Chapter 2975
Young Master Liu's face turned red when he saw Wen Renxuan and the blood-soaked being scolded by the old man, and he was speechless and aggrieved.

Since I felt a little happy to hear and see, at the same time, I felt somewhat sympathetic to my father-in-law whom I met for the first time.

Because my wife Wenren Yun Shu had been wronged for so many years for no reason, I actually didn't have any good feelings for this father-in-law whom I had never met before.

Of course, it's not too much of a good impression now.

Seeing him being scolded so bloody, I feel a little sympathetic to him.

But the senses are the senses, and the two are not to be confused.

However, for the sake of the old man and Shu'er, there are some etiquettes that I should do.

Liu Mingzhi glanced vaguely at the Wenren Yun Shu beside him, and when he saw her, he also had a dumbfounded expression, and gently tugged at her sleeve.

Wenren Yunshu came back to his senses, and instinctively looked towards Liu Mingzhi, with a hint of doubt in his beautiful eyes.

Liu Mingzhi winked at Wenren Yunshu, and pouted at the old man whose back was facing the two of them.

Wenren Yunshu immediately understood what her husband meant, nodded her head lightly, and walked towards the old man with lotus steps.


When the old man heard his granddaughter calling him, the angry expression on his face changed instantly, and he turned to look at Wenren Yunshu with a smile.

"Hey, Shu Er."

Wenren Yunshu glanced at his father's aggrieved and depressed face, and with a smile on his face, he pulled Wen Renzheng's sleeve and shook it.

"Grandpa, today is the day when our family is reunited, so please be less angry.

Didn't you always say that kindness is the most important thing?

Seeing Shu'er's thin face, don't be angry if you are old. "

Wen Renzheng heard Wenren Yunshu's words of admonition, patted the back of his granddaughter's hand lightly, and said with a smile: "Okay, grandpa listens to you, don't be angry, grandpa is not angry anymore."

The old man turned his head and glared at Wen Renxuanhe with a sullen look, and walked to the stone bench next to him first and sat down.

"A person who is already dozens of years old is not as sensible as his own daughter.

What are you doing in a daze?Still don't invite guests to sit down? "

After Wen Renzheng sat down, Wenren Yunshu followed immediately, and poured a cup of tea with a pot of tea.

"Grandpa, drink a cup of tea to calm down."

Wen Renxuan slapped the footprints on his butt a few times without any trace, and looked at Liu Mingzhi and his daughter with complicated eyes.

Seeing Young Master Liu's indifferent and calm expression, Wen Renxuan moved his body and gestured.

"Your Majesty, please take your seat."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, smiled lightly and hugged his fist.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Wen Renxuan glanced at his old man, and hurriedly waved his hands.

"Don't dare, dare not, please, Your Majesty."

Holding the carved jade fan, Liu Mingzhi walked to the stone table, and did not choose to sit on the main seat, but sat on the stone bench next to the old man Wen Renzheng.

Wen Renxuanhe was about to say something when he saw this, when he suddenly felt his old man looking at him with deep meaning.

After looking at each other for a while, Wen Renxuanhe seemed to understand something, walked to the main seat with a complicated expression and sat down.

"Shu...Shu'er, sit down too."

"Thank you, Daddy, Shu'er."

Wenren Yunshu put down the teapot and gave a blessing, then turned and walked towards his mother Liu Yulan.

"Mom, come and sit down too."

Liu Yulan nodded with emotion, and walked to the stone bench beside her with her daughter.

"Hey, sit, let's sit together."



"Come here for your grandpa, and greet grandpa."


Liu Zhengwen responded, trotted to Wen Renzheng and knelt down in front of him.

"Baby Liu Zhengwen, I pay my respects to my great-grandfather, and wish my great-grandfather good health."

After Liu Zhengwen saluted the old man, Wen Renxuan paid his attention to this little guy for the first time.

Because of his complicated thoughts when he saw his daughter again just now, he didn't notice the little guy standing in the corner of the gazebo, who had been silent all this time.

Now that he heard the words between Wenren Yunshu's mother and son, he immediately knew the identity of this little guy.

This... This child is his grandson?

I have a grandson, I have a grandson?
For a moment, Wen Renxuan looked at Liu Zhengwen with excited and complicated eyes.

Not knowing what he thought of, he glanced at his daughter who was sitting diagonally across from him.

A deep sense of self-blame flashed in his eyes.

Wen Renzheng put down his teacup, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and stretched out his hand to help the little guy up with a smile on his face.

"Good boy, get up quickly."

"Thank you, grandpa."
"Benwen, how about it, do you still remember Grandpa?

Your grandpa hugged you many times when you were young!

At that time, you little guy was so naughty, you grabbed your grandpa's beard and refused to let go. "

Liu Zhengwen looked up at the old man, scratched his ears with his hands with a little tangled face, nodded first, then shook his head.

"I seem to remember, but I don't seem to remember.

Grandpa, if you don't remember the text, you won't be angry, will you? "

The old man looked at the little guy's nervous expression, laughed and shook his head, raised his thin palm and stroked Liu Zhengwen's head.

"Hahaha, don't be angry, of course not.

You were still young at that time, and it was normal for you not to remember what your great-grandfather looked like.

It doesn't matter if you don't remember what your great-grandfather was like when you were young, as long as you can remember what your great-grandfather was like in the future.

Otherwise, grandpa will be angry. "

The little guy grinned, grabbed the old man's fingers and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, I know the text. From now on, the text will always remember Grandpa."

"Okay, okay, let's make a deal, pull the hook."

Looking at the old man's kind smile, Liu Zhengwen bent his little finger and hooked it up with a smile.

"Okay, pull the hook."

"If the hook is hung, it must not be changed for 100 years."

"If the hook is hung, it must not be changed for 100 years."

The old man, who is over 90 years old, is like a child at this time, doing things with Liu Zhengwen seriously like a child would do.

Old kid, old kid.

Probably just to describe the old man.

The old man looked at Liu Zhengwen cheerfully, pressed the little guy's shoulder and gestured to Wen Renxuan who was sitting in the main seat.

"Good boy, go and meet your heartless bastard grandpa."

Liu Zhengwen walked towards Wen Renxuanhe with a small face of surprise, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, as if he didn't quite understand why the great-grandfather called his own grandfather like that.

The little guy walked up to Wen Renxuanhe with a curious look on his face, and knelt down to bow down.

"Grandson Liu Zhengwen, pay my respects to grandpa, may grandpa live forever."

Wen Renxuan and his lips trembled excitedly when he saw the little guy kneeling on the ground saluting him.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, and hurriedly got up to support Liu Zhengwen's immature little hands, and helped him up.

"Good boy, don't be too polite, get up quickly, get up quickly."

"Thank you grandson, grandpa."

Wen Renxuanhe sighed with complicated eyes when he saw the little guy's appearance somewhat similar to his daughter Wenren Yunshu's.

From his grandson, he vaguely saw his daughter's appearance when she was a child.

When my daughter and grandson were so old, how sensible and likable they were!

Unfortunately, fate tricks people.

My father and daughter should have lived a happy life of loving father and filial son, and a happy family.

But because... because...


I regret it at the beginning!

It's a pity, it's too late to regret.

Liu Zhengwen saw his grandfather frowning slightly and looking sad, raised his chubby little hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

Wen Renxuan came back to his senses, saw the puzzled expression on his grandson's face, grinned lightly and shook his head.

"It's okay, it's okay, grandpa is okay."

"Well, grandpa, it's good that you're fine, grandpa."


"Grandpa, don't keep frowning, smile more.

A few days ago when my grandfather was telling a story to Zhengwen, he told me that people should smile more often.

As long as you smile more, your mood will get better and better.

Although the text doesn't quite understand what it means, but remember to smile more.

Grandpa, you look at me, just like me, hehehe. "

Liu Zhengwen grinned and grinned as he spoke, revealing a few immature teeth.

Seeing the boy's innocence, Wen Renxuanhe blinked his sore eyes a few times.

Today's wind.

It was a bit noisy.

"Okay, grandpa listens to you, and must smile more in the future."

The little guy wanted to say something, but his stomach suddenly growled.

Wen Renxuan was taken aback, and hurriedly looked at Liu Zhengwen's stomach.

"Good grandson, are you hungry?"

Liu Zhengwen nodded with a smile, put his hands on his lower abdomen and patted it a few times.

"Grandpa, I rode a horse with my father and mother for a whole morning, and now I have eaten a bunch of candied haws."

"Grandpa was negligent, grandpa was negligent.

I was so busy reminiscing with you, I forgot to arrange a banquet for you to clean up the dust.

Come, come, good grandson, eat a piece of pastry to fill your stomach first.

Grandpa will ask your grandma to prepare delicious food for you. "

"Thank you grandpa."

Wen Renxuanhe picked up a piece of cake and put it in his grandson's hand, and hurriedly looked at his wife Liu Yulan.


Liu Mingzhi, Wenren Yunshu and their husband and wife have already entered, and naturally Liu Yulan will not have any opinions on Wenrenxuanhe.

Hearing his greeting, he hurriedly got up and gave a blessing.

"The concubine is here."

"Madam, go to the kitchen in the backyard and let them know immediately, so that they can quickly prepare a table of good food and wine and bring them over, so as to clean up the dust for the old man and the others."

"Yes, my concubine is going here."

"Old man, Mingzhi, Shu'er, please sit down for a while, I'll go and arrange food and drinks for you right away."

Seeing her mother was about to walk out of the gazebo, Wenren Yunshu immediately stood up.


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Mother, Shu'er will go with you."

"Then how can it work, you have been exhausted all the way, and now you need a good rest.

Mother alone is enough, you should continue to sit down and chat with the old man and your father. "

"Mom, most of the food in Sichuan is spicy, and the text is still small, Shu'er is worried that he won't be used to it.

I'll go with you and pick out some meals for him alone. "

"That's right, my mother was negligent, the text is still so young, I'm sure I can't eat spicy food.

How about this, you tell Wei Niang the food that the main text likes to eat, and Wei Niang lets the kitchen prepare it alone. "

"Mother, this is too troublesome, let's go together."

"Well, well, as long as you're not too tired, a silly girl, let's go together."

"It's okay, Shu'er is not tired."

"Grandpa, father, husband, Shu'er went to the kitchen with mother first, you two can continue chatting."

Before the old man, Wen Renxuan and the old man spoke, Liu Mingzhi nodded his head first.

"Got it, let's go."


"Mom, let's go."

Liu Yulan shook her head helplessly, and had no choice but to lead her daughter towards the backyard.

After Wenren Yunshu's mother and daughter left, the atmosphere in the gazebo became a little awkward again.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the old man, Wen Renxuan and the two of them, the corners of their mouths twitched a few times, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Liu Mingzhi is like this, so why not the old man, Wen Renxuan and the two of them?
Wen Renzheng wanted to bring up a topic to break the embarrassment.

However, he pondered for a long time, and really couldn't think of a topic to talk about.

After all, today is the first time Liu Mingzhi and his bastard son, Weng and his son-in-law, met each other.
The two don't know each other well, and it's hard to talk deeply about a topic.

However, just sitting there looking at each other like this is not a thing!

Wen Renxuan and Liu Mingzhi, who looked at each other with complicated expressions, who were both silent, also didn't know what to say.

If he only chatted with his old man, he would neglect Liu Mingzhi, a distinguished guest and son-in-law.

Take the initiative to chat with Liu Mingzhi, but I don't know what topics to talk about.

Wen Renxuan glanced at Liu Zhengwen, who was leaning on the stone bench, holding a pastry comfortably, and raised the tea with embarrassment.

"Your Majesty, father, drink tea, drink tea."


"Thank you, father-in-law."


"Hey, yes."

"Father-in-law, you don't have to be so cautious, the son-in-law is the son-in-law of you and mother-in-law, and the younger generation of your two elders.

You address my son-in-law, His Majesty, and my son-in-law sounds really uncomfortable.

You'd better call me by my first name, or son-in-law. "


Seeing Wen Renxuan's hesitant expression, the old man raised his eyes and looked over.

"What is this? What Mingzhi says is what he says.

He is a majestic king of a country who doesn't care about these red tapes, so what should you care about as an ordinary person. "

"Yes, yes, the child knows."

Wen Renzheng put down the teacup in his hand, and let out a sigh with a slight frown.



"Old man, Ming Zhi, and you, the three of us are all good wine drinkers.

The daughter-in-law and Shu'er are women after all, so they don't know much about what kind of wine we gentlemen like to drink.

You who are in charge, go and prepare yourself. "

"Yes, here you go, baby.

Dad, Ming...Mingzhi, I don't know what kind of wine you want to drink?

There are a lot of old wines in the wine cellar at home. If you have a special preference for some wines, I will specially select some. "

Liu Mingzhi and Wen Renzheng groaned for a while with slightly raised brows, and looked at each other in unison.

"Bamboo Leaf Green!"

"Bamboo Leaf Green!"

The old and the young looked at each other quietly, grinning lightly.

"Good boy, it's rare that you haven't forgotten your old hobby."

"How dare you!"

"Okay, you guys go on for a long time first, and I'll get ready right now."


"Thank you, my father-in-law."

"Grandpa, grandpa."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"The text will go with you."

"Father-in-law, it's rare for Zhengwen to be so close to you when he sees you for the first time. Let him play with you."



"You must listen to grandpa, and don't make trouble for grandpa by being mischievous."

"I know, I know."

"Grandpa, grandpa, let's go."

"Okay, good grandson, let's go this way."

(End of this chapter)

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