Chapter 2978
Wenren Yun Shu heard her father's explanation, her pretty face froze slightly, and her bright and beautiful eyes looked straight at the clay on the wine jar.

I didn't notice it just now, but take a closer look now.

In the center of the wine jar seal, there is an obvious dent, and the shape of that dent can vaguely be seen as the appearance of a small foot.

Wenren Yun Shu silently looked at the immature little foot on the seal, and the colors in her vivid and beautiful eyes couldn't help becoming a little dazed.

Raising her slender fingers and caressing the dent on the sealing mud for a long time, Wenren Yunshu looked at Wenrenxuanhe who was sitting in the main seat with complicated eyes.

"This... this jar of wine is me... my daughter Hong?"

Wen Renxuan looked at his daughter with complicated gazes, and when he heard her daughter's slightly hesitant questioning words, the sense of guilt in his eyes increased again.

Closing his eyes and nodding heavily with complicated expressions, Wen Renxuan and Mo Ran opened their eyes again after a long time, stretched out their hands and held the wine jar in their hands.

"Yes, this jar of wine is Shu Er, your daughter Hong.

From the day you were born, your father and your mother prepared daughter Hong for you.

I originally planned to wait for the day when you, Shuer, get married, open an altar for you and your husband-in-law to have a drink, so perfect, and send you out of our house in a beautiful manner.

It's just that father never imagined that when you grow up and wait in the boudoir and are about to marry out of the court as a wife, such conflicts will arise between us father and daughter.

Therefore, these altars prepared for the day Shu'er you married when you married, and they have been stored until now and have not been opened for drinking. "

Liu Yulan heard her master's hoarse voice, took out a handkerchief from her cuff, and gently wiped the slightly moist corners of her eyes a few times.

With a silent sigh, Liu Yulan turned her head to look at her daughter Wenren Yunshu, and said softly with a gloomy expression: "Shu'er, on the eve of our hasty departure from the capital, your father loved you so much that he couldn't put it down in a hurry. All the things I have given up in the capital.

Only when you were just born, he was not willing to let go of the jars of daughter red that were prepared for you.

On top of the case of the King of Shu, your father did have a thousand things wrong, all kinds of bad things.

However, he still really loves your daughter in his heart!

In these years, although he seldom mentioned things about you in front of his mother.

But Wei Niang could tell that he was not feeling well.

Shu'er, mother please, don't hate your father.


Mother please. "

"Madam, there is no need to mention these old things that have passed for more than 20 years."

Liu Yulan, who has always been gentle and virtuous, soft-spoken, gave Wen Renxuanhe a sudden look.

"Shut up, since you've already said this, then explain everything clearly, and explain everything clearly."

Wenren Yun Shu raised his hand and patted his mother's wrist, and said in a soft tone: "Mother, don't worry, Shu'er won't hold grudges against father.

Otherwise, Shu'er and her husband wouldn't show up in our home with Zheng Wen's child. "

Liu Yulan nodded her head excitedly, picked up a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes where she was holding back tears.

"Hey, Shu'er, thank you for your mother, thank you for your mother."

"Mom, what are you talking about? We are a family, and you will be offended if you say thank you to your daughter."

"That's right, that's right, I said the wrong thing for my mother."

Wen Renxuan stroked the small footprints on the clay with his fingertips for a moment, then raised his palm and patted the clay on the wine jar lightly.



"When other people's daughters leave the court to marry, they can drink the daughter's wine prepared for them by their parents.

It's dad who is sorry for making your daughter Hong late for more than 20 years.

Your daughter Hong, dad will make it up for you today.

Today your father-in-law and mother-in-law are not here, let Mingzhi and you two drink the first sip of daughter red. "

As Wen Renxuan and he talked, they poured a glass of Nurhong for Liu Mingzhi and his wife one after another in the wine jar.

"Mingzhi, Shu'er, the husband and wife were unable to congratulate the two of you on the day of your wedding.

This cup of Nurhong, you can drink a cup of Jiaobei bar. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, reached out his hand to pick up his wine glass and handed it to Wenren Yunshu.

"Shu'er, come on, don't let down the kindness of your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Wenren Yunshu looked at her husband with a faint smile, and her pretty face couldn't help but shy.

Although my husband and wife have been together for 20 years, and we are already very familiar with each other, but let me drink a cup of wine with my husband in front of my grandfather and parents, I still feel a little bit reluctant to let go.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the delicate and shy Wenren Yunshu, who had a shy and ruddy face, and with a smile picked up another glass of wine and handed it to her.

"Shu'er, this wine is the daughter red that my father-in-law and the two elders prepared for the day you got married!
Such a meaningful and profound wine, how can you and my wife not drink a glass. "

Liu Zhengwen, who didn't understand what handing over a glass of wine meant, clapped his hands curiously when he heard what his father said.

"Mom, hurry up and have a drink with Daddy!"

Wenren Yunshu's pretty face became even more rosy when she heard her son's booing.

Compared with the dazzling thousands of miles of clouds in the sky, it is not much less.

Wenren Yun Shu rolled her son's eyes reproachfully, and took the wine glass from her husband's hand with a nod and lowered eyebrows.

"Stinky boy, shut your mouth."

Liu Mingzhi saw that the beauty had already held the wine glass firmly, and with a bend of his arm, he hooked up her lotus arms.

"Mother, please."

Wenren Yunshu nodded her head shyly and timidly, and gently handed the wine glass to her cherry lips.

"Husband, please."

The couple greeted each other, nodded and drank the wine in the cup.

Afterwards, the two retracted their arms and gently put the wine glasses back on the stone table.

"Father, mother, Shu'er and her husband have already had a cup of wine."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Wen Renxuan and Yi said hello three times in a row, then returned to the main seat and sat down contentedly.

"Seeing that you and your husband are able to live in harmony and respect each other like guests, father is relieved."

Seeing his grandfather's happy expression, Liu Zhengwen stretched out his little hand and tugged at Wen Renxuanhe's sleeve.

"Grandpa, father and mother have finished drinking, can we eat now? Zhengwen's stomach is so hungry."

Wen Renxuan nodded without hesitation when he heard the little guy's bitter tone.

"Yes, yes, of course, what do you want to eat in the text, grandpa will bring you food."

"The text is not picky eaters, I will eat whatever dishes grandpa adds."

"Good boy, you are so obedient and sensible."

Just as Wen Renxuan picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up food for Liu Zhengwen, Liu Yulan suddenly reminded him, "Master, you just have to drink with the old man and Mingzhi, and I will pick up food for Zhengwen."

"Okay, okay, but the old man is Zhengwen's grandfather after all, so I have to give him some food with chopsticks."

While Wen Renxuan was talking, he picked up a chopstick of chicken legs and put them on the plate in front of Liu Zhengwen.

"Good grandson, you can eat a chicken drumstick first, and then you can ask your grandma to pick whatever you want to eat.

When you arrive at grandpa's house, it's the same as at your own home, you can eat whatever you want, don't be polite. "

"Yeah, I got the text, thank you grandpa."

Wenren Yunshu gave the old man, Wenrenxuanhe, and Young Master Liu a chopstick dish one after another, then got up and held the wine jar in his hands.

"Grandpa, father, husband, mother, eat your food first, and Shu'er will pour you wine."

Wen Renzheng nodded slightly, and picked up the bowl and chopsticks with a relieved expression.

"Shu'er, after we finish drinking your daughter Hong, you don't have to pour us any more wine.

The three of us have a pot for each of these bamboo leaf greens, and we can drink it by ourselves.

Don't bother pouring us wine, you've been traveling for a long time, you can eat whatever you want. "

"Hey, Shu Er knows."

Wenren Yunshu filled a glass of wine for each of the four of Liu Mingzhi one after another, and then poured another glass of wine for himself.

Wen Renzheng put down the bowl and chopsticks, raised the wine glass and signaled to everyone.

"Today is a good day to celebrate, come, let's drink up this cup of Shuer's Naughty Red."

"Respect, old man."

After finishing her glass of wine, Liu Yulan raised her hand and moved a plate towards Liu Mingzhi, and Wenren Yunshu and his wife moved it in front of them.

"Mingzhi, Shu'er, this is Yayu, a special delicacy unique to the land of Bashu. You two should taste it quickly."

"Okay, thank you, mother-in-law."

"Thank you mother, mother, Shu'er and husband will pick whatever they want to eat, you don't have to just worry about us, you can also eat by yourself."

"Mother knows, you can try it quickly."

Wenren Yun Shu gently nodded her head, picked up a chopstick of fish and put it on her husband's plate.

"Husband, try it quickly."

"Old man, father-in-law, mother-in-law, we are a family, there is no need to be so polite, let's eat together."

"Okay, let's eat together."

"I've heard about the reputation of Yayu in Bashu for a long time, my son-in-law can be considered to be in Shu'er's favor today."

As he spoke, Liu Mingzhi picked up the fish and put it in his mouth. After savoring it carefully, he smiled slightly with his brows raised.

"The meat is fresh and tender, and the taste is delicious. Compared with the three delicacies of the Yangtze River, each has its own advantages.

I was able to taste such delicious food at the residence of the two elders today, and it is really worthwhile to come to Shu to visit you two elders this time! "

Liu Mingzhi's remarks were not intended to compliment anything, but to be really satisfied with the taste of this elegant fish.

When Liu Yulan heard Young Master Liu's extremely satisfied words, she nodded with a light smile.

"Mingzhi, if you like to eat, eat more."

"Okay, thank you, mother-in-law."

"Master, master, Shu'er, you eat too."

While everyone was eating and talking and laughing, a jar of Nurhong was drunk before Liu Dashao and the other three wine-loving people.

Liu Mingzhi moved away the Zhuyeqing in front of him, filled a cup and raised it to signal to Wen Renzheng and his father.

"Old man, father-in-law, my son-in-law would like to offer you a toast."

"Drink together."

"Drink together."

Wen Renxuan and Tihu refilled a glass of wine, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with some hesitation.

"Mingzhi, I want to ask you something trivial, I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

"Oh? What's the matter, father-in-law, but it's okay to say."

Wen Renxuan and Quzhi frowned, and turned to look at their daughter who was sitting next to Liu Mingzhi.

"The old man would like to ask, this time you and Shu'er came to Sichuan with the text, can you stay at our house for a while.

You also know, between the old man and Shu Er...

I haven't seen your mother-in-law and Shu'er for so many years, and now the family finally reunited.

We naturally hope that you can stay longer and spend time with Shu Er.

Moreover, Shu'er's elder brother and sister-in-law don't know about it yet.

The old man has already sent someone to notify the two of them just now, so the old man hopes that your family can... can..."

Wen Renxuanhe's words were not uttered, but the meaning he wanted to express was already self-evident.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Wenren Yunshu, who was looking at him, and nodded without hesitation.

"Of course it's okay, it's just a trivial matter.

Shu'er hasn't seen you two elders for such a long time, she should stay in the house for a while longer, and accompany you two elders well.

As long as you two elders don't dislike our interruption, Shu'er can stay as long as he wants. "

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law has already said that this is just a trivial matter.

As long as Shu'er is willing, the son-in-law doesn't have the slightest opinion. "

Wen Renxuan nodded excitedly, raised his wine glass and gestured to First Young Master Liu.

"Okay, come on, let's have a drink."

"Respect father-in-law."

Liu Mingzhi refilled the wine, held out the glass towards Wen Renzheng.

"Grandpa, I'll toast you again, kid."

Wen Renzheng waved his hand casually, and raised the wine glass directly: "Whoever respects you, let's drink together."




"Huh? Mingzhi, tell me."

"It's not a problem for our family to live in your second elder's house, but there is something that my son-in-law needs to tell you in advance."

Wen Renxuanhe put down the wine jar, and asked with a puzzled look: "Oh, I don't know what you want to talk about?"

"Father-in-law, Shu'er and Zhengwen can stay here as long as you want, there is no problem at all.

But the son-in-law can't do it. Many affairs in the capital cannot be separated from the son-in-law.

Therefore, the son-in-law can only linger at the mansion for about three days before leaving for Beijing.

If there is any disrespect, I hope my mother-in-law and you two elders can forgive me a little bit. "

Wen Renxuan and He were silent for a moment, then nodded with a clear expression.

"The old man understands, we understand your difficulties, and your mother-in-law and I will be satisfied if you can stay for about three days."

"Thank you, father-in-law, for your understanding, and my son-in-law will toast you again."

"Drink together, drink together."

Liu Mingzhi and the others intentionally stopped talking about this topic, and shifted the topic elsewhere in a few words.

Time passed quietly.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Under the stone table in the gazebo, at some point, there were more than a dozen empty wine jars.

Between Liu Mingzhi and the others pushing and changing glasses, they were all so drunk that their eyes were hazy.


Wen Renzheng burped, and put the glass on the table drunkenly.


"Hey, old man?"

"Mingzhi, Shu'er and the others have traveled all the way, and their bodies are already exhausted.

I've had a lot of drinking today, you should arrange a room for them right away and let them have a good rest. "

"Daughter-in-law knows, daughter-in-law will go right away."



"You stay with Mingzhi first, and mother will arrange a room for you first."

"Shu'er knows, I'm here to kiss you."

Liu Mingzhi burped, lifted the altar and poured wine for Wen Renzheng and his father.

"Old man, father-in-law, let's have one last drink."

"Okay, cheers."



After about half a stick of incense, Liu Yulan led a few maidservants back.

Liu Yulan returned to the gazebo, and saw Liu Mingzhi and the three of them gathered together holding pipes, puffing out the clouds and talking nonsense drunkenly, she shook her head helplessly.

During Liu Yulan's absence, a cool breeze passed by, which made Liu Mingzhi and the three of them feel drunk again, a little bit more.

At this moment, the three of them are like old friends for many years, bragging to each other about their past.

"Old man, father-in-law, I'm not bragging for you, thinking about how much I drank back then..."

"Hey, what are you? When this old man was wandering in the rivers and lakes, no matter what heroes in the entire martial arts world, in terms of drinking capacity, I was old..."

"Shu'er, help Ming Zhi to rest first.

The old man and your father, just leave it to my mother. "

"Hey, Shu Er knows."

"Text, are you going back to rest with your mother? Or with your grandma?"

"Mother, Zhengwen wants to stay with grandma, and go back to rest after dark."

"Okay, you must be obedient and don't make your grandma angry, do you understand?"

"Yeah, mother, I understand the text."

"Husband, I will help you to rest."

"Hi, why rest? Why can't I continue to drink because of my husband?"

"Yes, yes, you can still drink, you can still drink.

My concubine has prepared hundreds of years of vintage wine for you in the room, let's go back and get it, and you can drink it again. "


"Really, really, let's go back and get it."

"Okay, go back and get the wine."

"Slow down, the concubine will support you."

"No need to help, because my husband didn't drink too much."

"Yes, yes, you didn't drink too much, your drinking capacity is high."

Wenren Yunshu nodded helplessly at his mother with a pretty face, supported his steps to float, and the swaying Liu Mingzhi slowly walked towards the side room in the inner courtyard.

After watching Wenren Yunshu and the others go away, Liu Yulan walked towards Wenrenxuanhe with a helpless expression.

"Oh, it's true that birds of a feather flock together, and people divide into groups.

I didn't know, I thought you two had known each other for many years! "

"Taoer, Luer."


"You help the old man to rest."

"The slaves obey."

(End of this chapter)

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