant expression, he followed her gaze and looked out of the gazebo.

"Daughter-in-law, look at what that son of a bitch is doing, let him play by himself.

If he dares to say nothing in front of the old man, then next year's day will be the day when your daughter-in-law will burn paper to his grave.

There is an old man here, you go and invite Shu Er and his family of three to come in. "

Liu Yulan withdrew her gaze, and hurriedly shook her head at Wen Renzheng.

"Master, my daughter-in-law is not afraid that the master will disagree, but rather worried about his physical condition.

Your volley kick just now, you won't kick him in any way, will you? "

"Hey, so daughter-in-law, you are worried about this.

Then you don't have to worry at all, Guizi's skin is rough and fleshy, and he is very resistant to beatings.

If he rests for a while, nothing major will happen, so go ahead. "

"Yes, the daughter-in-law can rest assured there.

Grandpa, please sit down for a while, and my daughter-in-law will bring Shu'er and the others in right away. "

Liu Yulan turned around and was about to leave, but Wen Renzheng suddenly stopped her.


Liu Yulan stopped immediately, turned around and looked at the old man with a puzzled expression.

"Daughter-in-law is here, what else do you need, old man?"

"Daughter-in-law, you are inviting them in, not taking them in.

Although Liu Mingzhi is the husband of this girl Shu'er and your son-in-law, but he is the current emperor and the king of a country.

The reason why he salutes you as juniors is because of his love for this girl Shu'er.

However, this does not mean that you can accept it without any care.

It should be noted that the majesty of the emperor should not be violated lightly.

Especially this is the first meeting between you, on the premise that you don't know each other, you should pay more attention to your manners.

After getting acquainted with each other, how to get along with each other at that time will be discussed later.

Now, you should pay attention or pay attention.

Don't get a reputation for not knowing etiquette for no reason.

Go for it. "

After Liu Yulan was silent for a moment thoughtfully, she saluted Wenren Zhengfu.

"Daughter-in-law understands, please sit down for a while, old man, and daughter-in-law will come back when she goes."

"Old Tao, let's go."

"Yes, madam please."

Wen Renzheng watched his daughter-in-law's back disappear into the corner under the long corridor, silently fiddled with the tea lid in his hand, and turned his head to glance outside the gazebo.

"You bastard, don't let the old man get over here."

Wen Renxuanhe stood up and tidied up the messy clothes on his body, and walked towards Wen Renzheng who was sitting in the gazebo with a somewhat stiff face.

"Dad, long time no see."

"Hehe, so you still know!"

"I haven't seen you for so many years, how is your old body?"

"You're fucking blind, old man, can't you see for yourself?"

Wen Renxuan's face froze, and he didn't know what to say next because of the words of his old man.

Seeing the stiff expression on his son's face, Wen Renzheng groaned unkindly a few times, and without saying anything, he picked up the teapot and poured himself another cup of herbal tea.

Wen Renxuanhe also noticed that the atmosphere in the gazebo seemed a bit awkward, raised his hand and patted the footprints on his chest, walked to the side stone bench with a sullen expression and sat down.

"You are old and energetic, and you look much better than me, so you should be fine."

"Is my health good or not, does it have anything to do with you? Does it have anything to do with half a copper coin?

What are you fussing about here?Are you full?

Go for a walk when you're full, what's the fart of wandering around here?

Does it make you look good?
what. "

Wen Renzheng's repeated remarks once again choked Wen Renxuan and he had nothing to say.


Wen Renxuan looked at his old man with twitching eyes, wanted to say something but couldn't say anything.

"What are you? Just say what you want to say?"

"what did I say……"

"Stop talking, it's enough for the old man to hear you speak."

Wen Renxuan and almost didn't come up, and immediately groaned a few times with his neck stuck.

"Hang Chi ~ Hang Chi ~"

"I... oh... hi..."

Wen Renxuan sighed and picked up his dry pipe from the table, took out a fire pocket and lit the filled tobacco.

He glanced at his unhappy old man with a resentful expression, got up and squatted next to the stone bench, holding the dry cigarette in his hand and gently puffing on the clouds.

Since your old man thinks that everything I say is wrong, can I just smoke in peace?

Hey, I smoke, so I can't be wrong if I don't talk.

It's a pity that when looking at a person is not pleasing to the eye, it is wrong for him to even breathe.

Not to mention smoking.

Wen Renzheng threw the bottomed teacup on the stone table, raised his hand and patted the table heavily.

"You unfilial thing, don't you know that the old man also likes this one?

You know you smoke it yourself, won't you give some to the old man? "

Wen Renxuanhe coughed involuntarily, choked into his mouth and nose, emitting faint smoke.

"Pfft...cough cough cough...cough...

Come... cough cough... come... just come..."

With a shortness of breath, he hurriedly got up and brought his cigarette pouch to Wen Renzheng.

Wen Renzheng took out the dry tobacco from his waist, whimpered and squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco and stuffed it into the smoke pot.

"Things with no eyesight have lived on dogs all these years.

I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that. "

Wen Renxuanhe couldn't help but relax when he heard what his old man said behind him, thinking that you've forgiven me.

However, before he could be happy, Wen Renzheng's next sentence brought him back to his original form.

"Dogs have better eyesight than you.

Those dogs raised by the old man back then, they have much better eyesight than you. "

Wen Renzheng mercilessly ruined Wen Renxuanhe's meal, lit the tobacco, and puffed out the clouds leisurely with Erlang's legs up.

Wen Renxuan and the old man twitched the corners of their mouths a few times with blushing faces, and simply squatted down next to the stone bench to smoke the dry cigarette.

However, this dry tobacco is becoming more and more unpleasant.

"Father, it's almost over.

From the moment you came in, you haven't given me a good face, is it necessary? "

"Yes, of course there is.

Why, you can't take it after you've only worked so hard for a while?
Shu'er has been wronged for decades, didn't she survive the same? "

"Father, what happened back then..."

"you shut up."

"Okay, shut up and shut up."

Wen Renzheng flicked the cigarette ash off his body, got up with a dry pipe in his hand, walked to the edge of the gazebo and stopped.

"The old man does not deny that the incident that happened back then did have a slight connection with that girl Shu'er.

But compared with the whole matter, the problems related to Shu'er are nothing more than trivial.

Among them, naturally, it also includes the matter of your sworn brothers.

Use your own pig brain to think about why those people ended up like that back then.

Among them, our famous family is naturally included.

Those people back then, including your sworn brother, why did they end up with their families broken up?

Is it because we hear people?Is it because of Shu Er?

No, it's not.

It is because they became the king of Shu for the sake of power, for prosperity and wealth, and for a higher level.

Involved in the case of the rebellion of the king of Shu.

Their ending is very pitiful, but also worthy of lamentation.

However, they are not innocent.

Among all the things, apart from Shu'er committing the fault of escaping marriage, you tell the old man, what other faults did she commit?

ah?What other mistakes did she commit that could affect the King of Shu case? "


"Asshole, I'll tell you again.

Back then, if Shu'er didn't run away from marriage, you wouldn't have left the capital to go to Jinling in the south of the Yangtze River just to chase after her.

If you don't leave the capital, you will definitely be involved in the rebellion of the King of Shu.

Once you get involved in the King of Shu case, can you squat here safe and sound to smoke?

Not to mention you, even the old...

Hehehe, forget it, let it be realized by yourself. "


"Asshole, I will tell you clearly.

Although Shu'er made a mistake by escaping from marriage, she also indirectly saved our family.

It can be said that if Shu'er hadn't run away from marriage back then, you and Yulan would probably have become a pile of dead bones that no one cares about.

You are indeed very talented in martial arts, and your reading skills are not bad.

But you are far behind in terms of brains in the officialdom and insight in the overall situation.

Even if the King of Shu case hadn't happened at the beginning, with your political acumen, you wouldn't be able to go far in the court.

That's all the old man said, think about it for yourself. "

Wen Renxuanhe listened to his father's earnest words, his expression was tangled, and he looked at the scenery outside the gazebo with confusion.

Outside the gate of Wenren Mansion.

Liu Zhengwen squatted on the steps, resting his chin in his hands and staring boredly at the young master Liu and his wife who were talking softly.

"Father, mother, how long do we have to wait? Are grandpa and grandma not at home?"

Hearing his son's boring question, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and looked at the front door.

Seeing the still closed door, he murmured with some doubts on his face: "What's going on? Could it be that the old man didn't receive the letter from the young master?
Or, the old man has already..."

"Husband, what are you talking to yourself?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a light smile, and stretched out his hand to hold the beautiful woman's bright wrist.

"I didn't say anything, my husband was just thinking about whether my father-in-law, my mother-in-law and the two elders will receive our family of three this time."

Wenren Yunshu tightly held her husband's generous palm with her backhand, and looked towards the door with melancholy eyes.



"If...if we invite you again...let's go back to Beijing.

It's okay for me to be wronged, but I don't want you and your son to be wronged along with me.

If you don’t see me, don’t see me, I still have you and my sisters with me..."

Wenren Yun Shu hadn't finished his sentence when Liu Mingzhi suddenly put his finger on his lips and hissed softly, raised his head and pouted in the direction of the door.

"Hush, Shu'er, there are footsteps, or two footsteps."

Wenren Yun Shu's pretty face was overjoyed, and she hurriedly looked at the door in front of her.

Meimou's expression was both anticipation and anxiety.

Liu Mingzhi let go of the palm that was holding the beautiful woman's wrist, and straightened his clothes calmly.


After Liu Mingzhi's voice fell, the door that was originally hidden opened in response.

Under the nervous gazes of Liu Mingzhi and Wenren Yunshu, a figure hurried out and came straight towards the two of them.

It was Wenren Yunshu's mother, Liu Yulan.

Liu Yulan hurriedly walked a few steps away from the two of them and stopped, her body trembling slightly looked at Wenren Yunshu who was also excited, a trace of tears could be faintly seen in her bright eyes.

"Shu'er, Shu'er."

Wenren Yun Shu couldn't help raising his feet and walking forward, staring at the familiar yet unfamiliar mother in front of him with an excited expression on her pretty face.

Clearly visible mist is also condensed in a pair of beautiful eyes.


Liu Yulan nodded heavily, and her well-maintained slender hands tremblingly stroked her daughter's cheeks.

"23 years, 23 years, you make my mother miss you so much!"

The tears accumulated in Wenren Yunshu's eyes finally fell down uncontrollably.

"Mother, Shu'er is unfilial and makes you worry about it all the time, Shu'er is unfilial and makes you worry about it all the time."

Wenren Yun Shu knelt down straight as he spoke.

"Mother, Shu'er pays respects to mother, Shu'er greets you."

"My dear daughter, get up quickly, get up quickly."

"Well, thank you mom."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the crying and tearful mother and daughter, sighed with melancholy and joy, and walked over.

"My son-in-law, Liu Mingzhi, you've met your mother-in-law, so be polite."

Liu Yulan hastily wiped away the tears on her cheeks, looked at Liu Mingzhi who was bowing to her, and put her hands up.

"Excuse me, excuse me quickly."

"Thank you, mother-in-law."

Wenren Yun Shu took out a handkerchief and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, then turned around and waved to Liu Zhengwen who was standing aside, poking his head.

"Benwen, come and meet your grandma.

Didn't you just keep clamoring to see your grandma?This is your grandmother. "

Liu Zhengwen nodded vigorously, trotted to Liu Yulan and knelt down without hesitation.

"Grandson Liu Zhengwen, pay homage to grandma, and wish grandma a long life and good health."

"Oh, my dear boy, get up, get up."

"Thank you grandma."

Liu Yulan looked excitedly at the thick-headed Liu Zhengwen, and looked at the famous Yun Shu next to her with surprise.

"Shu'er, is this your son?"

"Well, he is the son born to my daughter and her husband, Liu Zhengwen."

"On the road just now, Lao Tao kept talking about young master, young master, but he didn't say that Zhengwen is the son born to you, Shu'er.

Mother thought it was..."

"Mother, it's my daughter's fault, I didn't make it clear on the document."

"Nothing, nothing.

In the past, when others brought their grandchildren or grandchildren to our house as guests, my mother always heard the children call grandma, grandma, which was very kind. At that time, I was so envious in my mother's heart.

It's all right now, my mother's wish has finally been fulfilled, and I also have a grandson. "

Liu Yulan wiped the red corners of her eyes a few times with her fingers, squatted down in front of Liu Zhengwen with a smile on her face, and stretched out her hand to gently stroke the little guy's head.


"Hey, grandma."

"You're so good, call me grandma again."

"Grandma, grandma, grandma."

"So good, so good, a good grandson, really grandma's good grandson!

Good boy, how old are you. "

"Back to grandma, I'm almost four years old."

"Almost four years old, well, that's great."

Seeing his wife hugging his grandson lovingly, the old housekeeper coughed lightly twice.

"Ma'am, outside the gate of the mansion is not a place to reminisce about the past.

Let the young master, the eldest lady, and the young master please enter the mansion first. "

Liu Yulan nodded her head generously when she heard the old housekeeper's reminder.

"Yes, yes, I was so happy that I almost forgot the business."

"Your Majesty, please go to the mansion to rest quickly."

"Mother-in-law, you can just call your son-in-law by his first name.

The son-in-law is uncomfortable hearing the address of His Majesty. "


"Mother, just listen to your husband.

In front of our own family, he rarely cares about red tape on weekdays. "

"Okay, then I will call you Mingzhi."

"of course can."

"Mingzhi, Shu'er, Zhengwen, let's go home quickly."

"Okay, please, mother-in-law."

"Together, together."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and was about to take off several gift boxes on the horse's back when the old butler hurried up to greet him.

"Uncle, you go to the mansion to have a cup of tea and rest your feet.

If the old slaves come to these things, it is enough for the old slaves to come. "

(End of this chapter)

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