My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2977 Daughter Red

Chapter 2977 Daughter Red

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi answered a good word concisely, and calmly examined Wen Renzheng's body with his eyes, as if he wanted to find a flaw in him.

Wen Renzheng felt the rising aura of First Young Master Liu, he still stood there calmly and motionless, raised his hand with a light smile and caressed the beard on his chin.

The moment Wen Renzheng's palm slid down his beard to his chest, Liu Mingzhi suddenly shot towards him like an arrow flying from the string.

When he was about seven or eight steps away from Wen Renzheng, Liu Mingzhi quickly clenched his hands into sword fingers and swung towards Wen Renzheng vigorously.

"The Ninth Sword Song, heaven and earth are astounding."

Before Liu Mingzhi's words fell, the fingertips of the two pairs of sword fingers instantly condensed two violent and stern sword qi, one left and one right flew towards Wen Renzheng's chest with a thunderous momentum.

The sword qi condensed from the true qi is like a real three-foot long sword, and the gang qi is raging around the sword.

The flowers and plants around the two of them were thrown to the ground by the strong wind blown up by the sharp sword energy.

Wen Renzheng narrowed his old eyes slightly, staring sharply at the two cold and stern sword auras before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Still in a calm posture, he flipped his wrist lightly, and went straight to the two oncoming sword qi.

Two drops of water like rain flew out from Wen Renzheng's fingertips, lightly heading towards the two sword qi.

Compared with the two menacing sword qi, which carried the momentum of wind and clouds.

The two drops of water are so calm and calm.

puff!puff!There were two soft beeps.

It's as if rainwater is dripping down the eaves and falling on the ground.

Two streams of true energy raging sword energy slashed directly at the water droplet, making it difficult to penetrate at all.

Suddenly, the two drops of water that hit the sword qi burst apart without warning.

The two sword qi wielded by Liu Dashao were fiercer and more majestic, sweeping away in all directions like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

The two attacks of First Young Master Liu were about to be eliminated directly, and the scattered sword energy was involved in it.

The strong wind of the sword energy overwhelmed the sword energy, not only did it remain undiminished, but it became more and more surging.

Spread out with an unstoppable power, with the momentum to destroy everything in front of you.

Young Master Liu was continuing to fly towards Wen Renzheng, when he was startled suddenly, he stopped the attack with luck.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the sword qi flying towards him with constricted pupils, and immediately condensed a body-protecting qi around his body, and at the same time, he flew towards the rear at high speed.

He faintly felt it, even if he tried his best.

Still unable to resist those two strong winds that are clearly visible to the naked eye, but contain infinite sword power.

When Liu Mingzhi was thinking about how to resist the sword energy, Wen Renzheng, who had been standing motionless beside the flowers, suddenly moved.

The true energy in his body was raging, and he bent his fingers into a sword and slashed at the two sword energy that were about to fly towards Liu Mingzhi's protective body.

A strand of sword energy flew towards the previous two strands of sword energy at a faster rate.

The three sword qi gathered in one place, and a loud bang exploded in mid-air.

A gust of strong wind suddenly rose in the air above the garden, sweeping away in all directions.

The strong wind hit head-on, and Liu Mingzhi was blown away again like a paper kite with a disconnected string.

Even though Wen Renzheng was standing in the distance, his beard and hair were blown by the strong wind.

Liu Mingzhi landed steadily on the grass in the garden by stepping on the wind and snow. After dissipating the body-protecting energy lingering around him, he pressed his hands on his knees and panted heavily.


After a long time, Liu Mingzhi set off and walked to the side of the Heavenly Sword, pulled out the Heavenly Sword and held it in his hand, and walked towards Wen Renzheng with a strange expression.

"Old man, take it, boy take it."

Wen Renzheng casually combed his wind-blown beard and hair, and looked cheerfully at First Young Master Liu, who was out of breath.

"Yes, it seems that you have not slack off your martial arts these years.

Your strength has improved a lot compared to many years ago. "
Liu Mingzhi glanced around the garden piled with grass clippings and flower petals, and waved his hands with a bitter expression.

"Come on, old man, don't flatter the kid.

If it weren't for the old man, you were merciful just now, at least I would have to adjust my breath for about half an hour to get back to normal.

Boy, even if I have body-protecting true qi to protect my whole body, I still can't hold back your old two sword qi.

Those two sword qis were so fierce that I felt powerless and invincible.

Thank you, old man, for your mercy. "

Wen Renzheng smiled lightly and shook his head, turned around and continued walking forward.

"The view of the garden is good, it would be a pity if it was destroyed by sword energy."

Young Master Liu followed up just now, and his face froze immediately after hearing Wen Renzheng's words.

Young Master Liu sighed with a wry smile, leaned over and picked up a fairly complete chrysanthemum from the ground, pinched it with his fingertips and started to spin it.

"Good guy, I thought you were showing mercy to me, old man.

After a long time, old man, you cherish these flowers and plants, and you don't want them to be destroyed! "

"Your brat is as thick-skinned as a city wall, and being hit by two swords is nothing at all."

"Ah! Then, old man, you should praise my improvement in strength."

"Compared to a few years ago, your strength has indeed improved a lot, and your true energy has increased by about [-]% to say the least.

The old man can see that after you slashed out those two sword qi just now, with your strength, you can easily slash a few more sword qi.

It's just that you didn't make a move. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and raised his hand to give Wen Renzheng a thumbs up.

"Old man, you have sharp eyes."

Wen Renzheng smiled indifferently, turned his head to look at Young Master Liu and said softly: "The Fu on Yin-Yang Harmony and Great Compassion" and "Yi Qi Jing" are the supreme secret books of Taoism.

The reason why your strength can improve so quickly is inseparable from these two supreme classics.

Being able to sit on these two classics is a blessing for you kid.

Not to mention profound!
Practice well, one day when you have cultivated these two secret books to the top level, you will find that these two classic books can not only improve your strength.

Most importantly, don't use them just for sex, you kid.

Otherwise, these two cheat books will be wasted in vain. "

Young Master Liu felt the admonishment in Wen Renzheng's eyes, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Understand, boy, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good or bad, and I won't waste these two supreme secret books in vain."

Wen Renzheng nodded with satisfaction, and patted off the grass clippings on his cuffs.

"This old man understands your character, so I won't nag any more."

Liu Mingzhi put the Heavenly Sword on his waist, stretched out his hand to untie the wine bag from his waist, and handed it to Wen Renzheng.

"Grandpa, would you like some?"

Wen Renzheng's eyes lit up, and he took the wine bag handed over by Young Master Liu without hesitation.

"What wine?"

"My sister Ya personally brewed the peach blossom wine, you drank it.

The peach blossom wine in the wine bag is a good wine that has been cellared for 25 years. "

Wen Renzheng frowned, and directly unplugged the wine bag.

"How can you not drink such fine wine."

As Wen Renzheng spoke, he raised his head and directly lifted the wine bag and poured it into his mouth.

When Young Master Liu saw the old man drinking wine like a whale, his expression became anxious, and he stretched out his hand to pick him up.

"Oh shit, old man, save some, save some, save some for me!"

Unfortunately, what responded to Young Master Liu was not Wen Renzheng's words, but the last drop of crystal clear peach blossom wine in midair.


Wen Renzheng burped, and casually threw the wine bag and cork into Young Master Liu's hands.

Young Master Liu looked at the empty wine bag in his hand, turned his head to look at Wen Renzheng who looked at ease, and moaned a few times wanting to cry but not tears.

"Old man, leave some mouthfuls for me!"

Wen Renzheng wiped the wine that had spilled on his beard casually, and when he saw First Young Master Liu holding up the wine bag with a mournful expression on his face, he immediately rolled his eyes angrily.

"Look at your stingy look, isn't it just some wine? Are you as good as this?
The old man is not only your mentor, but also your grandfather, can't you drink a few sips of wine? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a wry smile, closed the wine bag and hung it on his waist again.

"Me! Me! All right, old man, whatever you say is what you say, okay?"

"That's about the same. You're still a little bit filial."


"What's wrong? You don't want to collect money, do you?
Let me tell you, old man, if you ask for money, you will not give it if you die. "

"Oh, old man, what do you think of me, boy.

It's just a wine sack of peach blossom wine, you can drink it as soon as you drink it, old man. As for me, do I ask you for money? "

"No way, old man, I'm just in case.

Who made your kid earn such a name in order to earn money when he was in the capital?

Go up to the officials and dignitaries, go down to the common people, look around the entire capital, who doesn't know you Liu Mingzhi.

Don't want to be skinny about the name of Lord Liu?

With your virtue, it is not impossible to collect money from the old man. "

After listening to Wen Renzheng's words, First Young Master Liu immediately pulled out the corners of his eyes, and became silent with trembling lips.


"Don't you, you, me, me, me, as long as I don't ask the old man for money.

Just say what you want to say. "

Liu Mingzhi sighed for a long time, rubbed his forehead with his fingers and asked, "Old man, I just want to ask you, how much force did you use when you shot just now?"

Wen Renzheng paused, and looked at First Young Master Liu calmly.

"Thirty percent."

First Young Master Liu's heart tightened, his pupils narrowed and he looked at Wen Renzheng.

"Thirty percent? You only used thirty percent of that unstoppable sword energy, old man?"

"Is it necessary for this old man to lie to you?"

Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths and lowered his head to look at the Heavenly Sword on his waist.

"I didn't mean that, the kid was just a little shocked.

Old man, is that realm so overbearing? "

Wen Renzheng squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment, raised his hand and patted Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, turned around and turned back towards the gazebo.

"If you haven't reached this realm, you can't understand the mystery of this realm."

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly chased after Wen Renzheng, looked at Wen Renzheng with piercing eyes, and asked curiously: "Old man, can you tell me what that realm is like? "

Wen Renzheng shook his head silently, and said with a sigh: "Boy, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but with your current strength, it may not be of any benefit to you.

Not only will it not do any good, it may even affect your mood. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and after a moment of thoughtful silence, he seemed to understand something.

"The boy understands."

"So good, so good."

Liu Mingzhi was about to answer something, when Wenren Yunshu's clear and gentle voice suddenly came from ahead,

"Grandpa, Husband, the food and drink are ready, come quickly."

Liu Mingzhi and the two looked forward, only to see Yun Shu, the man who heard the story, walking towards the two of them gently with lotus steps.


"I'm coming."

Wenren Yunshu stopped suddenly while walking, and Jiaoyan watched the messy scene in the garden in astonishment.

"Yeah? Grandpa, husband, what's going on? How did the beautiful garden become like this?"

Wen Renzheng walked up to his granddaughter, turned his head and gestured to First Young Master Liu.

"Shu'er, there is no need to be alarmed.

Just now, Grandpa, I tried to see if Zirui's kung fu has improved. I accidentally didn't control my strength properly, and ended up making the flowers and plants in the garden look like this. "

Wen Ren Yun Shu nodded his head knowingly, stretched out his hand to hold Wen Ren Zheng's arm and walked forward.

"Okay, grandpa, husband, let's go eat first."

"Okay, eat, eat."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi and the others walked into the gazebo, Liu Yulan greeted them with a smiling face.

"Old man, Mingzhi, Shu'er, the food and drink are ready, please take your seats."

"it is good."

"Thank you, mother-in-law."

"Thank you, mother."

Wenren Yunshu staggered his body, pulled Liu Mingzhi to sit down on the stone bench.

"Husband, sit down quickly."

"Mother, sit down quickly even if you are old."

"Hey, all sit, all sit."

After Wen Renzheng sat down, he looked directly at Wen Renxuanhe who was sitting in the main seat.

"Where's the drink?"

Wen Renxuan bent over and picked up several jars of wine, and placed them on the stone table one by one.

"30-year-old Zhuyeqing."

Wen Renzheng's eyes lit up, he raised the wine jar on the table with a smile on his face, and slapped the sealing mud off the mouth of the jar.

In an instant, a strong aroma of wine spread in the gazebo.

"Good boy, you have finally done something that makes me happy."

Liu Mingzhi also looked at the wine jar on the table with bright eyes, and swallowed a few times involuntarily.

The 30-year-old Zhuyeqing is indeed a rare wine.

Wenren Yunshu saw his grandfather holding the wine jar intoxicated, got up and picked up the wine glasses and placed them in front of several people one by one.

"Grandpa, don't smell it, Shu'er will pour wine for you right now."

Wen Renzheng nodded generously, and directly handed the wine jar to Wenren Yunshu's hand.

"Okay, good granddaughter, pour wine for grandpa."

When Wenren Yunshu took over the wine jar and was about to pour wine, Wenrenxuanhe suddenly raised his hand to signal.

"Shu'er, wait a moment."

Wenren Yunshu paused for a moment, then looked at his father suspiciously.

Wen Renzheng also looked at it, and his expression was quite unkind.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Wen Renxuan looked at Wenren Yunshu with a complicated expression, his eyes were full of guilt.

"Shu'er, there are better drinks here, so drink this bar first."

After Wen Renxuan finished speaking, he bent down again and picked up a jug of wine from under the stone table, and carefully placed it on the table.
Wenren Yunshu put down the wine jar in his hand, and looked at the jar of wine curiously.

"Father, what kind of wine is this?

Is it even better than Zhuyeqing that has been cellared for 30 years? "

"This is Shu'er, your daughter Hong. Dad has prepared it for you since the day you were born."

(End of this chapter)

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