My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2974 You have changed again

Chapter 2974 You have changed again

"It's work."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and handed the gift box to the old housekeeper.

"Don't dare, dare not, this is the job of this old slave, my uncle please."

"Husband, hurry up."


Liu Mingzhi responded softly, followed Wenren Yunshu and the three of them into the gate of Wenren Mansion.

After entering the gate of the mansion, Liu Mingzhi habitually looked at the layout and environment of the mansion.

Liu Mingzhi silently observed the specifications of the many houses in front of him, and he already had a rough idea in his mind.

According to my own observation, this mansion should be a big house with five entries and five exits.

Being able to live in such a big house, it can be seen from this that my father-in-law must have done well in Sichuan these years.

He should have a place among the prominent figures in Shu.

Wenren Yunshu noticed that Liu Mingzhi was a little behind, so he intentionally slowed down his pace and waited.

"Husband, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, my husband just thinks that my father-in-law and my mother-in-law's house looks pretty good.

The layout of the yard is quite unique with the environment, and it has the style of the land of Bashu.

Compared with the style of our hometown in Jinling and the style of the capital, it has a different flavor. "

Wenren Yunshu followed her husband's gaze to look at the surrounding environment, smiled peacefully and nodded her head.

"Well, indeed, the layout is really good. At first glance, it gives people a unique feeling."

"Father, mother, you two hurry up!"

Liu Mingzhi was about to open his mouth to say something more, when his son's yelling suddenly came from his ear.

"I'm coming."

Liu Mingzhi frowned in embarrassment, stretched out his hand and tugged Wenren Yunshu's sleeve, and hurriedly followed Liu Yulan and the others.

"Shu'er, don't look at it, look at you who have never seen the world, hurry up and follow."

Wenren Yun Shu was stunned for a moment, then set off to follow her husband with a helpless expression.

"Husband, you really know how to shirk responsibility, who has never seen the world.

If you hadn't been so many steps behind, would the concubine have stopped to enjoy the scenery in the courtyard? "

"Just watch it for your husband's sake? I still pee standing up for my husband's sake, why don't you follow suit?"

Wenren Yunshu heard Young Master Liu's teasing words, and subconsciously glanced forward. Seeing that his mother and son were still far away, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, my mother was a little far away from me, so I couldn't hear the whispering words between my husband and wife.

Otherwise, if she hears what her husband said just now, she doesn't know what she will think of herself!
Wenren Yun Shu spit softly with her pretty face flushed, and quickly twisted the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist with her knuckles.

"Bah, rascal, aren't you making too much sense?"

Liu Mingzhi sucked in a sharp breath, grinned and rubbed the soft flesh on his waist.

This silly woman is really ruthless!

Raising his eyes and glanced at his mother-in-law, who was more than ten steps away from the couple, Liu Mingzhi suddenly reached out and patted the beautiful woman's buttocks.

"Is there? Where is the husband's rhetoric? For the husband, this is called discussing the facts."

Shu on the buttocks was slapped unexpectedly, Wenren Yun Shu's delicate body trembled suddenly, and she glared at First Young Master Liu with a pretty face in a panic.

This stinky husband really doesn't know how to pay attention to the occasion.

If I let my mother see the behavior between my husband and wife just now, how can I behave like this!
"Virtue, pay attention."

Liu Mingzhi shrugged his shoulders with a smile, took out the carved jade fan from his cuff and flicked it casually, lightly shaking the folding fan to speed up his pace.

"Good Shu'er, I'll take care of you when I have a chance for my husband."

Wenren Yun Shumei's eyes flashed a hint of shyness, she stared coquettishly at Young Master Liu, rolled her eyes angrily, wrinkled Qiong's nose and spat secretly.

"Bah, it doesn't matter who cleans up who."

Liu Yulan led Liu Zhengwen to look back at the couple, then stretched out her hand and pointed to the arch in front.

"Mingzhi, Shu'er, our garden is in front of this door."

Wenren Yun Shulian walked over lightly, and looked around with doubts on her face.

"Mother, where is my father?"

"Your father and our old man are waiting for us in the garden, let's go there quickly."

"Okay, Shu Er knows."

Wenren Yun Shu nodded happily, and looked at her husband with a smile on her face.

"Husband, did you hear, my father and the old man are now... now...

Old... old man? "

Wenren Yunshu seemed to realize something while talking, and suddenly turned his head and shifted his gaze to his mother again.

"Mother, what did you just say? Old... old man?
What old man?
Which old man? "

Seeing the look of surprise and anticipation on her daughter's pretty face, Liu Yulan tapped Wenren Yunshu's forehead with her fingers.

"Silly boy, are you stupid? What kind of question are you asking?
Who could our old man be?Of course it's your grandpa. "

Wenren Yun Shu's delicate body trembled suddenly, and she grabbed Liu Yulan's hands, with an indescribable surprise on her pretty face.

"What? Grandpa? Grandpa, his old man is at our house?

Mother, you didn't lie to me, right? Grandpa is really in our house?

Grandpa, he is not going to wander the world...

how can that be……

Mother, tell me quickly, is it true?Is it real? "

Wenren Yunshu held Liu Yulan's hands tightly, and asked several questions incoherently.

It seemed that some couldn't believe what they heard.

Seeing her daughter's uncontrollable excited reaction, Liu Yulan smiled wryly and said, "Silly boy, if you keep shaking her, my mother's body will almost fall apart."

Hearing her mother's words, Wenren Yun Shu also realized that she had lost her composure due to excitement, and hastily let go of her slender hands that were holding her mother's hands.

"Mother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my daughter couldn't control her mood when she heard the news about Grandpa."

"It's okay, mother can understand your feelings.

You have been closest to your grandfather since you were a child, and it is only natural that you feel a little excited when you hear his news. "

"Hmm, thank you for understanding.

Mother, when did my grandpa come to our house? "

"I just came here today, no, to be precise, the old man arrived just after you arrived.

From the time Wei Niang received your greeting card, the difference between before and after is probably less than a stick of incense! "

"What? Just as Shu'er and her husband arrived on the front foot, Grandpa arrived on the back foot?

How could it be such a coincidence? "

Liu Yulan frowned slightly, narrowed her eyes and meditated for a moment.

"Just now, my mother was only focused on inviting you outside the door, and I didn't have time to think about this matter.

Hearing what you said, Shu'er, it's indeed a bit of a coincidence. "

Liu Mingzhi heard Wenren Yunshu's mother and daughter's words of some doubts to each other, and looked sideways with a strange expression.

Wenren Yunshu frowned for a while and thought for a while, her beautiful eyes looked strangely at her husband at the side.

The husband's reaction was too calm, he didn't seem surprised that grandpa would appear here.

Observing her husband's strange expression and erratic eyes.

The vaguely familiar Yun Shu seemed to understand something.

However, she didn't have any evidence to prove what she thought.

Wenren Yunshu pursed her cherry lips, and looked at her mother with a smile on her face.

"Mother, whether it's a coincidence or not, it's a good thing to see Grandpa.

Let's go over quickly, don't keep grandpa and dad waiting for a long time. "

"Yes, yes, it doesn't matter if it's a coincidence or not, as long as it's a good thing."

"Mingzhi, let's go over there."

"No problem, please, mother-in-law."

"Text, grandma's good grandson, come, let grandma lead you."

"Okay, thank you grandma."

"Silly boy, why are you being polite to grandma?"

"Husband, what are you staring at there? Hurry up and follow."

"I'm coming."

Liu Mingzhi responded, and followed the Wenren Yun Shu.

Wenren Yunshu walked side by side with First Young Master Liu intentionally or unintentionally, her beautiful eyes glanced at him from time to time.

Young Master Liu stroked the sparse beard on his chin silently, pretending not to notice Wenren Yun Shu's glances at him from time to time.

Wenren Yunshu saw the calm, calm expression on her husband's face, and a look of hesitation flashed in her eyes.

Could it be that I thought too much and guessed wrong.

It was really just a coincidence that Grandpa appeared in his parents' house.

Led by Liu Yulan, the group passed through several corridors and finally came to the garden of the mansion.

"Master, my daughter-in-law has invited a distinguished guest in."

Wenren Yunshu saw the familiar figure sitting on the stone bench in the gazebo, sipping tea silently, and rushed over with surprise and inexplicable expressions.

Before he ran to the gazebo, Wenren Yunshu couldn't help shouting.

"Grandpa, grandpa."

Liu Mingzhi let out a long breath, and walked towards the gazebo with an expression of emotion.

Wenren Yunshu ran into the gazebo and threw herself into Wen Renzheng's arms, coquettishly acting like an unworldly little girl.

"Grandpa, Shu Er misses you so much, Shu Er misses you so much."

Wen Renzheng looked down at the granddaughter in his arms, raised his hand and gently patted her on the back.

"Good boy, grandpa misses you too!"

"Grandpa, where have you been all these years, I don't know if you will go to see Shu'er in the capital."

"Shu'er, grandpa also wants to visit you in the capital!

It's just that grandpa has been walking around and wandering for a long time these years, and he has forgotten the years all at once.

Secondly, as long as your family can live happily and harmoniously, Grandpa, I will be satisfied.

There is no need to disturb your life anymore, so that you will never dislike Grandpa, this useless old bone."

Wenren Yunshu immediately straightened up from his grandfather's arms, and glared at Wenrenzheng with a pretty face.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?

It's too late for us to be happy that you can visit Shu'er and my husband.

How could you dislike you for disturbing us! "

When Wen Renzheng saw his granddaughter's feigned displeasure, he immediately laughed cheerfully.

"Yes, yes, grandpa is wrong, can't grandpa be wrong?"

"That's about the same, but, Grandpa, you have to go to the capital to visit Shu'er more often in the future.

Otherwise, Shu'er will never talk to you again. "

"Okay, okay, go, go, grandpa will go as soon as there is a chance."

Wen Renzheng echoed Wenren Yunshu's words without hesitation, staggered his body and walked towards Liu Mingzhi who walked into the gazebo.

Wen Renzheng raised his hand to caress the gray beard on his chin, and stared at Young Master Liu cheerfully for a moment.

"Boy, I haven't seen you for many years, and you have experienced a lot of vicissitudes."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, closed his folding fan, leaned over and gave a big gift to Wen Renzheng.

"Boy Liu Mingzhi, it's polite to pay respects to the old man."

Wen Renzheng smiled lightly, stretched out his hands and held them up.

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, old man."

"Hey, in the blink of an eye, you've also given birth to gorgeous hair."

Liu Mingzhi wiped the top of his head with his hand, and chuckled a few times disapprovingly.

"Hehehe, there is no way, time is not forgiving!"

Wen Renzheng sighed with admiration, raised his hand and patted Liu Mingzhi's shoulder.

"Yes! Time is not forgiving!"

While Wen Renzheng was talking, he raised his head and gestured to Wen Renxuanhe who was standing aside with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Let's not talk about that, since we're here, let's go meet your bastard father-in-law."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, straightened his clothes, walked up to Wen Renxuan and bowed in front of him.

"My son-in-law Liu Mingzhi, I have met my father-in-law."

"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me quickly."

"My son-in-law, thank you, my father-in-law."

Seeing this, Wenren Yunshu hurriedly walked to Liu Mingzhi, and bowed to Wenrenxuan and Fu with a complicated expression.

"The unfilial daughter Wenren Yunshu, I pay my respects to my father, and wish my father a long life and good health."

"Shu...Shu'er, should also be excused."

"My son, thank you Daddy."

After Liu Mingzhi, Wenren Yunshu and his wife got up, they looked at Wenrenxuanhe with different expressions.

Seeing the eyes of the couple, Wen Renxuan lowered his head unnaturally, and looked dodgingly at the steps outside the gazebo.

It seems that some are afraid to look at the eyes of their daughter and son-in-law, their husband and wife.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the gazebo suddenly became awkward.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mingzhi didn't know what to say for a while.

He touched his nose with his fingers strangely, and could only look towards Wen Renzheng.

Wen Renzheng felt Eldest Young Master Liu's gaze, and immediately walked towards Wen Renxuanhe with beard and stare.

Wen Renzheng stopped beside Wen Renxuanhe angrily, and without hesitation raised his foot to sleep on his buttocks.

At the same time, he cursed cursingly in his mouth.

"You son of a bitch, do you have roots growing under your feet, or is your mouth stuffed with pig hair?
Won't move?Can't speak?
What are you doing standing there like a sand sculpture?Don't know how to ask someone to sit down and thank you for your feet?

I am old and wise, thinking about what a romantic person he was back then.

How did you give birth to a thing that is not a thing? "

Liu Mingzhi stared dumbfounded at the old man teaching Wen Renxuanhe the same way as his grandson, and the expression on his face became more and more weird.

Good guy, why didn't I realize before that the old man still has such... so...

Such an eclectic side!

(End of this chapter)

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