My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2976 Want to live, don't want to die

Chapter 2976 Want to live, don't want to die
Liu Mingzhi watched Wen Renxuan and the figure leading Liu Zhengwen leave the garden all the way, and looked back with a sigh.

The cheerful appearance of his son jumping and jumping around Wen Renxuan and just now flashed before his eyes. Because of Shu'er's incident, his resentment towards the father-in-law in his heart was relieved a bit.

From the moment Wen Renzheng's son left, the corner of his eye was always on Young Master Liu.

After seeing him withdraw his gaze, he was a little bit embarrassed, but also a bit emotional.

The old man was old and muddy, but there was a hint of relief in his sharp eyes, and he pulled out the pipe from his waist with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

Based on his life experience and knowledge, it is natural to see that Young Master Liu's resentment towards his bastard son has eased a bit.

good thing.

Good thing!
As long as everything has a good beginning, the rest will be much simpler.

Liu Mingzhi, an apprentice and grandson-in-law, loves his granddaughter Wenren Yunshu very much, and he is very clear in his heart.

I was very worried that Liu Mingzhi would hold a great prejudice against his son Wen Renxuanhe because of his granddaughter's wronging.

At that time, if no matter what his son said or did, Liu Mingzhi would not let him in, and he would not forgive his son, then it would be troublesome.

This kind of scene will be the last thing I want to see.

Now seeing that the situation is developing on the positive side, I can finally let go of my hanging heart.

At my age, what is the so-called fame and fortune, what is the so-called glory and wealth.

It's all just passing clouds.

Only family affection is what I value most.

The unresolved conflict between his son Wen Renxuan and his granddaughter Wenren Yunshu, who has not been resolved for decades, has always been a heart disease of his old bones.

If this heart disease can't be cured, one day he will be gone.

Fear is also hard to let go, hard to rest in peace.

Now that the relationship between their father and daughter has finally eased, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart.

According to the current momentum, the relationship between their father and daughter can be restored, but it will be a matter of time.

To be able to live to see this scene is enough in this life.

From this life to the day when I die.

There is no longer any obsession that is difficult to let go.

God, treat yourself well!
In my life, there have been glorious moments when I woke up and took control of the world, and when I was drunk and lying on the lap of a beauty.

I have had the chic experience of galloping a horse and singing, holding a sword to the end of the world.

There have been ups and downs...

What others have, I have had.

What no one else has, I have had.

Such a life.

It is not in vain to travel the world.

Wen Renzheng lit the tobacco, took a puff of smoke lightly, and cheerfully handed the cigarette pouch in his hand to Young Master Liu.

"Boy, would you like some?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the cheerful old man, chuckled and put the teacup in his hand on the table.

"Come and come."

Liu Mingzhi took out the pipe from his waist, rubbed his hands together, and squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco from the old man's pipe.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly, and exhaled the smoke from his mouth with a contented expression.

"Good shredded tobacco, such high-quality shredded tobacco, boy, I am not willing to smoke it on weekdays!
It's still old man, your little life is chic and comfortable. "

When Wen Renzheng heard Young Master Liu's teasing remarks, he snorted a few times angrily.

"Come on, don't pretend to be a calf for the old man here.

Not to mention shredded tobacco of this quality, even shredded tobacco with a better quality than these is nothing to you kid.

Not to mention the occasional sips on weekdays, even if you eat it as a meal, I won't be surprised at all when you're old. "

"Old man, you have wronged me, boy, I really am not pretending to be a calf in front of you.

What I said is the truth!
If it were in the past when I was that little lord, or when I was that high-ranking and powerful king who ruled half of the country.

I really don't care about these, but isn't it different now?
Father, boy, let me tell you something heartfelt.

Master the huge country and govern the huge world.


Not only difficult, but also tiring! "

Wen Renzheng heard Liu Mingzhi's somewhat suppressed words, and subconsciously turned his head to look at his face.

From First Young Master Liu's face that was smiling lightly and exuding vigor and vigor.

Wen Renzheng saw a bit of tiredness in it, which no one else could see.

It was a kind of tiredness from the heart, a kind of tiredness revealed by true feelings, a kind of tiredness that cannot be described in words.

Wen Renzheng stared at Young Master Liu's expression for a long time, then shifted his gaze to the gorgeous hair on his head.

Those unremarkable white hairs.

Perhaps it is the best interpretation of his exhaustion.

I've been with this apprentice for a long time, and I'm used to his calmness and his vision.

It is precisely because of his mind that is far beyond ordinary people that he subconsciously ignores his age.

It turned out that he was only in his early forties this year!
Wen Renzheng stuffed the cigarette holder into his mouth and took a strong puff, looking towards the north with a gloomy gaze.

Liu Mingzhi exhaled light smoke, followed the old man's gaze to the north.

"As the saying goes, great rivers and mountains are easy but rivers and mountains are difficult.

In the past, the boy has seen from his father, from his elder brother, from Li Ye and others how difficult it is to sit in the mountains and rivers.

But I didn't really understand until I started to sit in the mountains and rivers myself.

It turns out that sitting in the mountains and rivers is so difficult.

Far more difficult than what I've seen before.

It would be great if we could turn back the years and go back to the past! "

"From what you said, do you regret that you rebelled back then?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, squinted his eyes and pondered for a long time, then shook his head silently

"It's not regrettable, and it's not happy."

"If you were given another chance, would you still choose to go this way?"


Liu Mingzhi replied a word without hesitation, without hesitation, and decisively.

Looking at Wen Renzheng who was sitting on the stone bench as steady as Mount Tai, motionless, Liu Mingzhi stood up and stretched.

"Boy, you know why I rebelled back then, old man.

To sum it up, it is nothing more than six words.

Want to live, don't want to die.

Now, if I were to choose again, kid, I would still make the same choice as I did back then.

The reason is still the previous six words.

Want to live, don't want to die.

In other words, the reason why I made such a choice is not only because of myself, Liu Mingzhi.

Also for my wife and children, and for the 30 life-and-death brothers who were born and died together under my command.

I, Liu Mingzhi, am only seven feet tall, so death is not a pity.

But my wife, children, and hundreds of thousands of brothers are different.

I can't just watch them end up decapitated because of me.

I can say frankly that I, Liu Mingzhi, raised troops to rebel.

There is selfishness and publicity.

As for selfishness and publicity, which is more important, I don't know, but I can't tell the difference.

Perhaps selfishness is more important than publicity.

After all, I want to live, not die. "

"Isn't that good? I survived as I wished, so what else is there to be tired of?"

"Rebellious ministers and thieves raise their troops to rebel. The ministers kill the king and seek power to usurp the throne.

No matter how many reasons you have, you can't change the fact that you are not right!

Regarding the matter of raising troops to rebel and disturbing the reputation of officials and thieves, he said that he let nature take its course and didn't care.

But, how can you really not care at all?
Those words said in front of others are just pretending to be calm.

In fact, boy, I still care a little bit about my reputation.

Just care about more or less. "

Wen Renzheng listened to Young Master Liu's somewhat heavy words, looked away and let out a long sigh.

"Oh, hehehe, this old man thought you were really heartless, shameless and skinless!"

"Boy, I'm not a saint. I also have my own emotions and desires. Naturally, I can't see through all the illusory realms in the world."

"Things have already happened, and thinking about it will only add to the sadness."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a sigh, and looked at Wen Renzheng with deep eyes.

"Old man, one day I will drive west, boy.

You said, with my life's achievements, can I wash away my reputation as a traitor and thief, seeking power and usurping the throne? "

Wen Renzheng felt Young Master Liu's gaze, and turned his head to look at him for a moment.

Seeing the complex meaning of wanting to hear something and seeming afraid of hearing something in his eyes, the old man turned sideways and knocked out the burnt embers in the smoke pot.

"As you yourself have said before, young history is the fairest.

All merits and demerits, leave posterity to comment. "

Wen Renzheng answered his question with the words Young Master Liu himself said before.

It seems that nothing has been said, and it seems that everything has been said.

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows in silence for a moment, then nodded with a sneer.

"Yes, Qing History is the fairest.

Right and wrong, let future generations comment.

No one knows what will happen in the future, and no matter what happens in the future, we can't control it.

Let it be what it should be. "

Wen Renzheng nodded with a half-smile, rolled up the pipe in his hand, got up and walked out of the gazebo.

"It's good to think it through, it's good to see it.

My back hurts from sitting all the time, let’s go to the garden to exercise my muscles and bones. "

"Stick what you want."

The old man looked playfully at First Young Master Liu who was walking side by side with him, and sneered a few times at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehehe, you boy, let the old man tell you what to do.

Going to visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and even brought rescuers.

If you can do this kind of thing, you are the only one in the world. "

Liu Mingzhi sensed the teasing in the old man's eyes and the teasing in his words, raised his hands and pulled his ears, and laughed bitterly.

Gently shaking off the folding fan in his hand, Liu Mingzhi raised his head and pouted in the direction of Wen Renxuan and the backyard where he was going.

"Grandpa, I don't want to do this either!
I have no choice but to move your old man out as a rescuer, boy, as a last resort.

A few years ago, boy, I took Yun Shu and Qing Lian to Miao Jiang to visit Lian Er's mother and her elders.

After we came out of Miaojiang, we turned around and hurried all the way to Chengzhou, planning to pay a visit to my father-in-law, my mother-in-law and the two elders.

At that time, boy, I didn't know about the conflict between Shu'er and his father-in-law.

As a result, we didn't even enter the gate after we handed over the greeting card.

Because Shu'er was in a low mood at the time, I was happy to continue to ask her something.

So, we had no choice but to go back to Beijing.

Later, if you hadn't explained the events of those years to me, my boy, I didn't know that the conflict between Shu'er and his father-in-law had such a relationship with me, boy!

This time I went to Shu, in order to avoid a repeat of what happened back then.

As a last resort, the boy can only bring your old man here as a rescuer.

If I'm turned away again, I'm fine.

At most, it's a matter of losing face. Anyway, no outsiders know about it, and I don't care too much, kid.

I'm worried that Shu'er will feel uncomfortable.

The capital city is thousands of miles away from the land of Shu, so it is not easy to come here!
Therefore, if the conflict between Shu'er and his father-in-law can be resolved, the boy naturally hopes to resolve it as soon as possible.

In fact, it should be enough to bring the boy Zhengwen here.

However, old man, if you come forward, don't you have a better chance of winning!
Besides, we can just take this opportunity to catch up on the old days and get together.

Why not do something that kills multiple birds with one stone?

Father, you, don't have any complaints! "

Wen Renzheng raised his hand to stroke his beard, and glanced sideways towards the backyard.

"I don't have any resentment, but I can see it.

You have some resentment toward your father-in-law. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shrugged his shoulders a few times.

"If I say no, you won't believe it, old man."

"Oh boy."


"For the sake of being old, don't be as knowledgeable as your bastard father-in-law, how about?"

"Old man, it's not about me, it's about Shu'er.

After all, I don't have any deep hatred with my father-in-law.

As long as Shu Er can look away, I will naturally not say anything. "

"That's true, your kid's temper is old enough to understand.

Come on, don't talk about this, let the old man see if you have slacked off these years. "

As Wen Renzheng spoke, he pinched his sword finger in his right hand and flew towards Young Master Liu's face without warning.

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, and he flew back instinctively.

Wen Renzheng stroked his beard with a light smile, and nodded with gratified eyes.

"Good boy, be vigilant enough!"

Liu Mingzhi untied the Heavenly Sword from his waist, inserted it into the grass, and flew towards Wen Renzheng.

"Master, I'm sorry."

"Go all out and let the old man see how much you have improved over the years."

Liu Mingzhi knew many years ago that the strength of the old benefactor had already entered that mysterious realm.

Facing such a master, he naturally would not hold back.

Otherwise, the only one who will lose face will be himself.

Young Master Liu leaped into the air, and a sharp sword qi condensed from his fingertips shot straight through the air towards Wen Renzheng's face.

Wen Renzheng put one hand behind his back, staring at the fierce sword energy flying towards his face with both eyes, and flexed his fingers in front of him with a calm expression.

A body-protecting stellar energy lingered directly in front of Wen Renzheng.

There was a loud bang, and the energy in the garden scattered, setting off bursts of fierce wind.

Wen Renzheng was as stable as a rock, standing there motionless as if the soles of his feet had taken root.

Young Master Liu was blown away by the oncoming strong wind, landed on the grass and backed up seven or eight steps before coming to a steady stop.

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly calmed down the turbulent Qi in his body, and looked at the old man in astonishment.


"Come again, [-]% strength."

(End of this chapter)

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